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Students will be given options for their project.

Teacher & students will meet to discuss project and

its rubric/grading. Teacher MUST approve &

initial all rough drafts. Bring a media

storage device if working on the computer at school (flash drive is preferable). Choose a project:


1. Create a book of poetry.

Must include a cover, a dedication page, and at least 7 poems created by student about this unit. Illustrations supporting

or depicting the poem must also be included. You must turn in and have teacher approval of all rough drafts. Each poem

should be about a specific event/place/person that is relevant to the Holocaust. For example, writing a poem about

Kristallnacht, one can describe the event, sounds, panic, emotion, and fictitious memories associated with the event.

While there is no specific word requirement for each poem, it must address and reflect the historical era in which it was to

be written. You must then present your best 3 poems with a thorough description of each. 3 minute presentation.

2. Power Point Presentation.

At least 15 slides & no more than 25 words per slide. Must include photos, 1 video clip with hyperlink, and presentation

must be more than just reading your slides to class. This project should be the analysis & presentation of a

specific aspect of the Holocaust. Perhaps you know a Holocaust survivor: present their story here to the class in

PowerPoint form. Other topics within the Holocaust may also be pursued but must first be approved by your teacher. You

must have a printed storyboard (your slides) approved before creating your actual presentation =3 minute presentation.

Examples of possible projects to research, analyze & present:

- Biographical sketch of Hitler

- Biography of Dr. Josef Mengele & analysis of the experiments he conducted on prisoners at Auschwitz

- The Final Solution (its creation, architects, purpose & implementation)

- The Hitler Youth (creation, purpose, effects & results)

- A specific Concentration/Death Camp (such as Dachau or Auschwitz)

- Analysis of the several plots to assassinate Hitler

- Theresienstadt Concentration Camp: a camp used as propaganda to show the Red Cross that Jews were being

taken care of in a humane manner. This camp perpetuated the lie & cover-up of the Holocaust as it was occurring.

3. Create a DVD Movie. (using MovieMaker or Photostory)

Using either Windows MovieMaker or PhotoStory, you must create a 3 minute presentation minimum DVD using

photos of the Holocaust. Your movie should include captions, a soundtrack (music in the background, titles & captions

when appropriate, statistics & be professional-looking). You must then present the DVD to the class so you

will be speaking while your movie is playing. The movie should be in the order of pre-Holocaust (rise

of Nazism), the deportations & ghettos, the work/death camps, aftermath of the Holocaust. You have the

option here of choosing a specific topic to pursue but you must get teacher approval (see Project #2 above)

=3 minute presentation

GROUP Projects:

4. Create your own song or soundtrack in which lyrics are appropriate to this unit &

burn a CD. (1-2 people)

There are two choices for this option – one is to create your own song about the Holocaust and the second is to

create a “soundtrack” of songs that goes with the history of the Holocaust. Follow these guidelines for each of

the two choices (note: all songs, music, and videos must be classroom appropriate)

a. Create your own song:

You must perform it live in class, create a video of you performing it, or create a “music video”

that goes along with the song you are performing.

Include the lyrics to your song on a power point presentation.

Include a paragraph explaining how your song is capturing the events and conditions of the


Along with performing or providing a video of the performance, you must explain the

relationship between the song and the Holocaust in your presentation.

=3 minute presentation

b. OR Create a “soundtrack” of songs that depict or capture the Holocaust (1-2 people)

Soundtrack must include 3 if working alone or 6 classroom-appropriate songs if working with a


You must present two of the songs if you are working alone or four of the songs if you are

working with a partner. Your presentation should include the song lyrics on a power point for

your presentation and you should play selected parts of those songs.

Include an explanation in your presentation of how these songs and lyrics are capturing or

representing the Holocaust

Include a one-page description of how each song in your soundtrack is representing the

Holocaust. Each description should be one page, double spaced. Why did you choose these

songs for the Holocaust? (ie…how does a song by Death Cab for Cutie represent the


o Each song needs its own one-page description, so you should have a total of six double-

spaced pages to turn in.

5. Create a “Breaking News” Broadcast of the Holocaust (1 – 3 people)

Breaking news broadcasts interrupt television programming to bring important news and events to viewers.

For this project you will be reenacting either live breaking news story as if the Holocaust had recently been

uncovered. This means you can either perform it live as a skit in front of the class or use a video camera to

create some scenes or commercials. You should think about how news broadcasts occur and make it as

accurate as possible (such as “cutting” to a “live” reporter who can provide information).


Broadcast must be between 3-5 minutes long

Must be presented as a live skit

Broadcast must include historically accurate information and should include references to real places,

people, and events

Needs to be creative and could include props to supplement the broadcast

Breaking news broadcasts must be professionally created and performed – SERIOUS BROADCASTS



6. Photo journal or scrapbook from the perspective of a Holocaust victim/survivor. (1

or 2 people) May be in an actual scrapbook or done in video format with PowerPoint.

You will include a minimum of 25 (if 2 people, then 40 photos) pictures (either printed from the internet, from

magazines or books) explaining aspects of their life before, during & after the Holocaust. If there is a

skilled artist among your group, some pictures could be in the form of sketches (with ink or pencil – no color)

that this person might have done during their stay at the death camps, or of their liberation (no more than 4 of

these). You could also use historically accurate newspaper clippings. A journal entry must accompany & explain

each photo, sketch, clipping.


Must be detailed & creative

If 2 person, you must each play a role such as siblings or relatives so your scrapbook will be

detailing 2 people’s lives into one presentation

1 person = 25 minimum entries

2 person – 40 minimum entries

Must be in a scrapbook, binder or the like or use PowerPoint if Video Scrapbook.

Binders, scrapbooks and such should look topic appropriate – i.e., you should not use a My

Little Pony or Transformers binder.

Each photo, sketch or clipping must have an explanative journal entry

Books must be creative and artistic

3 minute presentation

7. Create a Diorama of a Prison/Labor/Execution camp, or a specific building like the

barracks, gas chamber, etc. (Must get teacher approval for specific buildings) – (1 or 2


This Diorama, which is a scale model of something – usually a scene, building, or historical event –; can be

created by using any materials that you choose. You can use cardboard, paper, Styrofoam, wood, toys, models,

and whatever else you can think of that will make your diorama interesting, creative and as historically

accurate as possible. The platform that you should use should be cardboard or something stronger and should

be around the size of a medium to large size poster board.


Diorama must be on a poster size board at approximately 2feet by 2feet or larger.

Must be detailed & creative

If creating an entire camp then be as detailed as possible to surroundings, landscaping,

background, people and of course the buildings.

If creating a specific building then you it must be very detailed and try to include a figure if


If 2 persons are doing a diorama and are choosing a specific building, then two building must be

created on one poster board. For example you could make a Guard Tower and a Gas Chamber.

If doing an entire camp you can either make it a top down view, like looking at a map, or you

could make it so you can see into each building

If doing a specific building you must make it so you can see into the building when looking at it

from eye level.

You or both of you will present your diorama to the class and go through the buildings or camp.

3 minute presentation

You can also print out photos of actual camps or buildings from which your diorama is based

and put them on a poster and make that part of your presentation.



(no jeans)! Dress Code in must be followed (no tights with

sweaters & no cleavage!!)

Holocaust Project

Student Name: ___________________

Project Choice:_________________________

Paragraph explanation of what YOU plan to include (Be specific):

If applicable, group members:



APPROVAL OF TEACHER (initialed):______




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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