Defensive Signs

Pitcher-Catcher Signs

Pitch Signs Using Fingers - What pitch (number of fingers)

1 – Fastball

2 - Curveball

3 – Slider/Cutter

4 – Changeup/Splitfinger/Forkball/Knuckleball

Pitch Location with No Runner On Base

1 – left-handed hitter side of the plate

2 – right-handed hitter side of the plate

No Sign - throw the pitch down the middle

*The pitch location is always the first sign given after the pitch sign.

Pitch Location with Runner On Base

1 – left-handed hitter side of the plate

2 – right-handed hitter side of the plate

3 or 4 - throw the pitch down the middle

Which Sign Will Be Used With Runner(s) on base: pitcher/catcher will determine which sign will be the pitch, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd sign. The location will be the 1st sign following the pitch sign.

*must give at least 4 signs.

Communicating Which Sign Will Be Used With Runner(s) on base:

Catcher will use throwing hand in a rollover motion then he will indicate which sign will be used for the pitch from the plate with touches. How many times he touches the first thing touched, including the first touch (1 touch – 1st sign, 2 touches – 2nd sign, 3 touches – 3rd sign).

Ex. – chest, facemask, knee, chest, knee, facemask = 2nd signs (chest was touched 2 times)

Other Signs

Index Finger (Wiggle) elevate fastball (using touches – thumb up)

Upside Down L – brush back pitch

Horns – pitch out (call a fastball up with a runner on second base)

Pinky – RHP regular pick to 1B, LHP 45 degree move

Wiggle Pinky – RHP quick pick, LHP abbreviated leg lift pick

Thumb – RHP step off no pick, LHP step off and snap throw

Thumb & Pinky – RHP fake to 3B then pick to 1B, LHP step-off fake to 3B then pick to 1B

Hold Cup – freeze lead runner with no pitch until the batter steps out of the box.

Money Rub – ball in the dirt (given before the signs)

Hand Waving in Front of Cup – shake off

Location Tap on Both Inner Thighs – means this pitch should be off the plate, a chase pitch (given before the signs)

Pitch Signs with Touches Not Using Fingers – catcher will indicate that this is the method of giving signs by crossing forearms in front of chest.

The first knee that is touched indicates the location. How many times that knee is touched, including the first touch indicates what pitch. If the pitch is to be thrown down the middle it will be the chest protector that is touched first.

The catcher will give the Thumbs Up if he wants the pitch elevated and Money Rub if he wants it in the dirt or any of the above “other signs.” (give these first followed by the touches)

Pitchers don’t look away or come set until entire signs have been given.

Reading Catchers Pitch Calling Card

|Card Sign |Catcher Sign to Pitcher |Pitch |

|F |1, 1-3 or 1-4 |Fastball down middle |

|F1 |1-1 |Fastball LHH side |

|F2 |1-2 |Fastball RHH side |

|U |Index Finger Wiggle 1, 1-3 or 1-4 |Elevate Fastball middle |

|U1 |Index Finger Wiggle 1-1 |Elevate Fastball LHH side |

|U2 |Index Finger Wiggle 1-2 |Elevate Fastball RHH side |

|Red block |Tap both inner thighs then give sign |Pitch must be off the plate |

|C |2, 2-3, or 2-4 |Curveball down middle |

|C1 |2-1 |Curveball LHH side |

|C2 |2-2 |Curveball RHH side |

|C |Money Rub 2, 2-3, or 2-4 |Curveball in dirt down middle |

|c1 |Money Rub 2-1 |Curveball in dirt LHH side |

|c2 |Money Rub 2-2 |Curveball in dirt RHH side |

|S |3, 3-3, or 3-4 |Slider down middle |

|S1 |3-1 |Slider LHH side |

|S2 |3-2 |Slider RHH side |

|S |Money Rub 3, 3-3, or 3-4 |Slider in dirt down middle |

|s1 |Money Rub 3-1 |Slider in dirt LHH side |

|s2 |Money Rub 3-2 |Slider in dirt RHH side |

|X |4, 4-3, or 4-4 |Change/Split/Fork/etc down middle |

|X1 |4-1 |Change/Split/Fork/etc LHH side |

|X2 |4-2 |Change/Split/Fork/etc RHH side |

|X |Money Rub 4, 4-3, or 4-4 |Change/Split/Fork/etc in dirt down middle |

|x1 |Money Rub 4-1 |Change/Split/Fork/etc in dirt LHH side |

|x2 |Money Rub 4-2 |Change/Split/Fork/etc in dirt RHH side |

|PO |Horns |Pitchout in empty batters box |

|SO |Thumb |RHP step off, LHP step off snap pick |

|HD |Hand over cup |Freeze runner until batter steps out |

|L |Upside down L |Brush back the batter |

|PK |Pinky |Regular pick to 1B |

|PP |Pinky |Regular pick to 1B |

|51 |5 Fingers – 1 |Timing Pick to 1B |

|52 |5 Fingers – 2 |Timing Pick to 2B |

|53 |5 Fingers – 3 |Timing Pick to 3B |

|31 |Thumb & Pinky |Fake to 3rd base and pick to 1st base |

|*See below |Hand wave in front of cup |Shake off-then get the pitch sign |

*Coach will indicate this to the catcher by shaking his head no before giving the sign.

Do not worry about these signs at this time.

Pickoff Plays (Sign – all 5 fingers)

Pickoff play. Next sign indicates which pickoff.

• (1) RHP, timing pick to 1st base. Catcher drops his mitt when the 1st baseman playing behind the runner breaks to the base. The 1st baseman can not break until the pitcher has come set, checked the runner, then looks home to see when the catcher drops his mitt.

1) LHP, 45 degree move to 1st base. 1st baseman plays behind the runner. The pitcher must come set then use the 45 degree move and pick to 1st base. The 1st baseman breaks on leg lift.

• (2) Timing pick to 2nd base, spin move. Pitcher comes set, checks the runner at 2nd base, then looks to the plate. The middle infielder waits until the pitcher looks to the plate after checking the runner, then breaks to the base. The catcher drops his mitt as soon as the middle infielder breaks. Pitcher will spin move and pick to 2nd base.

• (3) RHP, 45 degree move 3rd base. 3rd baseman playing behind the runner. The pitcher must come set then use the 45 degree move and pick to 3rd base. The 3rd baseman breaks on leg lift.

• (3) LHP, timing pick to 3rd base. Catcher drops his mitt when the 3rd baseman playing behind the runner breaks to the base. The 3rd baseman can not break until the pitcher has come set, checked the runner, then looks home to see when the catcher drops his mitt.

*Coach makes verbal communication with the infielder then gives the sign to the infielder that is involved in the above picks. (Sign – pulling or picking at his ear)


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