SPI-Section 308 - Erosion and Sediment Control



SPI 308 and SP308.01.04 (Incentives/Liquidated Damages).


253 DELETE: In its entirety.

INSERT: The following.


308.01 DESCRIPTION. Apply and maintain erosion and sediment control measures to disturbed areas throughout the life of the project to control erosion and to minimize sedimentation in rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, bays, and coastal waters. Implement the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and any approved modifications to the plan. Identify staging and stockpile areas, and apply erosion and sediment controls measures as approved.

308.01.01 Erosion and Sediment Control Manager (ESCM). Provide an Erosion and Sediment Control Manager to implement the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan and to oversee the installation, maintenance and inspection of the ESC controls.

308.01.02 Severe Weather Event. A severe weather event occurs when rainfall exceeds 3 in. over a 24-hr period based upon rainfall data obtained from the nearest official National Weather Service (NWS) gauge station to the Site.


|Riprap |901.03 |

|4 to 7 in. Stone |901.05 |

|Asphalt Mixes |904 |

|Pipe |905 |

|Gabion Wire |906 |

|Steel Plate |909.02 |

|Welding Material |909.03 |

|Fence Fabric for Super Silt Fence |914.01.01 |

|Compost |920.02.05 |

|Soil Amendments |920.02 |

|Fertilizer |920.03 |

|Mulch |920.04 |

|Soil Stabilization Matting |920.05 |

|Seed |920.06 |

|Straw Bales |921.08 |

|Geotextile, Woven and Non-Woven |921.09, Class E |

|Geotextile, Woven Slit Film |921.09, Class F |

|2 to 3 in. Stone |M 43, No. 2 |

|3/4 to 1-1/2 in. Stone |M 43, No. 4 |

|No. 57 Stone |M 43, No. 57 |

308.02.01 Filter Log Casing. Casing shall be 12 in., 18 in. or 24 in. diameter and produced from 5 mil thick continuous high-density polyethylene or polypropylene, woven into a tubular mesh netting material with openings in the knitted mesh

1/8 in. - 3/8 in.

Compost shall have a soluble salt concentration less than 5.0 mmhos/cm.


01.  Contractor Responsibilities. Prior to beginning any earth disturbing activity, complete the following:

a) Demarcate all wetlands, wetland buffers, floodplains, waters of the United States, tree protection areas, and the Limit of Disturbance (LOD) according to Section 107. Ensure the demarcations are inspected and approved.

a) Construct erosion and sediment control measures according to 308.01.02. Ensure that controls are inspected and approved.

c) Ensure that all runoff is directed from disturbed areas to the sediment control measures.

d) Do not remove any erosion or sediment control measure without approval from the REC. Refer to GP-7.12 for unforeseen conditions.

e) Ensure that dewatering practices do not cause any visible change to stream clarity.

02.  Schedule. Within 14 days after the Notice of Award, submit an Erosion and Sediment Control Schedule to implement the ESC Plan. Ensure the schedule indicates the sequence of construction, implementation and maintenance of controls, temporary and permanent stabilization, and the various stages of earth disturbance. Changes to the Plan must be approved prior to implementation. Include the following on the submitted plans:

a) Demarcation of all wetlands, wetland buffers, jurisdictional waters, floodplains, tree protection areas, and the LOD prior to any earth disturbing activity.

b) Clearing and grubbing of areas necessary for installation of perimeter controls specified in the Contract Documents.

c) Construction of perimeter controls specified in the Contract Documents.

d) Remaining clearing and grubbing.

e) Roadway grading including off-site work.

f) If applicable, utility installation and whether storm drains will be used or blocked during construction.

g) Final grading, landscaping, and stabilization.

h) Removal of perimeter controls.

Work is prohibited on-site and off-site until the Erosion and Sediment Control schedules and methods of operation have been accepted by the Administration.

