Knowledge Check Worksheet

HRM/531 Knowledge Checks


Week 1: Employment Law 1

Concept: Major Employment Laws 2

Concept: Fundamental Features of the U.S. Industrial Relations System (Six Factors) 3

Concept: Three General Types of Third-Party Involvement in a Bargaining Impasse 5

Concept: Forms of Nonunion Grievance Procedures 6

Concept: Employment at Will 8

Week 2: Consumer Analysis 9

Concept: Compensation and Benefits Strategies 9

Concept: Psychographic and Behavioral Segmentation 11

Concept: Positioning Strategies 12

Concept: Changes in Sociocultural Environment 13

Concept: Selecting a Target Market 14

Concept: Perceptual Maps 16

Concept: Value Proposition 17

Week 3: Performance Management 18

Concept: Challenges of Product Development 18

Concept: Managing the PLC 20

Concept: Choosing the Correct Commercialization Method 21

Concept: Product Level and Customer Value 22

Concept: Methods of Differentiation 24

Concept: Product Mix and Systems 25

Concept: Service Mix 27

Week 4: Employee Training and Development 28

Concept: Setting the Price 28

Concept: Price Adaptation 29

Concept: Global Market Entry Methods 31

Concept: Push/Pull Strategies and Managing the Channel 32

Concept: Challenges of E-Commerce 33

Concept: Channel Alternatives 34

Concept: Channel Systems/Value Networks 36

Week 5: Recruitment and Selection Strategies 37

Concept: Effective Media Selection 37

Concept: Managing Company Image 39

Concept: Crisis Management 40

Concept: Creating Customer Value and Satisfaction 41

Concept: Market Strategies for Leaders, Challengers, Followers, and Niches 43

Concept: Optimum Marketing Communication Mix 44

Concept: Relationship Marketing 46

Week 6: Diversity 47

Concept: Components of a Marketing Audit 48

Concept: Marketing with Corporate Responsibility 49

Concept: Ethical/Legal PR 51

Concept: Selecting the Appropriate Metrics and Levels, Types, and Responsibilities of Marketing Control 52

Concept: Challenges of Performing a Marketing Audit 53

Concept: Marketing Control Tactics 55

Concept: Determining the Global Marketing Mix 56

Week 1: Employment Law

Ch. 1 of Managing Human Resources

Ch. 3 of Managing Human Resources

Ch. 13 of Managing Human Resources

Ch. 14 of Managing Human Resources

Concept: Major Employment Laws

|Question #1 |

|A bona fide occupational qualification allows: |

| |

|a. exemption from the Fourteenth Amendment. |

|b. seniority systems. |

|c. discrimination to be permissible when a qualification is considered reasonably necessary to the operation of the |

|business or enterprise. |

|d. random drug testing. |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Some specific job requirements allow discrimination based on the needs of the job position. For example, a job |

|requiring heavy lifting of 50 pounds or more would discriminate against women who are pregnant or some men or women |

|unable to lift the required weight for the job. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 3 of Managing Human Resources |

|Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (p. 83–84) |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 3 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964” (p. 83) |

Concept: Fundamental Features of the U.S. Industrial Relations System (Six Factors)

|Question #4 |

|One distinctive feature of the U.S. system compared with other countries is: |

| |

|a. selective representation |

|b. collective agreements are of fixed duration that embody a sharp distinction between negotiation of and |

|interpretation |

|c. centralized collective bargaining |

|d. low union dues and small union staffs |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|In the U.S. system, collective agreements generally embody a sharp distinction between negotiation of and |

|interpretation of an agreement, and are usually of a fixed duration—often 2 to 3 years. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 13 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Fundamental Features of the U.S. Industrial Relations System” pp. 513–515 |

Concept: Three General Types of Third-Party Involvement in a Bargaining Impasse

|Question #7 |

|The right of employees to strike in support of their bargaining demands is protected by: |

| |

|a. the Landrum-Griffin Act |

|b. state law |

|c. collective bargaining agreements |

|d. the Taft-Hartley Act |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|The Landrum-Griffin Act was established to protect the bargaining rights of employees as long as they fall within |

|required guidelines of a lawful labor dispute. There are multiple types of strikes that must be considered, which are |

|unfair labor practice strikes, economic strikes, unprotected strikes, and sympathy strikes. A set of rules of conduct |

|during a strike must be followed. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 13 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Bargaining Impasses: Strikes, Lockouts, or Third-Party Involvement” p. 526 |

