This document is created as a guide for public and private ...

This document is created as a guide for public and private solid waste facilities, as well as the North Carolina Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (NC-SWANA) and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC-DENR) to define the roles and responsibilities of each body in the carrying out of the North Carolina Training and Certification Program for Landfill and Transfer Station Operators in North Carolina.

I. The Rule for Landfill and Transfer Station Operators in North Carolina:


(a) The Department (NC-DENR Solid Waste Section) shall establish qualifications for, and encourage the development of training programs for, operators of incinerators, operators of landfills, coordinators of local recycling programs, and other solid waste management facilities.

(b) The Department shall work with accredited community colleges, vocational technical centers, State universities, and private institutions in developing educational materials, courses of study, and other such information to be made available for persons seeking to be trained as operators of solid waste management facilities.

(c) A person may not perform the duties of an operator of a solid waste management facility after 1 January 1998, unless he has completed an operator training course approved by the Department. An owner of a solid waste management facility may not employ any person to perform the duties of an operator unless the person has completed an approved solid waste management facility operator training course.

(d) The Commission may adopt rules and minimum standards to effectuate the provisions of this section and to ensure the safe, healthy, and lawful operation of solid waste management facilities. The Commission may establish, by rule, various classifications for operators to address the need for differing levels of training required to operate various types of solid waste management facilities due to different operating requirements at the facilities.

(e) In developing training programs for incinerator operators under this section, the Department shall establish and consult with ad hoc advisory groups to help coordinate the requirements under this section with other training programs for incinerator operators.

II. Application of the Rule for Landfill and Transfer Station Operators in North Carolina:

1. Owners/operators of a Municipal Solid Waste landfill and/or Construction and Demolition Landfill as a part of their solid waste management program must meet the following requirements:

a) Staff a minimum of one employee that receives and maintains a valid certification as a Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO). The duties of this employee must include at least periodic physical presence at the landfill with some level of supervisory or decision-making powers at the facility.

b) Staff additional personnel trained, at a minimum, as certified landfill operator under the North Carolina Program. This does not preclude a facility from having multiple or all of the solid waste operators from being certified at the Manager (MOLO) level. These certified operators must be on duty and on site at all times and at all locations that waste disposal activities occur. The intent of this rule is to ensure that all waste received for disposal is at least visually screened by personnel that have been trained and have an understanding of local, state, and federally banned wastes.

2. Owners/operators of a Municipal Solid Waste or Construction and Demolition Transfer Station that exclusively transfer all waste received at their facility for disposal at a landfill outside of the jurisdiction (referring to permitting and operating responsibilities of the landfill; not necessarily to physical location of receiving landfill) of the facilities solid waste management program must meet the following requirements:

a) Staff a minimum of one transfer station operator certified under the North Carolina Training and Certification Program. This does not preclude a facility from having multiple or all of the solid waste operators from being certified at the operation specialist level. A certified operator must be present on-site at all times during all operating hours. The intent of this rule is to ensure that all waste received for transfer is at least visually screened by personnel that have been trained and have an understanding of local, state, and federally banned wastes.

III. Execution of the Rule for Landfill and Transfer Station Operators in North Carolina:

1. Initial Certification as a Landfill Manager, Landfill Operator and/or Transfer Station Operator:

A. Certification as Manager of a solid waste facility/program: The Solid Waste Section of NC-DENR recognizes the National SWANA Certificate of Landfill Manager (MOLO) as meeting this requirement. Manager’s Certification is obtained by attending a SWANA Landfill Manager’s Course, and receiving a passing grade on the certification exam. This course may be administered through National SWANA, or any State Chapter including, but not limited to, the North Carolina Chapter, so long as these provisions are met.

B. Certification as a Landfill or Transfer Station Operator in North Carolina: The Solid Waste Section of NC-DENR recognizes a Landfill or Transfer Operator as any individual having attended a Landfill or Transfer Station Course and receiving a passing grade on the certification exam in the applicable discipline. These courses are administered by the NC-SWANA, and constitute a requirement of Operators in North Carolina. The North Carolina Training and Certification program, while administrated by NC-SWANA, are regulated and approved by NC-DENR, and operate independently of National SWANA Training and Certification Programs.

