Daily Lesson Notes (TP 3)

The Farm Unit @ mú Subject: Date: Time: 2:00-2:30Class:first and second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: reading, writing, oral language Strand Unit: developing cognitive abilities through language, competence and confidence in using language, receptiveness to language Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to watch the teacher model writing an acrostic poetry. All children will be enabled to understand the concept of acrostic poetry. All children will read model acrostic poems. 2. Most children will be enabled to write a rough draft of their own acrostic poem based on the word ‘farm’. 3. Some children will be enabled to edit and publish their poems on card to display on the wall. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher designed task:The teacher will correct the teacher designed task of the acrostic poem the children must write. The teacher will check to ensure the children understand the fact that they need to link the poem to the title ‘the farm’ using the letters in the word. The teacher will record findings via a checklist. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions: What do you think your poem will be about?Why must it be about a farm?Lower Order Questions:Does anyone know what an acrostic poem is?Can you spell the word farm? Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: poem, poetry, acrostic, relevant, link, farm, farm animals, farmer, ( various farming vocabulary)Literacy: the children will develop literacy by writing their acrostic poems, and by reading sample acrostic poems.Oral language: the children will develop oral language through brainstorming farming words at the beginning of the session. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by showing the children an acrostic poem on the whiteboard. The teacher will tell the children that we will be writing acrostic poems today. The teacher will ask the children to work in pairs in a think pair share activity. The children will think of as many farming words as they can. Lesson Development:The teacher will model writing an acrostic poem based on the word ‘farm’ on the whiteboard.The teacher will ask the children to begin their rough draft of the teacher.The teacher will help child K and D to write their poems.The teacher will check all the poems before allowing the children to move on to the next step of editing and publishing.The children who need to edit will edit their poems, spelling mistakes etc.They will then move onto the publishing stage.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will give the children coloured card and markers to write their poems. They will write in their best writing and they will decorate the page.The children will read their poems aloud.We will hang the poems up on display.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Sample acrostic poems, vocabulary bank worksheets, coloured cardInclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)The teacher will sit with child D and K. She will help them with each stage of the acrostic poetry writing activity. Linkage/Integration English- creative writingEnglish- oral language- descriptive language, relevant and irrelevant sentences, farms around the world, giving an opinion.English- acrostic poetry- the farmEnglish- report writing – the farmMaths- 2d and 3d shapes- shapes on the farmSPHE- personal safety- safety on the farmArt- construction- farm animals History- history of bread making on the farm- change and continuityHistory- butter making in the past- change and continuityGeography- human environments- farming and foodGeography- human environments – people at workScience- living things- farm animal reportScience- living things- life cycle of the chickenDrama- farmyard improvisationRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Nótaí Ceachta Laethúla (CM 3)?bhar: GaeilgeDáta: Am: 10:10-10:40Rang:Naíonan – rang a dóFad an Cheachta: 30 nóiméadTéama: An Téilífis.Snáithe: éisteacht, Labhairt, scribhneoireacht. Snáithaonad: ag cothú spéise, ag Spriocanna foghlama difreáilte: Rang a haon agus a do:Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir abálta an difríochtaí idir na póstaeir a taispeanann. 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí rúdaí a aithint , clár sport, clár grinn, cartún. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí ceisteanna a chleachtadh, mar shampla, an mhaith leat clár sport? Is maith liom clár sport, agus an tuairisciú a dhéanamh.Naíonan: 1. Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir an uimhreacha a aithint agus a ainmniú. 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí an tasc éisteacht a dhéanamh ar an gclár ban- mar shampla, cuir an cartún ar an teílifís. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí na frásai mór agus bhéag a foghlaim tríd gníomhaíochtaí ar an clár bán. Measúnú:?sáidfidh mé dírbhreathnú an mhúinteora: ?istfidh mé go gear leis na páistí le linn na tréimhse cumarsáide agus é ag labhairt le chéile agus mar rang iomlán chun cumas labhartha na bpáistí faoin téilifis. Cuirfidh mé mo notaí agus na dírbhreathnaithe seo sa dialann measúnú.Ceisteanna ?sealoird:Deiseanna Teanga/ Litearthachta: (Déan tagairt don fhorbairt teanga a dhéanfar agus do dheiseanna litearthachta an cheachta) ?bhar an Cheachta:Réamhrá an Cheachta:Tosaigh an ceacht leis an cluiche ‘Deir Monty’. Mar shampla, deir Monty bigí ag gaire, ag rith, ag feachaint ar an teílifís. ?sáideann an múinteoir la luaschártai chun na focail nua a múineadh, - teílifís, clár teílifís, clár sport, clár grinn, ag feachaint, ar siúl.Forbairt an Cheachta:?sáideann an múinteoir an ‘power-point’ faoin Spongebob. Tá an power-point ag bunaithe ar na focail nua. ?sáideann an múinteoir an ‘power-point’ chun na frasaí ‘is maith liom, is fearr liom, ar siúl, ag a hocht a chlog a mhúineadh. ?sáideann an múinteoir an grupa obair. Tá na páistí ag obair i grupa beirte chun an comhrá a chleachtadh, ‘ar mhaith leat clár teílifís?’ ‘is maith liom , ni maith liom, is fearr liom’.Ansin, déanann na páistí an tascanna. Tarraing siad an teílifís agus tarraing siad an cartun sa teílifís. Ansin, tá an múinteoir ag obair le naoinán. ?saideann an múinteoir an postaer chun na focail nua a múineadh.Conclúid an Cheachta:?sáideann an múinteoir an Cluiche Kim ag deireadh an rang.Modhanna Múinte/ Straitéisí TeagaiscModh díreach- éist agus abhair Modh na lánfhreagartha gníomhaíModh na ráiteModh na sraithe ,?iseanna:Luaschártaí, powerpoint, clár bán, postaer, dvd. Cuimsiú agus Ilchineálacht/ Difreálú: (D’fhéadfaí athchóirithe in aon cheann de na réimsí seo a leanas a thógáil san áireamh; ?bhar, Gníomhaíochtaí, Acmhainní, Táirge, Timpeallacht, Straitéisí Foghlama) Ní dhéanann an páiste A an Gaeilge.Cabhair an múinteoir child K agus child D agus child F. Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: (Scríobh isteach an cuntas seo tar éis an ceacht a mhúineadh – Déan trácht ar aon bhreathnóireacht agus léirigh go mbeidh an t-eolas seo ina bhuntáiste duit agus tú ag pleanáil agus ag múineadh amach anseo.Plean Gnímh:Subject: GeographyDate: Time: 1:30-2:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Human Environments Strand Unit: People at WorkDifferentiated Learning Objectives: Junior Infants: 1. All children will be enabled to listen to a story about farming in Ireland and the work of the Irish farmer. 2. Most children will be enabled to identify different types of farms in Ireland. 3. Some children will be enabled to discuss the types of food we get from each type of farming we have learned about, e.g. dairy farmers give us milk. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} KWL: the teacher will use a KWL chart to assess the children’s prior knowledge, what they want to learn and what they have learnt. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:What type of work do you think farmers do?Is it hard work?Would you like to be a farmer?Lower Order Questions:Can you name three ways in which farmers help us?Can you name three types of farmers? E.g. dairy farmer.Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: dairy farmer, tillage, mixed farms , pasture, sheep farmers, ploughing, work.Oral language: the children will develop oral language as they discuss the types of farming and the food we get from farmers during the brain storming session. Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they read information about types of farms and types of farmers. ( 1st and 2nd) the children will develop literacy as they complete a farming booklet for tourists, explaining the types of farms we have in Ireland. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the children various pictures of farms on the interactive whiteboard. The teacher will ask the children if they can remember the types of food we get from farms.The teacher will tell the children that we will be learning about the type of work farmers do on their farms, and about the different types of farms we have in Ireland. Lesson Development:The teacher will begin with a brainstorming session about the type of work farmers do. The teacher will split the children into their groups to work on this task.The children will report their findings back to the class.The teacher will tell each group that they are going to be different types of farmers- dairy, mixed and tillage. They must write a list of the types of food they are going to produce and sell. The children will then watch an interactive activity on the whiteboard about the three different types of farming in Ireland. The teacher will have photos enlarged on the IWB of the different types of farms.The children will write a fact file in their groups. The fact files will be on dairy, tillage and mixed farming.The children in infants will complete a matching activity sheet rather than the fact files. Lesson Conclusion:Each group will read out their fact files.The teacher will recap on the lesson by doing an online activity with the children about types of farming. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Fact file templates, matching activity sheets, online resources and photos about the types of farming, on-line activity about the work of the farmer. Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child K and D will volunteer information rather than writing in this activity.Child A will need help with his matching exercise.Linkage/Integration English- creative writingEnglish- oral language- descriptive language, relevant and irrelevant sentences, farms around the world, giving an opinion.English- acrostic poetry- the farmEnglish- report writing – the farmMaths- 2d and 3d shapes- shapes on the farmSPHE- personal safety- safety on the farmArt- construction- farm animals History- history of bread making on the farm- change and continuityHistory- butter making in the past- change and continuityGeography- human environments- farming and foodGeography- human environments – people at workScience- living things- farm animal reportScience- living things- life cycle of the chickenDrama- farmyard improvisationRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: HistoryDate: Time: 1:00-1:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Myself and my family Strand Unit: when my grandparents were young. Differentiated Learning Objectives: Junior Infants: 1. All children will be enabled to listen to a story about life on the farm in their Grandparents time. 2. Most children will be enabled to sequence pictures based on the story in the correct order. (Infants) most children will be enabled to complete an on-line time-line about the history of farming in which they put the photos in chronological order. ( 1st and 2nd ) 3. Some children will be enabled to learn about and discuss farming events which took place in our Grandparents time. Some children will be enabled to identify the differences between farming now and farming long ago. Assessment:Teacher designed task:The children will complete a teacher designed task of sequencing pictures (infants), filling in a timeline (1st and 2nd) and discussing the differences between farming today and farming long ago. The teacher will record findings via a check-list. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Can you think of any differences between farming now and farming long ago?Why do they use these new machines now instead of the old hand tools?Lower Order Questions:Which farming equipment is out of place in this lesson?What type of food do we get from the farm?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: long ago, differences, change, farming, tractor, improvements, old, newLiteracy: the children will develop literacy as they read about farming long ago on the whiteboard. They will also develop literacy as they complete the timeline.Oral language: the children will develop oral language as they talk about the changes and differences in farming between now and in our grandparent’s time. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the children an enlarged photo of life on a farm long ago. We will use this as a stimulus to talk about farming in our Grandparents time.The teacher will use questioning; she will ask if anyone’s parents or grandparents have a farm. The teacher will show the children a photo of a modern farm. The teacher will ask the children to work in groups to discuss and identify the differences between the two photographs. Each group will report back to the teacher with their findings. Lesson Development:The teacher will then give the infants photos of old and new farming objects which they must sort into piles.The teacher will bring 1st and 2nd class to the whiteboard, where they will complete an interactive task of filling out a timeline and putting photos of farms long ago in chronological order.1st class will draw a picture of a farm long ago. 2nd class will write five sentences about farming long ago. Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will then call a recap quick fire session. The children will each give one fact about life on the farm in our Grandparents time. The teacher will use this game to ascertain the children’s understanding and knowledge of the topic. