Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List
Act I
1. Augment— (verb) to make greater or supplement
2. Boisterous— (adjective) rowdy or rough
3. Valiant— (adjective) courageous
4. Pernicious— (adjective) very destructive or harmful
5. Portentous— (adjective) dealing with a sign, forewarning, or omen
6. Posterity— (noun) future generations
7. Profane— (adjective) showing contempt toward sacred things
8. Choler— (noun) anger, irritability
9. Virtuous— (adjective) having excellent morals; righteous
10. Prodigious— (adjective) extraordinary, marvelous
Act I Vocabulary-Multiple Choice
Circle the letter of the word that best fits the definition.
1. Harmful 6. Righteous
a. virtuous a. tacit
b. erudition b. virtuous
c. pernicious c. prim
2. To make greater 7. Showing contempt
a. choler a. profane
b. augment b. spectral
c. shrill c. adversary
3. Anger
a. choler 8. Rowdy
b. amiable a. malevolent
c. omnipotent b. staid
c. boisterous
4. Marvelous
a. prodigious 9. Sign
b. calamity a. lithe
c. lament b. pious
c. portentous
5. Future generations
a. supercilious
b. squall 10. Courageous
c. posterity a. tenacious
b. valiant
c. caustic
Now choose any FIVE words from the Act 1 list to incorporate into a creative story of at least 5-10 sentences. Be sure to use the words in the correct context.
Act I Vocabulary-Completing the Sentence
Use each vocabulary word once to complete the following sentences.
augment boisterous valiant pernicious portentous
posterity profane choler virtuous prodigious
1. My friend always tries to do the right thing. I would say he is very ___________________________________.
2. My father went on a __________________________ rage after I crashed the car.
3. The clouds appeared very _____________________________--signaling that a storm was approaching.
4. I wanted to _____________________ my pay check by mowing my neighbor’s lawn for some extra money.
5. The _________________ man saved the woman from the burning house.
6. I am saving my family photo album for__________________________.
7. Fans are very ___________________________ at a rock concert.
8. My mother says it is _________________________ to laugh in church.
9. It is a _____________________________ feat to break a world record.
10. I am trying to control my temper so I do not possess too much______________________________.
Act I Vocabulary-Visual Representations
For each vocabulary word in the boxes below, draw a picture that will help you remember the word. Then use the word in your own original sentence. The first one has been done for you.
| |
|1. augment: [pic] I’ll get another job to augment my salary. |
| |
|2. boisterous: |
| |
|3. valiant: |
| |
|4. pernicious: |
| |
|5. portentous: |
| |
|6. posterity: |
| |
|7. profane: |
| |
|8. choler: |
| |
|9. virtuous: |
| |
|10. prodigious: |
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List
Act II
1. Enmity— (noun) absolute hatred
2. Feign— (verb) to pretend
3. Baleful— (adjective) destructive, deadly
4. Wanton— (adjective) immoral, lewd
5. Poultice— (noun) remedy
6. Unwieldy— (adjective) clumsy; difficult to carry because of bulk or weight
7. Sallow— (adjective) a sickly, yellowish hue
8. Peril— (noun) danger
9. Repose—(noun or verb) rest or relaxation; to rest
10. Blazon— (verb) to announce or proclaim
Act II Vocabulary-Matching
Match the following words to the best definition. Put the letter on the line.
____1. danger a. poultice
____2. sickly hue b. blazon
____3. immoral c. enmity
____4. remedy d. feign
____5. to announce e. baleful
____6. to pretend f. wanton
____7. rest g. unwieldy
____8. clumsy h. sallow
____9. hatred i. peril
___10. deadly j. repose
Now choose any FIVE words to incorporate into a creative story of at least 5-10 sentences. Be sure to use the words in the correct context.
Act II Vocabulary-Synonyms and Sentences
For each of the Act 2 Words you will find synonyms listed below. First write the vocabulary word from your list that is a synonym. Then use each word in an original sentence of your own.
1. Counterfeit; fake…..Vocab. Word:__________________________________
Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Bloodless; pale-faced; yellowish….. Vocab. Word:______________________
Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Jeopardy; danger…..Vocab. Word:___________________________________
Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Animosity; ill-will…..Vocab. Word:___________________________________
Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Ease; quiet; peace; rest…..Vocab. Word:_________________________________
6. Deadly; destructive…..Vocab. Word:____________________________________
Sentence: _____________________________________________________________________________
7. Unprincipled; immoral; unscrupulous….. Vocab. Word:_____________________
Sentence: _____________________________________________________________________________
8. Cure; remedy…..Vocab. Word:_______________________________________
Sentence: _____________________________________________________________________________
9. Cumbersome; clumsy…..Vocab. Word: _________________________________
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
10. Announce; proclaim…..Vocab. Word: _____________________________
Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________________
Act II Vocabulary-Visual Representations
For the pictures below, write the word that is being shown in the picture. Then explain why you chose that particular word. Chose from these words: poultice, repose, blazon, enmity.