2. Certification Renewal Requirements for Landfill Manager, Landfill Operator, and/or Transfer Station Operator:

A. In order to maintain a valid Manager’s Certificate, an individual must receive 30 hours of continuing education within three years of the original certification date. This three-year cycle continues as long as the individual wishes to remain certified. Continuing Educational Units (CEUs) or hours may be obtained in a number of ways: Attending National or Chapter SWANA Technical Conference; SWANA on-line training; attending conferences or training sessions hosted by NC-DENR or other Agency for which SWANA CEUs have been assigned, including North Carolina Operator’s Training Courses; or any other means as approved by National SWANA.

B. In order to maintain a valid Landfill or Transfer Station Operator Certification in North Carolina, an individual must receive 10 hours of continuing education (CEUs) within three years of the original certification date. This three-year cycle continues as long as the individual wishes to remain certified. CEUs may be obtained in a number of ways: attending NC-SWANA sponsored training session and/or technical conferences; attending NC-DENR sponsored training sessions; attending National SWANA or other Agency training or technical sessions for which National SWANA and NC-DENR have approved CEUs.

As noted above, Landfill and Transfer Station Operator Training and Certification Program is a North Carolina program administered by NC-SWANA via an agreement with NC-DENR. This agreement authorizes NC-SWANA to certify operators in North Carolina, but regulatory authority for the program resides with NC-DENR. For this reason, NC-DENR must pre-approve all CEUs awarded under the North Carolina Training Program.

3. Re-certification Requirements for Landfill Manager; Landfill Operator and/or Transfer Station Operator:

Should an individual fail to meet the continuing educational requirements within the permissible three-year term of certification, that individual may become re-certified by completing the requirements listed in Section 1. Initial Certification as a Landfill Manager; Landfill and/or Transfer Station Operators, listed above.

NC-SWANA does give some latitude for expired certifications. For instance, if your certification expires in March, but we will not be holding a class until April or May in your area, NC-SWANA may grant an exemption for the expired certificate and not require that the operator re-take the exam. However, these exemptions must be requested at the time of registration and approved prior to the start of the course. Every exemption request will be evaluated by the NC-SWANA Training Committee, and approval or rejection of the request will be on a case-by-case basis. There are two important provisions to this exemption: 1) The certification renewal date will remain the same as the original date of certification and will not be extended to the latter date relative to completion of the CEU requirement. 2) During the time between the expiration of the certificate and the completion of CEU’s, the operator will not be considered as being certified for regulatory purposes.

IV. Administration of the Rule for Landfill and Transfer Station Operators in North Carolina:

NC-SWANA, via an agreement with NC-DENR, is charged with the administration of the North Carolina Operator Training and Certification Program. The Sections below will describe the role of NC-DENR, NC-SWANA and its Agents in the execution of this Program.

1. NC-DENR Solid Waste Section:

• The primary role of NC-DENR is to grant authority to NC-SWANA to administer the North Carolina Operator Training and Certification Program. Authority is granted via review and approval of training courses. This approval is granted in five year intervals.

• NC-DENR may, from time to time, modify or amend the Program requirements listed herein to ensure Operators are receiving sufficient training to protect human health and the environment.

• NC-DENR shall review and either approve, deny, or modify CEUs granted by National SWANA for which an individual seeks credit under this Program.

• NC-DENR shall provide Staff to present the State’s training session - a required portion of the approved training syllabus.

• NC-DENR staff may, from time to time, wish to audit training courses by attending the entire training session. This attendance will be at no cost to NC-DENR staff, and manual must be returned to the NC-SWANA trainer at the end of the course.

2. North Carolina SWANA Board of Directors:

• The NC-SWANA Board of Directors (Board) shall carry out all administrative functions of the North Carolina Operator Training and Certification Program; and shall do so directly or by designating specific administrative tasks to designees of the Board.

• The Board shall appoint a Chairman to the Training/Certification Committee. The Chairman shall be a member of the Board of Directors at the time of appointment.

• The Board shall appoint a Training Director of the Program. This individual shall be the Chairman to the Training/Certification Committee or other designee, so long as the appointee is an NC-SWANA member in good standing.

• The Board shall assign duties relating to the North Carolina Training and Certification Program to the Chapter Facilitator.

3. NC-SWANA Training/Certification Committee Chairman:

• The Chairman of the Training/Certification Committee will have the responsibility of direct oversight and administration of the North Carolina Training and Certification Program.