03.  Standards and Specifications. Construct and maintain the erosion and sediment control measures and devices in accordance with the latest Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management regulations, “Maryland Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control”, “Maryland Stormwater Design Manual, Volumes I and II”, “SHA Field Guide for Erosion and Sediment Control”, and as specified in the Contract Documents. Keep a copy of the latest “Maryland Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control” on the site at all times.

308.03.04 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESC Plan) and Sequence of Construction. Implement the Administration’s approved ESC Plan and Sequence of Construction. Minor adjustments to the sediment control locations may be made in the field with the approval of the Engineer and the REC. Major revisions, deletions, or substitutions to the ESC Plan require a formal review and written approval. Submit changes to the approved ESC Plan to the Administration in writing at least 14 days prior to implementing the change. Ensure that any changes to the ESC Plan or Sequence of Construction are approved prior to implementing the change.

05.  Erosion and Sediment Control Manager. At least 10 days prior to beginning any work, assign and submit the name and credentials for approval an Erosion and Sediment Control Manager (ESCM). Ensure that the ESCM and the superintendent have successfully completed the MDE “Responsible Personnel Training for Erosion and Sediment Control” and the Administration’s “Erosion and Sediment Control Certification Training for Contractors and Inspectors’. The certifications must be current at all times. If the certification expires or is revoked for either person, immediately replace the person with an appropriately certified person acceptable to the Administration. No work may proceed without the appropriate certified personnel in place. Any substitutes for the ESCM will be subject to approval. The Administration reserves the right to require a reassignment of the ESCM duties to another individual for any reason.

Ensure that the ESCM is thoroughly experienced in all aspects of construction and has the required certifications. The ESCM is primarily responsible for and has the authority to implement the approved erosion and sediment control plans, schedules and methods of operation for both on-site and off-site activities. The ESCM’s duties include:

a) Attend the Pre-Construction Erosion and Sediment Control Field Meeting and periodic field Erosion and Sediment Control Meetings to evaluate the effectiveness of measures already installed, and to plan for the implementation of necessary controls proposed for succeeding areas of soil disturbance.

b) Inspection of the erosion and sediment controls on a daily basis to ensure that all controls are in place at all times and to develop a list of activities and schedules to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents.

c) Maintenance of a daily log of these inspections, including actions taken, and submit a written report at the end of the work day.

d) Accompanied by the Engineer, conducting after storm inspections both during and beyond normal working hours and submitting a written report.

e) Having the authority to mobilize crews to make immediate repairs to the controls during working and nonworking hours.

f) When requested, accompanying the Engineer during REC Inspections and inspections made by the regulating agencies.

g) Coordination with the Engineer to ensure that all corrections are made immediately and that the project is in compliance with the approved plan at all times.

06.  Quality Assurance Ratings. A Regional Environmental Coordinator (REC) will frequently inspect each project to ensure compliance with the approved Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Plans. The scores will be reported on Form No. OOC61/QA-1, Erosion/Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Field Investigation Report. The REC will use the scores to determine the following ratings.

Quality Assurance Ratings


|>90.0 |A |

|80.0 - 89.9 |B |

|70.0 - 79.9 |C |

|60.0 - 69.9 |D |

|< 60.0 |F |

a) Rating A. The project is in compliance. Minor corrective action may be necessary.

b) Rating B. The project is in compliance; however, corrective action is necessary.

c) Rating C. The project is in compliance; however, deficiencies noted require corrections. Shutdown conditions could arise quickly. Project will be reinspected within 72 hours.

d) Rating D. The project is in non-compliance. The Administration will shut down earthwork operations. Focus work efforts on correcting erosion and sediment control deficiencies. The project will be reinspected within 72 hours. Complete all required corrective actions within the 72 hour period for the project to be upgraded to a 'B' rating. Failure to upgrade the project from a 'D' rating to a 'B' or A will result in the project being rated an 'F'. Liquidated damages will be imposed for each day the project has a 'D' rating.

e) Rating F. The project is in non-compliance. An 'F' rating indicates a score less than 60 or the appropriate permits and approvals have not been obtained; or that the limit of disturbance has been exceeded, or that wetlands, wetland buffers, Waters of the United States (WUS), floodplains, and tree preservation areas as specified in Section 107 have been encroached upon; or that work is not proceeding according to the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and schedules. The Administration will shut down the entire project until the project receives a 'B' or better rating. Focus all work efforts on correcting erosion and sediment control deficiencies. Liquidated damages will be imposed for each day the project has an 'F' rating.

