HRI 224 - Pearson Education

Strategic Menu Development Term Project

Learning Outcomes of this Assignment

Upon completion of this assignment, students will have demonstrated the ability to integrate menu development principles, including:

• Creative selection of menu items

• Balance within menu categories

• Risk analysis of specific ingredients and menu items

• Nutritional analysis of menu items

• Demand forecasting

• Costing menu items

• Pricing menu items

• Analyzing menu performance

• Reengineering menus to improve performance

• Forecasting net income

Pedagogical Philosophy

The true measure of success in this course is indicated by each student’s ability to integrate the varied spectrum of menu planning principles into a job-relevant skill set. Whereas each textbook chapter includes developmental exercises to foster comprehension of individual concepts, this term project directs students to synthesize all content areas into a multidimensional menu development process. In addition to the menu development lessons, the project intentionally involves considerable use of spreadsheet and other software.

Additional learning outcomes include:

• Reading and following technical instructions

• Understanding spreadsheet applications (within a foodservice context)

• Conceiving logical relationships (recipe units to purchase and inventory units, etc.)

The steps within this assignment are synchronized with several chapters of the textbook:

|Project Sequence |Textbook |Learning Objective |Deliverables |

|Step One |Chapter One |Framing your menu concept within the |Create a project proposal. |

| | |context of an intended market | |

| | | |Create a text document, saving it as (yourname)_proposal.doc This proposal will serve as the conceptual framework for |

| | | |your project. |

| | | | |

| | | |Required information: |

| | | |• profile of the food service establishment (commercial v. non-commercial, freestanding or auxiliary to other services, |

| | | |etc.) |

| | | |• target market relative to consumption patterns |

| | | |• aesthetic factors |

| | | |• days of operation (per week, per year) |

| | | |• dayparts/meals offered (B, L, D, room service, bar foods, retail, etc.) |

|Step Two |Chapter One |Introduction to the menu engineering |For one of the meal periods, identify every selection of food available to the clientele. |

| | |worksheet | |

| | | |Complete columns B, H, N, and T of the Forecast Worksheet of Menu_Engineering.xls |

|Step Three |Chapter Four |Identifying ingredients to be used in |Create an inventory file that lists the ingredients you will use in your recipes. |

| | |recipes | |

| | | |Food_and_Beverage_Inventory.xls will serve as an ingredient file. This file will contain standardized ingredient purchase|

| | | |units, recipe units, and recipe unit costs. |

| | | | |

| | | |Examples of ingredient listings are included in the Dairy worksheet and the Non-Alcoholic Beverages worksheet of |

| | | |Food_and_Beverage_Inventory.xls |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Notes: |

| | | |• Create file numbers to identify ingredients, and list them in Column A of each worksheet within this file. |

| | | |• List ingredient descriptions in Column B. |

| | | |• Use Column C to list how each item (“Purchase Unit”) comes packaged from suppliers (i.e. case, box, 50# bag, etc.) |

| | | |• Use Column F to list how you would count each inventory item (i.e. “Inventory Unit”). Typically these are a fraction of |

| | | |purchase units (i.e. pounds, dozen, etc.). |

| | | |• Use Column G to list how many Inventory units are in each purchase unit. |

| | | |• Use Column J to list recipe units (i.e. ounces, teaspoons, slices, etc.). If ingredients are used in several recipes, |

| | | |you should decide upon recipe units that are common to the majority of those recipes. |

| | | |• Use Column K to list how many recipe units are in each inventory unit. |

| | | |• Your cost per purchase unit should be entered into cells within Column N. |

| | | |• Do not enter data into Columns E, I, L and P. They calculate automatically. |

| | | |• Columns D, H M and O enable inventory valuation. This function, while valuable in other settings, is not germane to |

| | | |this project and if not used, then Columns H and M may be left blank and/or hidden, and the number 1 should be entered in |

| | | |Column D for each row used in the project. |

|Step Four |Chapter Five |Creating standardized recipes |Use the recipe workbooks (e.g. Dinner_Appetizers.xls, etc.) to create every recipe card required to produce your selected |

| | | |menu items. |

| | | | |

| | | |Use Worksheet A within each of these files to index your recipes. |

| | | | |

| | | |Paste links between cells in Columns A, G, M and S of the Forecast Worksheet of Menu_Engineering.xls and respective cells |

