2 Minute Prezis

How to Read Literature Like a Professor: 3 Minute Prezis

The purpose of the 3 Minute Prezi Assignment is two-fold. It’s a review of the chapters in How to Read Lit Like a Professor that you should have read this summer and it’s an introduction (or practice) to the Prezi presentation format, which you will probably use in other presentations this year. If you don’t have a Prezi account already, you will need to create one.

For your assigned chapter(s) you will create a 3 Minute Prezi outlining the main assertions and providing a few examples. Try to include a personal example, either from our summer reading or another book, story, poem, movie, song, play, or other contemporary example from popular culture. It is ultimately your responsibility to summarize the information in the chapter and explain any literary examples found in the chapter.

← Chapter Summary and Primary Assertions – In your own words, paraphrase the summary of Foster’s chapter. In other words, what is the thesis of the chapter, and what major assertions or main points does Foster use to support this thesis?

← Examples from Literature – Reference some works of literature that are examples of Foster’s thesis. You may cite his examples, but you should really try to include your own (see top paragraph).

You will present your Prezis on _______________________. I will not necessarily go in numerical order for the presentations so you will need to be prepared on the due date! Some of you will have 2 chapters (aren’t you lucky!?) because they complement each other. You will get one class period on the chromebooks to work on these the rest you will need to complete on your own.

Prezis will be scored out of 100 points and will be based on the following …

← Quality & Content of Presentation – Is the information accurate? Is the information insightful, relevant, and unique? Does the presenter use his or her time adequately and fully

← Public Speaking Skills – Does the speaker use good public speaking skills? Is the presenter’s message delivered effectively? What communication techniques does the presenter utilize?

← Presentation Engagement and Prezi Interest – How well is the presenter able to enrich, entertain, and inform the rest of the class? Does the presenter engage the class? Is the presentation effusive, or is the presentation impassive? Is the Prezi engaging? Does the presentation have visual appeal? Does the text fit the space? Does the template choice make sense for the topic?

← Time Limit – Did the presenter meet the time limit? If you go over time you will be docked points; how many depends on how much you flout the time limit.

You can see a Sample 3 Minute Prezi on HTRLLP here:

How to Read Literature Like a Professor -- Sign up for the section you would like to present.

1. Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It’s Not)


2. Nice to Eat With You & Nice to Eat You: Acts of Communion & Vampires (Chs. 2 & 3)


3. Now Where Have I Seen Her Before? (Ch. 5)


4. When In Doubt, It’s from Shakespeare… Or the Bible (Chs. 6 & 7)


5. Hanseldee and Greteldum & It’s Greek to Me (Chs. 8 & 9)


6. It’s More Than Just Rain or Snow (Ch. 10)


7. …More Than It’s Gonna Hurt You: Concerning Violence (Ch. 11)


8. Is That a Symbol? (Ch. 12)


9. It’s All Political (Ch. 13)


10. Yes, She’s a Christ Figure Too (Ch. 14)


11. Flights of Fancy (Ch. 15)


12. It’s All About Sex… Except Sex (Chs. 16 & 17)


13. If She Comes Up, It’s Baptism (Ch. 18)


14. Geography Matters… So Does Season (Chs. 19 & 20)


15. Marked for Greatness (Ch. 21)


16. He’s Blind for a Reason, You Know (Ch. 22)


17. It’s Never Just Heart Disease… And Rarely Just Illness (Chs. 23 & 24)


18. Don’t Read with Your Eyes (Ch. 25)


Grading Rubric TOTAL SCORE: _________

3 Minute Prezi

Presenter(s): _____________________________________________________

Chapter(s) Presented: _____________________________________________________

|Content Choices: Does the presenter include |Total Points Possible |Total Points Earned |

|all of the most important information from the| | |

|chapter(s)? |25 |_____ |

|Presentation of Examples: |Total Points Possible |Total Points Earned |

|Are the examples explained in a way that | | |

|enhances our understanding of the chapter(s)? |25 |_____ |

|Visual Appeal: Is the format, imagery, color,|Total Points Possible |Total Points Earned |

|etc, visually appealing? Does it make sense | | |

|based on the content? |25 |_____ |

|Logical information flow: Do the “movements” |Total Points Possible |Total Points Earned |

|in the presentation make sense? Does the flow| | |

|of information make sense? |25 |_____ |

Additional Information (personal examples, handouts, other “extras” in the presentation): ______________________________________________________________________________



Time Deductions: _______________ (1 point per second over 3 minutes!)

Additional Comments:

Student Feedback

3 Minute Prezi

Presenter(s): _____________________________________________________

Chapter(s) Presented: _____________________________________________________

Make suggestions & offer praise for the presentation. Remember to be fair in your criticism with the goal of helping each other to grow. Base your comments on the rubric.



Visual Appeal:

Logical Flow:

Student Feedback

3 Minute Prezi

Presenter(s): _____________________________________________________

Chapter(s) Presented: _____________________________________________________

Make suggestions & offer praise for the presentation. Remember to be fair in your criticism with the goal of helping each other to grow. Base your comments on the rubric.



Visual Appeal:

Logical Flow:

Additional Teacher Information about Grading:

This is called the 3 Minute Prezi and I do ask students to adhere to the 3 minute time limit. This forces them to be efficient in their presentation and to learn to summarize effectively.

I dock points if students go over (by much). I take 1 point per second over. It won’t damage their grade much if they only go over by a second or two, but it certainly discourages a lot of 4 minute Prezis. You can certainly adapt the project if your students need more time… make it the 2 minute or the 5 minute Prezi! I do think a time limit is a necessary thing in order to keep the lesson moving AND to teach students how to manage a timed presentation, which is an important career skill.

I have each rubric category evenly divided - 25 points. Certainly you can adjust the point totals if you like, based on emphasis for your project.

I have also been known to give extra points to students who enhance their projects with costuming, handouts, or other points of personal flair that make their presentations particularly enjoyable for the audience. I DO remind them that everything has to remain within the time limit though, so they shouldn’t add things that will take a lot of time.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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