Historical Investigation — Title is Verdana 12 bold

Historical Investigation — Democracy in Industrial Europe

Directions: In order to answer the focus question, you must first consider the source, purpose, and content of each historical document. You must also consider how the content of each document corroborates (strengthens) or contradicts evidence found in other documents. Examine all the documents and then answer the questions that follow. This will assist you in answering the focus question at the end of the investigation.

Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 1: The Ballot Act, 1872

The British government responded to calls for reforming voting procedures.

II. In the case of a poll at an election the votes shall be given by ballot. The ballot of each voter shall consist of a paper (in this Act called a ballot paper) showing the names and description of the candidates. Each ballot paper shall have a number printed on the back, and shall have attached a counterfoil with the same number printed on the face. At the time of voting, the ballot paper shall be marked on both sides with an official mark, and delivered to the voter within the polling station, and the number of such voter on the register of voters hall be marked on the counterfoil, and the voter having secretly marked his vote on the paper, and folded it up so as to conceal his vote, shall place it in a closed box in the presence of the officer presiding at the polling station (in this Act called the “presiding officer”) after having shown to him the official mark).

Source: This book from ballotactwithco00glengoog_djvu.txt has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 2: Representation of the People Act, 1884 Section 3

The British government responded to calls for increased representation of working class by enfranchising more males.

Every man shall, in and after the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, be entitled to be registered as a voter and when registered, to vote for a member or members to serve in Parliament for a borough, who is qualified as follows (that is to say):

1. Is of full age, and not subject to any legal incapacity; and

2. Is on the last day of July in any year, and has during the whole of the preceding twelve calendar months been, an inhabitant occupier, as owner or tenant, of any dwelling-house within the borough; and . . .

" Every man " " of full age " is, by the Act, entitled to be registered as a voter who possesses certain qualifications, and is " not subject to any legal incapacity." The legal incapacity must exist at the time of registration, in order to deprive the claimant of his right to be registered. The fact that the person registered may become at the time of the election legally disqualified or incapacitated to vote does not operate to prevent his being registered.

Whether he is then under "legal incapacity" to vote will be a question to be determined by the facts of the particular case.


1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 3: Alexis de Tocqueville speaking to the Chamber of Deputies

Alexis de Tocqueville was a French political thinker and historian who studied the effects of equality of social conditions on the individual and the state in western societies.

We are sleeping together in a volcano . . . A wind of revolution blows, the storm is on the horizon." Lacking the property qualifications to vote, the lower classes were about to erupt in revolt.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Speaking in the Chamber of Deputies just prior to the outbreak of revolution in Europe (1848)


1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 4: Documents of the Revolution of 1848 in France

The provisional government of the French republic decrees that the Tuileries shall serve hereafter as a home for the veterans of labor.

The provisional government of the French republic pledges itself to guarantee the means of subsistence of the workingman by labor.

It pledges itself to guarantee labor to all citizens.

It recognizes that workingmen ought to enter into associations among themselves in order to enjoy the advantage of their labor.

The provisional government returns to the workingmen, to whom it rightfully belongs, the million which was about to fall due upon the civil list.

J.H. Robinson, Editor

Readings in European History

(Boston: Ginn, 1906), 2: 559-562


The texts scanned for the project are all in public domain. The electronic forms of the texts created by the HHTP are under copyright. Permission to copy and use the texts is granted for educational purposes. We ask that you acknowledge the Hanover Historical Texts Project. Permission is not granted for commercial uses.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 5: The People’s Petition 1838 - Britain’s Chartist Movement

Chartism was an English working class radical movement centered on a ‘People's Charter’ (1837) of six points. In 1838 a National Petition was collected and submitted to Parliament.

May it therefore please your Honourable House to take this our petition into your most serious consideration; and to use your utmost endeavours, by all constitutional means, to have a law passed, granting to every male of lawful age, sane mind, and unconvicted of crime, the right of voting for members of Parliament; and directing all future elections of members of Parliament to be in the way of secret ballot; and ordaining that the duration of Parliaments so chosen shall in no case exceed one year; and abolishing all property qualifications in the members; and providing for their due remuneration while in attendance on their Parliamentary duties.

From The Life and Struggles of William Lovett, (New York: Knopf, 1920), pp. 478­482.

Source: This text is part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts for introductory level classes in modern European and World history.

Unless otherwise indicated the specific electronic form of the document is copyright. Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational purposes and personal use. If you do reduplicate the document, indicate the source. No permission is granted for commercial use of the Sourcebook.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 6: The Limits of Chartism

Although Chartism died as a movement by 1850, its impacts were felt in British government. Many historians consider it to be more successful than developments in the rest of Europe because of the government’s attention to the working class during the rest of the 19th century. Most notably, the Chartists provided labor unions with an example of the power of organized reform movements.

