- Plumbing, Electrical & HVAC Courses

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If failed to pass, you will be moved to the beginning of that section for more review.Mobile users – Many current mobile devices are compatible with AnytimeCE and will probably work. If not, use a desktop or laptop computer to complete your course.Quiz 1: WA Electricians: Answer all questions - 50% of the following will appear in random order with random answers -as required by WA LNIAn atom’s nucleus, or center, is made up of ______.neutrons and protonsneutrons and electronsprotons and electronsThe ______ orbit around the nucleus.protonsneutronselectronsA proton is ______.a positively charged particlea negatively charged particleneither positively or negatively chargedA neutron is ______.a positively charged particlea negatively charged particleneither positively or negatively chargedAn electron is ______.a positively charged particlea negatively charged particleneither positively or negatively chargedA molecule of water has how many atoms of hydrogen and oxygen?Two hydrogens and two oxygenTwo hydrogens and one oxygenOne hydrogen and two oxygenIn a balanced charge ______.the electrons weigh the same as the protonsthe protons weigh the same as the neutronsthe protons and the neutrons weigh the same amountthe number of electrons equals the number of protonsA positive charge has ______.more electrons than protonsmore protons than neutronsmore protons than electronsnone of the answers providedConductors are used to carry electricity because they have ______.loosely held electrons in the outer orbitnegative neutronspositive protonsextra electronsCurrent flow in a conductor can be accomplished using ______.frictionschemicalsmagnetismall of the answers providedQuiz 2: WA Electricians: Answer all questions - 50% of the following will appear in random order with random answers -as required by WA LNIIn the Ohm’s law equation, Electromotive Force – labeled "E" is also known as ______.energyvoltspowerelectricityIn the Ohm’s law equation, Intensity – labeled "I" is also known as ______.intelligenceilluminationinterferenceampsIn the Ohm’s law equation, Resistance – labeled "R" is also known as ______.ohmsreluctanceresidualreactanceTypical residential voltages encountered are ______.120v208v240vall of the answers providedWhat is the equation when solving for "I" (intensity in amps)?I = E / RI = R / EI = E x RWhat is the equation when solving for "R" (resistance in ohms)?R = E / IR = I / ER = I x EWhat is the amperage of a circuit with 120v and 15-ohm strip heater?8 amps12 amps15 amps18 ampsWhat is the amperage of a circuit with 240v and 23-ohm strip heater?9.2 amps10.4 amps15 amps18.5 ampsWhat is the amperage of a circuit with 208v and 28-ohm strip heater?7.4 amps12.2 amps15.7 amps28 ampsWhat is the wattage of a circuit with 120v and 15-ohm strip heater? (2 steps are needed here to find the answer)960 watts1200 watts1550 watts1810 wattsWhat is the wattage of a circuit with 240v and 23-ohm strip heater? (2 steps are needed here to find the answer)1920 watts2504 watts1550 watts1850 wattsWhat is the wattage of a circuit with 208v and 28-ohm strip heater? (2 steps are needed to find the answer)1545 watts1220 watts1570 watts2810 wattsA Btu is the amount of heat given off by a matchbirthday candlecup of sawdustgallon of gasolinecord of woodHow many Btus are produced from a circuit with 120v and 15-ohm strip heater? (3 steps are needed here to find the answer)3264 Btus1200 Btus1550 Btus1810 BtusHow many Btus are produced from a circuit with 240v and 23-ohm strip heater? (3 steps are needed here to find the answer)1920 Btus8514 Btus1550 Btus1850 BtusHow many Btus are produced from a circuit with 208v and 28-ohm strip heater? (3 steps are needed here to find the answer)5253 Btus1220 Btus1570 Btus2810 BtusThe higher the resistance in a circuit, the ______ its amperage draw.higherlowerit stays the sameQuiz 3: WA Electricians: Answer all questions - 50% of the following will appear in random order with random answers -as required by WA LNIIn a series circuit, the loads are wired one right after another.TrueFalseIn a series circuit, if one of the loads internally fails aka “burns” out, the other loads ______.continue to functionalso “burn” outreceive more power and run betterno longer perform as designed since there is no continuous electrical flow through themIn a series circuit, the total resistance is the ______ of the resistances in the circuit.sum of allaveragehighestlowestWhich statement is true? With more loads in a series circuit, ______.the greater the total resistancethe lower the total amperagethe amperage will be the same everywhere in the circuitall of the answers providedHints in solving the following problemsStep 1 – Determine to total resistance in Ohm from the following Resistance formulas.Step 2. Determine I (amps) = E (volts) / R (Resistance in Ohms)Step 3. Determine Power (watts) = Amps x VoltsStep 4. Determine BTUS = watts x 3.4What is the total resistance of the circuit in a series? R1 = 12 ohms, R2 = 22 ohms – 120v Select the closest answer.12 ohms17 ohms22 ohms34 ohmsWhat is the amp draw of the circuit in a series? R1 = 12 ohms, R2 = 22 ohms – 120v Select the closest answer.10 amps7.1 amps5.5 amps3.5 ampsWhat is the wattage of the circuit in a series? R1 = 12 ohms, R2 = 22 ohms – 120v - Select the closest answer.1200 watts852 watts660 watts423 wattsWhat are the Btus produced by the circuit in a series? R1 = 12 ohms, R2 = 22 ohms – 120v Select the closest answer.4080 Btus2896 Btus2244 Btus1440 BtusWhat is the resulting resistance of a 25-ohm and a 15-ohm load when wired in parallel with each other? Select the closest answer.25 ohms15 ohms17 ? ohms40 ohms9.4 ohmsWhat is the resulting resistance of a 20-ohm and a 10-ohm load when wired in parallel with each other? Select the closest answer.30 ohms20 ohms15 ohms10 ohms6.7 ohmsGiven 3 resistors wired in parallel, 10 ohms, 20 ohms, and 30 ohms, determine the resulting total resistance. Select the closest answer.60 ohms30 ohms20 ohms5.5 ohmsnone of the answers providedGiven 3 resistors wired in parallel, 10 ohms, 20 ohms, and 30 ohms, determine the amps draw in a 240v circuit. Select the closest answer.14.5 amps24.2 amps33.6 amps43.6 amps52.1 ampsGiven 3 resistors wired in parallel, 10 ohms, 20 ohms, and 30 ohms, determine the Btus generated in a 240v circuit. Select the closest answer. (requires 3 steps)10,500 Btus7500 Btus15,000 Btus22,500 Btus35,600 BtusQuiz 4: WA Electricians: Answer all questions - 50% of the following will appear in random order with random answers -as required by WA LNIWhich of the above diagrams represents a DPDT switch?ABCDEWhich of the above diagrams represents a SPST switch?ABCDEWhich of the above diagrams represents a DPST switch?ABCDEWhich of the above symbols represents a resistance heater?DEFNMWhich of the above symbols represents a solenoid coil?DEFNMWhich of the above symbols represents a signal light?DEFNMIn the symbol shown for the signal light, the color of the light would be ______.redgreenblueyelloworangeThe voltage for a contactor coil could be ______.24v120v208/240vall of the answers providedWhich of the above symbols represents a triple pole contactor?ABGHIWhich of the above symbols represents a single pole contactor?ABGHIWhich of the above symbols represents a double pole contactor?ABGHITypically, the maximum amps on a relay contact are ______ amps.10152050100The voltage for a relay coil can be ______.24v120v208/240vAny of the above voltages as specified on the nameplate of the coil.When a relay coil is energized with the correctly rated voltage, ______.the “NC” contacts open and the “NO” contacts closethe “NC” contacts open and the “NO” contacts remain openthe “NC” contacts remain closed and the “NO” contacts closethe “NC” contacts remain closed and the “NO” contacts remain opennone of the answers providedA typical safety device could be a ______.fusebimetal overloadthermal overloadmagnetic overloadall of the answers providedWhich of the above symbols represents a low-pressure control?JKLMWhich of the above symbols represents a high-pressure control?JKLMA bi-metal switch has ______ pieces of metal with different expansion rates.1234none of the answers providedA cooling thermostat close on temperature rise is illustrated by symbol ______.JKLMA heating thermostat open on temperature rise is illustrated by symbol ______.JKLMQuiz 5: WA Electricians: Answer all questions - 50% of the following will appear in random order with random answers -as required by WA LNIThere are several components to a complete circuit. These include ______.a loada switcha complete electrical patha power sourceall of the answers providedA schematic drawing shows ______ of the components.photographssymbols“as built” placementinstallation requirementsthe manufacturerA schematic is sometimes called a ______.ladder diagramcontrols sequence diagrampictorialroadmapnone of the answers providedThe ______ diagram is most useful when troubleshooting for service technicians.schematic or ladderpictorial“as built”picturestep stoolTypically, electrical systems that have more than one load have ______.the loads wired in series with each otherthe loads wired in parallel with each othera switch located after the loadthe sequence of operation in order of the components’ appearanceall of the answers providedThe typical meaning of COMP on a ladder diagram is ______.compensationcomponentcondensercompressorconstituentFrom the above illustration, "CC" is an abbreviation for ______.compressor controlcontractor coilcontrolled componentany of the answers providednone of the answers providedFrom the above illustration, "TRANS" is an abbreviation for ______.terminal switchtemperature switchtransformerany of the answers providednone of the answers providedFrom the above illustration, "CFM" is an abbreviation for ______.cubic feet per minutecondenser fan motorcommuted frequency motorcondensate flow meter none of the answers providedFrom the above illustration, "HPS" is an abbreviation for ______.high pressure switchhot primary surfacehigh power segmentheating potential surfacenone of the answers providedFrom the above illustration, the "EFR" is an abbreviation for ______.evaporator fan motor relayefficient fan motor relayenvironmental flow meter relayeffluent floating matter relaynone of the list answersFrom the above illustration, "LPS" is an abbreviation for ______.low power systemlost power safetylast preventative safetylow pressure switchnone of the answers providedFrom the above illustration, the "EFM" is an abbreviation for ______.evaporator fan motorefficient