Nicole Martinetti Portfolio

WEEK 1ActivitiesScheduleRationalOther ConsiderationsRationalQUESTION #3Part BDay 1 (Monday)?Warm-up--------------------?Go For a walk--------------------? Stretching--------------------?Cool down 10 minutes---------------------Approximately 3-4Km for a total of 45-60 minutes (15 minutes per Km)---------------------? 15 minutes --------------------?5 minutes?This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------?By walking at this pace this will allow them to still have in interaction with one another, get exercise and to get a feel of how it will be working together well still getting a good workout.---------------------?This reduces stiffness and soreness the next morning and increases flexibility.---------------------?This will further prevent injuries and will help reduce your heart rate and return to a normal state. Reminder, this is a warm up, walk slowly and don’t go too quickly at this point. ---------------------? Be sure that you are not too social during this activity. Make sure that you maintain the steady pace. ---------------------? Make sure you hold each individual stretch for minimum 30 seconds and that you are not over extending your muscles but simply feeling an adequate pull.---------------------?It is important to be warm while cooling down. Be sure to put on sweat-pants and a sweatshirt if necessary.If you do not properly allow time for your body to warm up this may lead to injuries. ---------------------? If you are too social your attention will be taken away from the task, which is what we do not want. You should be focusing on maintaining a constant pace.---------------------? If muscles are over extended during stretching this could cause injury and prevent exercise for the following day.---------------------?This will cause your muscles to cool slowly and eliminate tightness and tension within your muscles. And give you full range of motion and flexibility.Day 2 (Tuesday)Remember to drink water and stay hydrated?Warm-up--------------------?Go for a walk -------------------?Work out--------------------? Stretching--------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?Walk for 4 Km at a pace of 15 min/Km (total ---------------------? 20-minute arm work out using the 1lb free weights at Lucy’s daughters mini gym. 15 reps three times---------------------?10 minutes of full body stretching---------------------? Walk back home. This should take you 5 minutes?This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------?Your distance has increased. Walk at a pace you are comfortable with. At the end of your walk you will end up at Lucy’s daughters house---------------------? This will help to increase your upper body strength. ---------------------? This reduces stiffness and soreness the next morning and increases flexibility.---------------------? Allows your body and muscles to cool down and relax.? Today you may be feeling a little sore, be sure to have an efficient warm up to get your blood flowing. ---------------------?Watch your pace, this is a longer distance then yesterday so make sure you pace yourself to what you are capable of.---------------------? Take breaks after your reps, don’t go too quickly---------------------? This is the first working on your arms be sure to properly stretch them out. As well as other parts of your body. ---------------------? Put on warm clothes or a rain jacket incase it’s raining outside?To avoid stiffness tomorrow---------------------?If you are feeling tired or start to feel aches or slight pains, slow your pace down. It is more important to keep constant then to have to stop. Don’t stop your walking! ---------------------?If you go too quickly and don’t take necessary breaks this could result in injuries ---------------------? You don’t want any injuries or aches and pains the next morning. ---------------------?You don’t want to get cold or your body to tense up.Day 3 (Wednesday) ?Warm-up--------------------?Go for a walk ---------------------?Work outMake reference to the diagrams of these exercises if necessary--------------------? Stretching--------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------? Your goal is to walk 4km with a time of 14 minutes per Km! You can do it! ---------------------? 30 minute work out. Today we are focusing on your legs!! Repeat twice-*Lunges X 10-*Squats X 10-*Wall sits 10 seconds---------------------?10 minutes---------------------? Time to go home! Walk back.?This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------? Decreasing time will increase your pace. This is only a slight increase but remember to stay motivated and encourage each other. ---------------------? It is important to increase your leg strength as well as your upper body.---------------------? As mentioned before stretching will help to prevent injury and body stiffness ---------------------? You need to get home somehow!?You may be feeling sore or stiff today make sure you do a good warm up to loosen up your body a muscles.