• The Chairman will work with the Training/Certification Director and Committee to provide organization, scheduling and conduction of training sessions in the State.

• The Chairman will work with the Training/Certification Director and Committee in the recruitment and selection of Training Faculty.

• The Chairman is authorized by the Board to expend funds and sign contracts on behalf of the Board for specific routine purposes relating to the Program. These include the securing of meeting space, purchase of manuals from National SWANA, rental of audio visual equipment, and other direct costs (copies, mailings, etc.) that would reasonably be presumed to occur in the course of the Program. The expenditure of funds for any other purpose requires prior approval of the Board.

• The Chairman is authorized to assign duties relating to the Training/Certification Program to the Chapter Facilitator.

• Every five years, the Training Chairman shall apply to NC-DENR for re-authorization of the training courses. (Current letters requesting approval of the training courses by NC-SWANA, and letter from NC-DENR granting approval can be found in the Appendix to this document.)

4. NC-SWANA Training Director:

• The Director will work with the Training/Certification Chairman and Committee to provide organization, scheduling and conduction of training sessions in the State.

• The Director will work with the Training/Certification Chairman and Committee in the recruitment and selection of Training Faculty.

• Initiate a request to the NC-DENR Solid Waste Section Field Specialist in the area the class is to be held for recruitment of said person to administer the State portion of the training class.

• Ensure that all records from class (roster, graded exams, etc) are submitted to Chapter Facilitator in a timely fashion.

• Certify exams and/or CEU forms by signing new and renewed certificates.

5. NC-SWANA Chapter Facilitator:

• Prepare Course Registration packages. Notify regulated community as to training opportunities via the NC-SWANA website, email blasts, etc.

• Collect registrations and monies for all training classes. Process registration forms, CEU forms and send out confirmations via email prior to the class.

• Process certificates for all newly certified operators and mail to each individual or agency.

• Collect application fees and form for renewal certificates; process and mail new certificates.

• Maintain Operator Database providing up-to-date information for all certifications.

• Maintain filing system of all classes, registrations, tests, CEUs, course evaluations, and renewal applications.

• Respond to, or forward, questions regarding training and certification by either email or phone.

• Order manuals, and monitor inventory.

6. NC-SWANA Training Faculty:

• Report to the training session at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the course for the purpose of setting up audio visual equipment, registering students, and taking roll.

• Be familiar with the course materials, the Training and Certification Program requirements, and benefits of becoming a member of SWANA.

• Sign CEU forms for attendees (forms should be signed at the end of the course).

• Upon completion of the course, submit course roster, sign in sheets, course evaluations, and exams to Chapter Facilitator.

7. North Carolina Operators:

• Responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Rule shall lie with the individual Operator.

• Operators should maintain a record of signed CEU forms for all classes, meetings, and/or sessions attended for which CEUs were given.

• Operators shall apply for renewal of a Certification under the North Carolina Program once they have earned the required 10 CEUs, but no more than six months prior to expiration of their certification.

• Operators shall apply for renewal by submitting the following to the Chapter Facilitator:

1. Applicable CEU forms, totaling a minimum of 10 hours of continuing education dated after initial certification or most recent renewal and prior to expiration of current certification.

2. Completed Certification Renewal Form (Available at all Training Sessions and online at ).

3. A copy of expiring Certificate.

4. A check made payable to NC SWANA in the amount of $30.00 to cover the renewal fee.

V. Operating Procedures for North Carolina Landfill and Transfer Station Operator Training and Certification Program:

At the beginning of each year, the Training Committee will meet in order to schedule training sessions for the upcoming year. Training classes will be held in the western, central, and eastern regions of North Carolina between January and June of each year; and again from July to December. Both Landfill Operator and Transfer Station Operator courses will be scheduled at the Spring and Fall Technical Conferences, fulfilling the obligation for two bi-annual course offerings. The Training Committee will work with Faculty, Chapter Facilitator, local governments, NC-DENR, and others to site and schedule non-conference training events. Additionally, a solid waste facility may request an on-site training event to be located at their facility for the purpose of certifying/renewing a number of operators at one time and without the burden of travel expenses. NC-SWANA will attempt to accommodate these requests; NC-DENR has requested at least a 30-day notice for on-site training in order to schedule a staff member to present their portion of the training. NOTE: There is an additional fee of $500.00 for an on-site training session.

