Calculator Guide .edu

[Pages:60]Math 1314 with Integrated Technology Calculator Guide

This guide is an introduction to the use of a graphing calculator. It is not a comprehensive guide. The tools illustrated in this guide are limited to the tools needed for Math 1314 with Integrated Technology. The calculator references are to a Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus graphing calculator. The keystroke sequences should be similar on other TI products, although some calculator features (such as key colors) may differ. Students using graphing calculators other than TI calculators are advised to consult the user guide for their calculator brand to make any necessary modifications to the keystrokes described in this guide. Most user guides are available online.

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Getting Oriented

The face of the calculator has five distinct parts. Display Screen

The display screen will show all computations and functions that you enter and will display graphs of functions.

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Below the display screen are five buttons which access 10 different menus, each of which will be discussed in detail in this guide. These gray keys are labeled as follows: Y=, WINDOW, ZOOM, TRACE, and GRAPH. There are blue titles above these labels: STATPLOT, TBLSET, FORMAT, CALC, and TABLE. Many of the functions needed for this course will be accessed using these five keys.

Menu Keys

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Below these five keys and to the right are arrow keys that will move the cursor up, down, left or right. When looking at graphs, the left/right arrow keys will move the cursor to the left/right on the graph, and the up/down arrow keys will toggle between functions, if more than one function is graphed.

Arrow Keys

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The black keys access the most commonly used functions and menus that will be needed in the course. Commonly Used Functions

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The gray and white keys towards the bottom and right of the key pad give the digits from 0 ? 9, decimal point, (-) and the usual arithmetic operations. At the bottom right is the ENTER key that you will use to tell the calculator to perform the operations or functions that you have displayed on the screen.

Calculator Keypad and Operations


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There are two other important keys: The 2nd key and the ALPHA key. Notice that each key on the calculator has blue writing above it (on calculators other than the TI-84 Plus, this may be a different color), and most keys have a green letter or punctuation mark above it. When the function given in blue is needed, press the 2nd key, then the button that has the required function above it. So, for example, to access the square root function, press 2nd x2 . Similarly, to access letters of the alphabet, press ALPHA and the key that has the desired letter above it.

2nd Key ALPHA Key

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Calculator Basics

Note: throughout this guide, the comma key will be noted as

(comma) and the X,T, ,n key will be noted as X.


To turn the calculator on, press the ON button (lower left corner). To turn the calculator off, press 2nd ON. Note that the calculator will

automatically turn off after a period of disuse.

Making the Screen Lighter/Darker:

To make the screen darker, press 2nd . It may take several applications of 2nd to achieve the desired result. To make the screen lighter, press 2nd . With weaker batteries, it may be necessary to make the screen darker. With new batteries, it may be necessary to make the screen lighter.


To clear the entire main screen, press CLEAR. It may be necessary to press CLEAR CLEAR to get a blank screen.

Previous Entry:

To pull a previous entry to the current line of the main screen, press 2nd ENTER. It may be necessary to do this several times to get to the desired previous entry.

Last Entry:

To use the last value on the main screen in future computations, press 2nd (-). The display will show ANS after pressing 2nd (-).


To delete a character, use the arrow keys to put the cursor on the specific

character you wish to delete. Then press DEL. To insert a character or characters,

use the arrow keys to put the cursor on the character to the right of the desired location for the new character(s). Then press 2nd DEL and enter the new


Alpha Lock: To lock the calculator for alphabet entry, press 2nd ALPHA.

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