TNA Questionnaire



Project financed under Phare



Activity 1

Revision and improvement of

TVET online and e-learning modules

and practice in the field

Training and Advice for Further Development of the TVET Sector, Romania,

PHARE TVET RO 2006/018-



Introduction 3


Concept of Training Needs Analysis 4

Organisational Level 7

Team Level 9

Individual Level 11

Prioritising training needs 12

Methods of meeting Training Needs 14

Evaluation of learning 16


Research Content 17

Target group 18

Research Methodology 18

Tools and Instruments 18

Analysis of the Received Data 19



Training needs analysis (TNA) Blank Questionnaire 23

Blank Questionnaire: The forecasted future 25

Prioritized Training Needs 26

General for all 16 TVET schools 26

Colegiul Tehnic Anghel Saligny, Baia Mare 27

Colegiul Agricol Dr.C.Angelescu, Buzau 28

Colegiul Tehnic, Campulung 29

Grupul Şcolar Electroputere, Craiova 30

Colegiul Tehnic de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii, Iaşi 31

Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara Dumitru Motoc, Bucuresti 32

Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara Terezianum, Sibiu 33

Colegiul Tehnic Petru Musat, Suceava 34

Colegiul Tehnic Lorin Salagean, Turnu Severin 35

Colegiul Economic Ion Ghica, Targoviste 36

Colegiul Tehnic Mircea Cristea, Brasov 37

Grupul şcolar industrial Anghel Saligny, Brăila 38

Colegiul Tehnic, Turda 39

Grup Şcolar Industrial Transporturi Auto, Timişoara 40

Colegiul tehnic Matei Corvin, Hunedoara 41

Colegiul Tehnic PTc Gheorge Airinei, Bucuresti 42

The general forecasted future 43


The aim of this paper is to analyze training needs in 16 TVET schools in Romania regarding e-learning: designing e-learning materials, using e-learning materials, developing e-learning materials, other IT related competencies, team work, communication skills, designing assessment items and tests, etc – everything that was considered relevant to successful implementation of e-learning materials in TVET schools in Romania. Relevance was decided in collaboration of members from Technical Assistance team and Project Implementation Unit.

The document is structured as following:

Section 1 Theoretical concepts gives some background on the global theory about training need analysis, levels of analysis and stages of its implementation and evaluation.

Section 2 Research describes the research that was conducted in 16 TVET schools in Romania, its target group, methodology used, tools and instruments and ways of analysis.

Section 3 Conclusions and recommendations summarizes the received data and gives recommendations for further development and trainings that are needed in TVET schools to better implement e-learning materials.

In Annexes are presented tools used for this research, results received from 16 TVET schools, general averages, and their prioritization. For the purpose of this document no individual scores are made public, but they will be available for the respective school needs.

Annex 1 presents a Blank TNA questionnaire distributed among schools. Guidelines are to be filled by at least 6 persons from each school.

Annex 2 presents a Blank questionnaire: The forecasted future distributed among schools. Guidelines are to be filled just one time for each school.

Annex 3 presents a Prioritized training needs prepared after analysis of received answers. First is general table with prioritized training needs for all schools together, followed by prioritized training needs for each school separately.

Annex 4 is table with an averaged answers to the questionnaire The forecasted future received from answers from each of 16 TVET schools.

The present document will reflect the research and analysis carried out on total 99 teachers in 16 TVET schools geographically distributed in all Romanian regions and in all educational domains.


Due to the quick development of technologies and societies, organisations are exposed on changes that need to be incorporated in their lives. Such changes are implying not only of updates and upgrades of the technology, processes, and procedures in the organisation, but changes are implying updates and upgrades of the human resources that are working in that organisation.

Therefore, managers need to take the burden of coping with such challenges. They must be able to continually adapt employee skills and abilities to changing requirements. It is the gap between today’s level of skills and competences and performance and the future demands likely to be made on employees at all levels that defines training and development needs. Managers that fail in doing so, earlier, or later, are facing problems in their work, or organisation they are leading are facing existential problems on the market.

Concept of Training Needs Analysis

A training needs analysis (TNA) is an assessment of needs for staff development in your organisation. It considers the skills, knowledge and behaviours that your people need, and how to develop them effectively.

Organisational TNA should ideally be undertaken at 3 levels:

▪ Organisational level

▪ Team/departmental level

▪ Individual level

These three levels are inter-linked, and using this structure will help ensure a balanced analysis that takes into account the big picture as well as the specific needs of individuals.

Some of the questions that you might like to ask before undertaking an analysis of training needs are:

1. Do we have a strategic and organisational plan?

2. Do we have an appraisal system in place?

3. Do all staff have an up to date job description?

4. Do all staff have written objectives?

5. Do we have a competency framework in place?

6. Do we have a training strategy and/or a stated commitment to the value of learning and development for our staff/volunteers and trustees?

7. Do we have processes (formal and informal) in place for effective consultation across the organisation?

The more questions that you can answer positive to, the easier it will be to undertake training needs analysis.

Your TNA will include answers to these questions:

• What are our business goals?

• What skills do we need to meet these goals?

• Are these new skills or ways of doing the same work better?

• Are these industry-specific or general skills?

