TENDER DOSSIER - Action Against Hunger

Call for TenderforSupply of SoapPublication referenceFA-TENDER-2019-003Date of Publication 28 October 2019Submission Deadline 22 November 2019 at 10.00am Opening will be held on 27 November 2019, 10:00 in Action Against Hunger office in Addis Ababa. Bidders or their appointed representatives who wish to witness the opening are welcome. TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGEREF _Toc22796344 \h 31.Preamble PAGEREF _Toc22796345 \h 32.Purpose of the Call for Tenders PAGEREF _Toc22796346 \h 33.Tenders Schedule PAGEREF _Toc22796347 \h 34.Instructions to submit an Offer PAGEREF _Toc22796348 \h 55.Questions and Clarifications PAGEREF _Toc22796349 \h 66.Eligibility PAGEREF _Toc22796350 \h 67.Period of validity PAGEREF _Toc22796351 \h 68.Currency of tenders PAGEREF _Toc22796352 \h 69.Language of offers and procedure PAGEREF _Toc22796353 \h 610.Alteration or withdrawal of tenders PAGEREF _Toc22796354 \h 611.Costs of preparing tenders PAGEREF _Toc22796355 \h 612.Call for Tender Process PAGEREF _Toc22796356 \h 613.Evaluation Criteria PAGEREF _Toc22796357 \h 714.Notification award and contract signature PAGEREF _Toc22796358 \h 815.Ownership of tenders PAGEREF _Toc22796359 \h 816.Contract PAGEREF _Toc22796360 \h 817.Cancellation of the tender procedure PAGEREF _Toc22796361 \h 818.Ethics PAGEREF _Toc22796362 \h 8Appendix 1: Supplier Registration Form PAGEREF _Toc22796363 \h 9Appendix 2: Technical Questionnaire PAGEREF _Toc22796364 \h 11Appendix 3: Quotation Form PAGEREF _Toc22796365 \h 12Appendix 4: Action Against Hunger’s GOOD BUSINESS REGULATIONS PAGEREF _Toc22796366 \h 13A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERSPreambleAction Against Hunger is a non-governmental organisation. Private, non-political, non-denominational and non-profit-making, it was set up in France in 1979 to intervene in countries throughout the world. Action Against Hunger’s vocation is to save lives by combating hunger, disease, and those crises threatening the lives of helpless men, women and children.Action Against Hunger opened a mission in Ethiopia in 1986, currently Action Against Hunger is working in Amhara, Gambella, Oromia, SNNPR, Beneshangul Gumuz, Tigray and Somalia Regions with WASH, Food security and Nutrition programs. Purpose of the Call for TendersThe purpose of this Call for Tenders is to sign a One Year Framework Agreement for the following items:ESTIMATED QUANTITIES for 2020S/NDescriptions of Items UnitMission Total Qty 1Soap, Body, Weight : 100gmpce32,600 2Soap, Body, Weight : 150gmpce142,600 3Soap, Laundry, Weight : 200gmpce213,250 4Soap, Laundry, Weight : 250gmpce56,250 Total quantities mentioned in this Call for Tenders are estimates of Action Against Hunger’s needs and can in no case be considered as a firm commitment from Action Against Hunger.Each delivery will be triggered off by a Supplier Purchase Order (SPO) issued by Action Against Hunger and will be submitted to the same conditions listed in the chapters below. It is not compulsory to submit bid for all items.Tenders ScheduleDATETIME*Last date on which clarifications are issued by Action Against Hunger20th November 2019noonDeadline for submission of tenders (receiving date, not sending date)22nd November 201910:00amTender opening session by Action Against Hunger 27th November 201910.00am* All times are in the local time (EAT) East African Time.Please note all dates are provisional dates and Action Against Hunger reserves the right to modify this schedule.Please note Action Against Hunger reserves the right to pre-select some of the received offers, based upon the criteria listed in article 13 of the present document, to enter into a competitive dialogue with the shortlisted companies. Instructions to submit an Offer3.1 – TENDER ENVELOP FORMATThe tender shall consist of one original paper copy placed in a sealed envelope, titled:Supply of SoapFA-TENDER-2019-003The tenders shall be put into the tender boxes placed in Action Against Hunger office, located:Addis Ababa Office: Kirkos Sub City , Woreda 02, H.No. 470/ Tel: 0114 70 23 94 So that it is received no later than 22nd November, 2019; 10:00am3.2 – CHECKLIST FOR TENDER CONTENTThe proposal shall include, as a minimum: Appendix 1- Supplier Registration Form duly completed, signed and stamped. Appendix 2-Quotation Form duly completed, signed and stamped. Note that only budgets in Ethiopian Birr (Local Currency) will be accepted. Appendix 3- Technical Questionnaire duly completed, signed and stamped.Appendix 4 Action Against Hunger Good Business Regulations (Annex 1 of Supplier Registration Form), signed and stampedCopy of Valid Commercial Registration Certificate in EthiopiaCopy of Valid Business Licence for Ethiopian operationsCopy of TIN CertificateCopy of VAT Certificate Failure to provide all of the above and in the formats stipulated will result in disqualification of the Tenderer’s proposal.Questions and ClarificationsBidders may submit questions in writing to the following address: tender@et.missions- or contact the local Action Against Hunger offices. Any prospective tenderer seeking to arrange individual meetings with Action Against Hunger during the tender period may be excluded from the tender procedure.EligibilityParticipation in tendering is open on equal terms to any natural and legal persons or companyHowever, to comply with some of Action Against Hunger’s donors’ rules, participants must clearly indicate their company’s nationality and origin of the proposed