| | | |in Column B of Worksheet A within the recipe workbooks. |

| | | | |

| | | |Paste links between cells in Columns B, H, N and T of the Forecast Worksheet of Menu_Engineering.xls and respective cells |

| | | |in Column C of Worksheet A within the recipe workbooks. |

| | | | |

| | | |Notes: |

| | | |• By default, the recipe files are named for the dinner daypart. They may be modified/renamed to correspond to the Step |

| | | |One daypart decisions. |

| | | |• When downloaded, the files contain alpha (i.e. A,B,C, etc.) worksheet names As data is entered into the various |

| | | |worksheets they take on project-relevant meaning. Students should rename the worksheets to reflect the new meaning. For |

| | | |example, in Dinner_Appetizers.xls, the index page is named “A.” If this workbook is used for lunch, the worksheet should |

| | | |be renamed “Lunch Appetizer Index.” |

| | | | |

| | | |Write the recipe worksheets (“recipe cards”). |

| | | | |

| | | |An example of a partially completed recipe is included in the Dinner_Dessrts.xls workbook. Links between the recipe and |

| | | |inventory file have already been created for this example. In this example, for the links to communicate, |

| | | |Dinner_Desserts.xls and Food_and_Beverage_Inventory.xls must be downloaded and filed in the same file location (virtual |

| | | |folder, hard drive, jump drive, etc.) This is also the case for the files you create for this project. |

| | | | |

| | | |Using the examples in Chapter 5, starting with Worksheet B, begin to write a recipe card for each menu item. |

| | | | |

| | | |Specifically, |

| | | | |

| | | |• In Cell C10, enter the number of portions the recipe yields. |

| | | | |

| | | |• Ingredient File# (in Column A) – Paste links between these cells and appropriate cells within Column A of the worksheets|

| | | |within Food_and_Beverage_Inventory.xls. |

| | | | |

| | | |• Ingredient (in Column B) – Paste links between these cells and appropriate cells within Column B of the worksheets |

| | | |within Food_and_Beverage_Inventory.xls. |

| | | | |

| | | |• Original Quantity (in Column C) – In each row, enter appropriate numbers of recipe units (cups, pounds, etc.) to produce|

| | | |the number of portions listed in Cell C10. |

| | | | |

| | | |• Amount (in Column D) – Do not enter data (“amounts”) into these cells. They will automatically be populated as the card|

| | | |is completed. |

| | | | |

| | | |• Recipe Unit (in Column E) – Paste links between these cells and appropriate cells within Column J of the worksheets |

| | | |within Food_and_Beverage_Inventory.xls. |

| | | | |

| | | |• Unit Cost (in Column F) – Paste links between these cells and appropriate cells within Column L of the worksheets within|

| | | |Food_and_Beverage_Inventory.xls. |

| | | | |

| | | |• In Cell D10, enter the Conversion Factor for the number of portions to produce the desired yield. This may be more of |

| | | |less than the number of portions you entered in Cell C10. By entering this number, the worksheet will automatically |

| | | |recalculate amounts of each ingredient needed to produce the desired yield. Once you have entered this number and all |

| | | |numbers in Column C, you should hide Column C (it will no longer need to be viewed by users). Column D is now the |

| | | |location of amounts needed. |

| | | | |

| | | |• Starting in Row 45, enter method of preparation for each recipe. |

|Step Five |Chapter Five |Forecasting number of unit sales |Create a forecast of how many items will be sold in an average one-week period. |

| | | | |

| | | |Add the forecasted number of item sales (items, not dollars) to Forecast Worksheet columns E, K, Q, W of |

| | | |Menu_Engineering.xls to indicate projected item sales for one week. |

|Step Six |Chapter Six |Managing recipes to reduce risk of |Expand recipe worksheets to incorporate HACCP methodology. |

| | |foodborne illness | |

| | | |Select five recipes that pose the greatest risk of foodborne illness. Execute the following study: |

| | | |Step 1 - Conduct a Hazard Analysis |

| | | |Step 2 - Identify Critical Control Points |

| | | |Step 3 - Establish Critical Limits |

| | | | |

| | | |Based upon this study, add HACCP guidance to each of the five recipe worksheets. |