07.  Shutdowns. If a project is rated 'C', correct all deficiencies within 72 hours. The project will be reinspected at the end of this period. If the deficiencies have not been satisfactorily corrected, the project will be rated 'D' and all earthwork operations will be shut down until the project is rated 'B' or better.

If consecutive 'C' ratings are received, the Contractor will be alerted that their overall effort is marginal and a shutdown of all earthwork operations is imminent if erosion and sediment control efforts do not substantially improve within the next 72 hours. The project will be reinspected at the end of this period. If the deficiencies are not satisfactorily corrected or other deficiencies are identified that result in less than a ‘B’ rating on Form No. OOC61/QA-1, a 'D' rating will be given and all earthwork operations will be shut down.

If these deficiencies are not corrected, an 'F' rating will be given, and the entire project will be shut down until the project receives a 'B' or 'A' rating. When degradation to a resource could occur, or if the Contractor is unresponsive, the Administration may elect to have these corrective actions performed by another contractor or by Administration maintenance staff. All costs associated with this work will be billed to the original Contractor in addition to liquidated damages.

The second time that a project is rated 'F', the Erosion and Sediment Control Training Certificate issued by the Administration will be immediately revoked from the project superintendent and the Erosion and Sediment Control Manager for at least a six month period and until successful completion of the Administration’s Erosion and Sediment Control Certification Program.

08.  Incentive Payments. When specified in the Contract Documents, a project may include incentive payments. Starting at the Notice to Proceed, an Incentive Payment will be made for a rating quarter consisting of 3 months when at least four inspections were performed by the REC and an average score equal to or greater than 85.0 for the entire rating quarter is received. The quarterly incentive payment will be made within 60 days after the end of the rating quarter. No incentive will be paid for partial quarters or for quarters with less than four inspections. No incentives will be paid for any quarter in which a 'D' or 'F' rating is received. When a project receives no 'D' or ‘F’ ratings and the overall average score is equal to or greater than 85.0, the final incentive payment will be made at final project closeout. If a time extension is granted, additional quarterly incentive payments will be drawn from the final incentive payment.

09.  Liquidated Damages. Whenever a project is rated 'D' or 'F', the Liquidated Damages will be assessed. Liquidated Damages must be paid within 30 days from the date of notification.

10.  Severe Weather Event. Maintain, repair, or replace any damaged erosion and sediment control devices within 48 hours of a severe weather event occurrence.

11.  Preconstruction Conference. Present a general overview at the Preconstruction Conference of how erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented on the project.

12.  Initial Controls. Install all perimeter controls such as silt fence, earth dikes/swales, check dams, traps, and basins, prior to the grubbing operation.

If it is determined that the clearing area has been disturbed and a potential for sediment runoff or erosion exists, install the controls at that time as directed.

13.  Maintenance. Maintain erosion and sediment control devices at all times whether the project is active or inactive. Maintain access to all erosion and sediment controls until the controls are removed. Lack of this maintenance will affect the Quality Assurance Rating.

Inspect controls immediately following storm events. Clean out as necessary and repair all damage as the first order of business after the storm event.

14.  Stabilization Requirements. Following initial soil disturbance, complete permanent or temporary stabilization within:

a) Three calendar days for the surface of all perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes, and all slopes steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3:1); and

b) Seven calendar days as to all other disturbed or graded areas on the project site not under active grading.

