Doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/0962r0

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|IEEE 802.11aj July Meeting Minutes |

|Date: 2014-3-21 |

|Authors |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |Email |

|Peng Hao |Jiangsu University of Science |2 Mengxi Rd, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, |86-511-85231698 |haopeng@just. |

| |and Technology (JUST) |China | | |

|Xiaoming Peng |Institute for Infocomm Research|1 Fusionopolis Way, #21-01 Connexis, |65-6408-2429 | |

| | |Singapore | | |


This document contains minutes of the Mar 2014 IEEE 802.11aj plenary meeting in Beijing China.


New Contributions/Submissions:

11-14-0011-00 A Low Power Demodulator Prototype for SDR Transceivers (40-60GHz)

11-14-0015-02 Large-Scale Characteristics of 45 GHz Based on Channel Measurement

11-14-0018-00 PHY Simulation Results and Methodology

11-14-0276-01 TGaj Call for Proposals – 45GHz

11-14-0281-02 TGaj D0.01 Comment Database

11-14-0292-03 IEEE 802.11aj Task Group March 2014 Report

11-14-0332-00 TGaj D0.01 Comment Resolution

11-14-0333-00 TGaj Editor Report

11-14-0334-01 D0.01 Comment Resolution – Part 1

11-14-0389-00 Decentralized Clustering Resolution to CID 127

11-14-0390-00 Centralized Clustering Resolution to CID 127

11-14-0391-00 Proposed Resolution to TGaj D0.01 CID 146

11-14-0403-00 Small-Scale Characteristics of 45GHz Based on Channel Measurement

11-14-0407-02 Proposed Resolution to Comments Pertaining to Section 9.33.11 in CC12

11-14-0444-00 Proposed Resolution to resolve CID 116 in CC12

Tuesday (8:00-10:00) – IEEE 802.11aj meeting (Ad-hoc Meeting)

IEEE 802.11 TGaj Chair, Xiaoming PENG (I2R)

Chair called the meeting in order.

Meeting Agenda (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0292r0)

Chair run through the IEEE 802 policies and procedures, IEEE 802 operations manual, patents related policies, call for potentially essential patents, IEEE LOA database, information on essential patents, patent claims, and pending patent applications and called for letters of assurance.

No response to LOA request.

Chair discussed the agenda for the week as follows,

Agenda items for the week(doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0292r1)

• Tuesday Mar 18, 2014, 8:00 – 10:00 (ad-hoc session)

- Review IEEE 802 & IEEE 802.11 Policies and Procesures

- Set agenda for the week

- Review from last meeting

- Approve the meeting minute for January meeting

- Call for proposal for 45GHz

■ TGaj Call for Proposals for 45GHz -11-14/0276r1

- A low power demodulator prototype for SDR transceiver (40-60GHz) -11-14/11r0

- Simulations-and-Methodology - 11-14/018r1

- TGaj Editor Report – 11-14/0332r0

- TGaj CC12 Comment Database – 11-14/0332r0/r1

- TGaj CC12 comment resolution part 1 – 11-14/0334/r0

• Wednesday Mar 19, 2014 16:00 – 18:00

- 11-14/015r2 – Large Scale Characteristic of 45GHz

- 11-14/0403r0 – Small Scale Characteristic of 45GHz

- 11-14/0407r0 – comment resolution

- 11-14/0408r0 – revised text proposal for comment resolution

- 11-14/0389r1 – comment resolution

- 11-14/0390r1 – comment resolution

- 11-14/0391r0 – comment resolution

• Wednesday Jul 17, 2013 13:30 – 15:30

- 11-14/0407r2 – comment resolution

- 11-14/0408r1 – revised text proposal for comment

- 11-14/0444r0 – comment resolution

- 11-14/0445r0 – revised text proposal

- 11-14/0334r1 – comment resolution part 1

• Thursday Jul 18 2013, 10:30 – 12:30

- Motion

- Plan for May 2014 Meeting


• Haiming WANG (SEU) and Jiamin CHEN (Huawei) modified their presentation shedules in the agenda.

