Fleet Feet Sports Bloomington

No Boundaries Core Workout Exercises Why a core workout? Core work is essential to everyday activities, and if someone wants to be a strong runner or walker, he or she needs a strong core. We also want our participants to be injury free and confident runners. Core muscles guard against hip and back pain and they make us stand taller. They aid in the efficient transfer of power from the lower to the upper body, and they improve our performance in everything from cardio (running and walking) to weight training to moving furniture. A solid core is the key to true strength and function. What? These core exercises can easily be incorporated into your twice weekly workouts. Spend approximately five to ten minutes on this core workout routine. Start out with one circuit of the suggested exercises and work up to two circuits then three circuits. Most of these exercises can be modified for the beginner and for the more experienced. Modifications are noted in the description of each exercise. How? Proper form and breathing are essential components of this workout. We will demonstrate for the group, but if you are not sure if you are doing the exercises properly, please have a coach watch you for proper technique. We want this core workout to be a positive addition to your running program.Exercises Bird Dog ? Start on all fours on a padded surface, if available. ? Lift your left arm in front of you until it is parallel to the ground and squeeze your left fist. At the same time, extend your right leg straight out behind you, also parallel to the ground, and taking care not to arch your lower back. ? Contract your abs and tighten your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine. Keep a tight core throughout the entire exercise. ? Slowly return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. ? Start with one set of 10 to 12. Work your way up to three sets of 10 to 12 reps. 25527003746500077597026035000? Advanced Modification: Hold the extended position on each side for up to 30 seconds. Plank ? Lie face down on the floor, or start on your hands and knees. ? Prop your upper body up on your elbows and forearms. Alternately, prop your body up on your hands, with all five fingers and palm pressing equally into the ground to avoid injuring wrists. Arms should be straight in this position, but elbows should not be locked. Make sure that your elbows/hands are directly under your shoulders. ? Press down through your elbows or hands and also press back through the balls of your feet, extend your body, and straighten your back so it forms a straight line from your heels through the top of your head. ? Keep your abs tight and be careful not to arch your back. ? Begin by holding this position for 10 seconds. Work up to a one minute hold. 196850011239500***Beginner Modification: Assume a similar position to what is described above; however lower to your knees. ***Advanced Modification: Side Plank, if you can hold the front plank for one minute each, try this version: Starting in a front-plank position, lift one elbow off the floor and roll to one side until you’re in a side-plank position. Keep the hips and shoulders aligned throughout. ? You can modify this position to be on your hand, palm and fingers pressing equally into the group with arm straight. ? Rotate through center and onto the other side. Repeat. 220980056324500? Start by holding each movement for 10 seconds. Work up to a 1 minute hold in the center, and on each side. Bicycle ? Start on your back with your knees and hips bent 90 degrees. Place one hand beneath your low back. Your low back should not lift off of your hand nor should it push down into your hand. You can rest your other hand on your lower abdomen. ? Slowly bring your left foot down towards the ground while you keep your left knee bent. When your left foot is approximately 1 inch off the ground, stop and hold this position for 2 seconds before bringing your left leg back to the starting position. ? Repeat with your right leg. You have completed one rep.176784047180500 ? Advanced Modification: To make the exercise more difficult straighten your left leg as you bring your foot towards the ground and hold your leg approximately 4 inches off of the ground before bringing your leg back to the starting position. 163830032194500Bridge ? Start on your back with your arms lifted above your head and your weight balanced on your shoulders and the heels of your feet. ? Straighten your right knee. Hold this position for two seconds and then switch legs. ? After both legs have been up in the air you have completed one rep. 302260014986000014986000Side-lying Stabilization ? Balance all of your weight on your forearm and the side of your knee with your knees bent. ? Maintain a posterior pelvic tilt by pushing the bottom of your pelvis forward and the top of your pelvis back. Keep your body as straight as possible and do not let your hips sag towards the ground. 194437053086000? Work to hold this position for up to 30 seconds on each side. Push-ups Aren’t push-ups for my arms? How do push-ups help stabilize my core? *The rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis contract continually while you perform push-ups, to hold your body off the floor and keep your legs and torso aligned. You get the added bonus of strong and toned arms with a push-up! Push Up? Get on your hand and knees and position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. ? Rise up onto your toes so you are balanced on your hands and toes.? Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging in the middle or arching your back. Your feet can be close together or a bit wider depending upon what is most comfortable for you. ? Before you begin any movement, contract your abs and tighten your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine. Keep a tight core throughout the entire push up. ? Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. ? Exhale as you begin pushing back up to the start position. ? Don't lock out the elbows; keep them slightly bent. 245554540640000? Start with 5 push-ups and workup to 10-12 pushups. Beginner Modifications: Incline Push-Ups If a standard push up is too difficult, you can start by doing push-ups against a wall, a table or a sturdy chair. Stand several feet away from the object you are using and use the same push up technique as above to lower yourself until the elbows are 90 degrees and then raise back up. Keep you core tight the whole time. 245110079629000Bent Knee Push-Ups This is a modified version of the standard push up performed on the knees rather than on the toes. Be sure to keep the knees, hips and shoulders all in a straight line; most people have a tendency to bend at the hips as though you are bowing, but this is incorrect technique. Tricep Push-Ups If someone is interested in working their tricep muscles, she can keep her arms tucked into her sides (rather than having arms wider than shoulder width apart) throughout this exercise. This posi tion can also be done on the knees. Suggested Plan: Start with one circuit twice a week for the first 2 weeks. Work up to two circuits per workout session, twice a week. WEEKEXERCISEREPITITIONS/SETS/TIME1Bird DogPlank (on knees)BicycleBridge10 reps 20-30 second hold30 (15 per leg)10 (5 per leg)2Bird DogPlank (on knees)BicycleBridge10 40 second hold40 (20 per leg)12 (6 per leg)3Repeat X 2 Bird DogPlank (on knees)BicycleBridgeSide-Lying1050 second hold40 (20 per leg)12 (6 per leg)10 second hold per side4Repeat X 2Bird DogPlank BicycleBridgeSide-Lying1230 second hold50 (25 per leg)18 (9 per leg)10 second hold per side5Repeat X 3Bird DogPlankBicycleBridgeSide-LyingPush-ups (on knees)1040 second hold50 (25 per leg)18 (9 per leg)15 second hold per side56Repeat X 3Bird DogPlankBicycleBridgeSide-LyingPush-ups (on knees)1050-60 second hold50 (25 per leg)20 (10 per leg)20 second hold per side6-8 ................

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