DCRC User Manual

Adjustable Stiffleg Derrick

Capacity and Reaction Calculator


13 DECEMBER 2001




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1.1 What is the DCRC application 3

1.2 The role of DCRC within Timberland Equipment 3

1.3 Conventions used within this User Manual 3

1.3.1 Links 3

Introduction to Web Browser Interface 5

1.4 Starting the DCRC Application 6

1.4.1 Browsers Supported by DCRC 6

2. Using DCRC to perform Load Calculations 7

2.1 Logging into DCRC 7

2.2 What to do if your Login Failed 8

2.2.1 Your Account Expired 8

2.2.2 Your Account Has Not Been Activated 9

2.3 The Registration Page 10

2.4 Selection of Derrick Model 11

2.4.1 Online Calculation Disclaimer 12

2.5 Selection of Load Condition 13

2.5.1 One Load Condition 13

2.5.2 Maximum Load Condition 13


2.6 Physical Data Screen 15


(Figure 2.8) 16

2.7 Member Lengths & Angles 17

2.8 Member Forces and Reactions 18

2.9 AISC Combined Stress Factors 19

2.10 Printing Your Results 20

2.11 Maximum Member Force and Reaction Positions 21

2.11.1 POSITION 1: BOOM SWING ANGLE = 165 - ( GIVES: 21

(Figure 2.13) 21

2.11.2 POSITION 2: BOOM SWING ANGLE = 90 - ( GIVES: 22

2.11.3 POSITION 3: BOOM SWING ANGLE = -(165 - () GIVES: 22

2.11.4 POSITION 4: BOOM SWING ANGLE = - (90 - () GIVES: 23


Introduction To DCRC

A What is the DCRC application

ISMG has designed and built for Timberland Equipment an online version of their Portable Stiffleg Derrick Capacity and Reaction calculation program. This application has been given the abbreviation DCRC and will be referred to by this acronym throughout this and other supporting documentation.

DCRC will allow the user to input known physical loads (lifted load) and Derrick dimensions (boom length, boom radius, mast height, sill length) for Timberland Portable Derricks. DCRC will then quickly calculate all member forces and reactions. DCRC will tell the user if the load chosen to be lifted at the given boom radius and swing angle is acceptable, or if it overloads the Derrick.

The user can also determine the maximum allowable load that can be lifted at a specified boom radius and swing angle. The structural properties of each of the members for your specific Derrick (boom, mast, legs, sills), as purchased originally from Timberland, must be entered in strict accordance with the dimensions provided in your derrick user manual.

DCRC uses the input load and position data to calculate stress levels in all members and determine if they are within acceptable AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) limits or not. If not, DCRC will display a message that the input rated load is too high for the boom position and other input data chosen.

B The role of DCRC within Timberland Equipment

The Online version of the DCRC application replaces the existing load calculation program with a more user friendly, more accessible version. The load calculation application has been designed to accomplish all the functions of its predecessor using updated application code. The system provides calculations for both the 17 and 35 Ton versions of the Portable Stiffleg Derrick currently manufactured by Timberland Equipment.

C Conventions used within this User Manual

Throughout this user manual you will see text that has been formatted in a particular manner. This has been done in order to draw the user’s attention to certain terms and portions of the text. These conventions are described below.

1 Links

Words indicated by underlined text indicate a link within the application. Clicking on these words within the DCRC application will result in the user being taken to another page within the application or a window may appear requiring further input. In general these links will take the user onward and may be a word or button within the application.

Example: Register Now!

Introduction to Web Browser Interface

The DCRC application has been designed to take advantage of the internet as its platform and functions within a web browser interface. This will provide a very familiar user interface for anyone who has ever “surfed” the World Wide Web using an application such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. For optimum sizing and resolution settings it is recommended that your system be running a minimum resolution of 800X600 pixels.


(Figure 1.1)

The image in figure 1.1 shows the web browser interface for the DCRC application. The remainder of this document will contain screen examples of the application without the surrounding web interface, however, it should be understood that the entire application is functioning within the browser window.

E Starting the DCRC Application

In order to start using the DCRC application a user must have access to the Timberland network and have a Computer running either Internet Explorer or a Netscape browser. The application is then accessed by launching the web browser and typing in the address for the application. To simplify future access to the program it is suggested that you create a shortcut to DCRC on the Microsoft Windows desktop or add the address of the application to your list of “Favorites/Bookmarks”. There is also a link to the online load calculator from the Timberland website.

1 Browsers Supported by DCRC

Netscape Version 4.7 or higher

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher

Using DCRC to perform Load Calculations

A Logging into DCRC

The information contained within the DCRC application is of a sensitive nature and the use of this application is intended for Timberland Equipment personnel and its authorized customers only. In order to ensure that the application is being used by only authorized personnel there is a login phase before the program can be used. Figure 2.1 shows the contents of the first screen complete with the secure login fields. Users must supply a valid username and password before they can use the system. If you do not have access to DCRC you can click on the Register Now! link. Users with a valid username and password can type them into the spaces provided and then click on the Login button.