Concept: Forms of Nonunion Grievance Procedures

|Details |

|A(n) _____ is a neutral facilitator between employees and managers who assists in resolving workplace disputes. |

| |

|a. peer-review panel |

|b. grievance committee |

|c. ombudsperson |

|d. market development |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|An ombudsperson is a neutral facilitator who helps employees resolve concerns on their own. Unlike other panels or |

|committees, the ombudsperson helps employees and managers resolve these disputes without bringing other mediators, |

|litigators, or other decision makers into the dispute. This gives employees the chance to resolve concerns together with|

|some help and direction from the ombudsperson. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 14 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Grievance Procedures in Nonunion Companies: Workplace Due Process” p. 555 |

Concept: Employment at Will

|Details |

|_____ refers to an employment relationship between an employer and an employee, under which either party can terminate |

|the relationship without notice for any reason not prohibited by law. |

| |

|a. Fiduciary duty of loyalty |

|b. Due process |

|c. Employment at will |

|d. An implied process |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Employment at will relates to the ability for the employer or employee to terminate the employment relationship for any |

|reason and at the will of either party. Neither party is required to provide notice or warning of termination. Evidence |

|is not required to be provided unless legal proceedings are enforced or enacted for any unlawful actions or violations. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 14 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Employment at Will” p. 562 |

Week 2: Compensation and Benefits Strategies

Ch. 11 of Managing Human Resources

Ch. 12 of Managing Human Resources

Concept: Components and Objectives of Organizational Reward Systems

|Details |

|At a comprehensive point of view, a(n) _____ includes anything an employee values and desires that an employer is able |

|and willing to offer in exchange for employee contributions. |

| |

|a. competency-based pay system |

|b. employee stock ownership plan |

|c. organizational reward system |

|d merit-pay method |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|Organizational reward systems include both financial and nonfinancial rewards for employee contributions. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 11 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Components and Objectives of Organizational Reward Systems” p. 422 |

Concept: Determinants of Pay Structure and Level

|Details |

|In labor economics, __________________ theory holds that unless an employee can produce a value equal to the value |

|received in wages, it will not be worthwhile to hire that worker. |

| |

|a. the marginal productivity |

|b. the percent of company offerings |

|c. the willingness to reduce the size of the workforce |

|d. the concern with pay for position |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|The marginal productivity theory states that unless an employee generates at least as much income as his or her wages, |

|that person is not worth employing. In practice, a number of factors interact to determine wage levels. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 11 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Determinants of Pay Structure and Level” p. 425 |

Concept: Policy Issues in Pay Planning and Administration

|Details |

|In the United States, salary discussions among employees are protected under: |

| |

|a. the Equal Pay Act (1963) |

|b. The National Labor Relations |

|c. |

|d. the Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|The National Labor Relations Act (1935) protects the right of employees to discuss their wages and other terms and |

|conditions of their employment. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 11 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Alternatives to Pay Systems Based on Job Evaluation” p. 437 |

Concept: Organization-Wide Incentives

|Details |

|Gain sharing plans consist of all EXCEPT which of the following elements: |

| |

|a. an internal equity |

|b. a philosophy of cooperation |

|c. a financial bonus |

|d. an involvement system |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|The philosophy of cooperation in an organization is shown by high levels of trust, two-way communication, participation,|

|and harmonious industrial relations. The involvement system is the structure and process for improving organizational |

|productivity using employee-staffed committees. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 11 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Organizationwide Incentives” p. 450 |

Concept: Strategic Considerations in the Design of Benefit Programs

|Details |

|One strategic issue that should influence the design of benefits is an organization’s: |

| |

|a. plan to pay panel |

|b. value to employees |

|c. shareholder’s form |

|d. stage of development |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|A startup venture will likely offer different incentives than a mature firm. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 12 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Long-Term Strategic Business Plans” p.467 |

|Details |

|Which act covers private-sector employees over age 21 enrolled in noncontributory (100% employer-paid) retirement plans |

|that have 1-year service? |

| |

|a. COBRA (1985) |

|b. HIPAA (1996) |

|c. ERISA (1974) |

|d. ADA (1990) |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 sets minimum standards for most voluntarily established |

|pension and health plans in the private industry to provide protection for individuals in these plans. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 12 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Strategic Considerations in the Design of Benefit Programs” p. 470 |

Concept: Components of the Benefits Package

|Details |

|______________cover 128 million workers in the United States. |

| |

|a. Workers’ compensation programs |

|b. Defined-benefits program |

|c. Defined-contribution program |

|d. Points-of-service programs |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|These programs provide payments to workers who are injured on the job or who contract a work-related illness. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 12 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Workers’ Compensation” p. 473 |

