TAF-WEP-JAN-2018-002 The Asia Foundation AfghanistanProgram Office: Women Empowerment ProgramFunding Opportunity Title: Strengthened Access to Justice for Women Affected by Violence through Proven Culturally Sensitive Approaches (SA2JWAV)”Announcement Type: Request for Proposal Funding Opportunity Number: TAF-WEP-JAN-2018-002Deadline for Applications: February 25, 2018 (03:00 p.m., Kabul Time) CONTACT INFORMATIONFor all queries contact Procurement Department (country.afghanistan.procurement@). No personal visits or telephone calls shall be entertained.THE PROCUREMENT UNITThe Asia Foundation House # 861, Street # 1Shirpour, District-10, (Sub Street of Shirpour Project)Kabul, Afghanistan.The Foundation will not be responsible for proposals left at the main gate, reception, guard offices, or handed over to any TAF employee other than the procurement unit staff.CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS INCLUDED IN PROPOSALDocuments / Content to be included in the RFPYesNoPlease explain if “No” has been checked.Technical proposalCVs of key staff and core personnelSummary table of similar projectsLetters of recommendation Implementation planRisk assessment planBudget and budget narrativeM&E strategy/manual distinct from M&E Plan in body of technicalGender equity policyCopies of last two years of annual audit reportsBidder’s declarationBACKGROUND SUMMARYThe Asia Foundation (the Foundation) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the development of a peaceful, prosperous, just, and open Asia-Pacific region. Drawing on 60 years of experience, the Foundation supports initiatives to improve governance, law and civil society; women's empowerment; economic reform and development; sustainable development and the environment; and international relations. The Asia Foundation has offices in 18 countries throughout Asia and is headquartered in San Francisco. In Afghanistan, the Foundation supports four primary themes: Governance and Law, Women’s Empowerment, Education, and Survey/Research and Knowledge Development. Through the generous support of DFAT, the Foundation has implemented activities under its Strengthened Access to Justice for Women Affected by Violence through Proven Culturally Sensitive Approaches (SA2JWAV) project since June 2013. Based on positive results of the initial phase of the project that covered 20 provinces, the Foundation has received a second grant from DFAT to continue the second phase of SA2JWAV in six provinces. The project’s objectives are; improvement in access to quality services for women affected by violence, an increase in women’s rights awareness, and sustainable protection of women by strengthening formal and informal justice sectors. From the inception of SA2JWAV, programmatic design and approach has addressed increasing referrals for women affected by violence to appropriate and relevant community-based or formal justice institutions providing services; improving access to these services by increasing men’s and women’s knowledge of institutions to be approached when faced with VAW; and addressing the prevention dimension of VAW through awareness and knowledge transfer trainings on the LEVAW and women’s rights within an Islamic framework. Programmatic design and approach has also been based on the Foundation’s extensive experience collaborating with religious and/or traditional and local leaders and community members as agents for change, promoting women’s rights and combatting violence against women. The Foundation has utilized its strong networks with government entities or organizations at the provincial level, as well as formal justice institutions at the provincial level and law enforcement to strengthen institutional responses and service delivery to women who have been victimized by violence or who are at risk, thereby linking community driven supports (Community Dialogue Groups (CDGs) and Family Resolution Centers (FRCs)) with formal justice sector actors for better access to justice and increasing awareness about women’s rights in the community.PURPOSE OF THE RFPThe Foundation is seeking an Afghan Civil Society Organization (CSO) to serve as the Implementing Partner (IP) for the “Strengthened Access to Justice for Women Affected by Violence through Proven Culturally Sensitive Approaches (SA2JWAV)” project. Using a transparent and merit-based process, the Foundation will select a CSO to manage the implementation of this project. The CSO will work closely with the Foundation to implement all project activities and achieve project’s deliverables. PROJECT OBJECTIVESThe objectives of this project is as following;To achieve a sustained reduction in VAW in Afghanistan through improved access to quality services, including community based psycho-social interventions for women affected by violence;To increase women’s rights awareness and the sustainable protection and empowerment of women by strengthening all citizens’ commitment to a violence-free environment for women and girls;To produce demonstrable changes in attitudes, behaviors and social norms among citizens related to women’s rights and the prevention of VAW, including males and females, youth and elders, and actors in the informal sector and civil society.STATEMENT OF WORKThe RFP is requesting organizations to submit technical and financial proposals for facilitating the project activities. The activities listed below are given as outlines only so that the organizations submitting proposals can further develop them into a structured set of activities, based on the given methodology