|Step Seven |Chapter Eight |Pricing Menu Items |Price each menu item (decide what to charge customers for each menu item). |

| | | | |

| | | |Select a menu pricing methodology and insert prices into Cell D8 of each recipe worksheet within the recipe workbooks. |

| | | | |

| | | |Complete the links between recipe worksheets and the menu engineering worksheet. |

| | | | |

| | | |Paste links between Cell D7 of each recipe worksheet, and respective cells in Columns C, I, O. and U of the Forecast |

| | | |Worksheet of Menu_Engineering.xls. |

| | | | |

| | | |Paste links between Cell D8 of each recipe worksheet, and respective cells in Columns D, J, P and V of the Forecast |

| | | |Worksheet of Menu_Engineering.xls. |

|Step Eight |Chapter Seven |Analyzing Nutritional Value of Recipes|Expand recipe worksheets to include nutrition information. |

| | | | |

| | | |Select five recipes (from different menu categories) that include multiple ingredients. Use a resource of your choice to |

| | | |analyze each of these recipes for nutritional value. |

| | | | |

| | | |Based upon this study, add nutrition information to each of the five recipe worksheets. |

|Step Nine |Chapter Nine |Creating Effective Menu Communications|Design media to communicate your menu with customers. |

| | | | |

| | | |Select a medium (print on paper, print/graphics on paper, web pages, etc.) to communicate your menu and each of its items |

| | | |to diners. Develop your medium to the extent that it can be provided to customers for decision making purposes. |

| | | | |

| | | |Based upon the results of Step Six, add consumer advisory statements to respective menu items as appropriate. |

| | | | |

| | | |Based upon the results of Step Eight, add nutrition information to five of the menu items. At minimum, (based upon the |

| | | |portion sizes you established) include: |

| | | |Total calories from all sources |

| | | |Total calories from total fat |

| | | |Total fat |

| | | |Total saturated fat |

| | | |Total trans fat |

| | | |Total cholesterol |

| | | |Total sodium |

| | | |Total carbohydrates |

| | | |Total sugars |

| | | |Total protein |

| | | | |

| | | |State at the bottom of each page that the nutritional information is based on a 2,000-calorie diet.  |

|Step Ten |Chapter Ten |Engineer your Menu to Optimize |Study menu engineering results and make decisions to enhance profit within each menu category. |

| | |Business Success | |

| | | |Analyze the menu item ratings (Column L) on each of the menu engineering worksheets within Menu_Engineering.xls Modify |

| | | |menu item concepts, forecasts, recipes, prices and merchandising language to increase contribution margin to optimal |

| | | |levels. |

| | | | |

|Step Eleven |Chapter Five |Forecast Net Income |Create a pro forma income statement. |

| | | | |

| | | |Develop one week operating profit/loss projections by entering sales, cost of sales and expenses into Profit.xls |

| | | | |

| | | |Use the examples in Chapter Five to create links between menu engineering worksheets and respective cells within |

| | | |Profit.xls |

| | | | |

| | | |For non-food and non-beverage expenses, start with operating data provided in Chapter Five, and then use appropriate |

| | | |resources listed in the Action Toolkits to conduct necessary research and forecast all other expenses. |

Notes to Instructor

1. Due to the comprehensive nature of this assignment, certain steps only require a few menu selections to assess student comprehension; however instructors may elect to require greater breadth or depth. Consequently, this assignment may be expanded, contracted or otherwise customized to suit the need of specific classes or instructional delivery arrangements.

2. This assignment requires development of a multi-category a la carte menu. The menu engineering step of the assignment will not work with prix fixe menus. The more categories the student elects to include, the richer the learning will be.

3. Step Three requires populating an inventory workbook with ingredient specifications and current prices. One strategy for acquiring vendor price lists is to assign each student a specific category (“Sean obtains dairy prices, Maria obtains fresh produce prices, etc.”) then combine the lists in the form of a library for use by the entire class.

4. The countless variety of spirit-based cocktails requires a disproportionate dedication of time by the student. Consequently, it is not recommended that every cocktail type be forecasted. A simpler, yet effective alternative approach is to require only the following spirit-based drink classifications:

• House/well brand drinks

• Call/name brand drinks

• Premium brand drinks

• Ultra premium brand drinks.

5. The cost/price variation between these classifications is sufficient for academic purposes within this assignment.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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