---------------------? Remember to bring water with you during the walk. Take small sips when necessary. ---------------------?Make sure you keep your back straight and not hunched over. Be sure to efficient breaks between sets.---------------------? Remember not to neglect other parts of the body and stretch all parts of your body. ---------------------?You’ll probably be tired at this point! So encourage each other.? By making sure you do a good warm up every day this will help to prevent future stiffness, injury or soreness. ---------------------? Staying hydrated is very important to overall performance and recovery.---------------------? Bad posture will cause more efficient work out and prevent injury. Do not start your next rep until you feel rested. ---------------------? Sometimes you are working parts of your body that you do not realize so make sure you stretch EVERYTHING!---------------------? Motivation is important for efficient work outsDay 4 (Thursday)DAY OFFREST & RECOVERY? Congrats on your hard work! Take some time to yourself today. Make a healthy meal ? If you are feeling stiff today still you can do some stretching on your own.? You’re doing Great so far! Keep up the good work.Day 5 (Friday) =)FUN FRIDAYSWOOPEEE ?Today you get to go do a FUN activity! Who doesn’t love tennis!? Walk the few blocks to the tennis courts. ? This is meant to be enjoyable! And a nice break from your other daily activities. ? Be sure to bring water, proper equipment and dress appropriately.And Stretch afterwards.? This is meant to be a fun activity! Encourage each other. If possible bring your spouse and play with pairs. Day 6 (Saturday)?Warm-up--------------------?Go for a walk / Jog--------------------? Stretching--------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?You will do this for a total of 5km. Alternate between five minutes of walking, 1 minute of jogging.---------------------?15 minutes---------------------?10 minutes?This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------? This will get you to push your limits. This may be tough at the time but remember your goal and push yourself through the pain!---------------------? Seeing as how we incorporated jogging today be sure to stretch your muscles out efficiently.---------------------?This is a continuation of your stretching? Your arms and legs might be sore from tennis yesterday. This is a good sign that you worked hard!---------------------?Be sure to bring a stop watch so you can keep track of your time, water to stay hydrated, and keep your breathing controlled with a steady rhythm.--------------------- ? Make sure your warm while your stretching. If cold put on layers. ---------------------? You can drink some Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes ?WATER WATER WATER! Stay Hydrated ---------------------? If you don’t maintain a good rhythm for your breathing you will get tired more quickly and may not be allowing enough oxygen to enter your body. ---------------------? If your muscles get cold they can tense up which can cause pulls and make your stretching less effective.---------------------?Maintaining a healthy diet is also key in achieving your goalsDay 7 (Sunday)CONGRATS! You have completed your first week of workout. The weather channel says it’s suppose to be sunny today!?Warm-up--------------------? Go for a walk outside and enjoy the weather. (You will end your walk at Lucy’s daughters house)--------------------? Yoga--------------------?Cool down?10 minutes---------------------?42 minutes (3km at 14 min per km)---------------------? You will use the beginner’s yoga video that I have supplied and the mats at Lucy’s daughters house. ---------------------? Walk back home? This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------? Today’s walk is shorter, and no jogging because you get to do YOGA instead! ---------------------? This is a fun and active way to add variety to your work out. Yoga is very beneficial for flexibility.---------------------? You might be feeling a little sweaty at this point.? Remember you are warming up this is not the work out.---------------------? Be sure to watch your time and maintain a manageable pace! But enjoy yourself at the same time.---------------------? Make sure you hole the poses for the proper duration.---------------------? Once home have a nice hot shower. Try to drink at least 8 cups of water throughout the day? You don’t want to waste all your energy during your warm up.---------------------? As long as your having fun it wont seem like as much of a work out! You also burn more calories while talking!---------------------? By doing this you will get the most out of your work out.---------------------? This will help your body relax and get ready for the day! It is really important to stay hydrated.WEEK 2ActivitiesScheduleRationalOther ConsiderationsRationalDay 1 (Monday)?Warm-up---------------------?Go For a walk---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down 10 minutes---------------------Approximately 3-4Km for a total of 45-60 minutes (You want to maintain a pace of 14 minutes per Km)---------------------? 