No objection to the agenda

Chair briefed the work completed in Jan meeting

• Proposal of RoF Relay Transmission Usage Model (11-14/014r0)

• Update on Opportunistic Transmissions in Multiple Alternative Channels in 802.11aj (NT) - 11-13/1293r3

- To respond to the question raised up during November meeting

• Update on Spatial Sharing Mechanism in 802.11aj (NT) – 11-14/0009r1

- To respond to the questions raised up during November meeting

• Update on TGaj Complete Proposal Presentation (CP) 11-13/1301r2

- To respond to the questions raised up during November meeting

• TGaj Complete Proposal Text 11-13/1302r1

- Make necessary change based on the comments and generate a specification draft D0.01

• Motion to approve Complete Proposal and Text as the baseline proposal

- Do you support adopting the complete proposal in 802.11-13/1301r2 and 802.11-13/1302r2 as the baseline specification for the TGaj (60GHz) amendment?

- Moved by: Jiamin Chen

- Seconded by: Khiam Boon PNG

- Results:  Y 19  N  0  Abstain 3

- Motion passed

• Large-Scale Characteristics of 45 GHz Based on Channel Measurement (11-14/015r1)

- SEU will generate Matlab code for the channel model of 45GHz and share more details in the coming March meeting in Beijing

- Reviewed the official timeline for TGaj in 11-13/0437r1

- The time slot for 802.11aj TG in LA interim session has been cancelled.

Chair asked the motion to approve the meeting minutes (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0016r0)

• The meeting minute has been approved unanimously

Xiaoming PENG (I2R) presented the Call for Proposals (45GHz) -11-14/0276r1

• Introduction

• Notification of Intent to present:

- June 30, 2014 (midnight, GMT-5) for July 2014 session

- August 30, 2014 (midnight, GMT-5) for September 2014 and November 2014 sessions

• Submission of Proposal

- Submission date for presentation in July 2014: July 5, 2014

- Submission date for presentation in September 2014: September 05, 2014

- Submission date for presentation in November 2014: Octber 31, 2014

Jingjie FENG (Zhejiang University) presented the A low power demodulator prototype for SDR transceivers (40-60 GHz) (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0011r0)

• This document is to propose a low power, 40-60 GHz, oscillator-less self-demodulator for short-range software-defined transceivers.

• A low power demodulator prototype.

- 0.18µm SiGe BiCMOS technology.

- Able to demodulate Gbps data signal (carrier 40-60GHz).

- Minimum sensitivity of -43dBm.

- 12mW power consumption.

- 1.5V supply.

- Low power implementation

- Chip area: 0.07 mm2.

• Resutls

• Conclusion

- Design challenge lies in demodulator for chip-scale, millimeter wave range communications.

- Oscillator-less demodulator is proposed to achieve low power consumption without considerable impact on the sensitivity of the system.

- The proposed demodulator is able to work up to Gbps from 40GHz to 60GHz with a typical sensitivity of -43dBm.

- The proposed demodulator only consumes 12mW from a 1.5V supply.


• Congcong Zou (Zhejiang University) the relationship between the work and the task of TGaj. Jingjie illustrated the coorelation via slide 3; also he clarified that demodulator was designed for the low cost purporse.

• Jingjie clarified that the simulation was specifically for OOK low power design, not QPSK etc.

Changming ZHANG (Tsinghua University) presented the PHY Simulations and Methdology (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/018r1)

• Abstract

- This document is part and is in support of the complete proposal described in 802.11-13/1301r2 (slides) and 802.11-13/1302r1 (text).

- This document contains physical layer (PHY) simulation results for new MCSs for the TGaj complete proposal (60GHz).

