centertop00PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT (PWS)DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRSVeterans Health Administration (VHA)VA San Diego Healthcare SystemSan Diego/Chula Vista CBOCProject Title: INITIAL OUTFITTING, TRANSITION, AND ACTIVATION SERVICES (IOT&A) IDIQ Task Order #1PM SUPPORTDate: August 17, 2017PWS Version Number: 2.1BACKGROUND / INTRODUCTIONTwo existing Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) in VA San Diego Healthcare System, Chula Vista & San Diego, cannot accommodate the needs of Veterans residing in the service area due to space constraints. Demand for services has continued to increase. The existing 9,500 Net Usable Square Feet (NUSF) Chula Vista CBOC will expand into a 31,000 NUSF building to support outpatient audiology, mental health, laboratory and pathology, tele-medicine, optometry, podiatry and primary care via the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) model. The existing 43,473 NUSF San Diego CBOC will expand into a 99,986 NUSF building to support outpatient mental health, audiology, optometry, laboratory and pathology, physical medicine & rehabilitation, prosthetics, radiology, specialty care, tele-medicine and primary care via the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) model. Both leases will support the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) and Integrated Mental Health models, which will help address current patient privacy standard concerns as well as provide adequately sized exam rooms that meet current VA space criteria. SCOPE OF WORKThe Contractor shall provide professional services to include all labor, materials, transportation, and equipment to conduct and provide IOT&A support services to accomplish the PWS tasks. The scope includes project support for planning, outfitting, and transitioning the staff and patients to the new Chula Vista and San Diego CBOCs during FY17 through FY20. The scope of this services acquisition includes compatible comprehensive project management, comprehensive FF&E interior design development, comprehensive equipment planning, equipment purchasing support, transition and relocation planning, receipt, storage and warehousing of new and existing equipment; installation (non-construction related integration), technical inspection, and training for equipment/systems; and final turnover, closeout and post–occupancy evaluations for identified construction projects. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCEThe period of performance under this task order shall be from Date of Task Order Award for a period of three years.TYPE OF ORDER Firm Fixed Price with Other Direct Costs (ODCs)PLACE OF PERFORMANCETasks under this PWS shall be performed at location acquired by the contractor. Contractor will be required to meet at the existing and new CBOC locations, and main hospital:Existing Chula Vista CBOC: 865 3rd Avenue Chula Vista, CA, 91910 andExisting San Diego CBOC: 8810 Rio San Diego Drive, San Diego, CA, 92108 Main Hospital:3350 La Jolla Village Dr., San Diego, CA, 92161Rio Clinic:8989 Rio San Diego, Suite 360, San Diego, CA 92108New Chula Vista CBOC: TBDNew San Diego CBOC:TBDTRAVELTravel costs will not be requested or evaluated for this task order.Travel will not be a factor in this task order. Travel shall be in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) and requires advanced concurrence by the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR).? Contractor travel within the local commuting area will not be reimbursed.specific tasks and deliverables: 7.1 Project Plans, Schedules, and Reports.The Contractor shall support the VA San Diego Healthcare System Activation Team’s planning, scheduling, and reporting requirements. ?The Activation Team is responsible for developing an Activation Project Management Plan which includes significant task details, critical path information, responsibilities, and costs. ?The Activation Team is also responsible for developing an Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) which integrates activation activities for both CBOCs, Activations Project Schedule, Construction Project/schedule, VA information technology project/schedule, etc.In managing the IMS, the Contractor shall advise the Government of suspense dates that need to be met by the Government and/or Government Contractors to ensure on-time execution such as, but not limited to, delivery dates for items purchased by the Government, information that the Contractor needs from the Government to complete the requirements of this PWS, and certain IMS milestone dates. ?The Contractor is responsible for tracking these dates and keeping the parties informed. ?However, the Contractor is not responsible for enforcing dates or ensuring work is completed on schedule to the extent the dates and/or work are not a requirement of the Contractor as described herein. ?The Contractor shall report in a timely manner any schedule deviations to the Activation Team, Contracting Officer and Contracting Officers Representative (COR). Upon the Government's acceptance of the schedule deviation, the Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval a revised IMS.In the event a schedule deviation impacts the period of performance of this contract, the Contractor shall