Session 1: Session title

|Session 1: Think About Food |

|Science curriculum area: |Content |

|Animals, Including Humans |i. identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their |

| |own food; they get nutrition from what they eat |

|Working Scientifically |i. gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions |

| |ii. recording findings using simple scientific language, bar charts, and tables |

|National Curriculum |Maths - Statistics |

| |interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables (Yr3) |

| |interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts and time |

| |graphs (Yr4) |

|Teaching Objectives |To understand that animals (including humans) can be grouped according to what they eat. |

| |To answer questions on diet by extracting data from a food survey and displaying it in tables and bar charts. |

| |To look for patterns and trends in the data and use this to ask further questions. |

|Teaching Objectives |Use survey data to answer questions and display it in the form of tables and bar charts. |

| |Look for trends and patterns in the data. |

|Key Vocabulary: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, nutrition, diet, food chain, data, table, bar chart |

|Resources |Weblinks |

|Challenge and task PowerPoints, instructions on how to play Diet Riot and a chart showing how much sugar is | - |

|present in a variety of food and drink. A set of animal sort cards for each group (each set printed on a |BBC Bitesize KS1 film clips on Animal |

|different colour of paper or card and cut up into 30 individual cards), 2 PE hoops per group, a set of 5 Diet |diets and Food Chains (useful |

|Riot labels for each group, 6 team member information folders containing 2 printouts of the team member’s Health |revision). |

|and Exercise survey, bag of granulated sugar, teaspoon, printouts of task sheets, bar chart and reference sheets,| |

|pens, rulers, pencils, and coloured crayons. | |

|Whole class: Before the lesson, read the teachers’ notes |

|I have a friend called Sally who is captain of a 6-a-side hockey team. She was feeling a bit down at the weekend because her team hasn’t won a match all |

|season. Although everyone is keen and they all turn up for practice each week, she suspects that the team is not as fit as it could be. When I told her |

|that our class was about to begin a science block on health and fitness, she asked if you might give the team some advice on what they need to do to get |

|fit so they can win the hockey league next season. I asked her to send me some more information on the team. Let’s take a look before we decide whether |

|we are up to the challenge. Show the Challenge PowerPoint. Get the agreement of the class to help the team. We probably already have ideas on how to be |

|healthy but the team want scientifically accurate advice from health specialists. So, over the next few sessions we shall become specialists who know all|

|about nutrition, diet, muscles, bones, joints and movement. Today we will start by thinking about diet and nutrition. What is diet? Take suggestions. Our|

|diet is everything that we eat and drink. What is nutrition? It means nourishment, or the food and drink we need to stay healthy. As experts on nutrition|

|and diet we need to understand what humans and animals naturally eat. You may know some of this already but it’s good to recap! Using the BBC Bitesize |

|link above, read the information and watch the film clips on What types of food do animals eat? And What is a food chain? So now we’ve learnt that all |

|animals and humans have a diet that suits them and we can sort animals according to whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. Play the game |

|Diet Riot from the printable resource (see Diet Riot game instructions and sort cards). After the game praise the chn for their understanding of animal |

|feeding groups. Each hockey team member will need their own group of specialist advisors. Divide the chn into 6 groups of mixed Yr3 and 4 chn and |

|allocate each group a hockey team member. Give each group their member’s information folder to keep all their research in. Explain that inside are copies|

|of their team member’s food and fitness questionnaire. Let’s get started! Show the task PowerPoint. Demonstrate what a teaspoon of sugar looks like. |

|Year 3 Answer the question: How many portions of fruit and vegetables a day|Year 4 Answer the question: How much sugar is in your team member’s diet at |

|is your team member eating at the moment? They should complete a table and |the moment? They should complete a table and draw a bar graph (using support |

|draw a bar graph using support resources to help. |resources at teacher’s discretion) Teacher to support as needed. |

|Plenary |Ask each group to report briefly to the class on their findings by showing their data tables and bar graphs. The class can ask them |

| |questions to answer using their research e.g. On which day did they eat the most portions of fruit and veg? or How many teaspoons of sugar|

| |did they consume on Saturday? Encourage the chn to begin to look for patterns in the data e.g. Did sugar consumption tend to peak at |

| |weekends? Why might this be? |

|Outcomes |Children will: |

| |Play an active game to reinforce vocabulary and understanding of animal feeding categories |

| |Review data from a food survey to answer a question on either sugar intake or 5 a day portions |

| |Display data in tables and bar charts and use these to look for patterns and trends |


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