[pic] [pic]
1._______________ 2. _____________
Why chosen____________ Why chosen__________
______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________
[pic] [pic]
3. ___________________ 4. ____________________
Why chosen ______________ Why chosen ____________
________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
________________________ ________________________
Visual Representations Continued…Now you draw a picture on the next page for the last six words and explain how your drawing will help you remember the definition.
5. Feign:
Explanation of Drawing: _____________________________________________
6. Baleful:
Explanation of Drawing: ___________________________________________
7. Wanton:
Explanation of Drawing: __________________________________________
8. Unwieldy:
Explanation of Drawing: __________________________________________
9. Sallow:
Explanation of Drawing: ___________________________________________
10. Peril:
Explanation of Drawing: __________________________________________
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List
1. Ascend—(verb) to move upward
2. Beguile—(verb) to deceive or mislead
3. Calamity—(noun) a serious event causing misfortune
4. Asunder—(adverb) into separate parts or pieces
5. Jocund—(adjective) cheerful, merry
6. Valor—(noun) courage, bravery
7. Abhor—(verb) to hate; to shun
8. Effeminate—(adjective) unmanly; characteristics of a woman
9. Adversity—(noun) a state of hardship or misfortune
10. Gallant—(adjective) stately, majestic, showy
Act III Vocabulary-Synonyms/Definitions
Put the word from the box on the line.
ascend beguile calamity
asunder jocund valor
abhor effeminate adversity gallant
1. courage, bravery___________________________________________________
2. womanly _________________________________________________________
3. showy, majestic_____________________________________________________
4. into separate parts___________________________________________________
5. hatred_____________________________________________________________
6. cheerful, merry_____________________________________________________
7. to deceive or mislead________________________________________________
8. a serious event causing misfortune_____________________________________
9. to move upward_____________________________________________________
10. a state of hardship__________________________________________________
Now choose any FIVE words to incorporate into a creative story of at least 5-10 sentences. Be sure to use the words in the correct context.
Act III Vocabulary-Completing the Sentence
Use each vocabulary word once to complete the following sentences.
1. His main goal in life is to ______________________ the social ladder.
2. His shop teacher told him to file the metal _______________________________.
3. I __________________________ the thought of studying, but sometimes we have to do things we don’t like.
4. A true hero shows _______________________________ even when facing danger.
5. He overcame ______________________________ by winning the race, despite his prosthetic leg.
6. It bothers me when boys are made fun of for acting too _____________________________________.
7. Her __________________________ attitude was contagious, causing everyone at the party to have a fun time.
8. If a leader __________________________________ his followers, he should never expect to be trusted again.
9. The earthquake in Mexico was a ________________________________.
10. The king’s _________________________ behavior was a little too showy for my liking.
Act III Vocabulary-Visual Representations
Match the word to its picture. Then explain your choice. In the blank area on the right hand side of the page, draw your own pictures of the remaining five words, and explain how your picture will help you remember the definition.
1.__________________________ 6. _______________
Why chosen_________________ Explanation:
2._________________________ 7. _________________
Why chosen_________________ Explanation:
3._______________________ 8. ____________________
Why chosen________________ Explanation:
4._______________________ 9. ___________________
Why chosen_______________ Explanation:
5. __________________________ 10. __________________
Why chosen__________________ Explanation:
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List
Act IV
1. Dirge—(noun) funeral hymn, lament
2. Prostrate—(verb) to bow or kneel down in humility or adoration
3. Doleful—(adjective) sad, melancholy
4. Solace—(noun) comfort
5. Shroud— (noun) burial cloth
6. Amend—(verb) to improve or make better
7. Inundate—(verb) to flood; overflow
8. Dismal—(adjective) causing gloom or depression
9. Pensive—(adjective) melancholy; thoughtfulness
10. Loathsome—(adjective) extremely dislikable
Act IV Vocabulary-Synonyms
You will find each of the following sentences/phrases in Act 4 of Romeo and Juliet. Write a synonym for the underlined words below to help you better understand the words when you see them in context.