• Simulation Conditions

-  Except as noted below, the following general conditions were employed for the PHY simulations:

- Channel Model:

- 802.11ad Channel Models

■ Channel LOS: Conference room, directional TX, directional RX, LOS

■ Channel NLOS: Conference room, directional TX, directional RX, NLOS


- Ctrl PHY




• IQ Compensation Evaluation

- 16-QAM: LOS and NLOS

- 64-QAM: LOS and NLOS

• Conslusion

No Comment.

Jiamin CHEN (Huawei) presented TGaj Editor Report (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0333r0)

• TGaj draft specification update

- TGaj Draft 0.01 was approved as baseline for TGaj technical specification for 60GHz in January session

- TGaj Draft 0.01 is available at (members’ area of 802.11 website):

• Comment submission

- A WG Comment Collection (CC12) on TGaj Draft 0.01 was opened following the approval of D0.01

- A total of 151 comments were received. Comment database document: 802.11-14/0332

■ R0: Containing 141 comments from CC12

■ R1: Added 10 late comments

■ R2: Added proposed comment resolutions, assignees

- Comments were classified into following groups:

■ 68 editorial comments (ER)

■ 19 General comments (GR)

■ 64 Technical comments (TR)

No Comment.

Jiamin CHEN (Huawei) presented Comment Database, highlighting some important comments (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0332r1)

• "Amendment X" - you have to fill in the number based on the editor's interpretation of the timeline.

• Comment 14: "The Measurement Request Mode subfield valid value and its meaning is defined in Table 8-221f” and "The Measurement Request Mode field is set to 2 to indicate". If the table defines the meaning, why do it in the text? Duplicate normative definition is a sin.

• Comment 20.


• Procedures were suggested when addressing these comments. The document should contain all comments, and main file can be used to track the response as well. Jiamin agreed with Xiaoming’s (I2R) suggestion of going through some of the comments.

• Xiaoming PENG (I2R) clarified this database was a working document, included in 11-14/0322. He also asked for CID contributions.

- R0: 141 comments from CC12

- R1: inclusion of 10 late comments

- R2: inclusion of proposed asignee for each CID

Jiamin CHEN (Huawei) presented D0.01 Comment Resolution – Part 1 (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0332r1)

• This document proposes resolutions to TGaj D0.01 CIDs: 13, 59, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 112, 117, 133 and 149.

Comments (regarding CID 59):

• Xiaoming PENG (I2R) suggested CID need to refer to the document in order to find the comment.

• Bo SUN (ZTE) suggested that TGaj should keep the compability with TGad. Also, he concerned the difference between CDMG and DMG beacons, considering the info in certain field. DMG for aj and ad in terms of beacon frames.

• Calos (Intel) suggested keeping the same DMG, with modification. KB (I2R) suggested postponing the discussion regarding new CDMG frame. New name should be needed if big difference.

• Jiamin CHEN (Huawei) agreed to defer the discussion, keeping the comment open.

Comments (regarding CID 73):

• Jiamin CHEN (Huawei) suggested deferring the discussion of CID 73. No objections.

Comments (regarding CID 79):

• Xiaoming PENG (I2R) suggested providing more details to facilitate the readers, rather than referring to the specifation. Jiamin Chen agreed to revise the document.

• Jiamin CHEN agreed to Bo SUN (ZTE) on keeping the CID open.

Comments (regarding CID 80):

• Jiamin CHEN agreed to Bo SUN (ZTE) on keeping the CID open.

Comments (regarding CID 112):

• KB (I2R) CDMG had not been defined yet, Jiamin CHEN agreed on keeping the CID open.

Comments (regarding CID 117):

• Jiamin CHEN agreed with Bo SUN (ZET) on keep the CID revised by providing more explaintation.

Xiaoming PENG (I2R) called for presentation on the following session for certain CID resolution.


• KB (I2R) would like to give the presentation on CID 19 to 32, another CID 116 on Wednesday.

• Xiaoming also suggested keeping the resivion of the document. He also asked for the volunteers for the CID.

The meeting recessed at 10:00am.

Wednesday (16:00-18:00) – TGaj meeting

IEEE 802.11aj Chair, Xiaoming PENG (I2R)

Chair called the meeting in order.

