Mental Math: Addition and Subtraction

|Lesson |Objective |CCSS |VOCABULARY/ | | |

| | | |Recommendation |Parallel Tasks |Notes |

|Day 1 |Add a multiple of ten to two-digit |2.0A.1 |Mental math |Investigating the Concept p.135A Adding Tens |*Start Vocabulary Chart |

|4-1 Adding Tens |number using models or mental math. |2.NBT.5 |Tens digit |Problem Solving PS 4-1 P44 - 2.OA.1, 2.MD.8 |**2.NBT.7 &8 Must go the the 1000’s |

| | |2.NBT.8 | | |Materials: |

| | |2.MD.8 | | |Connecting Cubes |

| | | | | |Center Ideas: |

| | | | | |Use page 135B |

| | | | | |Pick Up Six (BER) p.49 |

|Day 2 |Add a one digit number to a two- |2.NBT.5 |Ones digit | Investigating the Concept p.137 Adding Ones |Materials: |

|4-2 Adding ones |digit number using models or mental |2.NBT.6 | |Leveled Practice |Double Ten Frames and Counters |

| |math. |2.NBT.7 | |Spotting the Sum Worksheet |Center Ideas: |

| | |2.NBT.8 | | |Addition Game |

| | |2.NBT.9 | | |Hot wheels (BER) p.35 |

| | | | | |Number Combos (BER) p.15 &16 |

|Day 3 |Add a two-digit number to a two |2.NBT.5 |Tens |Spot the Sum Worksheet (Adding 3 numbers) |Materials: |

|4-3 Adding Tens and Ones |digit number using models or mental |2.NBT.6 |Ones |Figure Eight Worksheet ( Adding 2, 3-digit |Connecting cubes |

| |math. |2.NBT.7 | |numbers) |Center Ideas; |

| | |2.NBT.8 | | |Close to 100 |

| | |2NBT.9 | | | |

| Day 4 |Esimate the sums of 2 two-digit |2.OA.1 |Estimate |Investigating the Concept p.141A |Materials: Classroom Objects |

|4-4 Estimating Sums |numbers. |2.NBT.1 | |Estimating Sums |Price Tags |

| | |2.MD.8 | |Level Practice: Enrichment 4-4 p47 (2.OA.1) | |

|Day 5 |Subtract a multiple of 10 from a |2.NBT.5 |Subtract |Investigating the Concept p.145A Subtracting |Materials: |

|4-5 Subtracting Tens |two-digit number using models or |2.NBT.6 |Minus |Tens |Center Ideas: |

| |mental math. |2.NBT.7 |Take Away |Journal Idea p.146 |Enrichment 4-5 Up the Ladder |

| | |2.NBT.8 | | |Pick Up Six (BER) p.49 |

|Day 6 |Subtract a two-digit number from a |2.NBT.5 |Subtract | Investigating the Concept p.147A Subtracting|Materials: |

|4-6 Subtracting Tens and Ones |two-digit number using models or |2.NBT.6 |Minus |Tens and Ones |Connecting Cubes |

| |mental math. |2.NBT.7 |Take Away |Surprise, Surprise (EM)p29 |Center Ideas: |

| | |2.NBT.8 | |Cow Poke Code Worksheet |Number relationship Mat |

| | | | |Some Very Fine Vines Worksheet (3-digit |Must subtract through hundreds. |

| | | | |subtraction) | |


Mental Math: Addition and Subtraction

|Lesson |Objective |CCSS |VOCABULARY/ | | |

| | | |Recommendation |Parallel Tasks |Notes |

|Day 7 |Determine whether the difference |2.NBT.1 |More |Investigating the Concept p.149A |Center Ideas: Hit The Target Game |

|4-7 Estimating Differences |between a multiple of 10 and another|2.NBT.8 |Less |Estimating Differences |Pick Up Six (BER) p49 |

| |amount is more or less than a given |2.MD.8 | | | |

| |multiple of ten. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Day 8 |Solve a problem by finding pairs of |2.OA.1 |Revise | Investigating the Concept p.155A Try, Check,|Materials: |

|4-8 Problem Solving Strategy |numbers, the sums of which are a |2.NBT.6 | |and Revise |Number Cards: 5 sets of 4 cards. |

| |given multiple of 10. |2.NBT.7 | |Enrichment:4-8 p.51 (2.OA.1) |Center Ideas: |

| | | | | |Compatible Numbers p.155B |

|Day 9 |Discover a numeric pattern made by |2.0A.3 |Pattern | Investigating the Concept p. 157A |Center Ideas: |

|4-9 Addition and Subtraction Patterns |repeatedly adding or subtracting the|2.0A.4 | |Addition and Subtraction Patterns |Enrichment 4-9 p.52 |

| |same number. |2.NBT.6 | | | |

| | |2.NBT.7 | | | |

|Day 10 |Find the missing part of 100 when |2.0A.1 |Skip Count |Investigating the Concept p.159A |Materials: Little Ten Frames |

|4-10 Finding Parts of 100 |the given part is a multiple of 5 or|2.NBT.5 |Count Back |Finding Parts of 100 |Connecting Cube |

| |10. | | |Be A Maker of 10 (BER) p83 | |

| | | | |Practicing Sums of 10 (BER) p 81 | |

|Day 11 |“Look back & check” stra-tegy that |2.OA.1 |Look back | Investigating the Concept p.161A | |

|4-11Look back and Check |can help confirm the solution to a |2.NBT.5 |Sense |Does it make Sense? | |

| |problem. | | |Problem Solving 4-11 p54 | |

|Day 12 |Review and apply key concepts, |2.OA.1 | |Investigating the Concept p163A |Materials: Green paper with baseballs scattered |

|4-12 Take Me Out to the Ball Game |skills, and strategies learned in | | |Play Ball |on it. |

| |this and previous chapters. | | |Problem Solving 4-12 p55 |Center Ideas: |

|Day 13 |Assess key concepts, skills, and |2.OA.1 |2.NBT.8 | | |

|Unit 5 Assessment |strategies learned in this chapter. |2.OA.3 |2.NBT.9 | | |

| | |2.AO.4 | | | |

| | |2.NBT.5 | | | |

| | |2.NBT.6 | | | |

| | |2.NBT.7 | | | |


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