15 minutes ---------------------?5 minutes?This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------?By walking at this pace this should allow you to still have interaction with each other. ---------------------? Stretching prevent injuries and will help reduce your heart rate and return to a normal state. ---------------------Cool downs are important after any type of physical activity. Because it allows your body and muscles to cool down and relax and return to their normal state.Reminder, this is a warm up, walk slowly and don’t go too quickly at this point. ---------------------? The goal of this activity is to maintain a pace of 14min/Km it is good to interact with one another but make sure you don’t get distracted from the goal. ---------------------? Make sure you hold each individual stretch for minimum 30 seconds and that you are not over extending your muscles but simply feeling an adequate pull.---------------------?It is important to be warm while cooling down. Be sure to put on sweat-pants and a sweatshirt if necessary.If you do not properly allow time for your body to warm up this may lead to injuries. ---------------------? If you are too social your attention will be taken away from the task, we do not want this. You should be focusing on maintaining a constant pace.---------------------? If muscles are over extended during stretching this could cause injury and prevent exercise for the following day.---------------------?This will cause your muscles to cool slowly and eliminate tightness and tension within your muscles. And give you full range of motion and flexibility.Day 2 (Tuesday)Remember to drink water and stay hydrated?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk ---------------------?Work out---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?Walk for 5 Km (You do not want to exceed 15min/Km for your pace)---------------------? 30-minute arm work out using the 3lb free weights at Lucy’s daughters mini gym. 15 reps three times---------------------?10 minutes of full body stretching---------------------? Walk back home. This should take you 5 minutes?Warm-ups help to get your blood flowing and causes slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------?Your distance has increased. Walk at a pace you are comfortable with. At the end of your walk you will end up at Lucy’s daughters house. ---------------------? This will help to increase your upper body strength. ---------------------? This reduces stiffness and soreness the next morning and increases flexibility.---------------------? Allows your body and muscles to cool down and relax.? Be sure to have an efficient warm up to get your blood flowing. This can effect how your work out goes depending on if you are warm or not. ---------------------?Make sure you are drinking water while you are walking---------------------? Take rest breaks between your reps---------------------? We did extra work on your arms today so make sure you stretch them out! As well as other parts of your body. ---------------------? Put on warm clothes or a rain jacket incase it’s raining outside? You want your body to already be warm once you start your main workout.---------------------? It is very important to stay hydrated! ---------------------? We don’t want any injuries so only begin with the next set when you feel ready. ---------------------? It’ll be a real “pain” if your arms are sore tomorrow! Ha!---------------------?You don’t want to get cold or your body to tense up.Day 3 (Wednesday) ?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk ---------------------?Work outToday we are focusing on your legs!!---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------? Your goal is to walk 4km with a time of 14 minutes per Km! You can do it! ---------------------? 30 minute work out. Repeat twice-*Lunges X 10-*Squats X 10-*Wall sits 10 seconds---------------------?10 minutes---------------------? Time to go home! Walk back.?This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------? Decreasing time will increase your pace. This is only a slight increase but remember to stay motivated and encourage each other. ---------------------? It is important to increase your leg strength as well as your upper body.---------------------? As mentioned before stretching will help to prevent injury and body stiffness ---------------------? You need to get home somehow!?You may be feeling sore or stiff today make sure you do a good warm up to loosen up your body a muscles.---------------------? Remember to bring water with you during the walk. Take small sips when necessary. ---------------------?Make sure you keep your back straight and not hunched over. Be sure to efficient breaks between sets. ---------------------? Remember not to neglect other parts of the body and stretch all parts of your body. ---------------------?You’ll probably be tired at this point! So encourage each other.? By making sure you do a good warm up every day this will help to prevent future stiffness, injury or soreness. ---------------------? Staying hydrated is very important to overall performance and recovery.