Concept: Cost Containment Strategies for Benefits

|Details |

|What is driving the increasing costs of healthcare? |

| |

|a. Passage of the health care exchanges |

|b. Aging population and an increase in obesity |

|c. Increasing numbers of legal immigrants |

|d. Rising cost of childcare |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|Other factors include excess medical inflation, which includes administrative costs that add millions to U.S. |

|health-care spending. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 12 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Cost-Containment Strategies” p. 479 |

Week 3: Performance Management

Ch. 9 of Managing Human Resources

Ch. 10 of Managing Human Resources

Concept: Requirements of Effective Appraisal Systems

|Details |

|________ implies that a performance appraisal system is capable of distinguishing effective from ineffective performers.|

| |

| |

|a. Relevance |

|b. Sensitivity |

|c. Reliability |

|d. Acceptability |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: b |

| |

|By structuring a performance-appraisal system for sensitivity, an allowance is made for differences in individuals. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 9 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Requirements of Effective Appraisal Systems” p. 337 |

Concept: Methods of Appraising Employee Performance

|Details |

|Which of the following is an advantage of narrative essays? |

| |

|a. Good for individual feedback and development |

|b. Good for making comparisons across employees |

|c. Forces raters to make distinctions among employees |

|d. Provides a direct link between job analysis and performance appraisal |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Narrative essays allow the manager to give employees specific feedback through the use of examples |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 9 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Alternative Methods of Appraising Employee Performance” p. 348 |

Concept: Performance Appraisal Legalities

|Details |

|Appraisals provide legal and formal organizational justification for: |

| |

|a. employment decisions |

|b. keeping unions out |

|c. high executive salaries |

|d. bringing legal action against employees |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources. |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Employment decisions relate to performance management, such as promotions and retention. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 9 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Purposes of Performance-Appraisal Systems” p. 336 |

Concept: Elements of Effective Performance Feedback Interviews

|Details |

|Prior to the performance-feedback interview, the supervisor should: |

| |

|a. communicate frequently with subordinates about their performance |

|b. refrain from speaking to subordinates |

|c. have a coworker complete the entire appraisal |

|d. set aside a maximum of 15 minutes to write the appraisal |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Constant communication with the employee will minimize surprises and expedite the review process. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 9 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Secrets of Effective Performance-Feedback Interviews” p. 360 |

Concept: Four Broad Types of Internal Moves

|Details |

|From the organizations perspective, the four broad types of internal moves include |

| |

|a. layoffs, retirements, resignations, and demotions |

|b. demotions, transfers, relocations, and up |

|c. promotions, demotions, transfers, and relocations |

|d. promotions, demotions, transfers, and layoffs |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources. |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|The four directions are promotions (up), demotions (down), transfers and relocations (over) and layoffs, and retirements|

|and resignations (out). |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 10 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Internal Staffing Decisions: Patterns of Career Change” p. 396 |

Week 4: Employee Training and Development

Ch. 8 of Managing Human Resources.

Concept: Four Levels of Needs Analysis

|Details |

|The level of training needs analysis that focuses on identifying whether training supports the company’s strategic |

|direction is called _____ analysis. |

| |

|a. individual |

|b. environmental |

|c. operations |

|d. organization |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|Organization analysis determines the overall needs of the company so that training can be designed to focus on strategic|

|goals. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 8 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Assessing Training Needs” p. 297 |

Concept: Principles that Enhance Learning

|Details |

|_____ refers to the material that is rich in association for the trainees and is therefore easily understood by them. |

| |

|a. Meaningfulness |

|b. Pygmalion effect |

|c. Orientation |

|d. Training paradox |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|To structure training for meaningfulness, provide an overview of the material at the start of training. Use real-life |

|examples and build from simple skills to more complex as you go. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 8 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Principles That Enhance Learning” p. 304 |

Concept: Three Categories of Training Methods

|Details |

|The systematic, long-range program within information presentation training methods to improve the organization is |

| |

|a. conferences |

|b. intelligent tutoring |

|c. on-the-job training |

|d. organizational development |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|Trainers select various methods based on type of material to be learned, the audience being trained, and other factors. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 8 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Selecting Training Methods” p.309 |

Concept: Steps in Evaluation Phase

|Details |

|In evaluating training programs, it is important to distinguish _____ from data-collection methods. |

| |

|a. targets of evaluation |

|b. organizational payoffs |

|c. cost-benefit analysis |

|d. individual participation |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Targets of evaluation and methods of data collection are linked through the options available for measurement. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 8 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Evaluating Training Programs” p. 311 |

Week 5: Recruitment and Selection Strategies

Week 5 Textbook Readings

Ch. 6 of Managing Human Resources.

