Washington Council of the Blind

2016 Grant Application

Washington Council of the Blind

PO Box 834

Twisp, WA 98856

Please send completed grant request electronically to grants@ or mail to the address listed above.

Thank you for your interest in the Washington Council of the Blind grant program. Please be advised of the following:

It shall be the policy of the Washington Council of the Blind to grant no money to organizations and agencies for the express purpose of funding in part, or in whole, the salaries or benefits of any ongoing permanent employees nor for the establishment of any new positions.

WCB recognizes that labor costs may be incurred by organizations and agencies during the fulfillment of the stated purpose of the grant. The direct cost of labor involved with the specific elements of the grant shall not be considered as salaries and shall be allowed by WCB. Further, WCB understands that in some instances it may be necessary to hire additional personnel on a temporary or contract basis in order to fulfill certain portions of a WCB funded activity. Temporary contracts will be allowed provided these costs are included in the grant application process.

Proposals should include the projected dollar amount to be paid to said additional personnel; the specific duties to be performed; and the expected completion date of this work.

Additionally, it shall be the policy of the Washington Council of the Blind that any funds we provide may not be used to replace monies previously reserved or budgeted for the purpose of the grant.

To help us evaluate your request, please provide the following information.

Grant amount being requested

Requesting Organization



Telephone number

E-mail address

Contact person

Federal or State nonprofit identification number

Grant Request:

1. Purpose: In approximately 300 words please describe the service, product or resource to be developed or provided. Who will benefit and how? Describe how this service, product or resource is not already available or how your request would improve upon that which already exists.

2. Please provide a detailed breakdown/cost analysis of funds being requested.

3. Are other sources of funding for this project anticipated or already being received?

4. Is the project for which funds are needed expected to be ongoing or a one-time event?


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