---------------------? Bad posture will cause more efficient work out and prevent injury. Do not start your next rep until you feel rested. ---------------------? Sometimes you are working parts of your body that you do not realize so make sure you stretch EVERYTHING!---------------------? Motivation is important for efficient work outsDay 4 (Thursday)DAY OFF (This is a optional day off, If you wish you can still go for a walk or another type of exercise. )REST & RECOVERYKeep eating Healthy ladies! And drink a lot of liquids!?You are half way done week too! Keep up the hard work ladies! Take some time to yourself today? You might be feeling stiff so take some extra time to stretch!? Keep! Keep! Keep! It up! Keep that work out sprit up! Day 5 (Friday) =)FUN FRIDAYSWOOPEEE ?T.G.I.F.F.? Quarterway Elementary is having their Christmas concert today from 8:30-9:30 ? It’s on Bowen road. You’re going to walk there. ? You’ve got to walk quickly! You don’t want to be late for the show? This is your activity for the day so make the most of it!Day 6 (Saturday)?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk / Jog---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?You will do this for a total of 4km. Alternate between five minutes of walking, 2 minutes of jogging.---------------------?15 minutes---------------------?10 minutes?This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------? This will get you to push your limits. This may be tough at the time but remember your goal and push yourself through the pain!---------------------? Seeing as how we incorporated jogging today be sure to stretch your muscles out efficiently.---------------------?This is a continuation of your stretching? Your arms and legs might be sore from tennis yesterday. This is a good sign that you worked hard!---------------------?Be sure to bring a stop watch so you can keep track of your time, water to stay hydrated, and keep your breathing controlled with a steady rhythm.--------------------- ? Make sure your warm while your stretching. If cold put on layers. ---------------------? You can drink some Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes ?WATER WATER WATER! Stay Hydrated ---------------------? If you don’t maintain a good rhythm for your breathing you will get tired more quickly and may not be allowing enough oxygen to enter your body. ---------------------? If your muscles get cold they can tense up which can cause pulls and make your stretching less effective.---------------------?Maintaining a healthy diet is also key in achieving your goalsDay 7 (Sunday)CONGRATS! You have completed your second week of workout.?Warm-up---------------------? Go for a walk!---------------------? Pilates ---------------------?Cool down?10 minutes---------------------?39 minutes (3km at 13 min per km)---------------------? You will use the beginner’s Pilates video that I have supplied and the mats at Lucy’s daughters house. ---------------------? Walk back home? This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------? Today’s walk is shorter but at a faster pace. There is no jogging because you get to do Pilates instead! ---------------------? This is a fun and active way to add variety to your work out. Yoga is very beneficial for flexibility.---------------------? You might be feeling a little sweaty at this point.? Remember you are warming up this is not the work out.---------------------? Be sure to watch your time and maintain a manageable pace! But enjoy yourself at the same time.---------------------? make sure you are paying proper attention to the instructions on the video---------------------? Once home have a nice hot shower. Try to drink at least 8 cups of water throughout the day? You don’t want to waste all your energy during your warm up.---------------------? As long as your having fun it wont seem like as much of a work out! ---------------------? By doing this you will get the most out of your work out.---------------------? This will help your body relax and get ready for the day! It is really important to stay hydrated.WEEK 3ActivitiesScheduleRationalOther ConsiderationsRationalDay 1 (Monday)?Warm-up---------------------?Go For a walk---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down 10 minutes---------------------Walk for 5-6 Kilometers---------------------? 20 minutes ---------------------?10 minutes?Warm-ups can reduce anxiety and arousal to enhance performance! ---------------------? Your distance has increased. Walk at a pace you are comfortable with. ---------------------?This reduces stiffness and soreness the next morning and increases flexibility. ---------------------Cool downs are important after any type of physical activity. Because it allows your body and muscles to cool down and relax and return to their normal state.Reminder, this is a warm up, walk slowly and don’t go too quickly at this point. ---------------------? Make sure you are drinking water while you are walking---------------------? We went for a longer walk today so make sure you do a good job of stretching ---------------------?It is important to be warm while cooling down. Be sure to put on sweat-pants and a sweatshirt if necessary.If you do not properly allow time for your body to warm up this may lead to injuries. ---------------------? You should know by now that it is VERY important to stay hydrated!