Essential management skills

Essential management skills

The appointment of employees to managerial positions is often a cause of concern. In many instances after the appointment of a manager or supervisor the same concerns exist. This is evident in today’s business world where we have managers holding in positions they should never have been given. They are simply “managerial misfits”.

How do we go about identifying individuals we would like to promote or appoint to managerial positions and trust we have made the right decisions?

As with any appointment the decision should not be made lightly and certainly not just because of a perceived need. This I might add applies to the appointment of individuals to any position involving leadership, responsibility for others, responsibility for portfolios, ministerial appointments and so on.

In order to make the right decision regarding such appointments it is not sufficient to identify a need and simply choose the person we think most suitable. There are four essentials that must be considered and should be apparent without which failure is guaranteed.

The individual chosen must be CAPABLE, must be willing to accept and deal effectively with AUTHORITY, must accept the RESPONSIBILITY that goes with the position and must be willing to acknowledge the fact there will be ACCOUNTABILITY.


The person considered must not only be capable of doing the job but should already have demonstrated ability and competency as a leader and manager. Managerial qualities should be evident to others. The person considered should be seen to be talented, skilled, qualified and accomplished.

Being capable involves knowledge of the company, its values, mission and objectives. It involves being capable of leading others while commanding their respect. Finally the person must be capable of achieving the desired results and should b able to demonstrate a history of similar achievement.


Any person being considered must of necessity be capable of dealing with authority. Before making an appointment it is necessary to consider how the incumbent deals with those in authority. How does he or she respond to authority? What is their understanding of authority? How will they use their authority?

Once appointed the manager or supervisor must be given authority. A mistake made in many companies, is managers are appointed but they are not given the authority necessary to allow them to do what is required of them. This automatically prevents the manager or supervisor from doing what is expected. So in making any appointment, be sure to outline the level of authority and the inevitable responsibilities that go with it.

In the event a manager or supervisor is not given authority they should assume authority. Far too often it is said by managers, “I was not given the authority.” Once appointed to a management position it is the manager’s right and at the same time obligation to clarify the level of authority.

The alternative is to assume authority within the constraints of the position while at the same time seeking to have this aspect of the appointment clarified. There is no room in management for individuals who are not prepared to accept authority, willing to assume authority, or who refuse to acknowledge authority.


In any supervisory or managerial position, having the ability to accept the responsibilities of the position is essential. A teacher is responsible for the wellbeing and behaviour of pupils. Parents are responsible for the behaviour, upbringing, education and overall care of their children. Supervisors and managers are responsible for the staff under their control, for applying company policies and procedures, for achieving results with and through others and for upholding the vision and values of the organisation.

There are three forms of responsibility that need to be taken into consideration, and ability and verification in all three areas should be evident. These are - Responsibility given to the manager, Assumed Responsibility and Personal Responsibility he or she was born with.

We are all born with certain responsibilities. This is exemplified by the way in which we accept responsibility for our daily actions and behaviour. No one gave us this responsibility; no one had to tell us we had it. Personal responsibility comes naturally. Potential managers and supervisors should have demonstrated their personal responsibility in the workplace and be capable of verifying responsibility in real life situations.

Managers will also be given areas of responsibility for which they should be held accountable. There is no such thing as shared responsibility or shared accountability. A potential manager should have exemplified ability in this area in by the way in which he or she accepted responsibility for their own work related activities and for personal decision made.

Finally there is assumed responsibility. This is when a person decides to do something about a situation. The have not been given authority to take action but because of the situation they assume authority and accept responsibility.

A hazard, for example, exists in a workplace situation where it is not the employee’s direct area of responsibility. The employee realises a danger exists, assumes responsibility and tries to remedy the situation. The employee is prepared to accept the consequences of the action. The employee is demonstrating ability to assume responsibility and is at the same time prepared to be held accountable.


Taking the example just given – should the employee be held accountable for his or her actions? The answer is obviously, yes.

When a person assumes responsibility it is natural to accept they will be held accountable. This is the true sign of a quality leader and manager. We are accountable for what we do in life and in business. When we make decisions we must take responsibility for those decisions and accept we will be accountable. A person who drives a car at 180 kph is responsible and will be held accountable should there be an accident or should they be fined for speeding.

In considering a supervisory or managerial appointment we need to consider to what extent the person exemplifies an ability to accept responsibility and to be held accountable. To what extent has the person done so in the past?

Appointing or promoting a person, to a supervisory or managerial position, or any similar position, without considering and establishing verifiable evidence of the above attributes is futile. Doing so will place you on a path to disaster and destruction.

© Des Squire (Managing Member)


Cell 0828009057


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