goods.Preference will be given to local suppliers of area of operation where need be.Period of validityThe validity period of prices and conditions are requested to be twelve (12) Months from the date of the Agreement signature.Currency of tendersTenders must be presented in ETHIOPIAN BIRR, all TAXES INCLUDED.Language of offers and procedureThe offers, all correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the bidder and Action Against Hunger must be written in English. Alteration or withdrawal of tendersBidders may alter or withdraw their tenders by written notification prior to the deadline for submission of tenders referred to in Article 3. No tender may be altered after this deadline. Withdrawals must be unconditional and will end all participation in the tender procedure.Costs of preparing tendersAll costs incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting the tender are not reimbursable. All such costs will be borne by the bidder.Call for Tender ProcessAction Against Hunger reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject any or all quotations at its sole discretion and to pursue or act further on any responses it considers advantageous. Action Against Hunger does not bind itself to accept the lowest prices. Action Against Hunger reserves the right to select a shortlist of pre-selected suppliers, based on the criteria announced in paragraph 13 of the present document. Further discussions and competitive dialogue may then be conducted with the pre-selected suppliers.Evaluation CriteriaTenders will be evaluated on the criteria listed below:Administrative Evaluation:Ability to meet the requirements of the Call for tendersSubmission of all documents required and listed in checklist in the instructionsFinancial stability & credit strength Site visit will be organized to those tenderers who have passed the administrative stageTechnical Evaluation: Ability to meet specifications and standards (samples, site visit)Production capacity (machine fleet, warehouse, premises, site visit)Proven performance and experience (from own experience or those of referees)Availability of products and ability to meet requested delivery date (production capacity or agility of own supply chain)Ability deliver small, frequent orders as well as large bulk ordersAbility to deliver to Action Against Hunger operational areasIn case of manufacturers: ISO certifications, environmental credentialsFinancial Evaluation:Competitive pricing Payment conditions/requirementsAcceptance of fixed prices over one year or related variation termsIn the interests of transparency and equal treatment and without being able to modify their tenders, bidders may be required, at the sole written request of the evaluation committee, to provide clarifications within 48 hours. Any such request for clarification must not seek the correction of formal errors or of major restrictions affecting performance of the contract or distorting competition.Any attempt by a bidder to influence the evaluation committee in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is progressing or to influence Action Against Hunger in its decision concerning the award of the contract will result in the immediate rejection of his tender. No liability can be accepted for late delivery of tenders. Late tenders will be rejected and will not be evaluated.Notification award and contract signatureThe successful bidder will be informed in writing that its tender has been accepted (notification of award). Within ten (10) working days following the reception, the successful tenderer will sign, date and send back the contract. The unsuccessful tenderer will be informed in writing shortly after the award. Ownership of tendersAction Against Hunger retains ownership of all tenders received under this tender procedure. Consequently, bidders have no right to have their tenders returned to them.ContractThe contract that will be concluded between the successful tenderer and Action Against Hunger is done in format of an Action Against Hunger Standard Framework Agreement.Cancellation of the tender procedure In the event of a tender procedure's cancellation, bidders will be notified by Action Against Hunger.If the tender procedure is cancelled before the outer envelope of any tender has been opened, the sealed envelopes will be returned, unopened, to the tenderers.Cancellation may occur where:The tender procedure has been unsuccessful, namely where no qualitatively or financially worthwhile tender has been received or there has been no response at all;The economic or technical parameters of the project have been fundamentally altered;Exceptional circumstances or force majeure render normal performance of the project impossible;All technically compliant tenders exceed the financial resources available;There have been irregularities in the procedure, in particular where these have prevented fair competition.Under no circumstances will Action Against Hunger be liable for damages, whatever their nature (in particular damages for loss of profits) or relation with the cancellation of a tender, even if Action Against Hunger has been warned of the possibility of damages. The publication of a procurement notice does not commit Action Against Hunger to implement the announced programme or project.EthicsAction Against Hunger pays very careful attention to working with companies that commit to respect basic Ethics Rules. The tenderers have to read and understand the Good Business Regulations as defined