Ch. 7 of Managing Human Resources.

Concept: Employee Recruitment/Selection Process

|Details |

|Recruitment begins by specifying __________, which are the typical result of job analysis and workforce planning |

|activities. |

| |

|a. human resource requirements |

|b. strategic imperatives |

|c. pay grades |

|d. affirmative action candidates |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Human Resource requirements must be specified for the recruitment of potential candidates for any change in position or |

|new hire. The Human Resource requirements are established to ensure policies and laws are followed correctly. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 6 of Managing Human Resources |

|“The Employee Recruitment/Selection Process” p. 201 |

Concept: Four Types of Company Postures for Recruitment

|Details |

|Which of the following statements about a company using a passive nondiscrimination posture is true? |

| |

|a. It is a concerted effort by the organization to actively expand the pool of applicants so that no one is excluded |

|because of past or present discrimination. |

|b. This posture recognizes that discriminatory practices in the past may block prospective applicants from seeking |

|present job opportunities |

|c. No attempt is made by the company to recruit actively among prospective minority applicants. |

|d. It systematically favors women and minorities in hiring and promotion decisions. |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|A company using a passive nondiscrimination posture makes no attempt to recruit actively among prospective minority |

|applicants. Passive nondiscrimination does not meet EEOC requirements. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 6 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Recruitment Policies” p. 204 |

Concept: Internal and External Recruitment Methods

|Details |

|_________ affect recruitment policies because firms often give preference to current employees in promotions, transfers,|

|and other career-enhancing opportunities. |

| |

|a. Union employee percentages |

|b. Labor market characteristics |

|c. EEOC guidelines |

|d. Internal labor markets |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|Internal labor markets are commonly used for many organizations as a source for recruitment. Many organizations prefer |

|to hire and promote from within. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 6 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Internal versus External Labor Markets” p. 205 |

Concept: Organizational Considerations in Staffing Decisions

|Details |

|This type of management style is often associated with organizations in the embryonic stage. |

| |

|a. Freewheeling |

|b. Growth director |

|c. Entrepreneur |

|d. Movers and shakers |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: c |

| |

|This management style, with its decisive nature and attraction to the more high risk ventures, is suited to those |

|early-stage organizations |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 7 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Organizational Considerations In Staffing Decisions: Business Strategy” p. 236 |

Concept: Screening and Selection Methods

|Details |

|The information least likely to be obtained in reference checks and recommendations is |

| |

|a. a description of the applicant’s physical attractiveness |

|b. character and interpersonal competence |

|c. willingness of a previous employer to rehire the applicant |

|d. education and employment history |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|A description of the applicant’s physical attractiveness is the least likely reference information to be obtained |

|because it does not have any bearing on the applicant’s ability to perform the required job duties. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 7 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Screening and Selection Methods: Employment Application Forms” p. 241–242 |

Week 6: Diversity

Week 6 Textbook Readings

Ch. 4 of Managing Human Resources.

Concept: Five Reasons Why Diversity Has Become Dominant in Managing Human Resources

|Question #1 |

|Diversity in organizations makes good business sense because |

| |

|a. diversity is the new trend |

|b. diverse organizations are popular |

|c. diverse organizations have less legal problems |

|d. a diverse organization can be helpful when expanding into global markets |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resources. |

|Correct Answer Feedback: d |

| |

|Organizations must be positioned to their global markets. Having employees that are multicultural can assist in working |

|with a diverse network of suppliers, customers, and strategic partners. |

|Readings: |

|Ch. 4 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Making the Business Case for Diversity” p. 119 |

Concept: Differences between EEO/AA and Diversity

|Question #4 |

|Which of the following describes affirmative action rather than diversity? |

| |

|a. Legally driven |

|b. Assumes integration |

|c. Proactive |

|d. Opportunity focused |

| |

|Textbook/edition: Managing Human Resurces |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|Affirmative action refers to government initiated actions taken to overcome the effects of past or present practices, |

|policies, or other barriers to equal employment opportunity. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 4 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Workforce Diversity: An Essential Component of HR Strategy” p. 122 |

Concept: Characteristics of Four Generations of Workers

|Question #7 |

|Which generation was born in the middle of the Great Depression? |

|a. The silent generation |

|b. Generation Y |

|c. The baby-boom generation |

|d. Generation X |

|Correct Answer Feedback: a |

| |

|The silent generation is the oldest generation of the four in our workplaces today. One of the most significant events |

|of their lifetime was the Great Depression. |

|Reading: |

| |

|Ch. 4 of Managing Human Resources |

|“Age-Based Diversity” p. 136 |


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