Chair discussed the agenda for the week as follows,

Agenda items for the session(doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0929r1)

• Large Scale Characteristic of 45GHz - 11-14/015r2

• Small Scale Characteristic of 45GHz – 11-14/0403r0

• Comment Resolution – 11-14/0407r0

No objection to the agenda

Haiming WANG (SEU) Presented Large-Scale Characteristics of 45GHz Based on Channel Measuerment (Doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0015r2)

• This presentation gives large-scale characteristics of 45 GHz band based on channel measurement.

• Channel Measurement Scheme

- Transmission Scenarios

■ Conference Senario

■ Cubicle room

■ Living room

- Channel measurement setup

■ Layout

■ Channel Measurement Setup

■ Antennas for channel measurement

• Large-Scale Characteristics at 45 GHz band

- Path-loss Fading

- Shadow Fading

• Conclusion

- Conference Room Characteristics

- Cubicle Room Characteristics

- Living Room Characteristics

• Future Work

- Continue large-scale channel measurement in scenarios of obstruction and movement.

- Resume the small-scale channel measurement in all three transmission scenarios.

- Finish the channel models based on our channel measurement.


• Haiming clarified the difference meansuremnt setting for the two senarios. Hight difference of antennas is 2.5 m (AP), while similar hights in STA scenario. (Slide 9).

Haiming WANG (SEU) presented the Small-Scale Characteristics of 45 GHz Based on Channel Measurement (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0403r0)

• This presentation gives small-scale characteristics of 45 GHz band based on channel measurement.

• Channel Measurement Scheme

- Transmission Scenarios

■ Conference Room

◆ Conference Room Scenario Setup

■ Cubicle Room

■ Living Room

- Channel measurement setup

■ Antennas for Channel Measurement

■ Channel Measurement Technique

• Small-Scale Characteristics at 45 GHz band

- Number of clusters and rays

- Power delay profile

- Angle of arrival and departure

- Time of arrival

• Discussion

- There is no LoS path component in the horn scanning setup for a misalignment of TR antennas while in OEW scanning setup there is no such effect.

- The first ray arrives at about 10ns as radio propagation when there is LoS component.

- The LoS component is of much significant comparing the reflection and scattering components.

• Future Work

- Continue the small-scale channel measurement in other two transmission scenarios.

- Extract the distribution of parameters and finish the channel models based on channel measurement.

- Set up MIMO channel measurement and derive the relative correlation matrix.

- Give the Matlab code of channel generation at 45 GHz band.


• Haiming confirmed with Xiaoming PENG that future work would be given May.

• You KAI (Hauwei) explaind the use of signanl generator was due to big cable loss, and relatively long time to lock the PLL.

KB PNG (I2R) presented Proposed Resolution to Comments Pertaining to Section 9.33.11 in CC12 (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0407r0)

• Introduction

• Response to CID 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 65, respectively.

- Comment

- Suggented Remedy

- Propose to Accept (with Slight Modification for CID 65)

- Revised Text


• Bo SUN (ZTE) thought more text work should be necessary, Eldad (Intel) suggested using revision, in response to the remedy. Collected the relevant CID to make it work together as a whole.

• No CDMG beacon definision, asked by Carlos. Basic element was needed.

• Bo SUN (ZTE), in slide 6, will in last sentence should be changed to shall (indicating no other options, only this way). Also in slide 9, the 1st line, shall is very strong, KB agreed to revise it to may.

Dejian Li (Huawei) presented (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0389r1).

• This is a submission for comment resolution on D0.01 for comment #127. This submission provides a decentralized CDMG PCP/AP clustering mechanism to improve spatial sharing and interference mitigation for the CDMG PCPs/APs based on the reference. The decentralized CDMG PCP/AP clustering keeps backward compatibility with DMG devices.

• Background: Decentralized PCP/AP Clustering

- In 11ad, PCP/AP clustering is used to improve spatial sharing and interference mitigation with other co-channel DMG BSSs.