by Action Against Hunger and introduced in the Appendix of this tender dossier and the supplier registration form. The tenderers will have to fill and sign the Appendix 4. Declaration of compliance & commitment to respect Action Against Hunger Good Business Regulations. Appendix 1: Supplier Registration FormSection A Tick the sectors you are applying forAir Ticketing/ Travel AgentHousehold suppliesToysAnimal FeedInsurance Underwriter Training ServicesCartridgesInsurance BrokerTranslation ServicesConstruction Material &ToolsLegal ServicesVehicle maintenance and repair Construction (building)Office furniture and equipmentVehicle rentalConstruction (waterworks, drilling)IT materialsVehicle spare parts Consultancy ServicesPhotocopier, printer repair Veterinary drugsCustoms Clearing and MovingPlastic ItemsVisibilityElectrical materialPrintingWater & Sanitation MaterialEnergy & Power materialsSafety Equipment (fire, first aid)Water TanksEngineering ServicesSanitary PadsWater treatment ChemicalsFuelSeeds Water TruckingGeneratorsSolar Equipment Other………………..Handyman (plumbing, carpentry)StationariesOther………………..Hotel & ConferenceTaxi ServiceOther………………..Name of Company: 2.Physical Location of the company:3. Postal Mailing Address:Town/ Woreda: Street Name/ Number: 4. Phone 1: 5. Email Address: 6.486410-558800061341011303000Phone 2: 958215-13779500975360107315007.Website Address: Contact Person52197001279650030556201260600063918112573000Name: Position in the Company: Direct phone: Do you have other offices / plants in Ethiopia? (Attach separate list if necessary) What is your core business activity? Is your company part of an international company? Please state Parent/Sister Company’s name ( If any): Type of Business (Mark only one)Joint Venture:Private Limited Company Individual:Limited Partnership:Ordinary partnership:Not-for-profit:Share company:General Partnership:Other:(Specify)……………..13.Nature of your Business:TraderConsultant:Service Provider FreelancerManufacturer:Importer:ConsultantOther (specify:Specify: 36385531750014.Year Established: 15. Number of Employees: 129540698500Section B: Experience17. References (Please provide 2 references and their contact details, preferably NGO clients). You may attach reference letters.Reference 1Name:-2667017366000Organisation:-3398517843500Phone: 35496518130500Email:Position:4352801651000329260381000Reference 2Name:Organisation:28923013843000Phone:35046415367000Email:49499516827500511810381000Position:678485355600018. Do you have previous experience with Action Against Hunger? If yes, please describe works that you completed.I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that the information provided in this form is correct. I also understand that it is an offence to provide wrongful information.Name:Position in the Company:Signature:Date:Company Rubber StampAppendix 2: Technical QuestionnaireTechnical Capacity:1If you are a manufacturer: what is your average production capacity in one month?2If you are a manufacturer, where is your manufacturing site?3If you are not a manufacturer, what is the distribution channel? Are you Importing or buying from a wholesaler?4Do you keep a stock of items?5How large is your current stock (expressed in monetary value)?6What is your average turnover in one month? (general income generated by sales, not your profit)Delivery Capacity 7Can you hold dedicated stocks for your customers?8Can you manage delivery to all Action Against Hunger offices listed above? If not, please name the location that you can deliver to.9What would be the average delivery lead-time after receipt of Purchase Order for e.g. for 20000 soap bars?10Can you supply small order quantities (less than 100)?11Do you have your own trucks / drivers for delivery? 12Or do you work on a regular basis with a transport company? (if so, please name it)Documentation:13Can you provide a detailed Delivery Note for each delivery?14Can you provide an Invoice for each delivery?Name:Position in the Company:Signature:Date:Company Rubber StampAppendix 3: Quotation FormPlease complete this form with your price offer and financial conditions. Incorporate all applicable taxes (VAT) into the quoted unit price.Note: It is not compulsory to quote for all line items.Please sign and stamp all pages of the completed form.Lot 1 Buckets and JerrycansUnit Price incl. Tax Supplier EX Works (no transport)Unit Price incl. tax, including transportation to:S/NDescriptions of Items UnitAddis WarehouseGambella Moyale WarehouseDire Dewa BFS Center WarehouseSekota OfficeGode WarehouseGimbi Warehouse1Soap, Body, Weight : 100gmpce2Soap, Body, Weight : 150gmpce3Soap, Laundry, Weight : 200gmpce4Soap, Laundry, Weight : 250gmpceCan you offer discount for bulk order quantities above 1000? □ Yes,………..%□ If Not, Specify: ……………………1. Offer Validity: □ 12 Months□ If Not, Specify: ……………………2. Can you offer fixed prices for 1 year if agreement is signed?