---------------------? It’s only Monday! You don’t want to be sore already for tomorrow!---------------------?This will cause your muscles to cool slowly and eliminate tightness and tension within your muscles. And give you full range of motion and flexibility.Day 2 (Tuesday)Remember to drink water and stay hydrated?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk ---------------------?Work out---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?Approximately 4Km for a total of 52 minutes (You want to maintain a pace of 13 minutes per Km)---------------------? 30-minute arm work out using the 3lb free weights at Lucy’s daughters mini gym. 15 reps three times---------------------?10 minutes of full body stretching---------------------? Walk back home. This should take you 5 minutes?Warm-ups help to get your blood flowing and causes slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of injuries.---------------------? We are gradually speeding up your pace, which will cause a better work out for you. ---------------------? This will help to increase your upper body strength. ---------------------? the better you stretch the less sore you’ll be tomorrow!---------------------? Allows your body and muscles to cool down and relax.? Be sure to have an efficient warm up to get your blood flowing. Whether you’re warm or not can effect your work out. ---------------------? Your goal is to maintain a pace of 13min/Km it is good to interact with each other but make sure you don’t get distracted from the goal.---------------------? Take rest breaks between your reps.---------------------? We did extra work on your arms today so make sure you stretch them out! As well as other parts of your body. ---------------------? Put on warm clothes or a rain jacket incase it’s raining outside? You want your body to already be warm once you start your main workout.---------------------? If you are too social your attention will be taken away from the task, we do not want this. You should be focusing on maintaining a constant pace.---------------------? We don’t want any injuries so only begin with the next set when you feel ready. ---------------------? It’ll be a real “pain” if your arms are sore tomorrow! Ha!---------------------?You don’t want to get cold or your body to tense up.Day 3 (Wednesday) ?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk ---------------------?Work outToday we are focusing on your legs! Look at the pictures and explanation if you forget---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------? Your goal is to walk 4km with a time under 13 minutes per Km! You can do it! ---------------------? 30 minute work out. Repeat twice-*Lunges X 10-*Squats X 10-*Wall sits 10 seconds---------------------?10 minutes---------------------? Time to go home! Walk back.?You know the routine by now… you have to get warm first before the work out!---------------------? Decreasing time will increase your pace. Stay motivated and encourage each other. ---------------------? It is important to increase your leg strength as well as your upper body.---------------------? As mentioned before stretching will help to prevent injury and body stiffness.---------------------? You need to get home somehow!?You may be feeling sore today be sure to do a good warm up to loosen up your body a muscles.---------------------? Remember to bring water with you during the walk. Take small sips when necessary. ---------------------?Make sure you keep your back straight and not hunched over. Be sure to efficient breaks between sets. ---------------------? Remember not to neglect other parts of the body and stretch all parts of your body. ---------------------?Complement each other on a good workout today? By doing a good warm up every day this will help to prevent future stiffness, injury or soreness. ---------------------? Staying hydrated is very important to overall performance and recovery.---------------------? Do not start your next rep until you feel rested. Back Posture is very important!---------------------? Someday you work parts of your body that you do not realize so make sure you stretch EVERYTHING!---------------------? Motivation is important for efficient work outsDay 4 (Thursday)DAY OFF (This is a optional day off, If you wish you can still go for a walk or another type of exercise. )REST & RECOVERYKeep eating Healthy ladies! And drink a lot of liquids!?You are half way done week three! Keep up the hard work ladies! Take some time to yourself today? You might be feeling stiff so take some extra time to stretch!? Bananas are very healthy for you and have key nutrients! Go grab one and eat it! Day 5 (Friday) =)FUN FRIDAYSWOOPEEE ?Lucy today is your favorite!FROLF (Frisbee Golf!)