- Clustering: cluster formation, cluster maintenance and cluster report

- Channelization: 2.16GHz channel and 1.08GHz channel

- Dynamic Bandwidth Control (DBC) MAC

• Clustering on 1.08 GHz Channel

• Joining the 2.16 GHz cluster for a 1.08 GHz PCP/AP

• Active cluster probe for cluster formation

• Cluster Merging in Cluster Maintenance

• A Case of Cluster Merging

• Announcing the Cluster Switching State

• Cluster Merging for 1.08 and 2.16 GHz Cluster

• Cluster Coordination after Cluster Merging

• Avoid interference between coexistent 1.08GHz & 2.16GHz clusters

• Cluster Report

• Conclusion

- This submission provides decentralized CDMG PCP/AP clustering solution for comment #127 on the comment resolution for D0.01.

- Main modifications to 11ad

• Annex

- Cluster formation cases

- Cluster merging cases


• Text proposal was suggested to make it formal; Dejian was looking for the general comment before text proposal. Also the proposal would be ready by next tel conferfence.

Dejian LI (Huawei) presented Centralized Clustering Resolution to CID 127 (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0390r1)

• This is a submission for comment resolution on D0.01 for comment #127. This submission provides a centralized CDMG PCP/AP clustering mechanism for 11aj to improve spatial sharing and interference mitigation for the CDMG PCPs/APs based on 11ad. The centralized CDMG PCP/AP clustering mechanism keeps backward compatibility with DMG devices.

• Centralized PCP/AP Clustering in 11ad

- Centralized PCP/AP clustering is where there can be multiple S-APs in the BSA of any one S-AP, and all S-APs are coordinated via a single centralized coordination service set (CCSS).

- Cluster formation (see

- Cluster maintenance

• Cnetralized Cluster Formation for 11aj

- Problem: The centralized PCP/AP clustering in 11ad is designed for the co-channel PCPs/APs, thus cannot be used directly by 11aj.

- Solution: The channels that are frequency overlapped should be grouped into one set, such that the CDMG CCSR can configure and coordinate a 1.08GHz S-AP and a 2.16GHz S-AP like they are operating on the same channel.

- Extend the coordination functions of CDMG CCSR to cover the channel set

- The initially discovered co-channel PCP/AP cluster may not be appropriate to join due to locations.

• Cluster Maintenance

• Summary

Dejian LI (Huawei) presented (doc: IEEE 802.11-13/0391r0)

• Abstract

- This is a submission for comment resolution on D0.01 for comment #146. This submission provides an SP Dynamic Truncation mechanism for 11aj to improve spatial sharing and increase sleep chances in SP for PCP.

• Background: SP dynamic truncation in 11ad

- To support variable bit rate traffic, the STA can truncate SP or extend SP dynamically.

- In 802.11ad, two types of SP truncation

■ The STA can truncate the SP and return to the PCP/AP the time left in the SP, thus allowing the PCP/AP to grant the released time to any other STA.

■ The STA can allocate any portion of its SP as a CBAP directly.

- The Allocation Control field of Extended Schedule element comprises all the SP attributions, such as truncatable or extendable.

• Problems of 11ad SP truncation

- Releasing the remaining time in the SP as a CBAP by STA might lead to interference to some existing SPs.

- A PCP that is battery powered cannot save power during a truncatable SP according to 11ad.

- Making sure the two types of SP truncation can be controlled by PCP/AP is a solution for the two above problems.

• Resolution of the SP dynamic trunction

- Add Truncation Type field using a reserved bit (B12) in Allocation Control field to indicate the truncation type of the SP.

- PCP Active field

• Benefits of the Improved SP Truncation

- Increase the sleep chances for a PCP

- Improve the spatial sharing

• Summary

- This submission provides solution for comment #146 on the comment resolution for D0.01.

- The SP truncation type is determined by PCP/AP by adding Truncation Type field in Allocation Control field.