• Who will benefit from this training?

• What can we afford - in time and money - to spend on training?

Methods that can be used to identify learning needs include:

• Analysis of existing strategies and plan to identify what skills are needed for delivery;

• Questionnaires – paper based or online;

• One-to-one interviews;

• Focus groups - facilitated small group discussions with a representative sample of people.


In order not to jump into conclusions before doing all necessary analysis, it is recommended analysis to be conducted on non-training needs (or on separate training). Numerous problems concerning productivity can be solved by efficient training or by developing handbooks and manuals and so on. Other problems can only be solved by direct action: if the production space is too cold, we must install heating, if the light in the working areas is not installed in a correct way, etc – we must improve. Many non-training needs can be solved by efficient allocation of the available resources.

Next step should be to identify the specific causes of problems in the organisation. The identification is needed primarily to establish whether the problem is a result of an organisational or technical/financial resource issue, or an issue of human resources and to define how it can be treated. Some problems can be solved with peoples training, but now every problem.

The outcome of your TNA should be a robust learning and development plan, based on research and linked to organisational, team and individual objectives.

Organisational Level[1]

Training needs analysis at the organisational level should start with a review of the organisation’s strategic and operational plans. The beginning should be by making organisational SWOT analysis. This is a tool that identifies and presents the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing your organisation. Recommendation is to involve as many people as possible that can bring a different perspective and contribute to a deeper analysis.


Here you have to explain what are good practises, expertise and resources that exists in your organization. Try to be realistic, but not modest, present all you real strengths.

After defining organisational SWOT, this part – strengths should be used to build on the strengths, skills and knowledge that already exist in the organisation. These items will be important resources in future development of the organisation.


In this cell you have to be realistic and identify what are your organisational weaknesses. These items will be starting points for improvement of the organisational performance. You should define skills, knowledge or behaviours that could help you address the identified weaknesses.


Take a look ahead and around to notice all the opportunities in your surroundings. At first glance it may be difficult to realize every opportunity that is why it is important to include all possible stakeholders in this analysis. These items will help you define what skills, knowledge or behaviours that could help your organisation make the most of the available opportunities?


What are the threats that can become an obstacle in achieving organizational goals? With this you will be able to easier define what skills, knowledge or behaviours could help your organisation manage and overcome the identified threats?

| |+ |- |

|in |Strengths |Weaknesses |

| | | |

| | | |

|out |Opportunities |Threats |

| | | |

| | | |

From SWOT table is obvious that Strengths and Opportunities are positive items that can be used for organizational benefits. Weaknesses and Threats in the other hand are negative items that are challenges to us and therefore they need to be switched into something that can be positive to the organisation, or somehow beneficial to the organisation. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal organisational affairs and can be addressed internally, but Opportunities and Threats are external factors and different approach for them is necessary.

Strengths and Weaknesses are internal organisational affairs and can be addressed internally, but Opportunities and Threats are external factors and different approach for them is necessary. After SWOT table is filled in the first time, reread the items and try to identify which of them and how can be used/changed during the trainings. What kind of skills, knowledge or behaviours could be addresses during trainings to use positive and improve negative factors.

Team Level

Analysis of training needs should also be undertaken at team level. This means reviewing the necessary skills needs within your team in order to accomplish the team’s own objectives. The analysis should take into account both the needs of individuals, but also anything that can help your team to work together more effectively. Do this analysis by involving all people in the team.

A key tool for identifying training needs at this level are appraisals or performance reviews. Appraisal provides an opportunity to review work objectives for the previous year, and agree objectives for the year ahead. Think about how you can support your staff (or volunteers if appropriate) in identifying learning needs related to these objectives. When you are defining objectives think that the objectives should be SMART. SMART is a way of checking that your objectives are clear. It applies to both work and learning objectives.

Specific: You know exactly what it is you want to accomplish.

Measurable: There is a clear way to measure it and to know when you have done it.

Achievable: It is achievable within your reasonable control.

Realistic: It is a realistic goal bearing in mind the time and the resources available.

Time-bound: There is a date or deadline for achieving the objectives.

When you identify SMART objectives you can use them to define what kind of skills, knowledge or attitudes could be addresses during trainings to easier accomplish determined objectives.

Skills for managers

In order for training needs analysis to be effective, managers will need to have the necessary knowledge and skills to work with staff and/or volunteers to help them identify their needs and how to meet them. Managers can also be instrumental in identifying the broader skills and knowledge resource base that exists within the organisation. People may well have knowledge and skills that are not fully demonstrated within their current jobs, but which could be used in other ways – for example in mentoring new members of staff.

Competency framework may be used as a basis for job design, appraisal and training needs analysis. Competencies are statements of effective behaviour in meeting a particular outcome. You can develop competencies internally, or draw on existing competencies as a starting point.

It may be that many learning needs can be dealt with on a team level, for example through cascading information at team meetings. However, this is more likely to be effective if it takes place within a system and culture which makes it easy for people to identify and ask for support from team members.

A learning culture is one in which learning is valued and is embedded across an organisation. It takes time and commitment to establish a learning culture. Here are some of the ways in which you can encourage and raise awareness of the value of learning:

• If senior management and line managers can appreciate and become enthusiastic about the value of learning and development for themselves and others, this sets the tone for the organisations.

