Baltimore City Street Tree Request Form

Baltimore City Street Tree Request Form

The Forestry Division is pleased to plant street trees on the street right-of-way at the request or approval of property owners. Trees must be planted in locations that promote tree vigor, minimize safety hazards and reduce conflicts with sidewalks. Most importantly, trees must be routinely watered by the resident.

Applicants are encouraged to view information about street trees on the Recreation and Parks' website at x.

1. Trees to be planted in an existing planting location

o The applicant must submit a dated and signed Tree Request and Agreement for Tree Care form (pages 2-3 below) and mail/fax request to the Forestry Division.

o An inspector will visit the site to approve location of the tree. o After approval, the applicant's tree will be placed on the planting order for the next planting season.

2. Trees to be planted where there is currently a concrete sidewalk with no tree pit

o The applicant must submit a dated and signed Tree Request and Agreement for Tree Care form (pages 2-3 below) and mail/fax the request to the Forestry Division.

o An inspector will visit the site to approve the location of the tree. o After approval, the inspector will mark the surface of the concrete with orange and the applicant's

tree will be placed on the planting order for the next planting season. o There are two ways to open the sidewalk. First, the City opens 200+ pits each winter. You can

check the box below and be placed on the list. If the list is full, your request will be placed on the following year's list. You may also contract and pay for the creation of new tree pits in the existing sidewalk.

If you decide to pay for the creation of a new tree pit, according to Maryland State law, the applicant must contact Miss Utility (1-800-257-7777) to identify and mark any potential conflicts with underground utilities.

If there are no utility conflicts, the property owner must: a. Cut the pit, and remove and discard all loose concrete and waste material; b. Backfill with topsoil and soil amendments, level to the surrounding ground; (recommended soil mix: 1/3 existing soil, 1/3 topsoil, 1/3 organic matter) c. Inform the Forestry Division (410)396-6109 that work has been completed. The site will be placed on the planting list for the next season, only after the tree pit is prepared and ready for planting.

BE PATIENT! Trees are living things. Coordinating the inspection, ordering, and planting of your tree insures its health, takes time and is influenced by the seasons. With the proper planting and care, you will enjoy your tree for many years to come! Your tree may be planted anywhere from four to ten months from the time of your initial request depending on when your request is received and the quantity of additional requests,

TREE REQUEST BY E-MAIL Applicants are encouraged to email requests to jahmilla.wilson@, Tree Planting Coordinator. E-mail requests make record keeping easier! Applicants may also use mail or fax to send request forms.



1. Applicant's name _______________________ _

Daytime Phone: ________________ E-mail: ______________________

Applicant's Address: ________________________________

2. Address of tree pit location if different from applicant's address above:


Street address

zip code

3. Action requested (check one)

_____ Street tree to be planted by the Forestry Division in an existing planting location

_____ Street tree to be planted by the Forestry Division where there is currently a sidewalk with no tree pit (Note: Applicant can request to be put on our winter pit list or be responsible for cutting pit at the approval of the Forestry Division; please see procedures above).

4. Relationship to property. Check one.

_____ Applicant lives at property adjoining the planting site If so, do you rent or own (circle one). (Note: If renting, you must get the property owner's approval and signature; please see page 4).

____Applicant does not live at planting site (If so, what is your relationship to the property e.g.

member of community organization, neighbor, other)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ (Note: Property owner must give permission to plant tree at the site. Maintenance must be provided by either property owner or applicant by agreement; please see below).

5. Responsibility of individual or organization other than property owner, if applicable. Check all that apply.

_____Not applicable _____Cutting pits



Name of Contact person: ____________________________________________________

Name of organization if applicable: _____________________________________________

Daytime Phone number: _______________E-mail _______________


I agree: 1. No planter box or anything that impedes the free flow of water will be installed at any time around the tree. 2. I am responsible for removing any existing raised tree planter boxes prior to tree removal and/or planting. 3. I will regularly water the tree, saturating the roots with 20 gallons of water once to twice a week (equivalent to a slow faucet flow for 10 minutes) from May through October, for a minimum period of two years.

Signature of applicant: _________________________________ Date: ____________

Signature of resident at tree planting site, if different from applicant: Date: ___________________


Return completed 2-page form by fax, mail, or electronic copy by e-mail, and/or direct questions to:

Jahmilla Wilson, Planting Coordinator Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks Forestry Division 2600 Madison Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217

E-mail: Jahmilla.Wilson@ (410) 396-6109 (ph) (410) 396-6645 (fax)


For office use only: Date received: ________________________

Approved: _____________________________ Species:

Size: _______________



Inspected by: ______________________Date: _____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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