Once a course has been sited and scheduled, the Training Director or designee will contact the NC-DENR Field Specialist located in the area of the training to secure their availability to present the State portion of the course material. As soon as the training session(s) can be confirmed, information regarding the training sessions will be forwarded to the Chapter Facilitator. The Facilitator will notify the regulated community as to the availability of a training event via email blasts, web-site, etc. The Facilitator will also inventory available manuals and order additional manuals as needed. Information regarding training events should be posted as soon as possible so that operators and facilities have as much lead time as possible to schedule attendees to the events, and to provide ample lead time should manuals need to be ordered from National SWANA. The Facilitator will then receive registration information and fees for the class and compile a roster of attendees for each class that will be emailed to the class instructor a few days before the class is scheduled to begin. Along with the roster, the Facilitator will give the instructor CEU forms for attendees, a copy of the Certification Renewal Form, a blank exam, and information regarding the payment status of each attendee. The instructor will print/copy the materials received from the Facilitator, making sure to have enough for the class. The instructor should additionally have available a laptop computer loaded with the latest version of the training materials, a projector for presenting the material, and enough manuals for the number of attendees in the class. Once a sufficient number of certification exams have been printed, they should be placed in a separate, sealed envelope until the class has been completed. The instructor should now be ready to hold a training event.

A training event will generally follow the following schedule: 1:00pm-5:00pm on the first day of training; and 8:00am-12:00pm on the second day. A DENR Field Specialist will generally present their material on the second day of training and should be accommodated to their schedule as much as possible. Instructor shall take roll at the beginning of each day to verify required attendance of each person listed on the roster. Should an attendee fail to show up for the class, make a note on the roster to alert the Facilitator of their failure to attend the class. Occasionally, additional attendees will show up on the day of the class without prior registration. These persons should be accommodated if at all possible. Instructor shall add their name and contact information to the course roster, and record payment information so that the Facilitator can process their attendance. Please note: Should the instructor receive any money or checks for the course on site, this will be noted on the course roster sheet and funds will be forwarded to the Chapter Facilitator who will remit a receipt to the individual or facility acknowledging receipt of the funds. NC-SWANA will allow attendees to take the course and/or exam without payment. However, no CEU form or new certificate should be issued until proof of payment is received by the Chapter Facilitator.

Upon completion of presentation of all course materials, attendees wishing to take the certification exam should be temporarily excused. Operators that are only seeking CEUs for existing either North Carolina or National (Manager Level) certifications have now completed their instructional requirements and can be excused once the instructor retrieved their manuals, has signed a CEU form for each operator, and given them instructions on submitting the CEU form, Certificate Renewal Application form, a copy of their expiring certificate, and a check for $30.00 to the Chapter Facilitator. Instructor will advise operators to maintain the original copy of the CEU form in their training files as the CEU form will serve as proof that the operator has met their training requirements for certification renewal until a new, updated certificate can be sent to them. Additionally, instruct operators that these documents should be sent to the Facilitator no more than six months prior to the expiration of their certification. Also, note that the CEU form can be used for multiple certifications simultaneously (landfill operator, transfer station operator, and 10 hours towards National (Manager) certification). Instructor should now have the remaining attendees reconvene and review course materials. The review can be as long or short as desired by the instructor and/or attendees. Please keep in mind, however, that the purpose of the review is not to give exam answers. While it is the hope of the Training Program to have everyone pass, the purpose of the Program is to present pertinent information, and it is the duty of the student to understand the materials well enough to pass the exam. Once the review is completed, it is time to proctor the exam. Prior to passing out the exams, the instructor shall have the students spread out, close their manuals, and remove any notes from view. Once the test has been handed out (Transfer Station exams printed in Spanish are available if needed), the instructor shall have everyone write their name on the back of the exam. It is important that they print their name exactly as they wish it to appear on their certificate. Once a student has finished the exam, they may turn it in, receive their CEU form, and be excused. Keep in mind that most of the students in this class have not been in a classroom setting for many years, and may have anxiety about taking a test. Therefore, it may be desirable for the instructor to give the exam orally to ensure that students have not misread or misinterpreted any of the questions. Once an exam is handed in, scan it to make sure that the student has answered every question. If there are questions left blank, suggest that they at least guess at what they think is the best answer. No additional assistance should be given. After everyone has completed the exam and received their CEU form, the class is completed. Place the class roster/attendance sheet, any funds received (with receipts), and all of the exams (both completed and blank) into a large envelope and forward them to the Chapter Facilitator as soon as possible. The Facilitator will have an answer key for the exam; or the instructor may choose to grade the exam before submittal.