• People learn a lot from teaching others – encourage people to share what they know with others – in writing, at team meetings, at staff conferences and events, informally.

• Initiate activities such as Learning at Work day which encourage people to participate in sessions on topics which may be unrelated to their daily work.

• Allow and support people initiative in deciding about necessary trainings. Team members will be encouraged for professional development.

Individual Level[2]

Appraisal and supervision meetings allow individuals to reflect on their own learning needs in relation to their work objectives. What additional skills and learning do they need to improve what they do? It is important to take into account people’s ambitions and personal development objectives. People are unlikely to remain motivated if there is no progression or challenge built into their work. If you are asking for people’s training needs, then as an organisation you need to be able to meet them, or at least partly meet them, relatively quickly. If people ask for training and don’t receive it they can get unmotivated and it affects their view of training and the organisation as whole.

Assessment tools can be helpful in getting a clearer picture of individual performance, and the impact that people are making at different levels within the organisation. Identifying training needs at individual level is not just about what needs to be learnt, it is also about how best to do it. Find out how people have enjoyed and benefited from learning in the past.

The outcome of training/learning needs analysis at an individual level should be a personal development plan which outlines personal learning objectives, linking them to the agreed work objectives. Some questions to ask for your personal development plan:

1. What do you want to get from your work?

2. What are your strengths?

3. What areas would you like to improve?

4. Where would you like more responsibility?

5. What is preventing you from developing as you would like?

6. Which interests or talents would you like to develop?

7. How do you like to learn?

8. What skills or experience would allow you to feel more confident at work?

The Learning and Development Plan

Once you have reviewed the data gathered at organisational, team and individual level, bring this together into a learning and development plan.

The plan should not only identify the learning requirements within the organisation, but should prioritise them and set out the ways in which the requirements can be met, the resources needed, the timescale, and the way in which the learning will be evaluated.

Prioritising training needs

Before we even think of doing the training, it is important to link training to the organisation priorities based on strategy and other organisation strategic documents. If for example the quality of a product is too instable due to a worn out machinery, we must first purchase and install the machinery before we implement training!

The definition and prioritisation of training needs therefore is affected by a number of critical factors (which can differ from company to company or from situation to situation):

• Strategic importance

• Cost effectiveness

• Resource availability

• Target group suitability

• Customer expectations

• Distribution system

• Organisational elements

• Legal requirements

• Etc.

It is necessary to define these critical factors prior to the design and use of a training prioritisation methodology that will support the decision making process.

Once you have identified training needs across the organisation, they need to be analysed and prioritised. Areas to consider when prioritising:

• What impact will developing these skills have on our performance?

• What would be the cost/benefit of investing in developing these skills?

• Which skills needs are the most important to our long-term success?

• Which skills needs are the most urgent?

Cost/benefit analysis means assessing the potential costs of learning and development activity against the potential gains in a quantifiable way. Making the case for the value of learning interventions to decision-makers and funders for investment in training is strengthened by a cost/benefits analysis. Potential gains might include:

• reduced turnover and savings on recruitment costs,

• higher skill levels leading to more efficiency and fewer errors,

• reduced risk of accidents or breaches of legislative requirements,

• higher morale and levels of motivation,

• impact on fundraising capacity through a higher skills base,

• improvements to the quality of your service and reputation,

• sustainability and succession planning.

Of course, training or learning interventions will not always be the appropriate solution for organisational issues, and the process of undertaking a TNA and a cost/benefit analysis is likely to highlight areas where other solutions are required.

Based on the priority list the training programme design can be initiated.

Methods of meeting Training Needs[3]

There are many ways to meet defined training needs. The methods you choose to meet the needs will depend upon how people prefer to learn, the number of people needing training, and of course organisational budget for the training. Depending on the type of training, own resources and demand for quality etc, it must be decided whether to implement the training using internal trainers, using trainer from outside or to hand over the entire training development to an external partner. Think also about any special needs people may have and how to support them, so that your training is equally accessible to all who need it. Some of the methods you could consider are:

In-house courses

Developing a course to be run on your premises and tailored especially to the needs of your staff and volunteers. Useful if the training need is quite specific to your needs, for example training on a new system or process.

You might solicit an external trainer/organisation to develop and deliver the course, or ask someone with relevant expertise within the organisation to deliver the training. If the latter, you might need to ask whether there is a need for some “train the trainer” training to ensure that they can communicate their knowledge effectively.

Action Learning

Action Learning is a form of learning by doing that most trainers and organisations are taking as most effective. It involves working in small groups of around 6-8 people meeting on a regular basis, working through real problems with the support of the group. Drawing on the skills of listening and questioning, this method helps you to reach solutions and commit to taking action.

External training courses

Attending external training courses have the advantage of allowing you to network and learn from people in other organisations. This networking element is one of the reasons classroom based training remains so popular. External training can be expensive, but there are many advantages of it.

Conferences and events

Conferences are ideal for getting up to date with developments and for networking and learning from others. The information on this kind of the events can be found in professional magazines, news, dedicated web sites etc.