When the excavation or embankment reaches the bottom of the subgrade, those areas in which paving will be placed are exempt from the stabilization requirements. Areas between temporary berms, except median areas, need not be stabilized during incremental stabilization.

Sensitive areas may require less than three or seven day stabilization. Maintain as necessary to ensure continued stabilization.

Track slopes within two days of establishment according to 701.03.

15.  Waste Areas. Off-site waste areas on State or Federal property require MDE approval. All other off-site waste areas must be approved by the appropriate Soil Conservation District for each county or the Baltimore City Department of Public Works. Protect waste areas and stockpile areas with erosion and sediment control measures within the three or seven day stabilization requirement.

16.  MDE Inspections. Work is subject to field inspections by MDE. If noncompliance with erosion and sediment control provisions is determined, their representative will immediately notify the Engineer relative to corrective action. This corrective action may require a shutdown of construction activities until the noncompliance is satisfactorily corrected.

17.  Stabilized Construction Entrance. Construct stabilized construction entrances at the specified locations.

Rehabilitate stabilized construction entrance consists of periodic top dressing with additional aggregate, replacement of pipe, or other repairs to the entrance and sediment trapping devices.

Place wash racks as directed to prevent tracking of mud and sediment from disturbed areas.

18.  Side or Berm Ditches and Culverts. Construct side ditches in fill areas and berm ditches in cuts, including lining. Protect these linings from sediment deposits. Place silt fence along the banks of existing streams as shown in the Contract Documents prior to placing any culverts. To avoid sedimentation during construction, divert the streams around the location of the culvert until the proposed culvert and channel are stabilized.

19.  Erosion and Sediment Control Original Excavation. Excavate, construct embankments, grade, and backfill for sediment traps, sediment basins, and other sediment controls.

Ensure that excavation and embankments meet the dimensions for each sediment control as specified. Stockpile excavated material and use for backfill when the sediment controls are removed.

20.  Erosion and Sediment Control Cleanout Excavation. Remove accumulated sediment from sediment controls or other areas during routine maintenance of sediment controls, or as directed.

Clean out sediment traps as necessary to ensure that at least 50 percent of the wet storage capacity is available at all times. Ensure that riprap outlet sediment traps have at least 75 percent of the wet storage capacity available at all times. Remove sediment from silt fence, super silt fence, stone outlet structures, stone check dams, and straw bales when it reaches 50 percent of the height of the device.

Place removed sediment in an approved waste site. Material stored on-site may be reused once it is dried and it meets embankment requirements.

21.  Heavy Use Areas. Locate and size Heavy Use Areas used for activities such as staging and storage. Obtain any necessary permits or modifications for non-specified areas.

22.  Stockpile Areas. Locate and size Stockpile Areas. Obtain any necessary permits or modifications for non-specified stockpile areas.

23.  Earth Dike. Do not use sod as stabilization unless specifically approved.

24.  Temporary Swale. Do not use sod as stabilization unless specifically approved.

25.  Perimeter Dike Swale. Do not use sod as stabilization unless specifically approved.

26.  Pipe Slope Drain. When slope drains are placed on grade, construct interceptor berms to direct flow into the flared end section.

27.  Gabion Inflow Protection. Construct according to Section 313.

28.  Rock Outlet Protection. Construct according to Section 312.

29.  Gabion Outlet Protection. Construct according to Section 313.

30.  Plunge Pool. Construct according to Section 312.

31.  Super Silt Fence. Construct as specified with the following exception:

Run a 7 gage top tension wire continuously between posts.

32.  Filter Berms. Construct berms of wood chips and up to 50 percent Compost.

33.  Filter Log. Use Compost for the filter media. Install Filter logs parallel to contours and perpendicular to sheet flow from disturbed areas.

Where a connection is needed, there are two options based on whether the sock is being filled on or offsite. Overlap prefilled socks by 1-ft minimum and staked where they connect. Sleeve socks that are filled onsite. After one log section is filled and tied off (knotted), pull the second log section over the first (2-ft) and “sleeve,” creating an overlap.