□ Yes □ If Not, 1) how long can you offer fixed price? (6 months recommended)………………2) what is the maximum price variation you can commit on (e.g. no more than 5% price increase)…………………………3. Average Delivery Lead Time (in Days) : □ Specify:………………?4. Payment Condition: □ After Complete Delivery□ If Not, Specify: …………………….5. Modality of Payment: □ Bank Transfer□ Other (Specify)……………………..Name:Position in the Company:Signature:Company Rubber StampDate:Appendix 4: Action Against Hunger’s GOOD BUSINESS REGULATIONS These Good Business Regulations are the ground for a professional working relationship between Action Against Hunger and the suppliers. They are general regulations valid unless others particular conditions are mentioned in the contract. In case of conflicting terms within documents, the conditions of the contract or tender dossier will prevail on these Good Business Regulations.Principles of the procurement proceduresAction Against Hunger has transparent procedures to award markets. Essential principles areTransparency in the procurement processProportionality between the procedures followed for awarding contracts and the value of the marketsEqual treatment of potential suppliersUsual criteria to select a supplier are:Authorisation to perform the marketFinancial and economic capacitiesTechnical expertiseProfessional capacitiesUsual criteria to award markets are:Automatic award (the cheapest offer complying with all requirements)Best value for money (price/quality ratio)Misbehaviour, ineligibility and exclusionAction Against Hunger considers the following misbehaviour as a valid ground for a systematic exclusion of an awarding market procedure and for the termination of all working relationship and contracts:Fraud defined as any intentional act or omission relating to:The use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of Action Against Hunger or institutional donors fundsNon-disclosure of information, with the same effectThe misapplication of such funds for purposes other than those for which they were originally grantedActive corruption: to deliberately promise or give an advantage to an official for him/her to act or refrain from acting in accordance with his duty in a way which damages or is likely to damage Action Against Hunger or institutional donors financial interestsCollusion: the co-ordination of firms competitive behaviour, with the likely result that prices rise, output is restricted and the profits of the colluding companies are higher than they would otherwise be. Collusive behaviour does not always rely on the existence of explicit agreements between firms, but can also be tacit. Coercive practice: harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons, or their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract.Bribery: to offer Action Against Hunger employees monetary or in kind gifts in order to gain additional markets or to continue a contractInvolvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity established by a judgement, by the US Government, the European Union, the United Nations or any other donor funding Action Against Hunger.Immoral Human Resources practices: exploitation of child labour and the non-respect of basic social rights and working conditions of employees or subcontractorsAction Against Hunger will exclude from a procurement procedure any candidate or tenderer falling into one of the following cases:To be bankrupt or to be wound up, to have affairs administered by the courts, to have enter into an arrangement with creditors, to have suspended business activities, to be the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulationsTo have been convicted of an offence concerning professional conduct by a judgement that has the force of res judicataTo have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means that Action Against Hunger can justifyTo have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country where Action Against Hunger mission is operating or those of the country where the contract is to be performedThey have been the subject of a judgement that has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interestsTo have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations in another previous procurement procedureAction Against Hunger will not award contracts to candidates or tenderers who, during the procurement procedure:Are subject to a conflict of interestAre guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required Action Against Hunger as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this informationAdministrative and financial sanctionsIn the event a supplier, candidate or tenderer is engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices Action Against Hunger will impose:Administrative sanctions:Administrative sanctions are the official notification of the misconduct to the relevant civil or commercial authorities and the immediate termination of all existing working relationships.Financial sanctions:Action Against Hunger will request the reimbursement of the cost linked directly and directly to the conduct of a new tendering process or market award. If any, the tender or performance guarantee will be kept by Action Against rmation of and access for the DonorsAction Against Hunger will inform immediately the Institutional Donors and will provide all the relevant information in the event a supplier, candidate or tenderer is engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices.Furthermore, the contractors agree to guarantee a right of access to their financial and accounting documents to the representatives of Action Against Hunger’s institutional donors for the purposes of checks and audits.Documents to be a supplierHereafter is the minimal documentation a contractor working with Action Against Hunger will have to provide:Personnel national ID document of the supplier/company representativeStatus and registration of the companyMission order or power of attorney authorising the representative to contactImportant note: Additional documentation may be required for a particular market.In