E-learning/Blended Learning

E-learning is increasingly being used to supplement traditional courses. With the developments in technology, structured e-learning is becoming more sophisticated and can be tailored to individual and small groups of learners. It can be used to provide large groups of people with the same material whilst still allow individuals to learn in their own time.

Books and journals

Sometimes the learning need can be met simply by reading a suitable book or buying an appropriate toolkit. Where the need is to keep up to date with current developments, a journal subscription and allowing time for reading as part of the working week can be a simple and effective way to keep learning current.


Coaching consists of a series of structured one-to-meetings focused on improving an individual’s skills and performance, usually for the current job. Coaches seek to bring an objective perspective to a structured dialogue to help individuals find solutions to issues they are facing. Sometimes coaches are hired from outside the organisation, but usually necessary resources are already in place in the organisation.


Typically mentors will be experienced managers who regularly meet more junior colleagues to help them perform better and develop them for career advancement. For more senior managers, outside mentors may sometimes be hired.


Shadowing involves spending a short period time with someone in a different job – either within your own organisation or externally. This might include sitting in on meetings, observing how day to day tasks are done. Shadowing can be useful as part of an induction when you shadow more experienced staff. It can also be used as a development opportunity where both parties can learn from each other, as being shadowed can help you review the ways in which you habitually work.

Evaluation of learning

It is important to consider evaluation of learning and development activities at the planning stage and build this into your TNA. Strong evaluation will help in planning future training and learning activity that has shown to be effective. The widely used Kirkpatrick model identifies four levels of evaluation.

1. Reaction

This asks learners how they felt about the learning experience. It is usually assessed by means of a course evaluation questionnaire or “happy sheet”. There are alternatives to questionnaire – for example you could end a training session by asking people to write down answers on post-it notes, for example: What I liked? What could be improved? What I learnt? What else do I need to learn about the subject? and then they can be collated on a flipchart.

2. Learning

This will assess what has actually been learnt. If the learning objective was some essential health and safety information, this could be tested with a quiz. If it was the ability to perform a particular task such as producing a spreadsheet or chairing a meeting, this could be tested and observed in the workplace.

3. Behaviour

This looks at the effect the learning intervention has on an individual’s behaviour in their job. This could be assessed by reviewing changes in knowledge, skills and competence as part of the supervision and appraisal process. This evaluation should be done some time after the training, so that trainees will have time to implement gained knowledge, skill or attitude.

4. Results

This looks at the impact of the learning on organisational performance as a whole. If the learning objectives are clearly linked to organisational objectives, then data linking learning to organisational changes will be easier to obtain and analyse. Directly linking learning and development activity to overall performance is not always easy to do. However, if you carry out something like a SWOT analysis on an annual basis, trends can be assessed over time.

Other methods for training assessment can be in five below areas:

• Evaluating the reaction of participants

• Measuring the learning that occurred by training

• Assessing on-the-job-behaviour.

• Identifying business results of training

• Calculation return on investment


Research Content

Changes in technology are reflected in everyday life of every individual in the world. They are influencing first the economy and businesses, but very quickly education should adapt to the new circumstances. Electronic learning (e-learning) has been a reaction of educational system to the possibilities that new technologies are opening. E-learning is ensuring inclusion and access to the education for disadvantaged, marginalized, displaced people. The advantages of e-learning are enormous. But, to implement it in the schools, there are some changes that need to be put in place first. Installation of equipment, its’ maintenance and staff trainings are obvious. The teacher training and their continuous development are very important topics on which schools need to focus.

Periodical training need analysis should be conducted in order to receive updated information about the needs of school staff. The purpose of the Training Needs Analysis is to identify the training needs and competences of teachers. The information need to be used to design and provide courses tailored to their needs.

In following chapters the research made for training needs of Romanian TVET teachers developing and using electronic materials is presented. The findings are presented after the research done in 16 support centers for TVET in Romania, statistical analysis conducted and prioritization made.

The findings should be send back to the respective schools, accompanied with the predicted training courses needed, so that they can adapt own training strategies for professional development of the teachers. This is the first research that cannot be done just once and have the results used for a long period. The research similar to this one should be done regularly, the findings shared between schools, and training courses tailored accordingly.

Target group

The target group for this training needs research are teachers from 16 support centers, also TVET schools which are developing and are implementing e-learning in their daily teaching activities or as separate modules. At the beginning, during this research at least 6 teachers from each school will be interviewed. In every support center/school there is an e-learning team consisting of 3 persons that will be interviewed. In every school there are at least 3 more persons that are involved in e-learning, and those will be other 3 persons to be interviewed. In few schools more teachers have filled the questionnaires and the total number of interviewees is 99. For future researches this number should be adapted to the number of teachers that are using or is planned to be using e-learning materials.

Research Methodology

Research methodology can be very different, depending on available time, available resources and number of people that should be interviewed. This research is using very simple methods of questionnaire developed especially for the purpose of this research. The number of teachers that will be interviewed is the number of teachers that are using e-learning materials in each of 16 support centers (for this moment it is usually 3 people in e-learning team and 3 more teachers in each school). The selected target group has filled in the questionnaire that was sent back to the TA. TA has done statistical analysis, prioritize training needs, make conclusions and write recommendations.