- Modification to 802.11ad


• Lei Huang (Panasonic) asked why PCP only could sleep, in slied 7. Release the bit for other purpose, but why PCP went to sleep after the releasing. Also, sleep may not be the only option, since other options are avialble. Current mechanism in 11ad has already solved the problem by stop PCP/AP spetial sharing.

• Dejian clarified that the purpose of this proposal was to save power and avoid interference (slide 7). If PCP cared power, it should be set to zero, rather than 1 at the first place.

Xiaoming PENG (Chair) arranged to sessions tomorrow.

The meeting recessed at 6:00pm.

Thursday (8:00-10:00) – TGaj meeting

IEEE 802.11aj Chair, Xiaoming PENG (I2R)

Chair called the meeting in order.

Chair discussed the agenda for the week as follows,

Agenda items for the session(doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0292r2)

• Comment Resolution – 11-14/0407r2

• Revised Text Proposal for Comment – 11-14/0408r1

• Comment Resolution – 11-14/0444r0

• Revised Text Proposal for Comment – 11-14/0445r0

• Comment Resolution – Part 1 – 11-14/0334r1

No objection to the agenda.

KB PNG (I2R) presented Proposed Resolution to Comments Pertaining to Section 9.33.11 in CC12 (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0407r2)

• Introduction

- This presentation proposed the resolutions to the comments to Tgaj draft specifications D0.01 section 9.33.11 in CC12.

- The resolutions addressed the following comments in the comments database IEEE 802.11-14-0332r0.

• Response to CID 19

KB PNG (I2R) presented Proposed Resolution to CID 116 in CC12 (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0444r0)

• Introduction

- This presentation proposed the resolution to the comment CID 116 to Tgaj draft specifications D0.01 in CC12.

- The resolutions addressed the comment CID 116 in the comments database IEEE 802.11-14-0332r0.

• Response to CID 116

- Comment

- Suggested Remedy

- Propose to Accept

- Define a new information element (CDMG Extended Schedule Element) in Table 8-54 – Element IDs

- Include a subclause that defines the CDMG Extended Schedule Element

• Revised Text

- The complete revised text proposal to resolve CID 116 is provided in IEEE 802.11-14-0445r0.

- Suggest to remove the changes specified in D0.01 and revised the text proposal according to IEEE 802.11-14-0445r0.


• Carlos (Intel) concerned the element ID should be ANA because it should be assigned later. Also, the last pharagragh, BI should be Beancon Interval, also of between should be in between. Xiaoming suggested a new revision to be uploaded to the server.

• The definitions of should, shall are discussed, which can be found in IEEE doc.

Jiamin CHEN (Huawei) presented D0.01 Comment Resolution (doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0334r1)

• This document proposes resolutions to TGaj D0.01 CIDs: 13, 59, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 111,112, 117, 133 and 149.

• MAC related Comments CID 13

- Proposed resolution: Accept

• CID 59

- Proposed resolution: Open

• CID 73

- Proposed resolution: Reject

• CID 76

- Proposed resolution: Accept

• CID 77

- Proposed resolution: Accept

• CID 79

- Proposed resolution: Revised

• CID 80

- Proposed resolution: Revised

• CID 81

- Proposed resolution: Accept

• CID 111

- Proposed resolution: Revised

• CID 112

- Proposed resolution: Accept

• CID 117

- Proposed resolution: Reject

• CID 133

- Proposed resolution: Revised

• CID 149

- Proposed resolution: Accept

• General Comment

- CID 63

Proposed resolution: Accept

- CID 113

Proposed resolution: Accept


• Regarding CID 73, Bo SUN (ZTE) suggested removing the paragraph, Jiamin explained that this paragraph was cited from 10.9 DFS procedures in 802.11REBmb_D122.0. Also, Carlos concerned the last sentence, which should be revised since it was too general; ‘the procedures might also satisfy comparable needs in other frequency bands and may be useful for other purposes’. Jiamin removed it, as well as these and the similar feature regulatory requirements.