Once the Chapter Facilitator receives the packet, it is the goal to get certificates back to the new operators as soon as possible. If there are any questions or issues with an exam, they should be addressed with the Training Director as he/she is the person with the duty to certify a passing score on the exam. Assuming no questions arise, a certificate should now be generated for all students with passing exams. Notifications should also be mailed to any students not passing the exam as soon as possible so that they may attend another class, if desired. As part of the notification, the student should be notified of their options for re-taking the exam, which are as follows: 1) Operator may attend another class and re-take the exam at the end of the class. The fee for this class will be equal to the cost for a certification renewal class (students should bring their manuals back to the class with them); 2) The student may simply come to the exam at the end of class so long as the class is within six months of the original class, and the student will be allowed to sit for the exam. The fee for this option will be 50 percent of the cost for a certification renewal class (the purpose of this fee is to discourage students from only sitting for the exam even though they have that option; if they did not retain enough of the materials to pass the course on the first try, it is unlikely that they will be successful via a re-test without receiving additional instruction). For those operators that have passed the exam, a certificate should be generated listing the operator’s name as it appears on the back of the exam. The Facilitator will also assign a number to the certificate using the following nomenclature: the first four digits will mark the year of the original certification; the following three digits will be sequentially numbered as certifications are earned throughout the year. The date of the course will be noted via the certificate expiration date (and within the database), which will be three years from the original class date. The completed certificates must then be signed by the Chapter President and either the Training Director or Training Chairman; these signatures may be placed on the certificates electronically by the Facilitator with approval of the signatories. The certificates should now be mailed to the new operators as soon as possible. Certificates generated for which registration or exam fees have not been received will be held until such time as the funds are received; however, this instance will not cause a delay in issuance of the remaining certificates.

The Chapter Facilitator will also create and issue new certificates upon receiving a certification renewal request from an operator. The renewal request should include a Certification Renewal Application form, a copy of a CEU form(s) totaling 10 CEUs since last issuance of a certification, a copy of the expiring certificate, and a check in the amount of the certification renewal fee as listed on the form. Once this information is received, the Facilitator will generate a new certificate. The Facilitator will assign a new expiration date to the certificate; the expiration date will always be a multiple of three years from the date of original certification. Exception, operators that have allowed their certification to lapse and later wish to be re-certified will receive a new certificate number and expiration date associated with the completion of training and passing of the certification exam. Once the Facilitator has generated the certificate for renewal, it must be signed by the Chapter President, and either the Training Director or Training Chairman; these signatures may be on the certificates electronically by the Facilitator with approval of the signatories. Certification renewals will arrive to the Facilitator intermittently and should be processed and returned as soon as possible.

V. 1. Training Course Syllabus

The following are the agenda for each of the courses approved for the North Carolina Operator Training and Certification Program:

Landfill Operations Specialist Certification Course



Registration 12:30-1:00 pm

Lesson 1: Landfill Operations Overview 1:00-1:30 pm

Lesson 2: Leachate Control & Management 1:30-2:30 pm

Lesson 3: Landfill Gas Control & Management 2:30-3:30 pm

Lesson 4: Cell Construction and Compaction 3:30-4:30 pm

Lesson 5: Landfill Equipment Maintenance 4:30-5:00 pm

Lesson 6: Health & Safety at Landfills 5:00-5:30 pm


Lesson 7: Managing Vehicle Flow 8:00-9:00 am

Lesson 8: Managing Dumping Operation & Waste Screening 9:00-10:00 am

Lesson 9: How to Handle Waste/Odor, Noise & Animal Control 10:00-10:30 am

Lesson 10: Control of Blowing Waste 10:30-11:00 am

Lesson 11: Groundwater Monitoring 11:00-11:30 am

Lesson 12: Overview of NC SW Regulations & Policy (NCDENR Staff) 11:30-12:30 pm

Review: 12:30-1:00 pm

Examination 1:00-2:00 pm

Note: Breaks will be taken at the discretion of the instructors.