in their technical proposal.Activity 2.1: Conduct Training of Trainers for male CDG facilitators on religious pluralism, women’s rights within Islam, the LEVAW, and anti-corruption principles and mechanismsThe implementing partner select 3 male Community Dialogue Group (CDG) facilitators/trainers based on the ToR which will be provided by the Foundation in each of 6 target provinces. Each of these CDG facilitators will then establish their CDGs (Community Dialogue Groups) in their respective areas. Under this activity and after selection of the male CDG facilitators, the following ToT trainings are required for the selected CDG facilitators:Hiring one master trainer in each province to conduct trainings for facilitators and other groups on LEVAW and Women’s Rights in Islam.Training on 18 booklets on women’s rights in Islam for 3 male CDG facilitators per province. These 18 booklets will be covered in 18 individual one-day trainings, one per month. The training curriculum will be provided by the Foundation.One two-day training on LEVAW for the 3 male CDG facilitators. The training curriculum will be provided by the Foundation.Activity 2.2: Train male CDGs members on women’s rights and LEVAW.The implementing partner will train 3 male CDGs (each CDG consist of 10 members) in each province on women’s rights in Islam 18 booklets and LEVAW. It is important that individuals (men CDG members) are influential members of the community who can influence decision-making and selected based on the ToR provided by the Foundation. The training must be conducted once per month, with a total of 18 trainings.Training for 3 male CDGs (30 members per province) on 18 booklets on women’s rights in Islam in each province. These booklets will be covered in 18 individual one-day trainings Two-day training on LEVAW in each province for 3 male CDGs (30 members per province).Activity 2.3: Establish Family Resolution Centers (FRCs)The implementing partner will establish one Family Resolution Center per province totaling 6 FRCs. Each FRC will include six members comprised of traditional and religious leaders, school teachers, representatives from DoWAs, Ulama Council members, family court judges, and those influential male and female leaders that are members of Shuras/Jirga’s. FRCs will meet on a regular, as well as ad hoc, basis based on the cases received. The FRCs will provide advice and counseling for those women who are victims of violence, those that directly seek the FRCs or are referred by CDGs or other individuals, formal and informal institutions. The proposed FRCs are expected to resolve an average of two cases per month. The partner will provide training on women’s rights, tolerance, anti-corruption, conflict resolution, case reporting and registration skills and techniques. The members will be supported through small monthly stipends for their transportation and communication. Training on 18 booklets o women rights in Islam for FRC members in each province. These booklets will be trained in 18 individual one-day trainings. Two-day training on EVAW Law in each province for FRC members. Three-days training on conflict resolution and case registration in each province. Three-days training on restorative justice in each province. Three-days training on mediation techniques in family disputes in each province. Activity 2.4: Conduct ToTs for female CDG facilitators on religious pluralism, women’s rights within Islam, the LEVAW, and anti-corruption principles and mechanismsPersonnel of the implementing partner will select 3 female CDG facilitators/trainers in each province. These selected trainers will be trained on 18 booklets on women’s rights in Islam and LEVAW – the same as the male CDG facilitators under activity 2.1. Each of these female CDG facilitators will establish one Community Dialogue Group in their respective area with 10 members (women) who will be selected based on the ToR provided by the Foundation.Trainings on 18 booklets of women’s rights in Islam in each province for 3 female CDG facilitators in each province. These booklets will be covered in 18 separate one-day trainings.Two-day training on LEVAW in each province for 3 female CDG facilitators.Activity 2.5: Train female CDG members to promote women’s rights within Islam and LEVAWThe implementing partner will train 3 female CDGs (each CDG to consist of 10 members) in each province on women’s rights in Islam 18 booklets and LEVAW. It is important that the individual female CDG members should be influential members their community who can influence in decision-making. The trainings must be conducted once a month – training will take place over 18 months.Trainings for 3 female CDGs (30 members per province) on 18 booklets of women’s rights in Islam in each province. These booklets will be covered in 18 separate one-day trainings.Two-day training on LEVAW in each province for 3 female CDGs (30 members per province).Activity 2.6: Train university students on women’s rights and LEVAWThis activity has three separate parts;Part one: The implementing partner will train 20 university students per province (a total of 120 female students). from mainly educational science faculties. on LEVAW and women’s rights in Islam. 