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Photos of old and new farms, sorting cards, interactive time-line resource, Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A will complete the activity with the help of his SNAChild D in 1st class will need help with his the timeline activity. Child T and C will complete the writing activity with 2nd class.Linkage/Integration 28-01-14- geography- farms in Australia.28-01-14- history- food from farming in the past.29-01-14- science- living things- animal report28-01-14-history- butter making30-01-14- science- living things life cycle of the chicken.SPHE – Farm safetyMaths- shapes on the farmEnglish- creative writing- farming, acrostic poem based on the word Farm. Music- sound scape-farm animalsDrama- farming sceneArt- construction- farm animals.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: MathsDate: 27-01-14Time: 11:20-12:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Shape and Space Strand Unit: 2d shapes Differentiated Learning Objectives: Junior Infants: All children in all classes will be enabled to pull feel shapes within a feely bag and describe and name them. 1. All children will be introduced to the circle and the square. all children will be enabled to complete a listening activity, e.g. colour the square blue, colour the circle red. 2. Most children will be enabled to continue the shape pattern in the teacher designed task. 3. Some children will be enabled to learn about the triangle. Senior Infants:The child in senior infants will be enabled to name how many sides are in a square and how many sides are in a triangle. He will be enabled to complete a listening activity of colouring the triangle and the square different colours.1st class: All children will be enabled to name the 2d shapes of the triangle, square, rectangle, circle and semi-circle. Most children will be enabled to name how many sides and corners a triangle, square, rectangle, and the circle have.Some children will be enabled to draw a boat using the above shapes. 2nd class: All children will be enabled to list and name the triangle, oval, semi-circle, rectangle, circle and square.Most children will be enabled to complete a table of shapes, stating how many sides each shape has and if the sides of each shape are equal, and how many corners each shape has.Some children will be enabled to draw a mystery picture using the instructions given by the teacher, e.g. draw a square, put a triangle on top of the square. Assessment:Thumbs up/ thumbs down:The children will use the self assessment strategy of thumbs up thumbs down to show the teacher their understanding of the shapes they have met today. The teacher will record the findings in a teacher observation notebook. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Can you make a list of all the circles you can see in the classroom?Can you make a list of all the shapes you need to draw a house?Lower Order Questions:How many sides does a triangle have?Can you name this shape?How many sides does a square have?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, semi-circle, oval, corners, sides, equal,2d shapes. Literacy: the children will develop literacy skills as they list and draw the shapes in their copies and worksheets.Oral language: the children will develop oral language as they brainstorm at the beginning of the lesson. They will name the shapes they know and describe them.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by showing the children a sesame street video of Elmo showing shapes. It will begin at a very simple lesson for junior infants and it will move onto more difficult shapes for the other classes. The teacher will ensure each child has a turn on the interactive whiteboard naming the shapes. The teacher will show the children a poster of a farm. They must name all the shapes they can spot. They will each take turns coming up to the IWB and pointing to the shapes. Lesson Development:The teacher will set the junior and senior infants an activity to complete while she works with 1st and 2nd class. The activity will consist of colouring the triangles blue and the squares red.The teacher will then revise the shapes with 1st and 2nd class. She will ask each child to come up and draw a shape on the whiteboard and name the amount of corners and sides on the shape. The children will complete their tasks of making a boat using the given shapes and making a mystery picture using the given shapes. Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will ask each child in 2nd class to describe their mystery picture.All children will be given an opportunity to play an interactive game on the interactive whiteboard, where they must name the shapes and match them to the amount of sides and corners named. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Interactive whiteboard, on-line shape games x 2, poster of shapes, activity sheets and cardboard cut outs of shapes.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A in junior infants will repeat the names of the shapes after the teacher. Child F in junior infants will need lots of pictorial resources.Child D and K in 1st class will need help creating the boat out of shapes, if they fulfil the other two objectives. Child T in 1st class will complete the 2nd class objectives as well as the 1st class objectives.Linkage/Integration English- creative writingEnglish- oral language- descriptive language, relevant and irrelevant sentences, farms around the world, giving an opinion.English- acrostic poetry- the farmEnglish- report writing – the farmMaths- 2d and 3d shapes- shapes on the farmSPHE- personal safety- safety on the farmArt- construction- farm animals History- history of bread making on the farm- change and continuityHistory- butter making in the past- change and continuityGeography- human environments- farming and foodGeography- human environments – people at workScience- living things- farm animal reportScience- living things- life cycle of the chickenDrama- farmyard improvisationRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 23-01-14Time: 12:00-12:25Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 25 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Strand Unit: Differentiated Learning Objectives: That all children will be enabled to… think about God’s love and relate it to people who love them at home.2. That most children will be enabled to… read a quote from the bible depicting Gods love for us.3. That some children will be enabled to… write their given quote neatly and decoratively onto a heart shape to create a collage of love.Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher observation- of the children’s discussion at the beginning and ending of the lesson, their awareness of love and who loves them; their engagement and enjoyment of the lesson; their commitment and level of interest in the task.______________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:What is love?Who loves us?Who do we love? Why?How did God show his love to the people of Egypt?Why did he ask Moses to help him?Lower Order Questions:Can you name three people who love you?Can you name how you can show your love for these people?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Oral language development- the children will engage in a talk and discussion at the beginning and ending of the lesson to discuss what we learned in the last lesson; vocabulary reintroduced.literacy- the children will be required to read a story in their Alive O books about the celebration of God’s love through the revision of the story about Abraham and Sarah and a new story of the Call of Moses, new vocabulary introduced and discussed.Writing development- the children will be engaging in a writing activity requiring neatness and decorativeness as they will be displayed on the wall.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:We will begin the lesson by having a discussion about whom we love and who loves us. They will be reminded of the most important person who loves us, God. The children will be asked to brainstorm, in their pairs, about their moms, dads, nanas and granddads or whoever cares for them and think about as many things they do for them which shows them they are loved.Lesson Development:The children will read the story about The Call of Moses in their Alive O books which shows God’s love by saving the people he loves in Egypt. The children will then be given out a sheet of card which will have a heart drawn on it. We will brainstorm on the IWB about how those who care for us show us they love us by doing certain things. Each child will write at the top of their heart the person who they want to honour on their heart. Their sentence will begin ‘The one who........’ for example who sees that I do not go hungry, who stays with me when I am sick, who reads stories to me, who helps me get ready for school, who tells me ‘well done’, who plays with me, who provides me with shelter, food, clothes etc. They will be allowed to pick a maximum of two things to write on their heart. These can be decorated and they will be displayed in the classroom.Lesson Conclusion:The children will recap on the lesson and call out what they wrote on their hearts to reinforce the feelings of love and appreciation for the things those who love us do for us.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:IWB, heart templates for each child, pencils, colours.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A will need the help of the SNA to complete his heart.Child F and J in junior infants will draw a picture of the person they love in the heart. Child D and K will need words spelled for them on the whiteboard.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:EnglishDate: 27-01-14Time: 2:00-2:30Class:first and second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: reading, writing, oral language Strand Unit: developing cognitive abilities through language, competence and confidence in using language, receptiveness to language Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to watch the teacher model writing an acrostic poetry. All children will be enabled to understand the concept of acrostic poetry. All children will read model acrostic poems. 2. Most children will be enabled to write a rough draft of their own acrostic poem based on the word ‘farm’. 3. Some children will be enabled to edit and publish their poems on card to display on the wall. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher designed task:The teacher will correct the teacher designed task of the acrostic poem the children must write. The teacher will check to ensure the children understand the fact that they need to link the poem to the title ‘the farm’ using the letters in the word. The teacher will record findings via a checklist. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions: What do you think your poem will be about?Why must it be about a farm?Lower Order Questions:Does anyone know what an acrostic poem is?Can you spell the word farm? Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: poem, poetry, acrostic, relevant, link, farm, farm animals, farmer, ( various farming vocabulary)Literacy: the children will develop literacy by writing their acrostic poems, and by reading sample acrostic poems.Oral language: the children will develop oral language through brainstorming farming words at the beginning of the session. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by showing the children an acrostic poem on the whiteboard. The teacher will tell the children that we will be writing acrostic poems today. The teacher will ask the children to work in pairs in a think pair share activity. The children will think of as many farming words as they can. Lesson Development:The teacher will model writing an acrostic poem based on the word ‘farm’ on the whiteboard.The teacher will ask the children to begin their rough draft of the teacher.The teacher will help child K and D to write their poems.The teacher will check all the poems before allowing the children to move on to the next step of editing and publishing.The children who need to edit will edit their poems, spelling mistakes etc.They will then move onto the publishing stage.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will give the children coloured card and markers to write their poems. They will write in their best writing and they will decorate the page.The children will read their poems aloud.We will hang the poems up on display.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Sample acrostic poems, vocabulary bank worksheets, coloured cardInclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)The teacher will sit with child D and K. She will help them with each stage of the acrostic poetry writing activity. Linkage/Integration English- creative writingEnglish- oral language- descriptive language, relevant and irrelevant sentences, farms around the world, giving an opinion.English- acrostic poetry- the farmEnglish- report writing – the farmMaths- 2d and 3d shapes- shapes on the farmSPHE- personal safety- safety on the farmArt- construction- farm animals History- history of bread making on the farm- change and continuityHistory- butter making in the past- change and continuityGeography- human environments- farming and foodGeography- human environments – people at workScience- living things- farm animal reportScience- living things- life cycle of the chickenDrama- farmyard improvisationRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: English- Oral language Date: 23-01-14Time: 10:40-10:55Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 15 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Oral languageStrand Unit: developing cognitive abilities through language, receptiveness to language, competence and confidence in using language. Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to listen to the story and give descriptions. 2. Most children will be enabled to follow instructions, directions and respond to them. 3. Some children will be enabled to orally give directions to the class.Assessment:Talk partners: The children will work in pairs at the end of the lesson to swop and discuss their pictures to see if they followed all instructions and directions. They will talk about giving directions. Each child will give one final direction to the other child, e.g. draw a hat on Buster’s head. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Lower Order Questions:Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will tell the children that we are working on a listening activity today. The teacher will play a quick listening game with the children.The teacher will say, apple. Then apple, pear, banana. The teacher will keep adding words and the children will have to try remember each of the words and repeat them back to the teacher. Lesson Development:the teacher will distribute a picture of Buster the cow. The teacher will tell the children that they must listen carefully. Draw your name on Buster’s tummy. Put a can of beans on Buster’s back.Colour his tail black.Give him a big smile.Colour three bubbles above his head. Put five green leaves on the tree.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will allow each child to come to the top of the room. Each child can give one instruction to the rest of the class, e.g. colour his legs blue.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesResources:Drawing template, teacher instructions, colouring pencils.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A will not partake in this activity.Child F will need extra assistance as he has EAL. The teacher will use repeat instructions for this child. Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Nótaí Ceachta Laethúla (CM 3)?bhar: GaeilgeDáta: 28-01-14Am: 10:10-10:40Rang:Naíonan – rang a dóFad an Cheachta: 30 nóiméadTéama: An Téilífis.Snáithe: éisteacht, Labhairt, scribhneoireacht. Snáithaonad: ag cothú spéise, ag Spriocanna foghlama difreáilte: Rang a haon agus a do:Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir abálta an clár teílifís eagsula a aithint agus a ainmniú. 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí ceisteanna a chleachtadh, mar shampla, an mhaith leat clár sport? Is maith liom clár sport, agus an tuairisciú a dhéanamh. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí cupla abáirtí a scriobh faoin an teílifís. Naíonan: 1. Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir an uimhreacha a aithint agus a ainmniú. 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí an frásai mór agus bhéag a foghlaim tríd gníomhaíochtaí ar an clár bán. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí na focloir teílifís agus cartun a fhoghlaim. Measúnú:?sáidfidh mé dírbhreathnú an mhúinteora: ?istfidh mé go gear leis na páistí le linn na tréimhse cumarsáide agus é ag labhairt le chéile agus mar rang iomlán chun cumas labhartha na bpáistí faoin téilifis. Cuirfidh mé mo notaí agus na dírbhreathnaithe seo sa dialann measúnú.Ceisteanna ?sealoird:Cén clár is fear leat, Na Simpsons no Spongebob?Inis dom faoin an cartun Spongebob.Deiseanna Teanga/ Litearthachta: (Déan tagairt don fhorbairt teanga a dhéanfar agus do dheiseanna litearthachta an cheachta) Focloir: teílifís, clár sport, clár grinn, cartun, ar siúl, ag feachaint, is fearr liom, is maith liom, ní maith liom.?bhar an Cheachta:Réamhrá an Cheachta:Tosaigh an ceacht leis an cluiche ‘Deir Monty’. Mar shampla, deir Monty bigí ag gaire, ag rith, ag feachaint ar an teílifís. ?sáideann an múinteoir la luaschártai chun na focail nua a múineadh, - teílifís, clár teílifís, clár sport, clár grinn, ag feachaint, ar siúl.Forbairt an Cheachta:?sáideann an múinteoir an ‘power-point’ faoin Spongebob arís inniú. Tá an power-point ag bunaithe ar na focail nua. ?sáideann an múinteoir an ‘power-point’ chun na frasaí ‘is maith liom, is fearr liom agus ní maith liom a múineadh. ?sáideann an múinteoir an grupa obair. Tá na páistí ag obair i grupa beirte chun an comhrá a chleachtadh, ‘ar mhaith leat clár teílifís?’ ‘is maith liom , ni maith liom, is fearr liom’ aris inniu.Ansin, déanann na páistí an tascanna. Scríobh siad abairtí faoin an cartun sa choipleabhar. Mar shampla. Is maith liom Spongebob. Tá sé ar siúl ag a hocht a clog ar tg4. Ansin, tá an múinteoir ag obair le naoinán. ?saideann an múinteoir an postaer chun na focail nua a múineadh. ?sáideann an múinteoir an cluiche ag bunaithe ar an teílifís ar an clár bán. Mar shampla, cad ata ar an teílifís? An bhfuil madra ar an teílifís? An bhfuil cartun ar an teílifís?Conclúid an Cheachta:?sáideann an múinteoir an Cluiche Kim ag deireadh an rang.Modhanna Múinte/ Straitéisí Teagaisc?iseanna:Luaschártaí, powerpoint, clár bán, postaer, dvd. Cuimsiú agus Ilchineálacht/ Difreálú: (D’fhéadfaí athchóirithe in aon cheann de na réimsí seo a leanas a thógáil san áireamh; ?bhar, Gníomhaíochtaí, Acmhainní, Táirge, Timpeallacht, Straitéisí Foghlama) Ní dhéanann an páiste A an Gaeilge.Cabhair an múinteoir child K agus child D agus child F. Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: (Scríobh isteach an cuntas seo tar éis an ceacht a mhúineadh – Déan trácht ar aon bhreathnóireacht agus léirigh go mbeidh an t-eolas seo ina bhuntáiste duit agus tú ag pleanáil agus ag múineadh amach anseo.Plean Gnímh:Subject: Geography Date: 27-01-14Time: 1:00-1:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Natural Environments Strand Unit: The Local Natural Environment Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to record and communicate the experience of planting cress seeds using oral language, pictures and learning logs. 2. Most children will be enabled to recognise that soil is a habitat for plants by planting the cress seeds. 3. Some children will be enabled to record the measures we need to take to ensure the cress grows. Some children will appreciate the need for heat and water when growing seeds. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Learning Log: the children will complete a learning log based on the activity undertaken in this lesson. The teacher will read the learning logs and record the children’s opinions on the lesson.__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:What do you think will happen when we plant the seeds?Why do you think plants need heat and water?Lower Order Questions:What conditions does the cress need to grow?Why do the plants need soil to grow?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: soil, seeds, plant, heat, water, growth, plant, roots.Oral language: the children will develop oral language during the brainstorming session of the lesson when we will discuss the conditions seeds need to grow, we will discuss Spring and new life.Literacy: the children in 1st and 2nd class will develop literacy as they write their learning logs based on the lesson.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:We will refer to our discussion yesterday about the types of food farmers produce. The teacher will remind the children of the produce the farmers grow from the ground.The teacher will show the children a video about planting seeds and the correct way to grow plants.The teacher will tell the children that we will be planting our own cress seeds today.The teacher will ask the children what they think we will need to do first.Lesson Development:The teacher will ask the children about the signs of Spring.We will discuss the types of plants and flowers which grow around our school.The teacher will then explain that some plants grow from seeds. The teacher will tell the children the conditions needed for plants to grow.The teacher will ask the children to report the conditions needed back to her.The teacher will then give the children cress seeds and a plant pot.She will model planting the cress seeds.The children will then plant their seeds.We will talk about the soil, how it feels, where we find soil, why we need soil etc.Lesson Conclusion:The children will record the steps they completed in their learning logs. The junior and senior infants will sequence a set of three pictures to show the order in which they completed the task. Methodologies/ Teaching Strategiesalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Soil, plant pots, seeds, seed planting template, interactive whiteboard and video clip.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A will complete this task with the assistance of his SNA.Child K and D will require help in completing the learning log.The teacher will assist the children in infants with planting their cress seedsLinkage/Integration English- creative writingEnglish- oral language- descriptive language, relevant and irrelevant sentences, farms around the world, giving an opinion.English- acrostic poetry- the farmEnglish- report writing – the farmMaths- 2d and 3d shapes- shapes on the farmSPHE- personal safety- safety on the farmArt- construction- farm animals History- history of bread making on the farm- change and continuityHistory- butter making in the past- change and continuityGeography- human environments- farming and foodGeography- human environments – people at workScience- living things- farm animal reportScience- living things- life cycle of the chickenDrama- farmyard improvisationRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: HistoryDate: 13-01-14Time: 1:00-1:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Myself and my familyStrand Unit: when my grandparents were young. Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to discuss the type of food we get from the farm. All children will be enabled to take part in baking bread, 2. Most children will be enabled to identify the types of food we have today which they didn’t have long ago. Most children will be enabled to complete an on-line activity of sorting the types of food from long ago versus the types of food from today. 3. Some children will be enabled to learn of the about self sufficient farming of food produce in Ireland long ago. Assessment:Learning Log:The children will complete a learning log, in which they will describe something they enjoyed about the lesson, an aspect they found difficult and something new they would like to learn about food and farming long ago. The teacher will assess the learning logs and will write a report into the teacher assessment notebook. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Why did farmers produce their own bread long ago, why didn’t they buy their bread in the shop?Why did they go to the market every week?Lower Order Questions:Can you name three types of food which are produced on the farm?How did they make butter long ago?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: self sufficient, farming, food, dairy, wheat, bread, energy, meals, healthy, fruit, vegetables, milk.Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they read / listen to the teacher read about the types of food people lived on long ago.Oral language: the children will develop oral language as they brainstorm at the beginning of the lesson. The teacher will ask the children for contributions, e.g. who can name food we get from a farm? Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the children a slice of brown cake her mother made. The teacher will tell the children that we will make brown bread today. The teacher will ask the children what we would do for food if all the shops closed down. She will ask the children how we would survive. This will lead to a discussion about getting food from the land and animals. This will allow the teacher to point out to the children that long ago, there wasn’t many shops and so the people relied on and depended heavily on farming. Lesson Development:The teacher will show the children photos of farmers long ago tending to wheat crops and women baking bread. the teacher will ask the children to make the connection between these photos. The teacher will use the website ‘Ask about ’ to show the children a shopping list from long ago. There will be items on the list which the children must remove, e.g. frozen burgers. The teacher will see if the children can sort the food into food they had long ago and food from today.The teacher will ask the children what they think the word self sufficient means. The teacher will explain how farmers were self sufficient long ago and relied on their farms and animals to feed them.The teacher will then direct the children to the recipe they created for baking bread in procedural writing earlier that day.The teacher will ask the children to read out the ingredients and steps involved.The teacher will invite the children up to do various jobs, e.g. cracking the egg, kneading the bread, stirring the mixture etc.The teacher will remind the children of the fact that long ago their grandparents would have baked bread almost every day. Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will give each child a tidy up job.The teacher will recap on the learning which took place today through questioning. She will bring the bread home to bake and will bring it in the following day for the children to eat. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Ingredients for the bread, interactive whiteboard, old photos of farming long ago, on-line interactive activities for junior/ senior infants and for 1st and 2nd class.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A will not take part in baking the bread but he will join in the discussion and the on-line interactive activities. Linkage/Integration English- creative writingEnglish- oral language- descriptive language, relevant and irrelevant sentences, farms around the world, giving an opinion.English- acrostic poetry- the farmEnglish- report writing – the farmMaths- 2d and 3d shapes- shapes on the farmSPHE- personal safety- safety on the farmArt- construction- farm animals History- history of bread making on the farm- change and continuityHistory- butter making in the past- change and continuityGeography- human environments- farming and foodGeography- human environments – people at workScience- living things- farm animal reportScience- living things- life cycle of the chickenDrama- farmyard improvisationRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: MathsDate: 28-01-14Time: 11:20-12:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 40 minutesTheme: Transport and TravelStrand: Shapes and SpaceStrand Unit: 2d shapesDifferentiated Learning Objectives: Junior Infants: 1. All children will be introduced to a new shape- the triangle. 2. Most children will be enabled to colour in a teacher designed task sheet of a shape house, colouring the triangles green and the rectangles blue. 3. Some children will be enabled to name the amounts of sides a square has. ( child J)Senior infants: The child in senior infants will be able to name the amount of sides a square has and the amount of corners a triangle has. 1st class:All children will be enabled to complete a true or false activity sheet created by the teacher. E.g. there are ten circles in the picture. Most children will be enabled to complete a block graph based on the above activity. Most children will be enabled to link the block graph to the above activity. Some children will be enabled to fold papers to make new shapes.2nd class:All children will be enabled to identify corners in the following numbers- 12, 4, 3, 8, 10 and 7.Most children will be enabled to identify the corners in a variety of different shapes on the interactive whiteboard.Some children will be enabled to identify objects in the classroom with square corners. 