The Chartist movement gradually died down in the face of firm opposition by the government and the business classes, and was weakened by mutual fears and disagreements among its own supporters. It had not been entirely fruitless; for without popular agitation and the publicizing of working-class grievances, the Mines Act of 1842 and the Ten Hours Act of 1847 might not have been enacted. These measures in turn alleviated the distress of industrial workers and kept alive a degree of confidence in the future of the economic system…In general, in the 1840’s, British working people turned from political agitation to the forming and strengthening of labor unions, by which they could deal directly with employers without having to appeal to the government. Not until 1867 was the suffrage extended in Great Britain, and it took about eighty years to realize the full program of the Charter of 1838, except for the annual election of Parliament…

Source: Palmer, R.R., & Colton, J. (1992). A History of the Modern World. Seventh Ed. McGraw Hill, Inc., 498-499.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 7: Midnight at the Glassworks, Indiana

This photograph is from a series of photographs of child labor at glass and bottle factories in the United States by Lewis W. Hine, for the National Child Labor Committee, New York.


Source: This image from is in the public domain.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 8: The Factory Act of 1833

The following is a labor law created by the British government to protect workers during the Industrial Revolution.

The Factory Act 1833 (3 & 4 Will. IV) c103 was an attempt to establish a regular working day in the textile industry. The act had the following provisions:

▪ Children (ages 14–18) must not work more than 12 hours a day with an hour lunch break. Note that this enabled employers to run two 'shifts' of child labour each working day in order to employ their adult male workers for longer.

▪ Children (ages 9–13) must not work more than 8 hours with an hour lunch break.

▪ Children (ages 9–13) must have two hours of education per day.

▪ Outlawed the employment of children under 9 in the textile industry.

▪ Children under 18 must not work at night.

▪ Provided for routine inspections of factories.


1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 9: Child Labor Act in France, 1841

The first act by France related to working conditions was passed in 1841. The excerpt is from The New Encyclopedia of Social Reform (1908), which includes articles about social-reform movements and activities, and other facts and statistics from all countries. These entries were written by notable specialists of the time.

“If exception be made to certain decrees and ordinances concerning dangerous and unhealthy establishments, made in the interest of the public health, the first act passed by France in relation to the conditions of labor in factories was that of March 22, 1841. This law, entitled “An act in relation to the employment of children in factories, mills, and workshops,” was an advanced measure for that period. In it were embraced, at least in principle, most of the features contained in modern factory legislation. It, however, was never enforced except in the feeblest manner. With the exception of one or two departments, its provisions were almost wholly disregarded.

Source: ‪The New Encyclopedia of Social Reform edited by William Dwight Porter Bliss, 1909

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1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 10: Laws of 1882, Article 4 - France

Jules Ferry was a lawyer who became Minister of Public Instruction in France. He is credited with creating the modern school system in France. Education moved from a system of church and state schools staffed by religious officials to one in which there were state schools and lay (non-religious) school teachers.

Article 4

This article makes compulsory primary education and lays down the requirements of age and manner of instruction (whether they will be schooled in the home or at a public or private institution).

Primary education is compulsory for children of both sexes between the ages of six to thirteen years and may be given either in institutions of primary or secondary schools, in public or free schools, or in the home, by the father himself or anyone he chooses.

A regulation will determine the means of ensuring primary education for deaf, mute, and blind.


1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Document 11: Over London–by Rail from London: A Pilgrimage (1872)

Gustave Doré was a French artist, illustrator, and engraver who created “Over London by Rail” about 1870. He worked in both France and Great Britain. He was asked to join Blanchard Jerrold to create London: A Pilgrimage, which was published in 1872. While many people enjoyed the work, critics were concerned that he appeared to focus on poverty in London. The Westminster Review claimed that "Doré gives us sketches in which the commonest, the vulgarest external features are set down."


Source: This image from is in the public domain because the copyright expired.

1. Identify the source and type of document.


2. What is the message of the document?


3. Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict the others? Why or why not?


4. How might this document help you answer the focus question?


Focus Question: How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

Now, consider your responses to the questions as you viewed each of the documents about the growth of democracy in Britain and France during the Industrial Revolution.

• Identify the source and type of document.

• What is the message of the document?

• Does this document corroborate (support) or contradict other ones? Why or why not?

• How might this document help you answer the focus question?

Answer the following question based on your review of documents 1 through 11.

How did industrialization influence the growth of democracy in Britain and France?

• Think about examples of the growth of democracy among citizens and governments.

• Think about conditions during the Industrial Revolution that could have been addressed by democratic reforms.

• Analyze the growth of democracy in response to industrialization in Britain and France.

• Include details and examples to support your answer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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