Note: The Username and Password fields in the DCRC application are NOT case sensitive. This means that typing “USER” is the same as typing “user” or “User” when logging into the application.


(Figure 2.1)

What to do if your Login Failed

There are a couple of ways in which your login might have failed and they will be addressed in this portion of the user manual. The most common reason for failing to log into the system is incorrectly typing your Username and/or Password. After you have ruled out the possibility of a typo there are two other reasons why you may not be able to login.

If you are having difficulty logging in please call Lawrence Clark, or Brad Vollmershausen at (519) 537-6262.

1 Your Account Expired

Your user account to login to the DCRC application has expired and you are presented with the screen seen below (Figure 2.2). Contact Timberland Equipment to extend your access to the DCRC application.


(Figure 2.2)

2 Your Account Has Not Been Activated

Access to the DCRC application has not yet been granted by a Timberland Administrator or your access privileges have been removed. You will see a screen like (Figure 2.3) below and must contact Timberland to gain access.


(Figure 2.3)

C The Registration Page

Users wishing to use the DCRC application who do not have a valid username and password must first fill in the registration form in order to gain access to the system. This registration request is then sent via e-mail to Timberland staff that will be able to grant login access to the user. Use the Register Now! link to get to this form.


(Figure 2.4)

Figure 2.4 shows the registration page within the DCRC application. Users are prompted to provide personal information regarding the request for a login account and are provided with a statement indicating that the approval process generally takes 1 business day. Contact information for Personnel at Timberland Equipment is also provided on this page. Required fields are indicated by an orange field label. Contact Name and Telephone Number are the minimum required fields here.

D Selection of Derrick Model

The next step is to select the model derrick you wish to perform your capacity and reaction load calculations with. Click on the 17.0 Ton or 35.0 Ton link to be brought to the first page of data collection. Figure 2.5 shows the Derrick selection screen. There are also links to documents on the left hand side of this screen for reference purposes. These documents include a link to the application user manual. There is also a link on this page to logout of the application.

Note: The DCRC Application will present the user only with the model of derrick that has been specified for his or her login credentials. The Administrator sets which derrick the user will see. Choices include the 17.0 Ton, 35.0, Ton, or both derrick models.


(Figure 2.5)

Note: The documents contained within the DCRC application are saved in Adobe Acrobat format. This is indicated by a .PDF file extension. These documents require the Adobe Acrobat reader to be installed on the computer prior to attempting to read these files. The Acrobat reader is currently available as a free download from the Adobe website located at .

1 Online Calculation Disclaimer

There is also a statement warning users of the implications of selecting the wrong derrick model on this page of the application. This statement is included here for reference:

WARNING: This calculator is applicable only to the Timberland Portable Stiffleg Derrick. It is not applicable to any other derrick.

Two Timberland Portable Stiffleg Derrick models: ASD17 (17 Ton Capacity) and ASD35 (35 Ton Capacity) are represented by this calculator. The user must exercise caution to specify correctly the model of Timberland Derrick owned or being considered for his or her job. Failure to specify the correct derrick model will result in erroneous results from the calculator, which could create an unsafe condition.

The calculator must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions contained herein. Timberland will not be responsible for any actions resulting from misuse of the calculator.

E Selection of Load Condition

After selecting either the 17.0 Ton or 35.0 Ton derrick model the user is brought to the load condition screen. Here you must select Maximum Load Condition or One Load Condition from the dropdown menu provided.

1 One Load Condition

Use this option if you want to determine the member forces and support reactions for a specific rated load. After you have input the Derrick position data, and load, DCRC will give you either of two answers:

• The load chosen is too high, and therefore the stress level in one of the derricks members has exceeded the AISC allowable stress. In this case, you must start over with a lower rated load.


• DCRC will accept the input rated load and display the rated load, and input data, resulting boom line force and Mast and Sill support reactions, and the AISC Acceptability Factors for each member.

2 Maximum Load Condition

Use this option if you want to determine the maximum allowable rated load for a specific radius and other input data.

You will input a rated load that you believe is less than the maximum load, and DCRC will calculate the AISC Acceptability Factor for each member. The maximum allowable Acceptability Factor is 1.0. If all member Factors are less than 1.0, then DCRC automatically adds an increment load to your input rated load and recalculates the Acceptability Factors. These cycles continue with a new load increment being added each time until the Acceptability Factor on one member exceeds 1.0. The Computer stops and displays the previous value of rated load where all Acceptability Factors were less than 1.0.

The rated load displayed is the maximum allowed under the specified input conditions only.



It is also very important to understand that the maximum allowable rated load will change as the boom radius or boom swing angle changes, or if you change any of the derrick dimensions such as boom length, sill length or sill spread angle. You must enter data for a number of points on your chosen load path to make sure the Derrick will not be overloaded at any point in the load path.

After selection of the desired load condition click next to continue. Figure 2.6 shows this screen in detail. There are also links on the left side of this screen for additional reference.