18 days analytical training on the 18 booklets of women’s rights in Islam for 20 students per province. Two-day analytical training on LEVAW for 20 students per province.Part two: The implementing partner, in coordination and cooperation with those students who participated in the training, and the University administration will conduct an anti-harassment campaign within their universities in the target provinces. The partner will conduct a campaign within the university for addressing harassment and this campaign will include, posters, banners, brochures and a half day conference in the discuss issues and universities action plan and progress for addressing the problems exist in the university.Part three: the implementing partner with the support of the universities’ administration will arrange quarterly half day debates on women’s rights in their universities in each province. The students who attended the women’s rights and LEVAW trainings will be involved in these debates and they will have a supportive role for implementation of these debates at the universities. The debate will be arranged with 100 participants from the university students (50% female, 50% male) and a four- member panel consisting of a university professor, a religious scholar, a women’s rights activist and a representative of the Directorate of Women’s Affairs. The debate will be in the form of brief speeches by every panel member mentioned above and then will be followed by Q&A session by the students and handled/answered by the four members panel.Activity 3.1: Engaging religious leaders to deliver EVAW messaging for transforming normsIn order to create an enabling environment of support for women to access their rights, the general public needs to understand the importance and moral obligation incumbent upon each Muslim to support women’s access to their rights in Islam. The Friday sermon is a key vehicle to convey to the public a Muslim’s moral obligation to end violence and support women’s rights. 15 Khateebs from each province will be trained by the master trainers to give informative sermons on women’s rights. The Khateebs will receive training on the concepts of the 18 booklets and in coordination with the implementing partner will develop a schedule for delivering Friday sermons. A total number of 90 Khateebs (15 Khateebs x 6 provinces) will be trained. 18 days Training on the 18 booklets of women’s rights in Islam in each province for 15 Khateebs. Two-day training on LEVAW law in each province for 15 Khateebs.Each Khateeb will deliver at least two Friday sermons per month on the topics of women’s rights in Islam.Activity 3.2: Provide trainings on women’s rights and the EVAW Law in boys’ and girls’ schools and madrasas.The implementing partner will train 30 school teachers (15 males, 15 female) per province using its master trainers on women’s rights in Islam and LEVAW. A total number of 180 teachers will be trained under this activity. Each trained teacher will deliver the trainings’ messages. (Summary) to at least 15 students in their respective schools. 18 days training on the 18 booklets of women’s rights in Islam for 30 school teachers per province from boys’ and girls’ schools. and Madrassas.Two-day training on LEVAW 30 school teachers in each province from four boys’ and girls’ schools and Madrassas. Activity 3.3: Knowledge competition between school students on women's rightsThe implementing partner with support of TAF’s provincial M&Es will work with the school teachers who are trained under Activity 3.2 to conduct a knowledge competition in at least 2 boys’ and 2 girls’ schools in each province. The implementing partner will provide core message related to women’s rights to the students through the competition which will be managed by their teachers and will work with them to share those messages with their family members. The implementing partner with support of the Asia Foundation and trained school teachers, will design a practical knowledge competition to be implemented in 4 schools within each province. This knowledge competition will focus on women’s rights and participants of this competition will be students in grades nine and above in selected schools. Students will be given ample time to prepare, and will be equipped with resources on women’s rights. Then they will compete in a joint competition, which will include the participation of all students and teachers in their schools. A panel will be formed from the trained school teachers and administration to manage and evaluate the competition. On the day of competition, selected students will compete with each other on the topics of women’s rights in groups. The panel will make a decision about the winning groups after a half-day competition. The winning group will be awarded books and study materials that will be provided by the implementing partner. The implementing partner will implement this activity in coordination with the selected schools’ administration and the Directorate of Education from each province. The package of women’s rights in Islam 18 booklets will be shared with students and in advance and they will be requested to share the package and its core message with their families. The competition will only be focused on the women’s rights in Islam booklets which are approved by the MoHRA and well received by locals in the target provinces as well. Students will be asked to provide a consent letter from their families for participation in the competition.The implementing partner will conduct this activity according to the following documents which are developed and shared by the Asia Foundation;Steps for the school students’ knowledge competition about women’s rightsImplementation guide (in Dari) for the knowledge competitionDesigned questions from the selected topics of the 18 booklets for the competitionProject Location and BudgetThe project target