2nd class will go on a square corner hunt and list the objects with square corners into their copy books. Assessment:Teacher designed task: Each class will have a teacher designed task to complete. Junior infants will complete a teacher designed task sheet of colouring the shape house. Senior infants will complete an activity on the ipad naming the amounts of sides on various squares and triangles. 1st class will complete the true or false teacher created activity and the block graph. 2nd class will complete the square corners shape hunt. The teacher will record all findings via a checklist. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:How many objects in the room have square corners?How many shapes can you name?Why does the desk have four square corners? Why not three?Lower Order Questions:How many square corners does each of the following shapes have?True or false- there are 10 circles in the picture.Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, semi-circle, oval, square corners, corners, sides.Literacy: The children will develop literacy as they read the true or false questions (1st class).Oral language: the children will develop oral language at the brain storming session of the lesson, where we look for shapes in the environment and describe them.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will allow each class to take turns playing the matching shape game on the interactive whiteboard. it will increase in difficulty as it progresses through each level. Junior infants will play a simple matching the shapes activity, while 2nd class must name the amount of square corners on each shape in the game. The teacher will then tell the children what we will be doing in today’s lesson. Lesson Development:The teacher will set 1st and 2nd class an activity to work on while she works with the infants.The teacher will introduce the children in junior infants to the triangle. She will have a picture of a triangle on the IWB. She will ask the children to describe it. They will draw a triangle on the mini blackboards. They will then complete their activity sheet based on colouring shapes.The teacher will then work with 1st and 2nd class. She will explain the true or false activity to 1st class. She will model drawing the block graph. The children will then begin the task. The teacher will give the children sheets of paper if they are finished to make shapes with.The teacher will work with 2nd class while 1st class work on their tasks. The teacher will give each child in 2nd class a blown up version of a variety of different numbers. She will ask them to circle the corners in each shape. When they have completed this activity, the teacher will have a number of shapes also blown up and they will identify the square corners in each shape.The teacher will model finding the square corners on the shapes on the IWB before the children begin. If the teacher is satisfied that they can identify the corners she will allow them to go on a square corner hunt around the classroom.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will bring all the classes together for the concluding activity. She will begin with junior infants, which will prove as revision for the other classes. She will go through each shape we have learned so far. We will look for corners and sides in each shape. The teacher will use questioning to ascertain the children’s understanding of what we did in today’s lesson. The children in 2nd class will name the objects they found on their corner hunt.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesResources:Interactive whiteboard, online shape games, a3 shapes and numbers, teacher designed task cards and sheets for each class. Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A in junior infants will need assistance from his SNA for the colouring activity as he has a very poor pencil grip.Child F in junior infants will need the instructions repeated several times. Child K and D in 1st class will need help with the block graph, which will be provided through peer tutoring. Child T in 1st class will work with 2nd class when he has finished the 1st class work.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: ScienceDate: 29-01-14Time: Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Materials and change Strand Unit: Differentiated Learning Objectives: That all children will be enabled to discuss and talk about butter, what is it? That most children will be enabled to identify where butter comes from and how it is made.That some children will be enabled to identify why the butter made tastes different to butter bought in tubs. Some children will be enabled to identify the changes which took place in the materials. Assessment:Self assessment- thumbs up/ down. The children will put their thumbs up if they understand how butter is made and the changes which must take place in the materials. The teacher will record their opinions in the assessment notebook. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:How do you think butter is made?Why do we need to shake it?Lower Order Questions:Where does butter come from?Can you name the materials we are using to make the butter?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: materials, change, shake, butter, cream, investigate,describe. Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they complete the investigation sheet describing what is happening throughout the process of making the butter.Oral language: the children will develop oral language during the brainstorming session at the beginning of the lesson as we talk about how we might make butter and what we will need. The children will develop oral language at the end of the lesson as we talk about how we made the butter.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will show the children a power-point presentation about how butter was made long ago.The teacher will explain to the children that today we are going to be making butter today.Before getting started with the process, the teacher will ask the children do they know how butter is made? What is used to make butter? What ingredients are needed? Where do the ingredients come from?Lesson Development:When the initial discussion on butter is finished, the teacher will announce that it is time to start making the butterThe teacher will ask the children about the materials we need to make butter. The teacher will ask the children to predict what changes will take place in the materials. E.g what will happen to the cream when we shake it? Why do we need to add salt?The teacher will give each child a small jar and cream.The teacher will explain to the children that they need to fill their jars 2/3s of the way up and then screw the lid on their jarThe teacher will tell the children that they must shake the cream in their jars to make the butterThe teacher will explain that the cream will turn into whipped cream first and then after some more shaking it will start to turn back into a liquid.The teacher will tell the children to observe the changes taking place in their jars throughout the processWhen the cream has gone from whipped back to a liquid a ball of butter should start to form in the middle with some liquid around it which is butter milkThe teacher will explain to the children that they can drain off the buttermilk and be left with their ball of butterLesson Conclusion:When every group has been successful in creating their butter, the teacher will allow the children to taste the butter on some bread if they wish. She will ask the children about the butter, how does it taste?Why do you think it tastes different to the butter you have at home?The teacher will ask the children about the changes which took place in the materials and what caused the change- the shaking. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesResources:Cream, salt, jars, investigation sheet, crackers. Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A may refuse to take part in this lesson, but I will try my best to ensure he participates.Child D and child K in 1st class may need help completing their investigation sheet.The children in junior and senior infants will not complete the investigation sheet, they will describe the process to the teacher orally.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: EnglishDate: 29-01-14Time: 9:40-10:10Class:junior infants and senior infantsDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The Farm Strand: Oral Language/reading/ writing Strand Unit: receptiveness to language, confidence and competence in using language. Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to revise and make the sound of the blend ‘oa’ and ‘ie’ All children will understand that thought there are two letters, there’s only one sound.2. That most children will be enabled to say the ‘oa’ and ‘ie’ words on the flashcards.3. That some children will be enabled to work together in their pairs to categorize pictures of ‘ie’ and ‘oa’ words. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Thumbs up, thumbs down: the teacher will use the assessment method of thumbs up/ down to establish whether the children understand the two blends we have learned about this week. The teacher will record findings in the assessment notebook. The teacher will not move onto a new blend until she is quite sure that the children understand these blends. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Teacher Questioning Lower Order Questions:What words have ‘oa’ and ‘ie’ in the middle?Higher Order Questions:Why do you think that picture is not an ‘oa’ / ‘ie’ word?How did you decide that that is an ‘oa’/ ‘ie’ word?Can you make the ‘ie’ and ‘oa’ sound for me?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)vocabulary: goat, coat, soak, toast, tie, pie, lie, fries, Literacy: The children will be categorizing ‘ai’ and non ‘ai’ words.Oral language: the children will be talking about ‘oa’ and non ‘oa’ words, they will work in a group to come up with 5 ‘oa’ words for the teacher.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction: I will introduce the blend ‘oa’ to the children. I will ask them what it sounds like. I will ask the class what words they can think of with the sound ‘oa’ in them. I will play the ‘oa’ song for the class.The teacher will remind the children that when two vowels go walking, the first does the talking.Lesson Development:The teacher will then explain that we are going to play a game called ‘lochain uisce’. She will place a number of pictures face down on the floor in a circle at the top of the classroom. She will explain that I need very well behaved boys to help me fish out the pictures. She will explain that then we are going to categorize the pictures into ‘oa’ word and non ‘oa’ words on the board. She will draw two columns on the board and do an example for the children by picking up one picture saying what it is, deciding it does or does not have ‘oa’ in it and sticking it in the appropriate column on the board. We will do this until all the pictures are categorized correctly. The teacher will then go through each picture asking the children to say the words after her. I will then explain that we are going to do this in pairs. I will give each pair an a4 sheet with two columns ‘oa’ words and non ‘oa’ words. I will give each pair a number of pictures and explain that they must categorize the pictures just like what we did together as a whole class. The children will write / trace ‘oa’ words on their worksheet.The child in senior infants will work on CVC words with the ‘oa’ blend.The teacher will set a timer and walk around observing.The teacher will then use simple CVC words on flashcards for the children to practice reading. Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will call the class back together and ask the pairs how they categorized each picture. The teacher will ask each child to give me an ‘oa’ word.The teacher will ask each child to read a cvc word from the word pile.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesActive learningTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:A4 sheets with two columns‘E-Beam’ boardLaminated pictures of ‘oa’ words and non ‘oa’ wordsHoola hoop for lochain uisceLaminated CVC words.Book of ‘ai’Small pictures for pair work.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A in junior infants will require a lot of help with this lesson. The teacher will work one on one with this child.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: English Date: 29-01-14Time: 10:40-10:55Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 15 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Oral languageStrand Unit: competence and confidence in using language, receptiveness to language, developing cognitive abilities through language. Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to focus on the subject under discussion and sustain a conversation on it. 2. Most children will be enabled to name the odd word in a list, e.g. Monday, July, Sunday, Wednesday. 3. Some children will be enabled to listen to a sentence and name the sentence which is out of place.The junior and senior infants will be enabled to participate through naming the odd one out in a list of easier words, such as : doll, teddy, train, apple. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Thumbs up thumbs down:The teacher will use this self assessment method at the end of the lesson. The teacher will use this to identify how the children found the task of finding the odd word/ sentence. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Why does this word not belong?Can you think of a word we could replace it with?Lower Order Questions:Which word is out of place?Which sentence is the odd one out and why?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: belong, different, relevant, irrelevant, focus, months, food, transport, animals, bicycles.Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they write their own word lists including an irrelevant word.