Transfer Station Operations Specialist Certification Course



Registration: 12:30-1:00 pm

Lesson 1: 1:00-2:00 pm

Introduction, Requirements under RCRA, Hazardous Waste Overview

Lesson 2: 2:00-3:00 pm

Sources & Characteristics of Hazardous Waste; Polychlorinated

Biphenyls, Refrigerant Containing Waste, Bloodborne Pathogens,

Other Prohibited Waste, Potential Hazards

Lesson 3: 3:00-4:00 pm

Fundamentals of Waste Screening, Management of Unacceptable

Waste, Public Information & Education, Record Keeping, Waste

Screening Program Plan

Lesson 4: 4:00-5:00 pm

Preparing a Random Load Inspection Plan, Plan for Identifying

Sources of Hazardous Waste & for Notifying Waste Hauler of the

Waste Screening Programs, Physical Conditions Associated with the

Selection of a Waste Screening Area


Lesson 5: 8:00-9:00 am

Basic Indicators of Hazardous Waste & Equipment to be used,

Physical & Sensory Examination Procedures, Field Identification

of Suspicious Liquids and of other Waste, Field Examination of

Suspicious Items, Screening Area Maintenance

Lesson 6: 9:00-10:00 am

Unacceptable Wastes, Facility Response, Managing Regulated

Wastes & Other Prohibited Wastes, Adjustments to the Screening

Program, Temporary Storage of Unacceptable Waste,

Unacceptable Waste Spill Procedures, Decontamination of

Exposed Personnel, Legal Issues

Lesson 7: 10:00-10:30 am

Health & Safety, Hazard Awareness, Working as a Team,

Reporting Hazards, Knowing Your Surroundings, Leachate/

Wastewater management, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Lesson 8: 10:30-11:30 am

Overview of NC SW Regulations & Policy (NCDENR Staff)

Review: 12:00-1:00 pm

Examination: 1:00-2:00 pm

Note: Breaks will be taken at the discretion of the instructors.

There may be some deviation from this agenda for two primary reasons: 1) NCDENR Field Specialists should be accommodated at any time during the course so as to have minimal interruption to their schedules; 2) On-site or specially held training sessions may be presented in a single day. In such an event, the course will begin at 8:00 am on the first day, break for lunch after the DAY 1 materials are presented, and resume with DAY 2 materials after lunch.

V. 2. Course Fee Schedule

Course Fee for New Certifications: Cost: $125.00 for non-members, $100.00 for members. This includes the purchase of a manual and award of an operator’s certificate assuming a passing grade on the certification exam.

Course Fee for Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Cost: $60.00. This would cover about one-third the cost of a manual which is to be returned to the instructor at the end of the class (manuals will have to be replaced as National SWANA publishes new versions), with the rest covering training expenses.

Certification Renewal Fee: Cost: $30.00. To cover cost of mailings, administration of database, filing, supplies, and generation of Certificates.

Re-Testing Fee: Cost $30.00. For students that have attended a training course, but failed to receive a passing grade on the end of course exam that would like to re-take the test at a later class (must be within six months of the original class date, and is not recommended).

Host Fee: Cost $500.00. This fee is to cover the cost of training at a requested on-site training event. There is no minimum number of attendees required at an on-site training event.

Course, certification renewal, and testing fees may be increased or decreased from time to time by action of the North Carolina SWANA Board of Directors.

V. 3. Requirements of NC-SWANA Faculty Members

V. 3.1 Recruitment


NC-SWANA Training Faculty must be certified in the course that they wish to teach. This certification must be maintained and stay current as long as they are considered part of the NC-SWANA Faculty. Exceptions to this requirement may be considered on a case by case basis by the Training Director, with his recommendation submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.

When courses and exams are updated, NC-SWANA Faculty may be asked to audit the updated course and re-take the new or updated exam, as needed.


It is preferred that Faculty members have previous experience teaching adults in a business environment.

Each Faculty member must be able to present in an audio visual format that utilizes PowerPoint. The Faculty member should be comfortable operating both a laptop and a LCD projector. On a few occasions, there may be a need to use slides or overheads. The Faculty member should have sufficient amount of knowledge to operate such equipment.

Each Faculty member must successfully complete a student teaching process prior to being considered a Faculty member. (This requirement is waived for all Faculty members who became faculty prior to March 9, 2004.)


Faculty member must be able to travel to the course location and present courses over a one- to three-day time frame.

Faculty member must be able to take time away from his/her professional position to present training courses.

