
8th Grade Language Usage



Question #1:

Choose the positive degree for this adjective.

The redbud tree is MORE BEAUTIFUL.

A. beautifuler

B. beautiful

C. most beautiful

D. no comparison

Question #2:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

Jill seems to get SILLY each time I see her.

A. no comparison

B. silliest

C. more sillier

D. sillier

Question #3:

Choose the negative superlative degree for this adjective.

Ken is the SELFISH person that I know.

A. most selfish

B. no comparison

C. more selfish

D. least selfish

Question #4:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

Dan selected a PERFECT rosebud to give to Donna.

A. more perfect

B. no comparison

C. most perfect

D. perfecter

Question #5:

Choose the positive degree for this adjective.

We saw the BEST movie this weekend.

A. no comparison

B. better

C. more better

D. good

Question #6:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective. Through the years, Ted seemed to grow WISE.

A. no comparison

B. wisest

C. wiser

D. more wiser

Question #7:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

What is the BAD thing that could happen?

A. worst

B. worse

C. baddest

D. no comparison

Question #8

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

You have a UNIQUE personality.

A. uniquest

B. uniquer

C. no comparison

D. most unique

Question #9:

Choose the positive degree for this adjective.

Bill keeps a NEATER room.

A. most neat

B. neat

C. neatest

D. no comparison

Question #10:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

The air seems DRY today than yesterday.

A. drier

B. no comparison

C. dryer

D. driest

Question #11:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

This is the FOGGY air we have had recently.

A. no comparison

B. foggier

C. foggiest

D. foggyest

Question #12:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

Your answer is WRONG.

A. more wrong

B. no comparison

C. wronger

D. wrongest

8th Grade Language Usage



Question #13:

Choose the positive degree for this adjective.

I like your WARMEST handshake.

A. warm

B. no comparison

C. warmer

D. most warm

Question #14:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

The apple tree is FRAGRANT than the elm tree.

A. no comparison

B. more fragrant

C. fragranter

D. most fragrant

Question #15:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

Which picture do you think is BEAUTIFUL?

A. no comparison

B. most beautiful

C. beautifulest

D. beautifuler

Question #16:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

A SINGLE strand of thread held the dress together.

A. singlest

B. most single

C. no comparison

D. singler

Question #17:

Choose the positive degree for this adjective.

This is a LAZIEST afternoon.

A. most lazy

B. no comparison

C. lazy

D. lazier

Question #18:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

Gold becomes PRECIOUS every day.

A. most precious

B. no comparison

C. more precious

D. preciouser

Question #19:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

Which teacher would be AGREEABLE to your request?

A. most agreeable

B. more agreeable

C. no comparison

D. agreeablest

Question #20:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

Since the accident, Mary is BLIND.

A. blindest

B. more blind

C. no comparison

D. blinder

Question #21:

Choose the comparative degree for this adjective.

The fans make it COOL in the gym than in the hallway.

A. more cool

B. cooler

C. no comparison

D. coolest

Question #22:

Choose the positive degree for this adjective.

There are no STRONGER men on campus.

A. strong

B. strongest

C. more strong

D. no comparison

Question #23:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

In the movie, the bad guy was DEAD.

A. deader

B. more dead

C. no comparison

D. deadest

Question #24:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

Your answer was REASONABLE.

A. more reasonable

B. most reasonable

C. no comparison

D. reasonablest

8th Grade Language Usage



Question #25:

Choose the superlative degree for this adjective.

Put the books on the TALL shelf.

A. tall

B. no comparison

C. tallest

8th Grade Language Usage


Answer Key

1. B -beautiful

2. D -sillier

3. D -least selfish

4. B -no comparison

5. D -good

6. C -wiser

7. A -worst

8. C -no comparison

9. B -neat

10. A -drier

11. C -foggiest

12. B -no comparison

13. A- warm

14. B -more fragrant

15. B -most beautiful

16. C -no comparison

17. C -lazy

18. C -more precious

19. A -most agreeable

20. C -no comparison

21. B -cooler

22. A -strong

23. C -no comparison

24. B -most reasonable

25. C -tallest


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