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by using the feely bag. She will have a number of related objects in the feely bag, such as types of fruit. She will also have an irrelevant object in the bag. The children must feel them and identify the odd one out. Lesson Development:The teacher will tell the children that we will be learning to identify the odd words out in a number of lists. We will begin the activity. The teacher will call out a list of words for each child. Each child must identify the odd word in the list. When the teacher is satisfied with their work on this task, she will move onto sentences. She will call out five sentences. The teacher will ask each child to identify the sentence which is out of place.The teacher will ask the children to make up their own word lists with an out of place word. They will give their lists to the person sitting beside them to see if they can identify the out of place word. The teacher will model doing lists like this, and she will give them subjects to guide them, e.g. vehicles, food, toys, weather, numbers and letters. Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will read a short story to the children. She will add an irrelevant sentence during the story to see if the children can identify the sentence.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Word lists, sentence lists, large list on a1 paper. Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A in junior infants may not understand this activity.The children in junior and senior infants will work on simpler word lists.Child K and D will need assistance in creating their word lists and thinking of an out of place word.Linkage/Integration Linkage- English – oral language- 27th/ 28th- listening, communicating and descriptive language skills.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: EnglishDate: 29-01-14Time: 2:00-2:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: writing, oral language.Strand Unit: competence and confidence in using language Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to orally describe their favourite farm animals for the class.2. That most children will be enabled to write a descriptive piece of writing (half a page for 2nd class, five lines for 1st class) (one sentence for senior infants) about their favourite animal.3. That some children will be enabled to write a longer piece of writing about their animal in great detailAssessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher designed task:The children will complete a teacher designed task based on describing their favourite animal. The teacher will record her findings via an assessment checklist. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Why is this your animal?Can you name a special fact about this animal?Lower Order Questions:What does this animal eat?What food can we get from this animal?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Oral language: All children in all classes are using oral language by describing their favourite farm animal to the rest of the class during our talk and discussion time.Literacy: The children in 1st and 2nd class will write a report about their favourite toy.Vocabulary: The children will be using descriptive words, such as cuddly, small, soft, big, fun, special, memories etc.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will show the children my favourite farm animal and I will describe it.The teacher will invite the children to describe their favourite animals using as many descriptive words as they can. I will write the words they use to describe their farm animals on the whiteboard.Lesson Development:The teacher will invite the children to describe their farms using as many descriptive words as they can. I will write the words they use to describe their farm animals on the board.When every child has described his/ her animal, 1st and 2nd will write about their toy in their copies.The children will then fill out their task sheets.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will ask the children to read what they wrote aloud.We will write all the new descriptive words we learned on the board. We will play a farm animal game on the IWB.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Resources:Laminated pictures of farm animals and facts, soft toys, puppets, interactive whiteboard.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child D and K will need the teacher to model sentences on the whiteboard for them to copy.They will write one sentence of their own each.Linkage/Integration 28-01-14- geography- farms in Australia.28-01-14- history- food from farming in the past.29-01-14- science- living things- animal report28-01-14-history- butter making30-01-14- science- living things life cycle of the chicken.SPHE – Farm safetyMaths- shapes on the farmEnglish- creative writing- farming, acrostic poem based on the word Farm. Music- sound scape-farm animalsDrama- farming sceneArt- construction- farm animals.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:?bhar: GaeilgeDáta: 29-01-14Am: 10:10-10:40Rang:Naíonán- rang a dóFad an Cheachta: 30 nóiméadTéama: An TeilifísSnáithe: éisteacht, labhairt, Scríbhneoireacht.Snáithaonad: ag úsáid teanga, cothú spéise, ag tuiscint teanga.Spriocanna foghlama difreáilte: Rang a haon agus rang a do: 1. Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir clár teílifís éagsúla a aithint 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí páirt a thógáill i dráma géarr le beirt ag phlé an clár teilifís. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí abairtí simplí a labhairt, agus ceisteanna a thuiscint agus a fhreagairt le h-úsáid achmhainní agus labhairt.Naíonan: 1. Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir na h-abairtí agus na foclóir a thuiscint agus a húsáid faoin an teilifís. 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí na foclóir a húsáid- teílifís, cartún, is maith liom, ni maith liom. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí an h-abáirtí a rá- ‘is maith liom Spongebob’, ‘ní maith liom Iggle Piggle’. Measúnú:{Deimhnigh go n-ainmníonn tú cad é a bheidh á mheas, na modhanna measúnaithe a bheidh in úsáid agat.} agus conas a thaifeadadh do chuid torthaí}?sáidfidh mé dírbhreathnú an mhúinteora. ?istfidh mé go gear leis na páistí chun cumas labhartha na bpáistí a mheas. Scríobhfaidh mé notaí faoi deacrachtaí paistí eagsúla I mo dhialann. Cabróidh mé le paistí le deachrachtaí bheith páirteach sa ról imirt. Measóidh mé na modhanna múinte is oiriúnaí don tasc idir lámha agam agus d’éagsúlacht na bpáistí. Cuirfidh mé béim faoi leith ar na gceadfaí.Ceistiúchán an Mhúinteora: (Liostáil dhá cheist shamplach faoi gach ceannteideal) Ceisteanna Ardoird:Cén fáth a mhaith leat an clár sport?Inis dom faoin an clár Spongebob?Ceisteanna ?sealoird:Cén sort clár teílifís is fearr leat?An bhfuil mamo ag feachaint an nuacht?Cén t-ám ata sé ar siúl?Deiseanna Teanga/ Litearthachta: (Déan tagairt don fhorbairt teanga a dhéanfar agus do dheiseanna litearthachta an cheachta) Fóclóir: teílifís, ar siúl, clár grinn, clár sport, cartun, an nuacht, an lotto, ag feachaint ar, clár dulra, clár ceoil.Litearthachta: Beidh na páistí ag scriobh cupla habairtí faoin an cartún is fearr leat. ( rang 1&2)?bhar an Cheachta:Réamhrá an Cheachta:Tosaigh an ceacht leis an cluiche ‘Deir Monty’. Mar shampla, deir Monty bigí ag gaire, ag rith, ag feachaint ar an teílifís. ?sáideann an múinteoir la luaschártai chun na focail nua a múineadh, - teílifís, clár teílifís, clár sport, clár grinn, ag feachaint, ar siúl, clár dulra, aimsir, an nuacht. Forbairt an Cheachta:?saideann an múinteoir an scéal ar an clárbán – ‘Tá Eoin ar an Teilifís’.Leigh rang a haon agus rang a do gach abairt tar eis an mhúinteoir.?sáideann an múinteoir an pupéid chun na léamh a dhéanamh.?sáideann an múinteoir ceisteanna le haghaidh naíonan- ar mhaith leat cartún seo?cén dáth é an teílifís? Agus mar sin de.Tá an múinteoir ag múineadh faoin na clár teílifís éagsúla, múineann sí na focloir nua: clár dulra, an nuacht, sobalchlár.Múineann sí na frasaí : ‘Is fearr liom’ do rang a haon agus rang a dó.Mar shampla, Is maith liom Spongebob ach is fearr liom Power Rangers. ?saideann an múinteoir grupa oibre chun an tasc seo a dhéanamh. ?sáideann na páistí comhrá i mbeirteanna. Tá an múinteoir ag múineadh náionán nuair ata rang a haon agus rang a do ag ag obair ar an tasc sin.?sáideann an múinteoir pictiúri le haghaidh naíonan chun na fóclóir a mhúineadh agus an cluiche. Conclúid an Cheachta:?sáideann an múinteoir an Cluiche Kim ag deireadh an rang.Modhanna Múinte/ Straitéisí TeagaiscAn módh direách – ag úsáid le rudaí san fhoclóir An Módh Closlabhartha- an dán an taispéantas (ag eisteacht liomsaMódh na lánfhreagartha gníomhaí – ag aithris agus ag athrá ormsa.?sáidfidh mé greann agus seafóid sa ról imirt. An Módh Closamhairc- dul siar ar an dtaispeantas agus pictiúir an dán.?iseanna:Luaschártaí, powerpoint, clár bán, postaer, dvd.Cuimsiú agus Ilchineálacht/ Difreálú: (D’fhéadfaí athchóirithe in aon cheann de na réimsí seo a leanas a thógáil san áireamh; ?bhar, Gníomhaíochtaí, Acmhainní, Táirge, Timpeallacht, Straitéisí Foghlama) Ní dhéanann an páiste A an Gaeilge.Cabhair an múinteoir child K agus child D agus child F.Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: (Scríobh isteach an cuntas seo tar éis an ceacht a mhúineadh – Déan trácht ar aon bhreathnóireacht agus léirigh go mbeidh an t-eolas seo ina bhuntáiste duit agus tú ag pleanáil agus ag múineadh amach anseo.Plean Gnímh:Subject: MathsDate: 29-01-14Time: 11:20-12:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 40 minutesTheme: Transport and TravelStrand: Shape and SpaceStrand Unit: 2d shapesDifferentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to take part in a shape hunt around the classroom. ( all classes) 2. Most children will be enabled to identify corners and sides of shapes in the classroom. ( 1st and 2nd class) 3. Some children will be enabled to identify objects with square corners and objects without square corners. ( 2nd class)Assessment:Teacher Observation/ traffic lightsThe teacher will observe the children in each class grouping as they identify the shapes around the classroom. The teacher will use the traffic light system at the end to check each child’s understanding of the shape hunt and what parts they found difficult/ easy. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:How many triangles can you see?Why is the school built in the shape of a rectangle, why not a circle?Lower Order Questions:How many sides does a square/ triangle have? Does a circle have corners?Language / Literacy Opportunities: (State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the children a presentation based on shapes in the environment. She will show them shapes inside and outside. The teacher will explain the shape hunt to the children.The teacher will put the children into their groups. The teacher will read through the shape hunt with the children to ensure clarity of all tasks. The teacher will explain the rules and procedures for leaving the classroom and going outside.Lesson Development:The teacher will announce the beginning of the shape hunt. Each group will begin in a different area. The infant questions will consist of finding and drawing a circle, square and triangle which they saw in the classroom and outside. ( senior infant child will also find a rectangle) 1st and 2nd class will find and name a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval and semi-circle. They must find two of each shape and name how many sides/ corners each object has.2nd class will also name objects with and without square corners. The trail will begin inside the classroom then we will move outside to the infant yard.Lesson Conclusion:We will return to the classroom for the conclusion of the trail. The teacher will ask each child to name out an example of each shape, e.g. the clock is a circle. 2nd class will read out the objects they found with square corners and the objects which didn’t have square corners. We will read the questions of the shape hunt and each child will have a turn reading the answers.The teacher will ask the children to tidy up and to return to their seats. Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources: 2d shapes, interactive whiteboard, on-line shape games, task sheetsInclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A in junior infants will not take part in the shape hunt.Child F will need extra assistance from the teacher.Child T will answer the 2nd class questions on the shape hunt.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Daily Lesson Notes (TP 3)Subject: SPHE Date: 29-01-14Time: 1:30-2:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: Travel and TransportStrand: Myself Strand Unit: Safety Issues Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to listen to and engage with the story ‘Stay Safe on the Farm with Jessie’. 2. Most children will be enabled to discuss dangers which people face on the farm. 3. Some children will be enabled to think of ways to counteract these dangers.Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher observation: the teacher will observe and record the contributions the children make to the discussion about safety on the farm. The teacher will record whether the children can retain and recall the safety guidelines from the story we read about the farm. She will record all findings in the assessment notebook.__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Can you think of any dangers on the farm?Can you think of ways to be safe on the farm?Lower Order Questions:What did Jesse say about the gate on the farm?What did Jesse say about the bull?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: danger, safe, farm, tractor, beware, bull, careless, trap, machinery, slurry.Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they create their ‘Safety on the Farm’ posters. ( 1st and 2nd class) Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by showing the children a photo about farm safety.This will lead to a brainstorming session. We will discuss the dangers of farming which we saw in the video. Lesson Development:The teacher will read the children a story about farm safety called ‘Stay Safe on the Farm with Jessie’.We will have a whole class discussion about ways to be safe on the farm.The teacher will use the strategy of think pair share. The children will work in pairs to talk about ways to be safe on the farm. They will exchange ideas and report back to the class.The children will then begin working on their Stay Safe on the Farm posters. The infants will complete an activity. They will be given a picture of a farm with dangers present. They will put an X on the dangers in the picture, e.g. a gate being left open, a river etc. Lesson Conclusion:The children will present their posters to the class. They will describe their posters. We will display the posters in the school hall. The teacher will ask each child to describe a way of being safe on the farm.