Tools and Instruments

The TNA questionnaire consists of 24 questions which contain topics related to developing or using electronic learning materials: designing e-learning materials, using e-learning materials, developing e-learning materials, other IT related competencies, team work, communication skills, designing assessment items and tests. This blank TNA Questionnaire is given in Annex 1. Teachers were asked to mark with 5 the item that they can perform independently without any help; with 1 the item that they have no knowledge about, and respectively with 2, 3, or 4, depending on the level of their knowledge about the topic.

Today’s world is rapidly changing. All changes are influencing education sooner or later. For some schools one item will influence more in one period of time, for other – another item will influence harder. Second tool The forecasted future was also distributed to the schools to collect schools’ views how the changes in own environment will influence educational future. This blank questionnaire is given in Annex 2.

Analysis of the Received Data

The received data from schools were brought into spreadsheet, averages calculated and sorting/prioritizing made. Further analysis was applied on the forms that have been submitted. The average figures for each item are calculated and presented in descended order. The compiled data are presented into a table in Annex 3. The Annex 3 is presenting prioritized training needs for all schools together – general view; followed by prioritized training needs for each school separately.

Items that had score 4,5 or higher are marked as strong points for respective schools. Capacity for those items exists in schools and they can conduct own internal training if necessary for other colleagues. That is why these strong points are not considered as something that should be further developed or should have focus on in respective schools.

Items that have average scores below 3 are considered as weak points in respective schools and need urgent training in. Obviously there is no capacity in these topics in the school and external help/trainer should be found. This external help can be a colleague from different TVET school that have strong knowledge about the topic. In that way sustainability and collaboration between schools will be strengthen.

Items that have average scores between 3 and 4,5 are not so urgent training needs, and sometimes existing capacity in school or adjacent school can be used. These items should be considered as possible training needs on longer term.

In Annex 4 is given average of answers from all 16 schools. Comparison is made between influence of the item to the school as organization and/or teaching and learning process. Bigger figure/average means that schools are considering having bigger influence and is bolded to be more visible. The influence is almost equally distributed between Technology, Organization and Socio-economic factors. What will be interesting is to analyze what is the school opinion on which of this items will influence more to the school as an organization or to the teaching and learning process, which is presented in Conclusion section.


The tables in Annex 3 are showing big diversity between knowledge distribution in 16 TVET schools. All schools have indicated own strong points and points where improvement and training are necessary. Positive is that in almost every school there at least 3-5 topics that are identified as very strong and approximately 3-5 that need urgent improvement. Teachers from several schools that have presented stronger results can serve as trainers for other schools that need training in respective topics. In this way sustainability is getting stronger; schools are collaborating between each other and are exchanging experience.

The general conclusion is that the necessary capacity exists in Romanian TVET schools.

Another strong point is that teachers from TVET schools are realistic and can make self-evaluation and can identify own strong and weak points. Every school have presented more or less realistic picture of own staff – with several very strong topics and several topics that need more attention in future period. This shows mature attitude of school staff to self-evaluation and own/schools’ needs.

Competences that in general are strong in Romanian TVET schools are:

• Communication skills

• Text processing

• Classroom management

• Sharing Information

• Searching information

• Internet and online activities

• Team work.

From the received responses is obvious that the capacity for these topics exists in 16 TVET schools. If other schools will need training in these topics in the future, teachers from 16 TVET schools with strong knowledge about it can be used as resource persons and trainers.

Competences that teachers from TVET schools think need to be improved are:

• Proficiency in English language

• Designing e-learning layout

• Developing other multimedia products

• Network support/troubleshooting

• Developing flash animations.

A general prioritized table for all schools and specific prioritized tables for each school separately, divided with bold lines of priorities are given in Annex 3. It can be advised that every school will develop own training plan and conduct (or ask for) trainings necessary for them. In general topics that need further development in several schools can be covered with one external training for all of them. Schools should be encouraged to organize or apply by themselves.

From Annex 4 – The general forecasted future, it is obvious that teachers think that there will be changes because of the influences in the schools as organizations in the same time as changes in teaching and learning process. Influence is almost equally distributed between Influence of Technology, Influence of changes in the organization in school and Influence of the social-economic factors.

Important is that teachers from Romanian TVET schools think that changes in technology and some changes in school organization will have bigger impact on teaching and learning process:

• Wider use of existing technology in the school

• New equipment in the school

• New additional e-learning modules

• Change in teaching methods

• Change in assessment methods

In the same time, bigger impact of school as organization for education will have:

• Starting the new profiles in the school

• Change in social behaviour

• Changes in environment

• Changes in economy

• Changes in the legislation

The results from this questionnaire should be also presented to the respective schools, so that the schools will know how and where to focus own training priorities. From the answers of teachers it is obvious that topics that will strongly impact teaching and learning process need training for teachers, and topics that will impact on organizational level need training for management teams of schools.

From answers in Annex 4, training for teachers needs to be organized if there is:

- New teaching/learning methods;

- New assessment methods;

- New e-learning modules;

- New equipment in school;

- Wider use of existing equipment.