Approved Faculty members will provide a resume or short biography for purposes of publicizing events.


To become a member of the NC-SWANA Faculty, express interest by contacting the Chapter Training Director. This contact must be delivered by mail or email. The initial request should include:

Information on SWANA/NC-SWANA certification (if applicable).

Applicant’s resume.

Applicant’s SWANA Membership number.

Letter in support of trainer from employer.

Upon receipt of a request, the information will be reviewed and the individual will be contacted by the NC-SWANA Training Director. The Training Director will discuss the faculty responsibilities and schedule a date and time for the individual to student teach. The student teaching process will generally consist of the following: 1) Perspective trainer will audit at least two training courses under an existing faculty member (one of these events may be for initial certification). 2) Perspective trainer will co-host at least one training event with an existing trainer with each presenting various course topics. 3) Perspective trainer will present a training session with an existing trainer auditing the course. During this process, the trainer will evaluate the perspective trainer, adding additional sessions as needed until he/she is certain that the perspective trainer has the ability to effectively present the course materials.

V. 3.2 Faculty On-the-Job Requirements

Members of the NC-SWANA Training Faculty have been chosen to share their knowledge and expertise of the Solid Waste industry as well as be a representative of NC-SWANA and its membership. As such, your professional conduct and support of NC-SWANA’s training program is imperative to the success of the program.

Appearance of NC-SWANA faculty should be professional. Appearance and demeanor should reflect positively on the NC-SWANA training program and should set a comfortable environment for the students. Polo shirts displaying the NC-SWANA logo will be provided by the Chapter to each trainer. No other commercial logos, with the exception of apparel manufacturer logos, should be worn by trainers.

NC-SWANA faculty should be familiar will all facets of the North Carolina Training and Certification Program requirements so that they will be able to answer questions from students that may arise.

NC-SWANA faculty must always conduct themselves in an ethical manner as representatives of NC-SWANA and the solid waste industry as a whole. They should refrain from improper coaching or dissemination of information during the exam. Trainers must also refrain from self-promotion or “commercials” that would benefit the Faculty member in their normal job position. While anecdotal and real life examples are important to illustrate the course subject matter, they should be general in nature and not highlight any individual company or vendor, or in any way attempt to direct trainees toward any specific company or vendor, especially one with which the trainer is associated.

V. 3.3 Faculty Compensation

NC-SWANA Faculty are volunteers and not paid employees of NC-SWANA. NC-SWANA provides reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by Faculty during the time frame for teaching the training course.

Travel: NC-SWANA will reimburse faculty for mileage to and from the training event at the same rate as the Federal Personal Vehicle Allowance.

Hotel: NC-SWANA will reimburse faculty for the cost of their hotel during the training course. Reimbursement will be based on a standard room; upgrades to efficiencies or suites will be the responsibility of the faculty member. Generally, hotel stays will be reimbursed for one less night than the length of the course (e.g. a two-day course would equal one night stay and a four-day course would equal a three-night stay. Exceptions may be made with prior authorization of the Training Director for travel distances over 300 miles one way. Personal phone calls, faxes, in-room movies, and internet usage are not a covered expense item.

Meals: NC-SWANA will reimburse faculty member for all meals during the time period of the course. Reimbursements are extended only to the faculty member and care should be taken to not abuse the meal allowance. Guests, “bar tabs” and gratuities are not a covered expense item.

Miscellaneous: Other expenses directly related to the course may occur from time to time and may be reimbursed upon review and approval of the Training Director. These items could include, additional copies of course related materials, extension cords or projector bulbs, name badges (required for events held at NC-DENR offices), etc.

It is the obligation of the faculty member to provide receipts for all items they wish to have reimbursed. The receipts should be attached to an Expense Report Form (which can be obtained from the Chapter Facilitator), and submitted to the Treasurer of the NC-SWANA Board of Directors for reimbursement.


Sample Course Roster…………………………………………………B

Sample Course Sign in Sheet………………………………………….C

Sample Course Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Form……………..D

Course Evaluation Form……………………………………………….E

Certificate Renewal Form……………………………………………..G

Copy of current letter(s) from NC-SWANA to NC-DENR requesting five-year authorization of training course(s)


Copy of current letter(s) from NC-DENR to NC-SWANA authorizing the training course(s) for a five-year period


Trainer Expense Reimbursement Form………………………………..N















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