fan motorenvironmental flow metereffluent floating matternone of the provided answersQuiz 6: WA Electricians: Answer all questions - 50% of the following will appear in random order with random answers -as required by WA LNIA layout diagram includes ______.a schematic diagrama pictorial diagrama component legendwire color codesall of the answers providedMany schematic diagrams have a marking “T1.” This means ______.test 1terminal 1temperature 1template 1none of the answers providedWhich of the above symbols represent a run capacitor?ADGJOA run capacitor is made up of thin sheets of aluminum separated by an electrolyte in a metal container.TrueFalseA run capacitor is located between the ______ and ______ – commonstart – commonstart – runrun – continuousnone of the answers providedA run capacitor has a similar function as a ______.fuel pumpside view mirrorcarburetorspark plugshock absorberThe "HERM" marking on a dual run capacitor means ______.commonfanHermanHermetically sealed compressornone of the answers providedThe primary function of a crankcase heater is to keep the ______.refrigerant warm so that it can readily travel in the systemcopper tubing warm to prevent “case hardening”electrical components warm to prevent condensation from occurringcompressor 's oil warm to prevent the absorption of refrigerantall of the answers providedA crankcase heater control (CHC) ______.modulates the crankcasecontrols the refrigerant temperatureturns off the electric heater when the temperature is achievednone of the answers providedThe crankcase heater is connected to ______ voltage.linecontrol12 DC480 ACnone of the answers providedThe "LPC" a safety deviceopens on low pressuremeans Low Pressure Controlis wired in series before the compressor's contactor coilall of the answers providedLow pressure in an AC system may result from ______.low refrigerant chargea leak in the tubinga dirty air filtera malfunctioning blower motorall of the answers providedA pictorial diagram shows ______.field wiring required by the installerfactory wiringthe placement of componentsthe wiring between componentsall of the answers providedTo determine the name of the abbreviation used, such as "CC" = Compressor Contactor, one would look at the ______ section of the layout diagram.high voltage schematiclow voltage schematicpictorial diagramcomponent codesnone of the answers providedNotes on the layout diagram would include electrical installation instructions.TrueFalseWhich wiring symbol above indicates a low voltage – factory standard wiring?ABCDEWhich wiring symbol above indicates a line voltage – factory standard wiring?ABCDEWhich wiring symbol above indicates a line voltage – field installed wiring?ABCDEWhich wiring symbol above indicates a low voltage – field installed wiring?BCDEFWhich wiring symbol above indicates a line voltage – factory option wiring?ABCDEWhich wiring symbol above indicates a low voltage – factory option wiring?BCDEFOn the layout diagram, "BR" indicates a ______ colored wire.blackbrownorangepurpleOn the layout diagram, "O" indicates a ______ colored wire.blackbrownorangepurpleOn the layout diagram, "BK" indicates a ______ colored wire.blackbrownorangepurpleSchematics may have a series of numbers on the left side of the diagram which identifies the ______.line or circuitsequence of operationwire sizewire typenone of the answers providedPositions of the contacts are shown ______.neutralenergizedde-energizedpowered upwith 24 voltsNumbers on the upper right side of the control device coil show the line where the contacts are located.TrueFalseNear the control coil symbols, the underline numbers indicate which contacts are ______.NONCenergizedde-energizednone of the answers providedLabeling of the components mandatoryis not requiredmay or may not be shownnone of the answers providedQuiz 7 – Sequence of Operation:WA Electricians: Answer all questions - 50% of the following will appear in random order with random answers -as required by WA LNISequence of operation typically means thing after anotherthe order in which activities or processes proceedone action precedes the following actionall of the answers providednone of the answers providedSequence of operation is most easily understood with a layout diagram when using the ______.pictorial diagramschematic or ladder diagramequipment descriptionwire codeswiring informationThe transformer on a schematic diagram ______.divides the line voltage and low voltage portions of the illustrationhas the line voltage portion at the top of the diagramhas the control voltage portion at the bottom of the diagramindicates the primary and secondary sidesall of the answers providedOn a fan call, ______ in the thermostat.R makes to CR makes to GR makes to YR makes to OR makes to WOn a cooling call, ______ in the thermostat.R makes to C & GR makes to G & WR makes to Y & GR makes to O & YR makes to W & GThe cooling thermostat closes on ______.temperature risetemperature fallhumidity riseshumidity fallnone of the answers providedThe “EFM” is energized on a cooling call which moves air across the evaporator coil prevent coil icingto boil the refrigerant in the indoor coilto prevent low pressure from occurringall of the answers providednone of the answers provided ................

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