In 16 TVET support schools there is new equipment and the training are conducted. Several trainings about new e-learning materials have been conducted as activities under the Phare 2006 project. The next priority for the teacher training should be in:

- New teaching/learning methods;

- New assessment methods;

Respectively, after analysis of the table it is obvious that training for management teams should be organized for dealing with changes in:

- Social-economic factors;

- New profiles in school.


Annex 1

Training needs analysis (TNA) blank Questionnaire

5 – I am capable to accomplish without any help

1 – I don’t have knowledge about …..

| People |Person 1 |Person 2 |Person 3 |Additional comments |

|Skills | | | | |

|Team work | | | | |

|Communication skills | | | | |

|Educational planning | | | | |

|Classroom management | | | | |

|Proficiency in English language | | | | |

|Equipment usage and maintenance | | | | |

|Network support/troubleshooting | | | | |

|Working with digital and web camera | | | | |

|Text processing | | | | |

|Image processing | | | | |

|Working with spreadsheets | | | | |

|Designing presentations | | | | |

|Internet and online activities | | | | |

|Developing flash animations | | | | |

|Developing other multimedia products | | | | |

|Searching for information | | | | |

|Sharing information | | | | |

|Designing e-learning content | | | | |

|Designing e-learning materials | | | | |

|Designing e-learning layout | | | | |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria | | | | |

|Defining e-assessment questions and | | | | |

|documents | | | | |

|Designing and giving feedback | | | | |

|Developing e-portfolio | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Center/School _______________________________

Date _______________________________________

Annex 2

Blank Questionnaire: The forecasted future

Out of total 100 points please allocate points to the factors that are projected to influence the future of your school during the next 5 years (column A).

For each factor indicate afterwards the effect on the school as a whole and actual teaching and learning process. (column B and C).

Note: Make sure that the total of column B and C equals total of column A. (Total of A should be 100)

|Factors of influence |Expected effect on |

| |Points |Organisation |Teaching and learning process|

| | |(school as a whole) |C |

| |A |B | |

|Technology | | | |

|Wider use of existing technology in the school | | | |

| | | | |

|New equipment in the school | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Organisation | | | |

|New additional e-learning modules | | | |

| | | | |

|Change in teaching methods | | | |

| | | | |

|Change in assessment methods | | | |

| | | | |

|Starting the new profiles in the school | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Social-economic factors | | | |

|Change in social behaviour | | | |

| | | | |

|Changes in environment | | | |

| | | | |

|Changes in economy | | | |

| | | | |

|Changes in the legislation | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|TOTAL |100 | | |

Center/School __________________________________ Date _________________

Annex 3

Prioritized Training Needs

| General for all 16 TVET schools |  |

|Developing flash animations |2,28 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,60 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,93 |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,94 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,98 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,30 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,42 |

|Designing e-learning materials |3,49 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,57 |

|Image processing |3,59 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |3,71 |

|Developing e-portfolio |3,80 |

|Designing e-learning content |3,83 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |3,84 |

|Designing and giving feedback |4,13 |

|Designing presentations |4,42 |

|Educational planning |4,43 |

|Communication skills |4,55 |

|Text processing |4,56 |

|Classroom management |4,58 |

|Sharing information |4,58 |

|Searching for information |4,59 |

|Internet and online activities |4,61 |

|Team work |4,69 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic Anghel Saligny, Baia Mare |

|Developing flash animations |2,14 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,57 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,57 |

|Working with spreadsheets |2,86 |

|Designing e-learning layout |3,14 |

|Proficiency in English language |3,14 |

|Image processing |3,29 |

|Designing e-learning content |3,57 |

|Developing e-portfolio |3,57 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |3,57 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,71 |

|Designing e-learning materials |3,86 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,00 |

|Communication skills |4,43 |

|Educational planning |4,57 |

|Internet and online activities |4,86 |

|Classroom management |5,00 |

|Designing and giving feedback |5,00 |

|Designing presentations |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Sharing information |5,00 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

|Working with digital and web camera |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Agricol Dr.C.Angelescu, Buzau |

|Image processing |1,33 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |1,33 |

|Developing flash animations |1,50 |

|Developing other multimedia products |1,50 |

|Designing e-learning layout |1,67 |

|Working with digital and web camera |1,83 |

|Developing e-portfolio |2,00 |

|Designing e-learning content |2,17 |

|Designing e-learning materials |2,17 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,17 |

|Working with spreadsheets |2,17 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |2,33 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |2,33 |

|Designing presentations |2,50 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |2,50 |

|Communication skills |2,67 |

|Internet and online activities |2,67 |

|Designing and giving feedback |2,83 |

|Searching for information |2,83 |

|Educational planning |3,00 |

|Text processing |3,00 |

|Team work |3,17 |

|Classroom management |3,17 |

|Sharing information |3,33 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic, Campulung |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,33 |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,67 |

|Working with digital and web camera |2,83 |

|Developing flash animations |2,83 |

|Designing e-learning content |2,83 |

|Developing other multimedia products |3,00 |

|Designing e-learning materials |3,00 |

|Developing e-portfolio |3,00 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,17 |

|Proficiency in English language |3,33 |

|Image processing |3,33 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |3,50 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |3,67 |

|Designing and giving feedback |3,83 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |4,00 |