provide in writing to the Contracting Officer the reason for the delay, associated points of contact, and a request for extension. ?Extension requests must detail the amount of additional time required and are not automatically granted. ?The Contractor shall document lessons learned throughout the project in the monthly status report.Project schedules, project reports, and management plans shall be shared with the government by posting on the Contractor's SharePoint-like site. ? Updating shall be completed weekly and posted on the contractor share site by Friday, unless otherwise agreed upon by the COR. Revisions to schedules and plans since the last update shall be tracked and clearly identified. ??The Contractor shall provide digital copies of all final project schedules, reports, and plans on disc (or other agreed upon delivery method) at the conclusion of the project to the Contracting Officer (CO) and the Contracting Officer Representative (COR). ?Refer to Section 9 - Deliverables of this PWS for the Deliverable Schedule, which provides additional information regarding each deliverable. ?Performance Standardsa) Standard: Timely: ?Schedules, reports, and plans are made available to the Government in accordance with the deliverable schedule.? ? AQL: Deliverables are submitted on time 100% of the timeb) Standard: Complete: ?Deliverables contain required information as described in PWS Section 9 - Deliverables.? ? AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal. ?100% of required information is in final submission. ?Deliverables 011 Contractor Project Management Plan012 Risk Management Plan001 Activation Project Schedule003 Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)010 Monthly Project Status Report7.2 coNtractor Share Site for Information Sharing:The Contractor shall maintain and develop a SharePoint-like site for project documentation and information sharing. ?The site or software shall be able to provide automatic email updates to designated members as new documents are uploaded or require government review (example: Submittal Exchange by Oracle). All project documentation shall be compatible with systems utilized by the medical facility and easily accessible with files downloadable by all parties. ?The database shall meet "for official use only" (FOUO) and sensitive but unclassified information handling requirements. ?The site shall be organized in a logical manner. ?Deliverables shall be clearly identified as either submittals for review or final versions that have been approved by the Government. ?When applicable, revisions shall be clearly marked with the revision number and date. ?The site shall allow archiving of information. The Contractor shall provide digital copies of all documents stored on the site on disc at the conclusion of the project to the Contracting Officer (CO) and the Contracting Officer Representative (COR).Performance Standardsa) Standard: Timely: ?The contractor site contains project documentation required to date? ? AQL: Required documentation is made available on the site within one week of creation or distribution 90% of the time. ?All required documentation is made available within two weeks of creation or distribution. ?b) Standard: Effective: The contractor site is searchable with accessibility provided to key stakeholders. Site provides automatic email notification of pending actions to designated parties.? ? AQL: No more than 5 complaints per month regarding the functionality of the site or the availability of the documents. ?All complaints are resolved within one week.Deliverables:013 Share Site for Information Sharing to include maintenance and updates7.3 Meeting Facilitation Services.The Contractor shall schedule meetings with key stakeholders and appropriate personnel (to be identified by the Government). Where meeting frequency is not specified herein, the Contractor shall establish the meeting frequency in manner that ensures the ability to meet the requirements of the PWS. Meetings include project status meetings, Concept of Operations (CONOPs) meetings, planning meetings, information management meetings, and any additional meetings as deemed necessary by the Contractor to meet the requirements of this PWS. A representative from the VA Activations team must be present in all contractor meetings with stakeholders.The Contractor shall prepare meeting agendas which shall be distributed to attendees 48 hours prior to the subject meeting. The Contractor shall prepare meeting minutes. Meeting minutes shall document the purpose of the meeting, discussions, and decisions reached. ?When applicable, meeting minutes shall include "ACTION ITEMS" to include a description of the item, the responsible individual(s), and due date. Meeting minutes will be distributed to attendees for review and approval. ?The Contractor shall organize and conduct user-group meetings with key stakeholders and working groups across the facility to the extent required to adequately manage this activation project. A list of key stakeholders will be provided to the contractor after award.At a minimum, each department will constitute a working group. The Contractor may identify additional ad hoc groups as necessary. The Contractor shall guide groups to consensus by identifying requirements, facilitating