1. “To stop the inundation of her tears.” _________________________________
2. “My leisure serves me, pensive daughter, now.”_________________________
3. “And hide me with a dead man in his shroud.”__________________________
4. “By holy Lawrence to fall prostrate here.”______________________________
5. “My dismal scene I needs must act alone.”______________________________
6. “But one thing to rejoice and solace in…”______________________________
7. “Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges change.”_____________________________
8. “Ay, by my troth, the case may be amended.”_____________________________
9. “And doleful dumps the mind oppress.”__________________________________
10. “So early waking—what with loathsome smells.”__________________________
Now choose any FIVE words to incorporate into a creative story of at least 5-10 sentences. Be sure to use the words in the correct context.
Act IV Vocabulary-Completing the Sentence
Use each vocabulary word once to complete the following sentences.
1. The music was so morose and solemn that it sounded like a ___________________________.
2. Citizens of a democracy have the right to ______________________ their laws.
3. After hearing that he killed his wife, I find him very _____________________________.
4. The ________________________________ chiming of the bells created at atmosphere of sadness.
5. Please don’t _______________________________ us with homework tonight.
6. I find it rather depressing that she wove her own burial ______________________.
7. Although my dog died, I find _______________________________ in spending time with my cat.
8. The rain is making this a rather ___________________________ day.
9. I was in such a ________________________ mood that I didn’t pay much attention to what was happening around me because I was so absorbed in my own thoughts.
10. The man would ___________________________ each time he entered the church to show respect for his god.
Act IV Vocabulary-Visual Representations
Use the space below to draw your own picture, find clip art, or cut out pictures from magazines for each of the 10 vocabulary words from this act. Make sure the picture helps you remember the definition. Write the word next to each picture, and be prepared to defend your choices in class.
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary List
Act V
1. Ambiguous— (adjective) doubtful or uncertain
2. Haughty—(adjective) proud to the point of arrogance
3. Scourge—(noun) a means of afflicting severe suffering or punishment
4. Pestilence—(noun) fatal epidemic or plague
5. Penury—(noun) extreme poverty
6. Presage—(noun) something that foreshadows a future event
7. Peruse—(verb) to read or examine with great care
8. Sepulcher—(noun) burial vault
9. Vile—(adjective) loathsome, disgusting
10. Ensign—(noun) a sign, flag, banner
Act V Vocabulary-Synonyms/Sentences
Write a synonym for each vocabulary word below. You may want to use a thesaurus for this activity. Then use each word in an original sentence.
1. Ambiguous…..Synonym:______________
2. Haughty…..Synonym:___________
3. Scourge…..Synonym:_________________
4. Pestilence …..Synonym:________________
5. Penury…..Synonym:_____________________
6. Presage…..Synonym:_____________________
7. Peruse…..Synonym:______________________
8. Sepulcher…..Synonym:______________________________
9. Vile…..Synonym:_______________________
10. Ensign…..Synonym:___________________________
Act V Vocabulary-Completing the Sentence
Use each vocabulary word once to complete the following sentences.
1. __________________________ test questions are frustrating since more than one answer seems to be correct.
2. The ______________________________ on his uniform made it clear that he was a distinguished officer.
3. I will _____________________________ this magazine article while I’m in the waiting room.
4. Her _____________________________ attitude is not helping her make any friends at her new school.
5. After noting his ___________________________, I decided to treat him to dinner.
6. In my opinion, dissecting animals is a _______________________ thought.
7. If you insist on hurting others, you may find yourself repaid with a ____________________________________.
8. In Shakespeare’s days, people were quarantined if there was even the slightest suspicion that someone was infected with ____________________________.
9. He traced his ancestry by studying the inscriptions in the family ______________________________________.
10. Many people believe rainbows are a ______________________ of good luck.
Act V Vocabulary-Visual Representations
Choose the vocabulary word that best fits the visual provided. Then choose four of the remaining words and draw a picture that will help you remember the definition. Use your Act 5 list for this activity.
1._______________ 5. ________________________
2.________________ 6. __________________________
3._____________ 7. ___________________________
4.__________________ 8. ___________________________
ascend beguile calamity asunder
jocund valor abhor effeminate
adversity gallant
ascend beguiles calamity asunder jocund
valor abhor effeminate adversity gallant
dirge prostrate doleful solace shroud
amend inundate dismal pensive loathsome
ambiguous haughty scourge pestilence penury
presage peruse sepulcher vile ensign
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