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Poster paper, pencils, video about farm safety, on-line interactive story about farm safety, worksheet for infants.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child K and D will require guidance on their posters. The teacher will draw a sample poster on the whiteboard for them to copy if needs be. Child A in junior infants will be in resource at this time. Linkage/Integration 28-01-14- geography- farms in Australia.28-01-14- history- food from farming in the past.29-01-14- science- living things- animal report28-01-14-history- butter making30-01-14- science- living things life cycle of the chicken.SPHE – Farm safetyMaths- shapes on the farmEnglish- creative writing- farming, acrostic poem based on the word Farm. Music- sound scape-farm animalsDrama- farming sceneArt- construction- farm animalsRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: English Date: 30-01-14Time: 10:40-10:55Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 15 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Oral LanguageStrand Unit: competence and confidence in using language Differentiated Learning Objectives: Junior Infants: 1. All children will be enabled to watch a short five minute silent movie on the IWB. All children will be enabled to partake in an oral language discussion about the film. 2. Most children will be enabled to use adjectives and descriptive language to describe the film. Each child will give one adjective. 3. Some children will be enabled to play the adjectives game, e.g. one child says funny, the other child must name an adjective beginning with Y. ( The infants will just use a describing word with the teacher’s help. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher observation:The teacher will observe the children and their opinions on the film. The teacher will observe the children as they complete the adjective game to ensure they know what the word adjective means. The teacher will record the findings in the assessment notebook.__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Do you think the girl was happy? Why?Would you be happy in this situation? Why?Lower Order Questions:Can you use an adjective to describe the girl in the story?What does the word adjective mean?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: adjective, describe, happy, funny, sad, angry, grumpy, friendly. Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they list the adjectives in their copies.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will ask the children if they remember what a silent movie is.The teacher will ask the children if they can remember the describing words we used in class yesterday. The teacher will tell the children that we are going to practice our listening skills and describing skills today.Lesson Development:The teacher will put a film on for the children from the website called ‘Story Bird’ based on a child’s life on a busy farm. It will be a five minute movie. The children must try figure out the theme of the film.The teacher will then ask the children to form the circle.The teacher will say a sentence about the girl in the story. The children will say if they think it is true or false.The children will brainstorm about what happened in the story.The story has an open ending. Each child can say how they think it ended. The children will then describe the main character using adjectives.Lesson Conclusion:The children will play the adjective game at the end of the lesson. The teacher will ask the children to write five adjectives in their copies.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Interactive whiteboard, online film, examples of adjectives.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child K and D in 1st class will need help thinking of adjectives.The teacher will assist the children in infants. They will describe the film and character. They will say if they liked the film or not.Linkage/Integration 28-01-14- geography- farms in Australia.28-01-14- history- food from farming in the past.29-01-14- science- living things- animal report28-01-14-history- butter making30-01-14- science- living things life cycle of the chicken.SPHE – Farm safetyMaths- shapes on the farmEnglish- creative writing- farming, acrostic poem based on the word Farm. Music- sound scape-farm animalsDrama- farming sceneArt- construction- farm animals.Subject: English Date: 30-01-14Time: 2:00- 2:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: writing, oral language Strand Unit: competence and confidence in using language, receptiveness to language, developing cognitive abilities through language.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to begin to understand procedural writing by watching the teacher model writing a recipe for making jelly. 2. Most children will be enabled to write down the recipe for making jelly in their copy books. The children will draw a picture and write a sentence for each step. 3. Some children will be enabled to name the important steps in writing a procedural piece of writing, e.g. logical sequence of steps, broken into small steps. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher designed task:The teacher will set the children the teacher designed task of writing a recipe for jelly. The children in 1st class will write five steps accompanied by a picture.The children in 2nd class will write 8 steps accompanied by a picture.The children in junior and senior infants will complete a sequencing picture of the steps involved in making the jelly.Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:What do you think we need to include in the recipe for making jelly?Why is it important to follow steps?Lower Order Questions:Do we need water?What do you think the first step will be? Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: recipe, ingredients, instructions, jelly, water, hot.Literacy: the children will develop literacy skills as they write the recipe for making jelly.Oral Language: the children will develop oral language at the beginning of the lesson as we talk about how we will make the jelly and why recipes are important. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will ask the children if they know what the word recipe means.The teacher will ask the children why we need to follow recipes.The teacher will ask the children how they think we will write the recipe.The teacher will tell the children that we are going to write and follow a recipe for making jelly.Lesson Development:The teacher will model writing the recipe on the whiteboard.She will write three steps.The teacher will show the children that they must list the steps involved, they must say what the aim is (to make jelly), the requirements ( a list of the items we need- a jug, jelly) and the method( usually numbered).The children will complete the recipe on their task sheets with the aid of pictures.The teacher will then ask children to call out the steps as she makes the jelly.The teacher will pretend to skip a step to see if the children will notice.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will show the children the jelly. She will ask them to confirm that we have followed all the steps. The teacher will let the jelly cool and the children will eat it later in the day. The teacher will ask the children to remind her of the steps we followed to make the jelly.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Resources:Procedural writing checklist, jelly, water, task sheets, recipe for making jelly.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child K and D will write three sentences each with the help of the class teacher.Child T and C will do the 2nd class procedural writing exercise.Child A in junior infants will not complete this task.Linkage/Integration 28-01-14- geography- farms in Australia.28-01-14- history- food from farming in the past.29-01-14- science- living things- animal report28-01-14-history- butter making30-01-14- science- living things: life cycle of the chicken.SPHE – Farm safetyMaths- shapes on the farmEnglish- creative writing- farming, acrostic poem based on the word Farm. Music- sound scape-farm animalsDrama- farming sceneArt- construction- farm animals.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Nótaí Ceachta Laethúla (CM 3)?bhar: GaeilgeDáta: 28-01-14Am: 10:10-10:40Rang:Naíonan – rang a dóFad an Cheachta: 30 nóiméadTéama: An Téilífis.Snáithe: éisteacht, Labhairt, scribhneoireacht. Snáithaonad: ag cothú spéise, ag Spriocanna foghlama difreáilte: Rang a haon agus a do:Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir abálta an clár teílifís eagsula a aithint agus a ainmniú. 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí ceisteanna a chleachtadh, mar shampla, an mhaith leat clár sport? Is maith liom clár sport, agus an tuairisciú a dhéanamh. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí cupla abáirtí a scriobh faoin an teílifís. Naíonan: 1. Beidh ar chumas na bpáistí go léir an uimhreacha a aithint agus a ainmniú. 2. Beidh ar chumas fhormhór na bpáistí an frásai mór agus bhéag a foghlaim tríd gníomhaíochtaí ar an clár bán. 3. Beidh ar chumas cuid de na páistí na focloir teílifís agus cartun a fhoghlaim. Measúnú:?sáidfidh mé dírbhreathnú an mhúinteora: ?istfidh mé go gear leis na páistí le linn na tréimhse cumarsáide agus é ag labhairt le chéile agus mar rang iomlán chun cumas labhartha na bpáistí faoin téilifis. Cuirfidh mé mo notaí agus na dírbhreathnaithe seo sa dialann measúnú.Ceisteanna ?sealoird:Cén clár is fear leat, Na Simpsons no Spongebob?Inis dom faoin an cartun Spongebob.Deiseanna Teanga/ Litearthachta: (Déan tagairt don fhorbairt teanga a dhéanfar agus do dheiseanna litearthachta an cheachta) Focloir: teílifís, clár sport, clár grinn, cartun, ar siúl, ag feachaint, is fearr liom, is maith liom, ní maith liom.?bhar an Cheachta:Réamhrá an Cheachta:Tosaigh an ceacht leis an cluiche ‘Deir Monty’. Mar shampla, deir Monty bigí ag gaire, ag rith, ag feachaint ar an teílifís. ?sáideann an múinteoir la luaschártai chun na focail nua a múineadh, - teílifís, clár teílifís, clár sport, clár grinn, ag feachaint, ar siúl.Forbairt an Cheachta:?sáideann an múinteoir an ‘power-point’ faoin Spongebob arís inniú. Tá an power-point ag bunaithe ar na focail nua. ?sáideann an múinteoir an ‘power-point’ chun na frasaí ‘is maith liom, is fearr liom agus ní maith liom a múineadh. ?sáideann an múinteoir an grupa obair. Tá na páistí ag obair i grupa beirte chun an comhrá a chleachtadh, ‘ar mhaith leat clár teílifís?’ ‘is maith liom , ni maith liom, is fearr liom’ aris inniu.Ansin, déanann na páistí an tascanna. Scríobh siad abairtí faoin an cartun sa choipleabhar. Mar shampla. Is maith liom Spongebob. Tá sé ar siúl ag a hocht a clog ar tg4. Ansin, tá an múinteoir ag obair le naoinán. ?saideann an múinteoir an postaer chun na focail nua a múineadh. ?sáideann an múinteoir an cluiche ag bunaithe ar an teílifís ar an clár bán. Mar shampla, cad ata ar an teílifís? An bhfuil madra ar an teílifís? An bhfuil cartun ar an teílifís?Conclúid an Cheachta:?sáideann an múinteoir an Cluiche Kim ag deireadh an rang.Modhanna Múinte/ Straitéisí Teagaisc?iseanna:Luaschártaí, powerpoint, clár bán, postaer, dvd. Cuimsiú agus Ilchineálacht/ Difreálú: (D’fhéadfaí athchóirithe in aon cheann de na réimsí seo a leanas a thógáil san áireamh; ?bhar, Gníomhaíochtaí, Acmhainní, Táirge, Timpeallacht, Straitéisí Foghlama) Ní dhéanann an páiste A an Gaeilge.Cabhair an múinteoir child K agus child D agus child F. Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: (Scríobh isteach an cuntas seo tar éis an ceacht a mhúineadh – Déan trácht ar aon bhreathnóireacht agus léirigh go mbeidh an t-eolas seo ina bhuntáiste duit agus tú ag pleanáil agus ag múineadh amach anseo.Plean Gnímh:Subject: MathsDate: 30-01-14Time: 11:20-12:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 40 minutesTheme: Travel and TransportStrand: Shape and SpaceStrand Unit: 3d shapes.Differentiated Learning Objectives: Junior Infants: 1. All children will be enabled to sort 3d shapes into shapes which roll and shapes which do not roll. 2. Most children will be enabled to make constructions using 3d shapes and discuss them. 3. Some children will be enabled to sort shapes which fit together. Senior Infants:The child in senior infants will take part in the junior infant lesson to revise the properties of 3d shapes, i.e. shapes which roll and do not roll. He will also name and describe the 3d shape of the cuboid.1st class:All children will be enabled to guess which shape will roll: a cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder.Most children will be enabled to look at a poster of a farm and count the numbers of cubes, cuboids, spheres and cylinders in the poster. Some children will be enabled to name the amount of sides a cube and a cuboid have. 2nd class:All children will be enabled to write the name of a cuboid, cylinder, cone, cube, sphere under the picture of each shape on the IWB.Most children will be enabled to learn the properties of the cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone and sphere- i.e. does it roll, slide or stock? They will complete the information in table form.Some children will be enabled to list three things in the classroom which are a cuboid, cylinder, cone, cube and sphere.Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher Observation:The teacher is using this lesson as a form of revision and to ascertain the childern’s prior knowledge of 3d shapes. The teacher will observe to see if all children can name the 3d shapes and discuss the properties of each shape, does it roll, stack, slide. The teacher will assess the children’s ability to find 3d shapes in the environment. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Can you spot any 3d shapes in the classroom?Why does a cylinder roll?Lower Order Questions:Can you describe a cuboid?How many 3d shapes can you name?