Remove sediment when it has accumulated to a depth of half the exposed height of the sock. Replace the filter sock if torn or damaged. Reinstall the filter sock if undermining or dislodging occurs.

Drive stakes perpendicular to water flow at a maximum of 8 ft intervals. Do not permit traffic to cross filter socks.

Upon stabilization of the area tributary to the sock and approval, remove stakes. The sock may be left in place and vegetated or removed. In the former case, cut the mesh open, remove all non-biodegradable material, spread the compost as a soil supplement, and seed as specified.

34.  Filter Bag. Determine the bag dimensions necessary to provide the required storage volume. Determine pump and hose sizes.

35.  Straw Bales for Sediment Control. Embed the bales to a depth of at least 4 in., and anchor in place with two No. 4 reinforcement bars, steel pickets, or 2 x 2 in. wood stakes, 36 in. length. Locate the anchoring devices at approximate third points along the longitudinal center line of each bale, driven through the bale and into the ground to a depth of 12 to 18 in.

36.  Stone Outlet Structure. Stabilize the area immediately after removal of the structure.

37.  Temporary Gabion Outlet Structure. As specified in Section 313. Grade and stabilize the area beneath the structure, immediately upon removal.

38.  Portable Sediment Tank. Determine the dimensions necessary to provide the required storage volume.

39.  Dewatering. Dewater only when conditions allow. Ensure that dewatering activities do not cause any visible change to stream clarity. If a sediment plume is visible, immediately cease the dewatering activity. Direct any pumping activity, including dewatering sediment traps and basins, through an approved dewatering device.

40.  Sediment Traps. Excavate sediment traps to the specified length, width, and depth.

At sites where filtration or infiltration devices are used for the control of storm water, prevent runoff from unstabilized areas from entering the infiltration devices. Ensure that bottom elevations of sediment control devices are at least 2 ft higher than the finish grade bottom elevation of the filtration or infiltration device. When converting a sediment trap to a permanent stormwater facility, remove and dispose of all accumulated sediment prior to final grading of the device.

When grading and paving operations are complete and vegetation is established on the slopes and channels to the satisfaction of the Engineer, refill the sediment traps with suitable materials, and shape and treat them as specified.

41.  Stone for Sediment Control. Place No. 57 stone, 3/4 to 1-1/2 in. stone, 2 to 3 in. stone, 4 to 7 in. stone, and riprap for sediment control as specified.

42.  Maintenance of Stream Flow. Maintain the continuous flow of waterways during operations as specified or directed.

a) Implement the approved plan included in the Contract Documents. Any changes to the approved plan require approval from the appropriate regulatory authorities.

b) A different plan for maintenance of stream flow may be submitted, but approval from the Engineer and the appropriate approval authority will be required.

c) If the stream diversion system as shown is not capable of blocking the flow of water through the soil beneath the system, design and provide an effective means of diverting the water away from the designated areas.

d) Ensure that all excavation performed within the diverted stream is performed in a dewatered condition, which may require additional pumps, sheeting, shoring, cofferdams, etc.

e) If the proposed system does not perform satisfactorily or additional material and equipment is required to dewater the site and excavated areas, adjust the stream diversion system and obtain approvals.

f) Securely anchor the stream diversion system in place to prevent movement during high water events. Submit the proposed method of anchoring for approval. Do not install anchors beyond the limits of disturbance or infringe on the channel area available for stream flow.

g) Upon completion of construction and after temporary drainage devices have served their purpose, remove and dispose of the devices in an acceptable manner.

43.  Removal of Controls. Do not remove erosion and sediment control measures until all previously disturbed areas are vegetated with at least a 3 in. growth of grass, and the removal has been approved. Backfill, grade, and stabilize.

308.04 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. The payment will be full compensation for all material, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. The maintenance, repair, resetting, and final removal of all erosion and sediment control devices will not be measured, but the cost will be incidental to the Contract price to construct the device unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents.