(Figure 2.6)

The dropdown menu and possible load condition selections are displayed in more detail below.


G Physical Data Screen

Note: Sample data has been used to simulate functionality.


(Figure 2.7)

The physical data screen seen in figure 2.7 provides the user with fields in which to enter the values for these items. After filling in all fields click on Next to continue.

Note: depending on your selection of either “One Load Condition” or “Find Max Load Condition” the corresponding text will appear under the Enter Physical Data title in red as a reminder of the condition you are using.

You will need the following information for data input. See Fig. 2.8 for clarification.

|Boom Length (R) |This is the total length in feet from the boom heel pin to the boom head pin. |

|Boom Radius (N) |The horizontal distance in feet from the boom heel pin to the point at which the|

| |load is lifted. |

|Mast Height (H) |The vertical distance in feet from boom heel pin connection on the mast to the |

| |boom line pin connection. This value is pre-filled by DCRC for the user. |

|Right Sill (MRT) |The distance in feet from the mast centerline to the centerline of the sill |

| |support point for the right sill. |

|Left Sill Length (MLT) |The distance in feet from the mast centerline to the centerline of the sill |

| |support point for the left sill. |

|Sill Spread Angle (( = TH) |One half of the total horizontal angle between the sills, in degrees |

|Boom Swing Angle ((=PH) |The horizontal boom swing angle, either positive or negative, from an imaginary |

| |line drawn midway between the sills, in degrees. (Use a positive angle if |

| |swinging toward the Left Sill. Use a negative angle if swinging toward the Right|

| |Sill.) |

|Rated Load (PR) |The total lifted load which will include the following weights in pounds: |

| |Total weight to be lifted |

| |Hanging hoist rope weight at lowest position of hook block |

| |Weight of lower load block |

| |Weight of all lifting tackle, slings and rigging |


Stiffleg (Figure 2.8)

J Member Lengths & Angles


(Figure 2.9)

The screen as seen in figure 2.9 displays all of the values for the derrick you have input. Click on Next to continue.

K Member Forces and Reactions


(Figure 2.10)

The Member forces and Reactions screen provides user feedback based on inputted data on the previous screens. The resulting forces and reactions are displayed in the fields shown in figure 2.10. Click Next to continue.

Note: The data displayed here is formatted in the following manner: Tension if Positive, Compression if Negative.

L AISC Combined Stress Factors


(Figure 2.11)

The AISC Combined Stress Factors screen also contains data calculations based on the input from previous screens. Here figures are considered within limits if they are less than 1.0 “OK if Less Than 1.0”. You are now finished with this set of data and are free to choose from one of three link options at this time: Users can click on Run Again if you wish to perform calculations with a new set of data or Logout if you are finished with the DCRC application. The Print link will take you to the printable summary of your data.

M Printing Your Results

After clinking on the Print link on the last page of the DCRC application you are presented with a printable summary of all your load conditions (Figure 2.12). This page can be printed out using the Print link found at the bottom of the page. There are also links to return Home and to Logout of the DCRC application on this page.


(Figure 2.12)

N Maximum Member Force and Reaction Positions


If you intend to lift a load, boom in or out, and swing that load, you must at very least

check to see if the load is acceptable in the following boom swing positions.


a) Maximum Compression Load in Left Leg (C-E)

b) Maximum Tension Load in Left Sill (B-E)

c) Maximum Compression Reaction, Left Sill (at E)

d) Maximum Mast Uplift Reaction if Left Sill (B-E) is shorter than Right Sill (B-D)

Note: Boom Swing is limited to 15 degrees clear of the leg and sill. Position 1 illustrates this maximum swing angle nearing the left sill and leg.


(Figure 2.13)


a) Maximum Tension Load in Right Leg (C-D)

b) Maximum Compression Load in Right Sill (B-D)

c) Maximum Tension Reaction, Right Sill (at D)


(Figure 2.14)


a) Maximum Compression Load in Right Leg (C-D)

b) Maximum Tension Load in Right Sill (B-D)

c) Maximum Compression Reaction, Right Sill (at D)

d) Maximum Mast Uplift Reaction if Right Sill (B-D) is shorter than Left Sill (B-E)

Note: Boom Swing is limited to 15 degrees clear of the leg and sill. Position 3 illustrates this maximum swing angle nearing the right sill and leg.


(Figure 2.15)


a) Maximum Tension Load in Left Leg (C-E)

b) Maximum Compression Load in Left Sill (B-E)

c) Maximum Tension Reaction, Left Sill (at E)


(Figure 2.16)


Maximum Compression Reaction for Mast at B. For the value of PH MAX, see the bottom of the output screen Figure 2.9. Choose this value for the input of Boom Swing Angle to calculate the Maximum Mast Reaction position.

PH MAX will be 0 (zero) for all Derricks with equal sill and leg lengths. For Derricks with unequal sill lengths the value for PH MAX is calculated by DCRC during the first cycle with any other Boom position.


(Figure 2.17)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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