group discussions, and documenting decisions as a part of the documentation of meeting minutes. The Contractor shall facilitate the groups to assess, analyze, recommend, and document solutions as developed jointly by the Contractor and the stakeholders and/or group members. Project status meetings shall cover, at a minimum, changes to schedule, risk, status of current action items and estimated completion. ?Project status meetings are to occur every week at location specified by COR.Refer to Section 9 - Deliverables of this PWS for the Deliverable Schedule, which provides additional information regarding each deliverable. ?Performance Standardsa) Standard: Comprehensive: ?Contractor facilitates required meetings necessary to accomplish the tasks in this PWS? ? AQL: 100%Deliverables 063 Meeting Minutes064 Meeting Facilitation Report7.4 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS (conops) AND Transition Services.Transition Planning includes developing Concepts of Operations (CONOPs), strategic communication (STRATCOM) plans, transition plans, Day-in-the-Life, and other planning as necessary to develop a plan for the successful activation of the project. ?Transition planning shall be documented in the Transition Plan. ?The purpose of the Transition Plan is to provide the roadmap for day one operations in accordance with the activation schedule. ?CONOPs is a document describing the characteristics of a proposed system/process from the viewpoint of an individual who will be using that system/process. ?It is used to communicate the quantitative and qualitative system/process characteristics to all stakeholders. ?CONOPs should begin at project conception, evolve with space planning/Program for Design (PFD) development and be continuously refined through planning, design, outfitting and transition. ?The Contractor shall develop and document Macro, Micro, Information Technology/Information Management (IT/IM), and Transition CONOPs for the departments involved in the activation project to the extent necessary to facilitate the transition. The Contractor shall meet with key stakeholders involved in processes relative to the applicable CONOPs. ?The contractor will help the department/group assess current operations, define new operations, record and assist with gaining medical facility approval of business practices on new conditions in space, equipment, staffing, and operations. ?The contractor shall assume each department will require two in-depth meetings with follow-up coordination.At a minimum, the following Macro CONOPs shall be developed: departmental adjacencies; staff, patient, and visitor flow; patient transport; on-stage vs. off-stage (e.g. lobby, elevators corridors); logistical support (e.g. linen, supplies waste, deliveries); ancillary support; infection control; and security. Contractor to provide support in researching new technologies available to facilitate patient flow and efficiency in services provided (check-in, room assignments, provider computer requirements, etc.)Micro CONOPs should define how specific operational units conduct business. Micro CONOPs should continue to be refined throughout construction. Micro CONOPs shall be developed for the departments being impacted by the activation project. ???IT/IM CONOPS should define requirements and determine infrastructure required to support low voltage systems (medical and non-medical). ?Contractor to provide support researching technologies such as replacing room flags, integrated patient monitors for education and telehealth options.The Contractor shall facilitate stakeholders in identifying and documenting objectives, goals, strategies, and tactics for accomplishing strategic communication to staff, other stakeholders, and the public. ?The Contractor shall identify high-level STRATCOM objectives and processes. Examples of high-level STRATCOM processes include communications within the transition working groups, leadership decisions, staff communication, public communication, etc. STRATCOM shall also address communications relating to the activation project between the Activation Contractor, Construction Contractor, and CFM. STRATCOM processes shall be documented in the Transition Governance Plan. ?Transition CONOPs will build upon STRATCOM and other CONOPs and detail how to transition from current state to the required future state at the new facility. ?Transition CONOPs shall support the schedule development and acquisition, installation, and occupancy timelines. The Contractor shall provide detailed transition CONOPs by functional area. ?The Contractor shall identify key requirements and constraints that will empower or impede decision making processes, approvals, or the ability to manage well the activation activities. The Contractor shall make recommendations for improvement where constraints, impediments, or other problems are identified. ?This information shall be documented in the Transition Plan. The Contractor shall develop and lead Day-in-the-Life exercises for the departments involved in the activation in accordance with the approved transition plan. ??Refer to Section 9 - Deliverables of this PWS for the Deliverable Schedule, which provides additional information regarding each deliverable. ?Performance Standardsa) Standard: Comprehensive: ?Governance Transition Plan provides a clear roadmap for Day One operations of the activation project in line with the activation schedule? ? AQL: No more than 5% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required information is in final submission.b) Standard: Complete: ?Governance Transition Plan contains all required CONOPs, STRATCOM, and other necessary planning documents.? ? AQL: No more than 5% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required information is in final submission.Deliverables 044 Transition and Pre-planning CONOPS039 Macro CONOPs038 Micro-CONOPs068 STRATCOM Plan046 IT/IM CONOPs009 Transition Plan047 Day in the Life Plan7.5 DESIGN and Planning Services.The Contractor shall provide design support services for furniture, fixtures, equipment (FF&E), artwork, wayfinding, and low-voltage systems. ?Design support services include surveying the existing clinics to document all existing FF&E, developing a basis design for the FF&E in new clinics based on FF&E standards extracted from Attainia, laying in FF&E blocks using manufacturer symbols for each work area on floor plans, design reviews, developing 3D designs of space with FF&E, and preparing cut sheets for FF&E and artwork. The Contractor shall document requested and approved changes to FF&E in a change management log.A survey of the existing clinics will be required to develop an inventory of existing FF&E. The contractor is to provide a report of existing FF&E to include an evaluation of the condition of all FF&E. Contractor to consider warrantees, maintenance, and overall age of equipment and consult with manufacturers if required.VA San Diego Healthcare System is utilizing Attainia software to manage its FF&E for this activation project. VA San Diego Healthcare System is in the process of validating FF&E (room content list) for this project to approximately 80%. Validation in this sense means a generic item has been identified but not a specific manufacturer and model. The Contractor will be responsible for finalizing FF&E with end users an update the Attainia database. Attainia access will be granted by the Government.The Contractor shall provide all cut sheets, and specifications for all FF&E and update the cut sheets as appropriate if options and accessories change and/or requirements change. The Contractor shall utilize VA-SEPS Joint Service Number (JSN) nomenclature in accordance with the VA BIM Guide (available at cfm.til/bim/BIMGuide/modreq.htm) for all unique ID numbering. ??The cut sheets shall identify the basis of design item as brand name or equal and shall show appropriate VA-SEPS JSNs. ?New JSN requests and JSN searches can be conducted at . The Contractor will be responsible for identifying salient characteristics for all FF&E with the end users and coordinate the selection of the construction contractor (CC) provided items. The Contractor will develop the rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate and develop a Warranty Management Plan. The Contractor shall develop the initial design based upon the current FF&E list (Attachment C1 and C2). The contractor will lay into the drawings provided by the VA all the FF&E based upon the equipment list and program for design information. The contractor drawings shall include plans and elevations and 3D renderings.?The drawings provided by VA may be limited to walls and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) locations. ?Upon completion of the Contractor's initial design (to include all furniture, equipment, medical equipment, artwork, desktop technology equipment, copies, printers, fax machines, etc.) the Contractor shall review for code and work flow efficiency. ?In addition, the Contractor shall call out in each room all utility conflicts and recommended resolutions. After the initial layouts have been completed, the Contractor shall send the plans, elevations, 3D renderings, and room equipment lists to the COR for government review and comment. ?The Government will review and comment and will return the drawings to the Contractor to update. User group meetings shall be scheduled approximately 7 days after the Government provides the Contractor its comments to the initial design. ?At the user group meetings, the Contractor and Government stakeholders will go through each room and discuss the layout and equipment designed in each room. ?Contractor to provide 3-Dimmensional renderings of the spaces at user meetings.Estimation is one day charrettes for each department. ?Once completed, a sign-off from the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) will close the effort.The contractor shall verify the as-designed MEP will support the new design and identify any potential issues related to required utilities for planned furniture, fixtures, and equipment. ?The contractor shall verify the design meets with applicable state, local, and federal requirements (e.g. ADA, International Building Code, NFPA 101). The VA requires a third-party life safety review conducted by a California licensed fire protection engineer. The contractor shall provide the third-party life safety review when requested by the COR.A gap analysis will be performed where discrepancies are identified between CONOPS, requirements, and infrastructure provided in accordance with the