• Regarding CID 76, Bo SUN (ZTE) and Carlos (Intel) added the CDMG regarding the specified, and definition of CDMG should be considered beforehand, by KB PNG (I2R), Jiamin decided to revise and discuss it later.

• Regarding CID 77, Jiamin deleted the 2nd line and revised the 1st sentence, based on the suggestion by (Panisonic).

• Regarding CID 81, Jiamin revised shall to can in the 1st of the last paragraph, based on the suggestion by KB and Bo. Also, the DCT request and was deleted, based on the suggesetion by Yuanzheng Liao (USTC).

• Regarding CID 111, the group discussed the definition of CDMG. Chair suggested remarking it and taking note.

• Regarding CID 112, Adrain suggested PCP/AP ( AP or PCP, and DMG ( DMG STA. Also, he and Eldad suggested the rules referring to a parcific definition in the following paragraph if applicable. Adrain suggested Jiamin (Editor) working together with him for examples.

• Regarding CID 117, Carlos (Intel) offered the comment to clarify DCT approach. Jiamin explained PCP/AP perform (Accept/Reject) DCT request can be determined by itself. Xiaoming, if the device always rejects the request, the procedure would not be necessary. Jiamin agreed to think about it.

• Regarding CID 133, Adrain suggested declaring the baseline documents, when quoting them. Jiamin changed the proposed resolution be to Advised and the baseline is REVmc as amended by P802.11ai, P802.11ah. (Check the red lines, suggested by Adrain).

The meeting recessed at 10:00am.

Thursday (16:00-18:00) – TGaj meeting

IEEE 802.11aj Chair, Xiaoming PENG (I2R)

Chair called the meeting in order.

Chair discussed the agenda for the week as follows,

Agenda items for the session(doc: IEEE 802.11-14/0292r2)

• Motion 1: to approve the Call For Proposal (CFP) for 45GHz (doc.: IEEE 802.11/14-0276r1)

• Motion 2: to approve the Comment Resolution for the Following CID

- CID 19-CID 22, CID 24, CID 28-32, CID 65, (from 11-14/0407r3, 11-14/0408r1)

- CID 116 (from 11-14/0445r1)

- CID13, 63, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 111,112, 113, 117, 133, and 149 (from 11-14/0334r2)

• China Interim Meeting 802.11aj in May 2014

• Time Slot for Conference Calls

Chair asked the motion to approve the Call For Proposal (CFP) for 45GHz (doc.: IEEE 802.11/14-0276r1)

• Mover: Haiming WANG

• Second: Jiamin CHEN

• Reuslts:

- Yes – 16

- No – 0

- Abstain – 0

The motion passed.

Chair asked the motion to approve the Comment Resolution for the Following CID

- CID 19-CID 22, CID 24, CID 28-32, CID 65, (from 11-14/0407r3, 11-14/0408r1)

- CID 116 (from 11-14/0445r1)

- CID13, 63, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 111,112, 113, 117, 133, and 149 (from 11-14/0334r2)

• Mover: Jiamin CHEN

• Second: KB PNG

• Reuslts:

- Yes – 10

- No – 0

- Abstain – 0

The motion passed.


• Carlos suggested removing the reference documents in the backlets. Chair and KB PNG (I2R) agreed to keep it simple by removing some reference documents.

Chair informed China Interim Meeting for 802.11aj in May 2014: May 21 to May 22, 2014 in Beijing, China

The Goals for May 2014 Meeting

• Comment Resolution for CC12

• New Submissions for 45GHz

Chair scheduled time slot for conference calls in

• April 10, 9pm (Easter Time) – 1 hour

- Beijig Time: April 11, 2014, 9am

• May 8, 2014, 9pm (Easter Time) – 1 hour

- Beijing Time: May 9, 2014, 9am

Chair announced the completion of TGaj tasks for the week.

The TGaj session was adjourned at 16:50.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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