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: roll, slide, stack, cuboid, cube, cylinder, sphere, cone, shape, 3d.Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they list the shapes they know in their copies and as they read the questions about each shape.Oral language: the children will develop oral language as they brainstorm at the beginning of the lesson to name 3d shapes and describe them. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will tell the children that we will be learning all about 3d shapes today.The teacher will use the interactive whiteboard and the Sesame Street website. The teacher will introduce a new game based on 2d shapes. It has a variety of levels. Each class will complete a level. Junior and senior infants will begin, by saying whether each shape will roll. The game will get progressively more difficult. 1st and 2nd class will be given a picture of a shape which they must name and describe. Lesson Development:The teacher will set 1st and 2nd class an on-line task to complete while she works with junior and senior infants. She will use concrete materials of 3d shapes. She will ask each child to see if the shape will roll or not. The teacher will show the child in senior infants a cuboid. She will ask him to describe it. The teacher will set a task for the infants to complete. They will work on a teacher designed task of matching each object to the correct shape, e.g. a box of cornflakes to a cuboid, a dice to a cube, a tin of beans to a cylinder. The teacher will work with 1st class and 2nd class. She will use the IWB. The teacher will have an image of a cuboid, cube etc on the IWB. She will ask each child to name the shape. She will ask each child to describe the shape, e.g. does it roll, slide or stack. The teacher will then show the children a variety of household objects, e.g. a candle, block, orange, carton. The children must name what each shape is. The teacher will then introduce a listening activity. E.g. A sphere had 1 curved face- true or false? The children will write true or false in their copies. The teacher will then correct the activity with the children.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will bring all classes together for the concluding activity. The teacher will hold up shapes. 1st and 2nd class will name the shape and the infants will say whether it rolls, slides or stacks. Methodologies/ Teaching Strategiesalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Classroom shape set, dice, carton, orange, tin, cornflakes box, poster, IWB, online 3d shapes.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child T in 1st class will work with 2nd class when he has finished his activities. Child D in 1st class will need lots of help with this task and lots of repitition.Child A in junior infants will need a lot of assistance from his SNA with this task.Linkage/Integration English- creative writingEnglish- oral language- descriptive language, relevant and irrelevant sentences, farms around the world, giving an opinion.English- acrostic poetry- the farmEnglish- report writing – the farmMaths- 2d and 3d shapes- shapes on the farmSPHE- personal safety- safety on the farmArt- construction- farm animals History- history of bread making on the farm- change and continuityHistory- butter making in the past- change and continuityGeography- human environments- farming and foodGeography- human environments – people at workScience- living things- farm animal reportScience- living things- life cycle of the chickenDrama- farmyard improvisationSubject: MusicDate: 30-01-14Time: 1:00-1:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: listening and respondingStrand Unit: listening and responding to musicDifferentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to listen to a piece of classical music ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’. 2. Most children will be enabled to respond to the music through drawing and through movement 3. Some children will be enabled to use and understand the musical concept of tone.Assessment:Thumbs up Thumbs down:The children will use self assessment to state what they thought of the song and their understanding of tone. The teacher will record findings in the assessment notebook.__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:What does this song make you think of?What does this song represent?Lower Order Questions:What does tone mean?What is the tone of the song?Raise your hand when you hear a piano, violin etc. Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: music, tone, timbre, pulse, fast, slow, happy sad, beat, bounce, instrument.Oral language: the children will develop oral language as they brainstorm what the song is about and how it makes them feel. Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they write one word which describes the music.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will tell the children that we will be listening to a piece of music called ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’.We will discuss the name of the song and what we think it could be about.Lesson Development:The teacher will play the music for the children.We will talk about the song- how it makes us feel, is it happy/ sad/fast/ slow.The teacher will play the song again. The children will respond via music. The teacher will ask the children to:Make up a clapping sequence with a partner Clap or tap along with the pulse of the piece Clap or tap along with the rhythm of the piece Use ribbons or scarves to show music with contrasting sections The teacher will play the song a third time. The children will respond via drawing. They will:Draw a pattern in response to the music Draw a line to show the shape of the music Draw a picture of what you think about when you listen to this music Draw a picture to tell what is happening in the music ?Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will ask the children to show their pictures to the rest of the class and to explain what the music made them think of. Each child will have a turn to show their work. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situation.Resources:Scarves, recording of music, interactive whiteboard, paper and pencils.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A will listen to the music and he will respond through drawing.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:: 30-01-14Time: 1:30-2:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Strand Unit: Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to listen to the story of St Brigid and talk about why our school is named after her. 2. Most children will be enabled to recall three facts from the story. 3. Some children will be enabled to tell the children the meaning behind the St Brigid’s cross.Assessment: Teacher designed task:The children will complete a teacher designed task of completing and colouring a picture of St Brigid’s cross. The teacher will record details in the assessment notebook.__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:How did St Brigid’s cloak grow to cover the whole of the land?How do you think she felt when this happened?Lower Order Questions:Where is St Brigid from?Why did she want to live in a convent?Why do we make St Brigid’s crosses?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: saint, cloak, land, crosses, miracle, prayer, thankful.Literacy: the children in 1st and 2nd class will develop literacy as they write sentences about St Brigid in their copies.Oral language: the children will develop oral language as we talk about St Brigid’s life.Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will begin with a prayer. She will ask the children if they have any special prayers to say. We will name three things we are thankful for.The teacher will introduce the lesson by asking the children what they know about St Brigid. She will ask them about the St Brigid’s cross hanging above the door.Lesson Development:The teacher will read the children a story about St Brigid. She will then show the children a power-point presentation containing pictures of the story.The teacher will begin a discussion session with the children about the story. We will talk about our school being called after St Brigid. The teacher will question the children about the story.The teacher will ask the children to write three facts about St Brigid in their copies and to complete the picture of St Brigid’s cloak. They will complete the facts in groups of three. Lesson Conclusion:We will end the lesson with a prayer. We will add a new prayer to the prayer tree.The teacher will blow out the candle on the sacred space table.The children will show their pictures to the rest of the class and they will read out their facts.Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situationResources:Story book, power point presentation, activity sheets, St Brigid’s cross.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A will complete his task with the help of the SNA.Child K and D will be assisted by the children in their groups.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: English Date: 30-01-14Time: 2:00- 2:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: writing, oral language Strand Unit: competence and confidence in using language, receptiveness to language, developing cognitive abilities through language.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. All children will be enabled to continue to practice procedural writing. 2. Most children will be enabled to write down the procedure for making cup cakes. Most children will be enabled to name the important steps in writing a procedural piece of writing, e.g. logical sequence of steps, broken into small steps. 3. Some children will be enabled to complete a more detailed recipe using eight steps, without a template. Some children will be enabled to use words such as first, next, then, last. Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Thumbs up, thumbs down:The teacher will use self assessment for the children to identify how they feel about their procedural writing piece, did they find it hard , easy or okay to complete the tasks. Teacher Questioning: Higher Order Questions:What do you think we need to include in the recipe for making cupcakes?Why is it important to follow steps?Can you remember what we learned yesterday about procedural writing?Lower Order Questions:What does the word recipe mean?What is the next step? Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: recipe, ingredients, instructions, next, first, last, then. Literacy: the children will develop literacy skills as they write the recipe for making cupcakes.Oral Language: the children will develop oral language at the beginning of the lesson as we talk about how we will make the cupcakes and why recipes are important. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will ask the children if they remember what the word recipe means.The teacher will ask the children why we need to follow recipes.The teacher will ask the children how they completed the recipe for making jelly yesterday.The teacher will tell the children that we are going to write and follow a recipe for making cupcakes today.Lesson Development:The teacher will model writing the recipe on the whiteboard as she did yesterday.The children will volunteer the steps for making cupcakes. The teacher will show the children that they must list the steps involved, they must say what the aim is, the requirements and the method. The children will complete the recipe on their task sheets without the aid of pictures. The teacher will then ask children to read and follow the steps they completed as they make the cupcakes in three groups of four..Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will show the children the cupcakes. She will ask them to confirm that we have followed all the steps. The teacher will ask the children to read out the recipes they made. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Resources:Procedural writing checklist, task sheets, recipe for making jelly. Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child K and D will write three sentences each with the help of the class teacher.Child T and C will do the 2nd class procedural writing exercise.Child A in junior infants will not complete this task.Linkage/Integration 28-01-14- geography- farms in Australia.28-01-14- history- food from farming in the past.29-01-14- science- living things- animal report28-01-14-history- butter making30-01-14- science- living things: life cycle of the chicken.SPHE – Farm safetyMaths- shapes on the farmEnglish- creative writing- farming, acrostic poem based on the word Farm. Music- sound scape-farm animalsDrama- farming sceneArt- construction- farm animals.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:?bhar: GaeilgeDáta: 31-01-14Am: 1:00-1:30Rang:Naíonán- rang a doFad an Cheachta: 30 nóimeadTéama: TeilifísSnáithe: Léitheoireacht / ScríbhneoireachtSnáithaonad: Ag cothú spéise, Ag tuiscint teanga, Ag úsáid teanga Spriocanna foghlama difreáilte: 1. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas na bpáistí go léir:. An dan ‘Is páiste beag mise” a léamh agus ceisteanna a fhreagairt mar gheall ar.2. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas fhórmhór na bpáistí: Tarraing ghrianghraf do féin3. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas cuid de na bpáistí: Ceithre abairtí a scriobh mar gheall orthu féin ( ainm, aois, ainm do mhamaí & daidí, seoladh)Measúnú:{Deimhnigh go n-ainmníonn tú cad é a bheidh á mheas, na modhanna measúnaithe a bheidh in úsáid agat.