? There’s a Frolf course by the tennis courts you went to in week one. ? Lucy, you said this is once of your favorite things so enjoy yourself today! ? Be sure to bring water, and everything else you would need.And Stretch afterwards.? This is going to be a blast! I might have to tag along and bring my mom (your favorite sister Betty!) Day 6 (Saturday)?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk / Jog---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?You will do this for a total of 1 hour. Alternate between four minutes of walking, two minutes of jogging.---------------------?15 minutes---------------------?10 minutes?It’s cold outside! You want to make sure your warm before the workout starts!---------------------? This will get you to push your limits. This may be tough at the time but remember your goal and push yourself through the pain!---------------------? Seeing as how we incorporated jogging today be sure to stretch your muscles out efficiently.---------------------?This is a continuation of your stretching? Make sure you focus on keeping your core tight throughout the exercises---------------------?Be sure to bring a stop watch so you can keep track of your time, water to stay hydrated, and keep your breathing controlled with a steady rhythm.--------------------- ? Make sure your warm while your stretching. If cold put on layers. ---------------------? You can drink some Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes ? Can you feel that six-pack coming along from the crunches?---------------------? If you don’t maintain a good rhythm for your breathing you will get tired more quickly and may not be allowing enough oxygen to enter your body. ---------------------? If your muscles get cold they can tense up which can cause pulls and make your stretching less effective.---------------------?Maintaining a healthy diet is also key in achieving your goalsDay 7 (Sunday)CONGRATS! You have completed your second week of workout.?Warm-up---------------------? Go for a bike!---------------------?Stretching?10 minutes---------------------?It’s time to get groceries. Bike to Safeway and get some groceries.---------------------? 15 minutes? This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------? Biking is a good healthy way to stay fit and active. *I know Fairways is closer but if you go to Safeway it is more of exercise (and you can save money by using your Safeway card!)---------------------? Stretching is a good way to avoid pains and stiffness the following day? Remember you are warming up this is not the work out.---------------------? Don’t worry about how to carry the groceries back you can put them in the basket on the bike. ---------------------? You legs might be sore from the bike ride so stretch them out, as well as all other parts of your body.? You don’t want to waste all your energy during your warm up.---------------------? As long as your having fun it wont seem like as much of a work out! ---------------------? You’re not going to want your legs to already be sore for tomorrows work out!WEEK 4ActivitiesScheduleRationalOther ConsiderationsRationalDay 1 (Monday)?Warm-up---------------------?Go For a walk---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down 10 minutes---------------------Walk for 6 Kilometers---------------------? 20 minutes ---------------------?10 minutes?Warm-ups can reduce anxiety and arousal to enhance performance! ---------------------? Your distance has increased. Walk at a pace you are comfortable with. ---------------------?This reduces stiffness and soreness the next morning and increases flexibility. ---------------------Cool downs are important after any type of physical activity. Because it allows your body and muscles to cool down and relax and return to their normal state.Reminder, this is a warm up, walk slowly and don’t go too quickly at this point. ---------------------? Make sure you are drinking water while you are walking---------------------? We went for a longer walk today so make sure you do a good job of stretching ---------------------?It is important to be warm while cooling down. Be sure to put on sweat-pants and a sweatshirt if necessary.If you do not properly allow time for your body to warm up this may lead to injuries. ---------------------? You should know by now that it is VERY important to stay hydrated!---------------------? It’s only Monday! You don’t want to be sore already for tomorrow!---------------------?This will cause your muscles to cool slowly and eliminate tightness and tension within your muscles. And give you full range of motion and flexibility.Day 2 (Tuesday)Remember to drink water and stay hydrated?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk ---------------------?Work out---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?Approximately 4Km for a total of 48 minutes (You want to maintain a pace of 12 minutes per Km)---------------------? 30-minute arm work out using the 5lb free weights at Lucy’s daughters mini gym. 15 reps three times---------------------?10 minutes of full body stretching---------------------? Walk back home. This should take you 5 minutes?Warm-ups help to get your blood flowing and causes slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of injuries.