The Seasons - Moore Public Schools


Make a prediction about the answer to each question. Put a star next to the answer that you think is correct for each question. Watch the slide show and video about the Seasons. Record the answer for each question on the line before the number as you watch the slide show and video.

The Seasons

__________1. What does it take the Earth one year to complete?

A. tilting its axis north or south B. a revolution around the Sun C. receiving the energy from the Sun D. a rotation around its axis

__________2. What is the Earth's path around the Sun called?

A. orbit B. axis C. season D. hemisphere

__________3. Which hemisphere is the United States in?

A. Southern Hemisphere B. Northern Hemisphere C. Summer Hemisphere D. Winter Hemisphere

__________4. What causes different seasons? A. the Earth's distance from the Sun B. the size of the Sun compared to Earth C. the direction of orbit around the Sun D. the tilt of the Earth's axis as it revolves around the Sun

__________5. What is the Earth's axis? A. one half of the Earth, either northern or southern B. the part of the Earth that receives rays from the Sun C. the line that goes through the center of the Earth D. the direction the Earth moves around the Sun

__________6. What causes night and day? 1. the Earth's revolution 2. the moon orbiting around the Earth 3. the Earth's rotation on its axis 4. the Earth's tilt toward the Sun

__________7. Where are the biggest angles of the Sun's rays that hit the Earth?

1. Hawaii 2. North Pole 3. South Pole 4. Equator


The Reasons For The Seasons

The Earth's Orbit Around The Sun


1. At which point in the Earth's orbit would the Northern Hemisphere have winter and the Southern Hemisphere have summer?





2. At which point in the orbit would the Northern Hemisphere have summer and the Southern Hemisphere have winter?






The Reasons For The Seasons

The Earth's Tilt

The earth spins around an imaginary axis. A planet's axis is an imaginary line that goes through the North and South poles of the planet. It takes the Earth 24 hours to spin around once on its axis. We call this a day. The Earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees. If the axis wasn't tilted, we would only have one season. Parts of the planet would receive the same amount of sunlight every day, so weather and climate would not change very much. Because the Earth's axis is tilted, we have different seasons. As the Earth orbits around the Sun, the axis sometimes points toward the Sun and sometimes away from the Sun. When this happens, there are times when the Northern Hemisphere is receiving more light than the Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere would be having spring or summer, while the Southern Hemisphere would be having fall or winter.

1. Why is the tilt of the earth the cause for seasons on our planet?

2. The North Pole and South Pole each have long periods of complete sunlight and complete darkness. Why?


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