Wharton County Junior College

What is Psychology?

□ Definition of Psychology:

■ Science

■ Behavior

■ Mental processes

Three Ways of Doing Psychology (textbook):

*Experimental Psychologists

*Teachers of Psychology

*Applied psychologists

Steps of the Scientific Method

Theory vs. Hypothesis

□ Theory

□ Hypothesis

□ Example:

Collecting Research Data (3 types of data collection)

1. Descriptive Research

Three types of Descriptive Research (see textbook)

Naturalistic observation:

Surveys :

Case study:

2. Correlational Research



Direction (+ or -)

Collecting Research Data (3 types of data collection)

3. Experimental Research

Used to determine:

Experimental Research continued…

independent variable (IV):

dependent variable (DV):


Experimental Group:

Control Group:


Random Assignment:

Experimenter bias:

Research Participant Bias:

Solution to these biases:

Population vs. Sample

□ Population:

□ Sample:

□ Example

Publish, criticize, and replicate results

Ethics in Research

Approaches to Psychology

Behavioral Approach:

Social Cognitive Theory:

Developmental View:

Psychodynamic Approach:

Cognitive Approach:

Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy

Biological View:

Sociocultural Approach:

Humanistic Movement:

Trait View:

Evolutionary Psychology (see text):

Careers in Psychology

Psychologist PhD

Psychiatrist MD

Licensed Professional Counselor LPC


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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