01.   Erosion and sediment control manager will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to Erosion and Sediment Control items specified in the Contract Documents.

02.   Implementation of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the Erosion and Sediment Control items specified in the Contract Documents.

03.   No claims against the Administration will be considered due to a shutdown of the grading operations or the entire project.

04.   Incentive Payments and Liquidated Damages. The Contract Documents will specify the amounts of incentive payments and liquidated damages that apply if applicable.

05.   Erosion and Sediment Controls that are damaged and replaced as a result of a Severe Weather Event will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price applicable to the pertinent items.

06.   Stabilized Construction Entrance will be measured and paid for per each and includes all excavation, geotextile, aggregate, pipe, rehabilitation, relocation and incidentals to complete the work.

07.   Wash Racks for Stabilized Construction Entrance will be measured and paid for per each and includes racks, excavation, wash water and incidentals to complete the work.

08.   Erosion and Sediment Control Original Excavation will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per cubic yard. The payment will include excavation, backfill, grading and disposal.

09.   Erosion and Sediment Control Cleanout Excavation will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per cubic yard. The payment will also include excavation and disposal.

10.   Temporary Mulch will be measured and paid for as specified in 704.04.01.

11.   Temporary Seed will be measured and paid for as specified in 704.04.02.

12.   Turfgrass Sod will be measured and paid for as specified in 708.04.01.

13.   Soil Stabilization Matting will be measured and paid for as specified in 709.04.

14.   Temporary earth berms and interceptor berms for incremental stabilization will not be measured, but the cost will be incidental to the excavation items specified in the Contract Documents.

15.   Heavy Use Areas will not be measured but will be incidental to the pertinent items.

16.   Stockpile Areas will not be measured but will be incidental to the pertinent items.

17.   Earth Dikes will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot. 4 to 7 in. stone, temporary seeding, and soil stabilization will be measured and paid for as specified in 308.04.58, 704.04, and 709.04, respectively.

18.   Temporary Swales will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot. 4 to 7 in. stone, temporary seeding, and soil stabilization matting will be measured and paid for as specified in 308.04.58, 704.04, and 709.04, respectively.

19.   Perimeter Dike/Swales will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot. Temporary seeding and soil stabilization matting will be measured and paid for as specified in 704.04 and 709.04, respectively.

20.   Temporary storm drain diversions will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot of the size specified and will include all grading, pipe, connections and any incidentals necessary to complete the work.

21.   Temporary Asphalt Berm will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot. The removal of the temporary asphalt berm will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the Contract price.

22.   Clear Water Diversions will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot of the size specified and will include all pipe, connections, anchors, sandbags, sheeting, dewatering and any incidentals necessary to complete the work.

23.   Temporary Barrier Diversions will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot and will include all barrier, sandbags, sheeting, dewatering and any incidentals necessary to complete the work.

24.   Mountable Berms will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each and will include all earthwork, stone, geotextile, and any incidentals necessary to complete the work.

25.   Diversion Fence will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot.

26.   Pipe Slope Drain will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot. The payment will also include excavation, backfill, flared end section, geotextile, anchors, coupling bands, and pipe elbows.

27.   Stone Check Dam will be measured and paid for as specified in 308.04.17.

28.   Riprap Inflow Protection will be measured and paid for as specified in 308.04.17.

29.   Gabion Inflow Protection will be measured and paid for as specified in 313.04.

30.   Rock Outlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per square yard of Riprap Slope and Channel Protection.

31.   Plunge Pool will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per square yard of Riprap Slope and Channel Protection.

32.   Silt Fence will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot.

33.   Silt Fence on Pavement will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot of Silt Fence.

34.   Super Silt Fence will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot.

35.   Clear Water Pipes through Silt Fence or Super Silt Fence will not be measured but will be incidental to the pipe and silt fence items.