|Educational planning |4,17 |

|Classroom management |4,17 |

|Internet and online activities |4,17 |

|Designing presentations |4,33 |

|Searching for information |4,33 |

|Sharing information |4,33 |

|Team work |4,50 |

|Communication skills |4,50 |

|Text processing |4,67 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Grupul Şcolar Electroputere, Craiova |

|Developing flash animations |2,83 |

|Proficiency in English language |4,00 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |4,17 |

|Working with digital and web camera |4,17 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |4,33 |

|Image processing |4,50 |

|Developing other multimedia products |4,50 |

|Designing e-learning content |4,50 |

|Designing e-learning layout |4,50 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |4,50 |

|Educational planning |4,83 |

|Classroom management |4,83 |

|Designing presentations |4,83 |

|Sharing information |4,83 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Communication skills |5,00 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

|Working with spreadsheets |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Designing e-learning materials |5,00 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |5,00 |

|Designing and giving feedback |5,00 |

|Developing e-portfolio |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii, Iaşi |

|Network support/troubleshooting |1,50 |

|Designing e-learning materials |2,00 |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,00 |

|Developing flash animations |2,33 |

|Designing e-learning content |2,33 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,67 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |2,67 |

|Image processing |3,00 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |3,00 |

|Proficiency in English language |3,50 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,50 |

|Designing and giving feedback |3,50 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,83 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,83 |

|Developing e-portfolio |3,83 |

|Searching for information |4,67 |

|Communication skills |4,83 |

|Designing presentations |4,83 |

|Sharing information |4,83 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Educational planning |5,00 |

|Classroom management |5,00 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara Dumitru Motoc, Bucuresti |

|Developing flash animations |1,83 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,00 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,67 |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,83 |

|Proficiency in English language |3,00 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,00 |

|Image processing |3,33 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,67 |

|Educational planning |4,17 |

|Classroom management |4,17 |

|Working with spreadsheets |4,17 |

|Text processing |4,33 |

|Designing e-learning materials |4,33 |

|Designing presentations |4,50 |

|Communication skills |4,67 |

|Internet and online activities |4,67 |

|Designing e-learning content |4,67 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,67 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |4,83 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,83 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Sharing information |5,00 |

|Designing and giving feedback |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara Terezianum, Sibiu |

|Developing flash animations |1,83 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,00 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,50 |

|Developing other multimedia products |3,17 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,60 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,67 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,83 |

|Image processing |4,17 |

|Designing e-learning layout |4,17 |

|Educational planning |4,33 |

|Designing e-learning materials |4,33 |

|Communication skills |4,50 |

|Designing e-learning content |4,50 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |4,50 |

|Designing and giving feedback |4,50 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,50 |

|Team work |4,67 |

|Classroom management |4,67 |

|Designing presentations |4,67 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,67 |

|Internet and online activities |4,83 |

|Searching for information |4,83 |

|Sharing information |4,83 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic Petru Musat, Suceava |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,50 |

|Developing flash animations |2,50 |

|Working with digital and web camera |2,83 |

|Proficiency in English language |3,00 |

|Image processing |3,00 |

|Developing other multimedia products |3,17 |

|Designing e-learning materials |3,17 |

|Designing e-learning layout |3,33 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,67 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,83 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |4,00 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,00 |

|Designing and giving feedback |4,17 |

|Text processing |4,33 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,33 |

|Educational planning |4,67 |

|Classroom management |4,67 |

|Searching for information |4,67 |

|Sharing information |4,67 |

|Designing e-learning content |4,67 |

|Team work |4,83 |

|Communication skills |4,83 |

|Designing presentations |4,83 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic Lorin Salagean, Turnu Severin |

|Working with spreadsheets |2,50 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,83 |

|Developing flash animations |2,83 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |3,00 |

|Designing e-learning layout |3,00 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,17 |

|Developing other multimedia products |3,33 |

|Image processing |3,67 |

|Designing presentations |3,67 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |3,83 |

|Text processing |4,00 |

|Designing e-learning content |4,17 |

|Designing e-learning materials |4,17 |

|Designing and giving feedback |4,17 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,17 |

|Educational planning |4,33 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,33 |

|Communication skills |4,67 |

|Classroom management |4,67 |

|Team work |4,83 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Sharing information |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Economic Ion Ghica, Targoviste |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,50 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,67 |

|Working with digital and web camera |2,83 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,17 |

|Proficiency in English language |3,67 |

|Developing flash animations |3,67 |

|Developing other multimedia products |3,67 |

|Designing e-learning materials |3,67 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,83 |

|Designing and giving feedback |4,00 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,00 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,17 |

|Designing e-learning content |4,33 |

|Image processing |4,50 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |4,50 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Communication skills |5,00 |

|Educational planning |5,00 |

|Classroom management |5,00 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

|Designing presentations |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Sharing information |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic Mircea Cristea, Brasov |

|Developing flash animations |2,00 |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,33 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |2,67 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,83 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,83 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,00 |

|Designing e-learning content |3,00 |

|Designing e-learning materials |3,00 |

|Image processing |3,33 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,67 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |4,00 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,00 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,00 |