provinces are: Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, Bamyan, Parwan and UruzganBUDGET GUIDELINES: Please clearly indicate your budget in accordance to the task identified above in most cost-effective way.MONITORING AND EVALUATIONIn order to monitor and & evaluate projects, the Foundation has a standard monitoring and evaluation system in place, which is designed to assess outcomes of every project from time to time and ensure that activities of projects are consistent with the overall project goals and objectives. Despite the fact that TAF doesn’t require implementing partners to employ its existing M&E system, it is a requirement that the proposals include a detailed monitoring & evaluation plan. Performance IndicatorDetailed Definition(Optional in the Proposal)Unit of MeasureData Source(s)Data Collection Method(s)Data Analysis Method(s)FrequencyOutcomeThe applicants should use this space to identify the outcome indicators that will help in the measurement of the project.?(Indicator 1)??????(Indicator 2)??????(Indicator 3)??????(Indicator 4)??????(Indicator 5)??????OutputPlease use this space to put the output indicators to measure the immediate results of the project.(Indicator 1)??????(Indicator 2)??????(Indicator 3)??????(Indicator 4)??????(Indicator 5)??????The applicants’ ability to monitor and evaluate the project will be assessed based on their M&E system as well as understanding of measuring the project’s long term and short term goals. Please provide your M&E system in the following project indicator table:Implementing partners must comply with the following requirements in order to be considered eligible for the proposal:Draft M&E Plan:Applicant is required to submit a draft M&E plan for the project. The plan should specifically include: a narrative description explaining the organization’s monitoring and evaluation system;a set of data collection tools that will be used to gather data from the project beneficiaries (Optional in the Proposal);Evaluation CriteriaApplicants will be evaluated based on their ability to think critically and provide rational answers to the following questions:How would the applicant go about monitoring and evaluating the progress and results of this activity?How would the applicant ensure that data collection, analysis and reporting is done effectively?How would the applicant know that the changes happening are due to this activity?INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL:Rules of this call for proposals:These guidelines set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of actions financed under the program.Eligibility of applicants: Who may apply?In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must be: Organizations registered with the government of anization/company with proven experience operating and managing similar projects for international organizations or the government of Afghanistan. Have strong networking team and strategy to reach project beneficiaries in all targeted areas.Have strong management team.Have good relationships with related governmental institutions. Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action (not acting as anizations shall have an equal female employees’ ratio in its structure and women shall be in the management level Applicants are excluded from participation in calls for proposals or the award of grants if, at the time of the call for proposals, they:Are subject to a conflict of interest.Are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the call for proposals or fail to supply this information.Have attempted to obtain confidential information or influence the evaluation committee or the contracting authority during the evaluation process of current or previous calls for proposals.It is important to mention technical details regarding scope of operation in your proposal. The Foundation Afghanistan encourages proposals from both new implementing partners (IPs) and those with existing projects, but partners currently implementing two projects with the Foundation will be considered only if their current project completion date precedes the starting date specified in the current RFP.Depending on the organizational capacity of the successful bidder(s), The Foundation Afghanistan may split the award to two or more organizations, if it is felt that one single organization may not be able to implement the activities in all targeted provinces. In such event, a post-bid negotiation will be conducted with the successful bidder(s) to revise the proposal and budget for the reduced level of activities. Number of proposals and grants per applicant:Applicants may submit only one proposal for this particular action.How to apply and procedures to follow:A separate cover letter including the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant organization, and signed by the person or persons authorized to represent the agency should accompany the proposal submission. Financial Proposal and Technical Proposal Envelopes MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE and each must be clearly marked on the outside as either “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” or “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” when submitted.Applications must be in English and accompanied by the following documents:Technical proposal (not to exceed 20 pages). Please use 12-point times new roman font, single-spaced, with appropriate margins;CVs of key staff and core personnel. Please limit individual CVs to three pages;A summary table explaining when, where, and