---------------------? We are gradually speeding up your pace, which will cause a better work out for you. ---------------------? This will help to increase your upper body strength. ---------------------? the better you stretch the less sore you’ll be tomorrow!---------------------? Allows your body and muscles to cool down and relax.? Be sure to have an efficient warm up to get your blood flowing. Whether you’re warm or not can effect your work out. ---------------------? Your goal is to maintain a pace of 13min/Km it is good to interact with each other but make sure you don’t get distracted from the goal.---------------------? Take rest breaks between your reps.---------------------? We did extra work on your arms today so make sure you stretch them out! As well as other parts of your body. ---------------------? Put on warm clothes or a rain jacket incase it’s raining outside? You want your body to already be warm once you start your main workout.---------------------? If you are too social your attention will be taken away from the task, we do not want this. You should be focusing on maintaining a constant pace.---------------------? We don’t want any injuries so only begin with the next set when you feel ready. ---------------------? It’ll be a real “pain” if your arms are sore tomorrow! Ha!---------------------?You don’t want to get cold or your body to tense up.Day 3 (Wednesday) ?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk ---------------------?Work outToday we are focusing on your legs! Look at the pictures and explanation if you forget---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------? Your goal is to walk 4km with a time under 13 minutes per Km! You can do it! ---------------------? 30 minute work out. Repeat twice-*Lunges X 15-*Squats X 15-*Wall sits 15 seconds---------------------?10 minutes---------------------? Time to go home! Walk back.?A warm body makes for a better exercise---------------------? Decreasing time will increase your pace. Stay motivated and encourage each other. ---------------------? It is important to increase your leg strength as well as your upper body.---------------------? As mentioned before stretching will help to prevent injury and body stiffness.---------------------? You need to get home somehow!?You may be feeling sore today be sure to do a good warm up to loosen up your body a muscles.---------------------? Remember to bring water with you during the walk. Take small sips when necessary. ---------------------?Make sure you keep your back straight and not hunched over. Be sure to efficient breaks between sets. ---------------------? Remember not to neglect other parts of the body and stretch all parts of your body. ---------------------?Complement each other on a good workout today? By doing a good warm up every day this will help to prevent future stiffness, injury or soreness. ---------------------? Staying hydrated is very important to overall performance and recovery.---------------------? Do not start your next rep until you feel rested. Back Posture is very important!---------------------? Someday you work parts of your body that you do not realize so make sure you stretch EVERYTHING!---------------------? Motivation is important for efficient work outsDay 4 (Thursday)DAY OFF (This is a optional day off, If you wish you can still go for a walk or another type of exercise. )REST & RECOVERY? I would recommend walking to the grocery store today then walk back. ? You can use the bags as weights. ? By doing this you will work out your legs and arms. Day 5 (Friday) =)FUN FRIDAYSWOOPEEE ?Swimming … swimming… in a swimming pool…!? You lucked out there’s a special water aerobics class today! ? This is a good full body workout! ? Don’t forget your swim suit and towel ?You don’t want to miss out on the fun! Day 6 (Saturday)?Warm-up---------------------?Go for a walk / Jog---------------------? Stretching---------------------?Cool down? 10 minutes---------------------?You will do this for a total of 1 hour. Alternate between three minutes of walking, two minutes of jogging.---------------------?15 minutes---------------------?10 minutes?It’s cold outside! You want to make sure your warm before the workout starts!---------------------? This will get you to push your limits. This may be tough at the time but remember your goal and push yourself through the pain!---------------------? Seeing as how we incorporated jogging today be sure to stretch your muscles out efficiently.---------------------?This is a continuation of your stretching? Make sure you focus on keeping your core tight throughout the exercises---------------------?Be sure to bring a stop watch so you can keep track of your time, water to stay hydrated, and keep your breathing controlled with a steady rhythm.--------------------- ? Make sure your warm while your stretching. If cold put on layers. ---------------------? You can drink some Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes ? Can you feel that six-pack coming along from the crunches?