addition the contractor must have the capacity to issue invoices, receipts and waybills (or delivery notes), to provide a tax clearance certificate and certify documents with an official stamp. Anti-Corruption PolicyIf you believe that the action of anyone (or a group of people) working or volunteering for Action Against Hunger programs is responsible for violating the above rules, you should file a report through the Whistle-blower Email Hotline. In order to?enable the treatment, reports should give as precise information as possible; your name and contact are optional but encouraged. All reports are treated confidentially to the extent permissible by law. Action Against Hunger will use all reasonable efforts to preserve the confidentiality of the whistle-blower and to protect whistle-blowers against any possible retaliation.Reports are to be sent as follows: abusereport@et.missions-, Anti-Bribery, Corruption, Abuse of Power and PSEA Clause Any Supplier, who suspects Action Against Hunger employee of dishonest conduct, should raise their concerns with the management of the country office on +251 960 36 75 36 or at:abusereport@et.missions- (monitored by Action Against Hunger Ethiopia Mission)acf-usaconfidential@(monitored by ACF US HQ)All reports at all levels will be treated with utmost confidentially to the extent permissible by Law. Any suspected violations can be submitted anonymously-114300392430I, undersigned …………representative name………. representative of?…company name……… certified that I have read and understood these regulations. On behalf of the company I act for, I accept the terms of Action Against Hunger Good Business Regulations and I commit to achieve the best performances in the event ………….company name………… is awarded a market.By signing, I certify that ………….company name………… has not provided, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not and will not knowingly provide material support or resources to any individual or entity that commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in fraud, active corruption, collusion, coercive practice, bribery, involvement in a criminal organization or illegal activity, or Unethical HR Practices (in accordance with Action Against Hunger’s policies available on the organisation’s website) such as the use of Child labour or overriding basic social rights and work conditions or the standards defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), particularly in terms of non-discrimination, freedom of association, payment of the legal national minimum wage, no forced labour, and the respect of working and hygiene conditions; or Sexual exploitation or abuse : such as any form of sexual, psychological or verbal abuse, or physical harassment including the following practices: sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual relations with children, sexual assault, sexual exploitation or any other contributions to the “sex market”.Last, I hereby certify that ………….. company name …..……. is not involved in any pending lawsuit, claim or action in the Company’s name, or on behalf of any other person or entity, against the Company, regarding fraud, corruption, bribery or any illegal activity, and has not been convicted guilty of such practices at any time. All the supplier’s responsibilities mentions in this document extend to any supplier affiliates and subsidiaries.Name:Date:Position:Stamp:Signature:00I, undersigned …………representative name………. representative of?…company name……… certified that I have read and understood these regulations. On behalf of the company I act for, I accept the terms of Action Against Hunger Good Business Regulations and I commit to achieve the best performances in the event ………….company name………… is awarded a market.By signing, I certify that ………….company name………… has not provided, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not and will not knowingly provide material support or resources to any individual or entity that commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in fraud, active corruption, collusion, coercive practice, bribery, involvement in a criminal organization or illegal activity, or Unethical HR Practices (in accordance with Action Against Hunger’s policies available on the organisation’s website) such as the use of Child labour or overriding basic social rights and work conditions or the standards defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), particularly in terms of non-discrimination, freedom of association, payment of the legal national minimum wage, no forced labour, and the respect of working and hygiene conditions; or Sexual exploitation or abuse : such as any form of sexual, psychological or verbal abuse, or physical harassment including the following practices: sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual relations with children, sexual assault, sexual exploitation or any other contributions to the “sex market”.Last, I hereby certify that ………….. company name …..……. is not involved in any pending lawsuit, claim or action in the Company’s name, or on behalf of any other person or entity, against the Company, regarding fraud, corruption, bribery or any illegal activity, and has not been convicted guilty of such practices at any time. All the supplier’s responsibilities mentions in this document extend to any supplier affiliates and subsidiaries.Name:Date:Position:Stamp:Signature:TO BE FILLED OUT BY SUPPLIERS: ................

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