|Team work |4,33 |

|Working with spreadsheets |4,50 |

|Designing presentations |4,67 |

|Communication skills |5,00 |

|Educational planning |5,00 |

|Classroom management |5,00 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Sharing information |5,00 |

|Designing and giving feedback |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Grupul şcolar industrial Anghel Saligny, Brăila |

|Network support/troubleshooting |1,88 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,00 |

|Developing flash animations |2,00 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |2,00 |

|Working with digital and web camera |2,13 |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,13 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |2,13 |

|Working with spreadsheets |2,38 |

|Developing e-portfolio |2,38 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |2,50 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,50 |

|Designing e-learning materials |2,63 |

|Designing and giving feedback |2,75 |

|Designing e-learning content |2,88 |

|Image processing |3,00 |

|Designing presentations |3,38 |

|Internet and online activities |3,63 |

|Team work |3,75 |

|Searching for information |3,75 |

|Communication skills |4,00 |

|Classroom management |4,00 |

|Text processing |4,00 |

|Sharing information |4,00 |

|Educational planning |4,25 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic, Turda |

|Developing flash animations |2,50 |

|Proficiency in English language |3,00 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,00 |

|Developing other multimedia products |3,17 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |3,33 |

|Designing e-learning layout |3,33 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,83 |

|Image processing |3,83 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |3,83 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,00 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |4,17 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |4,17 |

|Sharing information |4,33 |

|Designing e-learning materials |4,33 |

|Educational planning |4,50 |

|Designing e-learning content |4,50 |

|Designing and giving feedback |4,50 |

|Communication skills |4,67 |

|Searching for information |4,67 |

|Text processing |4,83 |

|Designing presentations |4,83 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Classroom management |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Grup Şcolar Industrial Transporturi Auto, Timişoara |

|Developing flash animations |2,17 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,33 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,67 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |2,83 |

|Designing e-learning layout |3,33 |

|Educational planning |3,67 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,67 |

|Working with spreadsheets |3,67 |

|Sharing information |3,67 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |3,67 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |3,83 |

|Designing e-learning materials |4,00 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |4,17 |

|Communication skills |4,33 |

|Designing and giving feedback |4,33 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,33 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Classroom management |5,00 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

|Image processing |5,00 |

|Designing presentations |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Designing e-learning content |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul tehnic Matei Corvin, Hunedoara |

|Developing flash animations |1,00 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |1,17 |

|Proficiency in English language |2,00 |

|Working with digital and web camera |2,00 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |2,33 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |2,50 |

|Designing and giving feedback |2,50 |

|Developing e-portfolio |2,50 |

|Working with spreadsheets |2,67 |

|Developing other multimedia products |2,67 |

|Designing e-learning materials |2,67 |

|Designing e-learning layout |2,67 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |3,00 |

|Image processing |3,17 |

|Designing e-learning content |3,17 |

|Searching for information |3,67 |

|Text processing |3,83 |

|Designing presentations |4,00 |

|Internet and online activities |4,00 |

|Classroom management |4,33 |

|Sharing information |4,50 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Communication skills |5,00 |

|Educational planning |5,00 |

Prioritized Training Needs

|Colegiul Tehnic PTc Gheorge Airinei, Bucuresti |

|Developing flash animations |2,50 |

|Developing other multimedia products |3,17 |

|Working with digital and web camera |3,50 |

|Designing e-learning materials |3,50 |

|Designing e-learning layout |3,50 |

|Proficiency in English language |4,00 |

|Educational planning |4,33 |

|Equipment usage and maintenance |4,33 |

|Network support/troubleshooting |4,33 |

|Working with spreadsheets |4,33 |

|Communication skills |4,67 |

|Classroom management |4,67 |

|Designing presentations |4,67 |

|Developing e-portfolio |4,67 |

|Team work |5,00 |

|Text processing |5,00 |

|Image processing |5,00 |

|Internet and online activities |5,00 |

|Searching for information |5,00 |

|Sharing information |5,00 |

|Designing e-learning content |5,00 |

|Identifying e-assessment criteria |5,00 |

|Defining e-assessment questions and documents |5,00 |

|Designing and giving feedback |5,00 |

Annex 4

The general forecasted future

| |Total |Organisation |Teaching and |

| |B + C |(school as a |learning |

| | |whole) |process |

| | |B |C |

|Technology | | | |

|Wider use of existing technology in the school |15,45 |7,12 |9,39 |

|New equipment in the school |14,51 |6,62 |9,36 |

|Organisation | | | |

|New additional e-learning modules |11,90 |5,11 |7,23 |

|Change in teaching methods |9,70 |5,10 |6,37 |

|Change in assessment methods |8,85 |4,44 |5,57 |

|Starting the new profiles in the school |9,33 |5,98 |4,88 |

|Social-economic factors | | | |

|Change in social behaviour |6,98 |3,91 |3,70 |

|Changes in environment |6,26 |3,83 |3,00 |

|Changes in economy |8,55 |5,48 |3,47 |

|Changes in the legislation |8,61 |5,94 |3,52 |



[1]Adapted from

[2] Adapted from “Personal Development Plans” .uk

[3] Adapted from


1.2: Training needs identification and subsequent development of online TVET curriculum

Skills needed


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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