} agus conas a thaifeadadh do chuid torthaí}Dírbhreathnú an mhúinteora: Tógfaidh mé nótaí i mo dialann breathnóireachta ar : Scileanna léitheoireacht na daltaíAn bhfuil siad ábalta an t-eolas atá sa dán a insint in a fhocail féin? Tascanna agus trialacha deartha ag an múinteoir: ?sáidfidh mé seicliosta chun measúnú a dhéanamh ar an alt a scríobhann na daltaí mar gheall ar a caitheamh aimsire. Ar úsáid siad na focail nua? Ar úsáid siad na feidhmeanna teanga ceart? An raibh na abairtí san ord ceart??sáidfidh mé seicliosta chun measúnú a déanamh ar an obair baile: Ar úsáid na daltaí na feidhmeanna teanga ceart chun na ceisteanna a fhreagairt? An raibh an eolas crinn?Ceistiúchán an Mhúinteora: (Liostáil dhá cheist shamplach faoi gach ceannteideal) Ceisteanna Ardoird:Cad is ainm dó/di?Cén aois thú?Ceisteanna ?sealoird:Cén sort lá ata ann inniú?An bhfuil aon nuacht ort?Deiseanna Teanga/ Litearthachta: (Déan tagairt don fhorbairt teanga a dhéanfar agus do dheiseanna litearthachta an cheachta) Focloir: dán, aimsir, nuacht, ainm, aois, léamh.Litearthachta: beidh na páistí ag léamh an dán. ?bhar an Cheachta:Réamhrá an Cheachta:Líon na bearnaí a scríobh mar gheall orthu féin ag baint úsáid as na habairtí céanna ón gclár. Straitéis:Cuirfidh mé ceist ar na daltaí trí abairt a scríobh mar gheall orthu féin. Beidh ar dalta trí abairt a scríobh mar gheall ar féin. AinmAoisAinm do mhamaí & daidíForbairt an Cheachta:Modhanna Múinte:An modh díreach – Chun cumarsáid a chur in iúl idir an dalta agus an mhúinteoir. Cuirfidh mé an abairt “ Is mise Ms Clinton” ar an clár ban idirgníomhach. Caithfidh mé mala phionairí ar na páiste agus cuirfidh mé ceist ar. Cad is ainm dó/di? _______________ is ainm dom. Is mise _________________Cuirfidh mé ceist ar na daltaí a scéalta a dán don rang. Beidh mé ag iarraidh ar na páistí a léamh na habairtí seo a scríobh agus a thaispeáint ar an pictiúr a tharraing siad.Conclúid an Cheachta:Cuirfidh mé ceist ar na daltaí a scéalta a dán don rang. Beidh mé ag iarraidh ar na páistí a léamh na habairtí seo a scríobh agus a thaispeáint ar an pictiúr a tharraing saidModhanna Múinte/ Straitéisí TeagaiscAn módh direách – ag úsáid le rudaí san fhoclóir An Módh Closlabhartha- an dán an taispéantas (ag eisteacht liomsaMódh na lánfhreagartha gníomhaí – ag aithris agus ag athrá ormsa.?sáidfidh mé greann agus seafóid sa ról imirt. An Módh Closamhairc- dul siar ar an dtaispeantas agus pictiúir an dán.?iseanna:Luaschártaí, powerpoint, clár bán, postaer, Cuimsiú agus Ilchineálacht/ Difreálú: (D’fhéadfaí athchóirithe in aon cheann de na réimsí seo a leanas a thógáil san áireamh; ?bhar, Gníomhaíochtaí, Acmhainní, Táirge, Timpeallacht, Straitéisí Foghlama) Ní dhéanfaidh páiste A an ceachtanna seo.Beidh an múinteoir ag cabhair dalta K agus D. Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: (Scríobh isteach an cuntas seo tar éis an ceacht a mhúineadh – Déan trácht ar aon bhreathnóireacht agus léirigh go mbeidh an t-eolas seo ina bhuntáiste duit agus tú ag pleanáil agus ag múineadh amach anseo.Plean Gnímh:Subject: MathsDate: 13-01-14Time: 1:00-1:30Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Shape and SpaceStrand Unit: 3d shapesDifferentiated Learning Objectives: Junior and senior infants: 1. All children will be enabled to look at and explore shapes and say whether they roll or not. 2. Most children will be enabled to play a shapes game on the IWB to match 3d shapes. 3. Some children will be enabled to match the classroom shapes to the materials the teacher brought in from home, e.g. the cuboid with the cornflake box.1st and 2nd class:All children will be enabled to make 3d shapes out of straws and lollipop sticks.Most children will be enabled to describe the 3d shapes they are creating. Most children will be enabled to spot edges, corners and faces on 3d shapes. ( 2nd class) Some children will be enabled to spot 2d shapes within 3d shapes.Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Thumbs up thumbs down.The teacher will use self assessment to assess whether the children can identify the 3d shapes and their properties. The teacher will use this to see which children are struggling with 3d shapes. The teacher will record findings in an assessment notebook. __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Can you see a cube anywhere in the classroom?Why won’t the cube roll?Lower Order Questions:Does this shape roll?How many sides does this shape have?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Vocabulary: 3d shapes, cuboid, cube, cylinder, cone, sphere, identify, roll, slide, stack.Oral language: the children will develop oral language during a brainstorming session about the 3d shapes and their properties. Content of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by asking the class collectively to say if they can spot 2d shapes within the 3d shape on the IWB. The teacher will hold up a shape and ask the children to describe and name it. Lesson Development:The teacher will model playing the 3d shape game on the IWB for the infants. When they understand how to play it, she will allow them to play it and take turns while she works with 1st and 2nd class. The teacher will use a variety of recycled objects as shapes. She will model pointing out the edges, corners and faces on the cube. She will then ask the children to write down in their copies how many sides they think it has. She will call out the correct answer and the children will tick it. The teacher will give each child a shape. They must name the amount of edges, corners and faces it has. ( 2nd class) 1st class will complete a join the dots teacher designed activity to complete and name each 3d shape.1st and 2nd class will label pictures of a sphere, cylinder, cuboid and cube.Lesson Conclusion:The teacher will recap on the lesson by asking each child in 1st and 2nd class to label the 3d shape on the IWB.The children in infants will say whether it rolls or not.This will serve as revision of the 3d shapes we have learned about today. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesResources:3d shapes, recyclable objects, cornflakes, beans, dice etc, teacher designed tasks, interactive whiteboard and online 3d shape games.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child A in junior infants will need help from the SNAChild F will need assistance from the teacher. She will need to explain the instructions very carefully and repeatedly to him. Child D and K in 1st class will need help completing the teacher designed tasks. This will be provided through peer tutoring.Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: ScienceDate: 31-01-14Time: 1:30-2:00Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 30 minutesTheme: The Farm Strand: Living things Strand Unit: plants and animalsDifferentiated Learning Objectives: That all children will be enabled to explore and talk about their favourite farm animal.2. That most children will be enabled to write 5 facts in a report about the animal.3. That some children will be enabled to write more detailed and elaborate reports about the animal, e.g. habitat, diet etc.Assessment:{Ensure that you state what method(s) you will use, what you will be assessing and how you record your findings.} Teacher Designed Task:The children will complete a report on a type of farm animal. The teacher will record her findings from this task on a checklist.__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:Lower Order Questions:Language / Literacy Opportunities:Vocabulary: animals, habitat, classification, farmOral Language: The children will use oral language as they read their reports aloud for the rest of the class.Literacy: The children will develop literacy as they write their animal reportsContent of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The teacher will show the children photos of a cow, horse, hen, bull, and a sheep. The teacher will explain to the children that they will each pick an animal to research and they will write a report about it. The teacher will show the children a video clip of farm animals.Lesson Development:The teacher and children will complete a KWL chart. They will write down everything they know about the animals, what they want to find out and what they learnt. The teacher will write up facts on the board about each animal. The children will have a fact book about animals between two. Each pair will pick an animal to research. The children will be given a report writing template. The teacher will model how to write a report. The children will then begin writing their report. The children in infants will have a report writing template including pictures of an animal. The teacher will model writing sentences on the board which they will copy on to the sheet. E.g. a cow lives on a farm, it had four legs and a tail.Lesson Conclusion:Social conclusion: the children will tidy their desks during the tidy tables competition. Cognitive conclusion: The children will each take a turn reporting on the animal they picked. They will say why they chose it and they will read out their report. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Resources:Pictures of farm animals.Report writing templateVideo clip of farm animalsPoster of farm animalsInclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child K and D will need help from the class teacher will sentence structure and spellings. Linkage/Integration Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Subject: Visual ArtDate: 31-01-14Time: 11:20-12:20Class:junior infants- second classDuration of Lesson: 1 hour minutesTheme: The FarmStrand: Construction Strand Unit: making constructions Differentiated Learning Objectives: That all children will be enabled to… explore a range of dried pastas and cereals and how they can be used to create shapes and forms/explore a range of paints suitable to paint their creations.2. That most children will be enabled to… be aware of lines and forms when deciding what pieces of pasta to use for their piece/be aware of colour and texture when choosing what to paint.3. That some children will be enabled to… create a more intricate design using a wide range of items which replicates the actual thing they are trying to portray/discover the care needed when painting their pasta art in relation to the texture and shape of the pieces.Assessment: Teacher observation of children’s ability to respond to the task at hand; their perceptual awareness while creating their piece; their ability to choose appropriate shapes and sizes of pastas and cereals to fit into a space; the children’s enjoyment and engagement with the lesson; their ability to paint carefully and choose a wide range of colours and tones to reflect their creation; the children’s overall expressive abilities throughout the whole process of this visual arts process.__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Questioning: (List two indicative questions under each heading).Higher Order Questions:What do you think pasta is made from?How do you think they make all the different shapes and sized pastas?Discuss what you enjoyed/didn’t enjoy about it.What would you do differently if you were to be given the same task again?Lower Order Questions:How are you going to design your farm vehicle/ animal?What assortment of pastas/cereals do you think will work best to create the best look?In your opinion, was this an easy/hard art lesson? Why?Language / Literacy Opportunities:(State what language development will take place and the literacy opportunities in the lesson)Oral development: through the talk and discussion before the lesson about the types of farm animals we have talked about prior reinforcing the language and lessons learned during the week; discussion about the types of pastas and cereals that were brought in and the describing of their texture, weight, colour; children will be allowed to converse quietly in their groups when they are working developing interpersonal and conversational skills; the discussion of the paints and suitable brushes and colours to use to best enhance their creation.Writing development: the children will be required to use fine motor skills when gluing and sticking their chosen piece of pasta or cereal onto their page and will also require a steady hand while painting their piece which will develop hand-eye coordination skills; both of which are tools for developing writing skillsContent of Lesson:Lesson Introduction:The children will begin the lesson with a talk and discussion about the types of farm transport. We have discussed during the week so far. I will then gather all the pasta and cereal shapes and we will as a class will discuss their shape, texture, colour and form. The children will be asked how each piece can be used to create a form of transport on the farm. Lesson Development:The children will pick out of a hat either a tractor, a farm animal or a farm house on a slip of paper and this will determine what they will be doing with their pasta. I will then stick templates of outlines of a tractor, farm animal and a farm house on the blackboard for all the children to see. I will ask the children to draw from the board the template which best matches what they picked from the hat. They will then be told to think about what assortment of pasta/cereal they are going to use to best create that mode of transport. They will be reminded to keep aware of lines and curves on their drawing which will need a certain kind of pasta to fill. They will use PVA glue and glue sticks to stick down their chosen pieces of pasta or cereal to fill their template. The children who are painting will be reminded to use appropriately sized brushes for the pieces they are painting and to be aware of the colours they are choosing. They will be encouraged to paint a background for their piece. Lesson Conclusion:When the children have finished, they will have a looking and responding activity on each other’s creations. They will be encouraged to talk about things they like about their peers work, what works well and what textures, patterns and shapes worked well. They will be asked if they enjoyed the lesson and if there is anything they would do differently if they were to do it again. They will also be encouraged to think about these things for their own piece as a self-evaluation task. Methodologies/ Teaching StrategiesTalk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Resources:Templates of types of transport, a variety of dried pastas and cereals, pencils, PVA glue, glue sticks, paper, paint, brushes.Inclusion and Diversity/ Differentiation: (May include adaptations in any of the following areas; Content, Activities, Resources, Product, Environment, Teaching Strategies)Child F , J and A will need help with this task which will be provided through teacher modelling. Linkage/Integration 28-01-14- geography- farms in Australia.28-01-14- history- food from farming in the past.29-01-14- science- living things- animal report28-01-14-history- butter making30-01-14- science- living things : life cycle of the chicken.SPHE – Farm safetyMaths- shapes on the farmEnglish- creative writing- farming, acrostic poem based on the word Farm. Music- sound scape-farm animalsDrama- farming scene.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan: ................

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