Introduction - Arkansas State University


Binary and Decimal Conversions

As noted Chapter 1, it is relatively easy to convert 32-bit IP addresses in dotted decimal notation.

The one thing that is hard to do is converting each group of eight bits into a decimal number. If you have Microsoft Windows, the Calculator accessory shown as Figure 1-25 can convert between binary and dotted decimal notations. Go to the Start button, then to Programs or All Programs, then to Accessories, and then click on Calculator. The Windows Calculator will then pop up.

1. a) What is the binary number 11001010 in decimal?

b) Express the following IP address in binary: Hint: The number 128 is 10000000 in binary. Put spaces between each group of eight bits.

c) Convert the following address in binary to dotted decimal notation: 11110000 10101010 00001111 11100011. (Spaces are added between bytes to make reading easier.) Hint: The binary number 11110000 is 240 in decimal.

Test Your Download Speed

or .

2. a) What kind of connection do you have (telephone modem, cable modem, LAN, etc.)?

b) What was your download speed during the test?

Working with the Windows Command Line

Windows offers a number of tools from its command line prompt. Network professionals need to learn to work with these commands.

3. Use ipconfig/all or winipconfig. a) What is your computer’s IP address?

b) What is its Ethernet address?

c) What are the IP addresses of your DNS hosts?

4. a) Do an nslookup DNS lookup on a host whose name you know and that you use frequently. What is its IP address?

b) Now do an nslookup on that IP address. Do you get the host name?

5. Ping a host whose name you know and that you use frequently. What is the latency? If this does not work because the host is behind a firewall, do other hosts until you succeed.

6. Ping Did it succeed?

7. Do a tracert on a host whose name you know and that you use frequently. You can stop the tracert process by hitting Control-C. a) What is the destination host?

b) How many routers are there between you and the destination host? If this does not work because the host is behind a firewall, do other hosts until you succeed.

8. Distinguish between the information that ping provides and the information that tracert provides.


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