---------------------? If you don’t maintain a good rhythm for your breathing you will get tired more quickly and may not be allowing enough oxygen to enter your body. ---------------------? If your muscles get cold they can tense up which can cause pulls and make your stretching less effective.---------------------?Maintaining a healthy diet is also key in achieving your goalsDay 7 (Sunday)CONGRATS! You have completed the four week work out!?Warm-up---------------------? Leg work out?Arm work out---------------------?Stretching?10 minutes---------------------? 30 minute work out. Repeat twice-*Lunges X 15-*Squats X 15-*Wall sits 15 seconds30-minute arm work out using the 5lb free weights at Lucy’s daughters mini gym. 15 reps three times---------------------? 15 minutes? This will allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.---------------------?This will your legs and arms a nice hard work out a nice hard workout! ---------------------? Stretching is a good way to avoid pains and stiffness the following day? Remember you are warming up this is not the work out.---------------------? Today is the last day push yourself. ---------------------? You legs might be sore from the bike ride so stretch them out, as well as all other parts of your body.? You don’t want to waste all your energy during your warm up.---------------------? Think about how great your going to look in that dress! ---------------------? You’re not going to want your legs to already be sore for tomorrows work out!Warm-UpThe purpose of a warm-up is to increase your heart rate and blood flow throughout your body. Which is forms that your body undergoes for preparation of exercise. Your goal of the warm up throughout the duration of this four week period if to gradually increase the intensity of each activity by increasing the amount of repetitions. Seeing as how you have a weak upper body I have incorporated push-ups to build strength. It is okay to do these exercises at a slow and steady pace. If necessary take breaks between push ups or crunches. But remember to push your limits and remember don’t forget goals you have set for yourself. Warm-ups also allow for blood to start flowing and a slight increase in heart rate. Which is beneficial for prevention of pulled muscles and other injuries.Your warm up for week one will consist of:Ten jumping jacksTen crunches30 seconds of jogging on the spot3 “female” push-ups to increase your upper body strengthYour warm up for week two will consist of:Twelve jumping jacksTwelve crunches20 seconds of jogging on the spot (emphasis on high knees)20 seconds of jogging on the spot (emphasis on kicking your bum)5 “female” push-ups to increase your upper body strengthYour warm up for week three will consist of (If you feel like you can do more reps and can push yourself go for it! This is a good sign):Fifteen jumping jacksFifteen crunches30 seconds of jogging on the spot (emphasis on high knees)30 seconds of jogging on the spot (emphasis on kicking your bum) 7 “female” push-ups to increase your upper body strengthYour warm up for week four will consist of:Twenty jumping jacks18 crunches30 seconds of jogging on the spot (emphasis on high knees)30 seconds of jogging on the spot (emphasis on kicking your bum) 10 “female” push-ups to increase their upper body strength73152009144008255-220345This image is of a Basic Chair Squat. You will put your feet shoulder length apart and stand in front of the chair. You will slowly bend your knees and lower down until you at just sitting on the chair, then you will slowly raise and stand up again. You want to make sure you keep your core (abs) tight while doing this exercise and keep your back straight and not hunched over. If you are feeling up to it you can go down till you are just hovering over the chair, and only putting weight on the chair if you have to. As we progress through the four weeks you will start doing these squats without the chair, which makes it more difficult. This is an example of a proper wall sit. You will stand about two feet from the wall with your knees shoulder length apart. Then lean against the wall and slowly slide down. You want your legs to be at a 90 degree angle. At first this might be difficult and if you feel you need to put your hands on your knees that’s okay. But try to keep your hands by your sides and your back straight.22860013335This is a picture of a proper lunge. To start off you will not be holding weights, you’ll simply be keeping your hands by your side. You want your legs to be about 3 feet apart. You will slowly lower into this positing keeping your front knee over your ankle and try to stay straight, don’t twist your torso. At the bottom position you want to have your legs at a 90-degree angle. Waehner, P. (Photographer). (2007). Basic chair squat. [Web]. Retrieved from , P. (Photographer). (2007). Wall sits. [Web]. Retrieved from , P. (Photographer). (2008). Lunges. [Web]. Retrieved from ................

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