36.   Filter Berms will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot.

37.   Filter Logs will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot for the size specified.

38.   Temporary Stone Outlet Structures will be measured and paid for as specified in 308.04.58. The baffle board and stakes will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the Contract price.

39.   Temporary Gabion Outlet Structures will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each.

40.   Standard Inlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each for Inlet Protection.

41.   At Grade Inlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each for Inlet Protection.

42.   Curb Inlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit per each for Inlet Protection.

43.   Median Inlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit per each for Inlet Protection.

44.   Median Sump Inlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit per each for Inlet Protection.

45.   Combination Inlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit per each for Inlet Protection.

46.   Gabion Inlet Protection will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit per each for Inlet Protection.

47.   Catch Basin Insert will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each for Inlet Protection.

48.   Removable Pumping Station will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each. The payment will also include excavation, pipe, geotextile, wire mesh, steel plate, hose, pump, and connections.

Stone will be measured and paid for as specified in 308.04.58.

49.   Sump Pit will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each. The payment will also include excavation, pipe, geotextile, wire mesh, steel plate, hose, pump, and connections.

Stone will be measured and paid for as specified in 308.04.58.

50.   Portable Sediment Tank will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each. The payment will also include pipe, geotextile, wire mesh, steel plate, hose, pump, and connections. No adjustments will be made for resizing or relocating portable sediment tanks to meet stream clarity discharge requirements.

51.   Filter Bags will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each and will include pump, hoses, connections, straw bales, sizing, locating, relocating, disposal and any other incidentals necessary. No adjustments will be made for resizing or relocating to meet Permit conditions or turbidity requirements.

52.   Sediment traps will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price for one or more of the items listed below:

a) Erosion and Sediment Control Original Excavation as specified in 308.04.03.

b) Pipe as specified in 303.04.

c) Stone as specified in 308.04.58.

d) Inflow protection as specified in 308.04.09 and 308.04.10.

e) Baffle board and stakes will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the other items.

f) Temporary risers will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each.

g) Anti-seep collars will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each.

h) Geotextile will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the stone.

53.   Sediment Basins will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price for one or more of the following items:

a) Earthwork as specified in 201.04.

b) Pipe as specified in 303.04.

c) Stone as specified in 308.04.58.

d) Baffle board and stakes will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the other items.

e) Temporary risers will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each and include trash racks, draw down devices, concrete bases, projection collars, riser connectors and any other incidentals.

f) Modifying Stormwater Management Riser Structures and installing dewatering pipe systems will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each for Convert Stormwater Management Riser for Sediment Control. Converting the risers back to their permanent state will be incidental to pipe.

g) Anti-seep collars will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per each.

h) Geotextile will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the stone.

54.   Temporary Access Bridge will be measured and paid for at the Contract Lump Sum price.

55.   Temporary Access Culvert will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot.

56.   Onsite Concrete Washout Structures will not be measured but will be incidental to the various concrete mixes.

57.   Restabilization will not be measured when permanently stabilized areas are disturbed by grading operations or other activities not specifically approved.

58.   Stone for sediment control will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per ton for the pertinent Stone for Sediment Control item. Geotextile, excavation, and backfill will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the Contract price.

59.   Straw Bales will be measured and paid for at the Contract unit price per linear foot measured along the approximate center line of the row of bales. Excavation and anchoring the straw bales will not be measured but the cost will be incidental to the Contract price.

60.   Maintenance of Stream Flow will not be measured but will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price. The payment includes design, redesign providing diversion structures regardless of the type required to satisfactorily divert the stream flow, anchoring of the system, excavation, backfill, dewatering the site and excavation within the stream diversion area, maintenance of the diversion system, sandbags, polyethylene sheeting, diversion pipes, pumps, hoses, connections, portable sediment tanks and obtaining any necessary permits. Payment will not be adjusted for alternative stream diversion systems regardless of any changes in quantities from that shown in the Contract Documents. The provisions of GP-4.05 will not apply to this work.


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