how the applicant has implemented similar projects;Letters of recommendation from previous projects from donors and international organizations;Detailed implementation plan with clear milestones and deliverable showing major activities and how they will be implemented. Please include start up activities;Risk assessment plan;Detailed Budget along with budget narrative. Please use the budget format provided. Do not use your own format M&E strategy (preferably M&E manual)Gender equity policy;Is there a need for their Child Protection Policy if they have one?Copies of the agency’s annual audit reports (Last two years, or if new organization written explanation)Bidder’s Declaration: Potential bidders must disclose any relationships e.g. friends, family, business etc. with Foundation ernment registration certificate.Applicants are to submit: One (1) hard copy of the technical proposal in a sealed envelope and one (1) hard copy of the Financial Proposal in separate sealed envelope marked in the upper left-hand corner with the name and address of the Applicant and the RFP title. All proposals should be signed only by an authorized representative of the applicant. The deadline for the receipt of applications is February 25, 2018 – 03:00 PM Kabul Time.All proposals should be directed to the attention of:THE PROCUREMENT UNITThe Asia Foundation House # 861, Street # 1Shirpour, District-10, (Sub Street of Shirpour Project)Kabul, Afghanistan.The Foundation will not be responsible for proposals left at the main gate, reception, guard offices, or handed over to any TAF employee other than the procurement unit staff. For all queries contact Procurement Department (country.afghanistan.procurement@). No personal visits or telephone calls shall be entertained.TIME FRAMEThe potential organizations shall submit a detailed implementation plan for the activities to be conducted in 12 months. The project work plan shall be designed in a way to allow the local partner organization one to two months to adequately prepare and perform all necessary preparatory activities. Announcement of RFPJanuary 22, 2018 Pre-Bid Conference (Date and time)February 4, 2018 - 09:30 to 10:30am TAF Office Responses to pre-bid questions publishedFebruary 05, 2018Last date for submission of ProposalFebruary 25, 2018 - 3:00 PM Evaluation of proposals and identification of agency March 5, 2018Agreement with selected agencyMarch 29 2018EVALUATION CRITERIAAll Applications/proposals will be examined and evaluated by a committee constituted by the contracting authority comprising of members from the program team, PMO (Program Management Office) and Grants, who will evaluate proposals from both a technical and financial standpoint. Applications/proposals submitted by applicants will be assessed according to the following criteriaAreaCommentsScoreTechnical ApproachClarity and appropriateness of scope in the proposed technical approach with demonstrated understanding of project goals and component tasks. Simple and clear approach to project implementation and delivery of services. Project serves beneficiaries and engages relevant stakeholders.25Monitoring and EvaluationDetailed and logical PMP showing defined performance indicators etc.10Organizational CapacityInstitutional profile, background, expertise, clientage, experience with similar projects, and operational and financial capacity. 15Personnel/ Key StaffRelevant experience and technical knowledge of team leader and proposed staff, including CVs and professional references.10InterviewTop candidates will be given the opportunity to provide additional information through interviews at The Foundation. An overall assessment of strengths and weaknesses and institutional suitability will be made at this time.15Cost/BudgetReasonableness and appropriateness of cost. Clear budget alignment between level of effort, technical approach, and deliverables.25TYPE OF AWARD INSTRUMENTThe Foundation-AG will issue a Service Agreement to the selected agency, which will be as per the Foundation’s internal policies and will be governed by the Foundation’s Rules, Regulations and Guidelines. Payments to the NGO will be made as per the payment schedule, which will be negotiable and finalized while signing the agreement.OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONSThe Foundation project-specific Marking and Branding regulations may apply to all deliverables produced from this assignment. The Foundation-AG is not bound to select any of the agencies submitting proposals. As quality is the principal selection criterion, the Foundation-AG also does not bind itself in any way to select the agency offering the lowest price. The cost for preparing a proposal and of negotiating an award including visits to the Foundation-AG office, if any is not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment. Both for-profit and not –for-profit agencies may apply for this RFP, interested not-for-profit agencies should provide a copy of their registration certificate as a not-for-profit agency. Foundation reserves the right to visit organizations for due diligence purposes.Finally, this RFP does not obligate The Foundation to award a contract nor does it commit TAF to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Award of a Contract under this RFP is subject to availability of funds and other internal Foundation approvals.ANNEXES: ANNEX I -Proposal Budget Template with sample budget worksheet.ANNEX II -CV template - for Proposed Staff ................

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