construction documents, with facilitation towards workable solutions. ? The contractor shall develop finish selections to complement the interior design package provided by the Government. ?These selections shall be presented in a finalized color board. ?The Contractor shall develop a signage and wayfinding schedule for the implementation by the Construction Contractor for the clinics. ?The Contractor shall present at a minimum two complete design submittals prior to sign-off by the Government. ?The Contractor shall develop the artwork package. ?Artwork involves a detailed design process which includes selection of the artwork, sizing, and placement. ?Each piece of art shall be single matted and framed. ?The design shall include the selection of the artwork, matting, glazing, and framing. ?Each piece of art shall be individually placed and mounted using approved security mounting. ?The design effort shall consider all types of artwork to include, but is not limited to mandatory postings displays, purchased art, themed art, wayfinding, installation/security, and matting/framing. ?Each piece of art should only be used once in the facility. ?The Contractor shall provide an artwork placement plan and artwork cut sheets.The Contractor shall present at a minimum of ten theme submittals with representative images of at least 50 image selections prior to sign-off by the Government. ?Refer to PWS Section 9, Deliverables for additional information regarding each deliverable. ?Performance Standardsa) Standard: Comprehensive: ?Design services are performed in accordance with the PWS.? ? AQL: 100% departmental sign-offb) Standard: Timely: ?Deliverables are delivered in accordance with the deliverable schedule.? ? AQL: 90% of deliverables are submitted on or before the due date.c) Standard: Complete: ?Deliverables contain the required information.? ? AQL: 95% of required information is includedDeliverables 030 Existing FF&E Inventory Report014 FF&E Cut Sheets015 Artwork Cut Sheets016 Design Review Report017 FF&E Layouts018 3-Dimensional Design Renditions025 Signage/Way-Finding Plan019 Artwork Placement Plan020 Design Submittal 1021 Design Submittal 2024 Updated Drawings031 Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)023 Room-by-Room Master Equipment List (MEL)027 Warranty Management Plan026 FF&E Change Management Log7.6 Acquisition ServicesThe Contractor shall develop the Acquisition Plan for the activation project. ?The Acquisition Plan shall identify, at a minimum, long lead time items, number of packages, and estimated timelines for procurement by package group. ?The Contractor shall ensure employees performing acquisition services are well-versed in federal acquisition regulations prescribed by the FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) and VAAR (Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation). ?The contractor will be responsible for identifying the total number of procurement packages as part of the acquisition plan. The development of procurement packages will be defined and awarded under a separate task order. Refer to Section 9 - Deliverables of this PWS for the Deliverable Schedule, which provides additional information regarding each deliverable. Performance Standardsa) Standard: Timely: ?Deliverables are submitted in accordance with the delivery schedule? ? AQL: 95% of deliverables are submitted on or before the due date.b) Standard: Complete: ?Deliverables include required information? ? AQL: No more than 10% of required information is missing on initial (draft) submittal. 100% of required information is in final submission.Deliverables 032 Acquisition Plan033 Acquisition Schedule7.7 Other Government Furnished InformationVA will provide access to an Attainia license to manage the project's FF&E. ?All procedural guides, reference materials, and program documentation for the project and other Government applications will also be provided on an as-needed basis. ?The Contractor shall request other Government documentation deemed pertinent to the work accomplishment directly from the Government officials with whom the Contractor has contact. ?The Contractor shall consider the COR the final source for needed Government documentation when the Contractor fails to secure the documents by other means. ?The contractor is expected to use common knowledge and resourcefulness in securing all other reference materials, standard industry publications, and related materials that are pertinent to the work. ?7.8 ACTIVATION SUPPORT SERVICESContractor is to furnish six tablet computers for the VA San Diego Activation Team. Each tablet shall be equipped with all software used by the contractor to provide deliverables under this PWS. Software to include but not limited to:AutoCAD 2010/2016 Revit 2010/2016 SPEXX by LojikMicrosoft Suite: Excel, Word, Power Point, Access, Project, Visio, OneNote, Outlook etc. 2010/2016Adobe acrobat ProSubmittal Exchange or Similar (see section 7.3)BluebeamThe contractor is responsible to acquiring the software, installing, and maintaining it throughout the project. Licenses for the software will be charged at cost to the Government as an ODC.Tablets shall have a built-in PIV card reader for Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) remote connection capability.The contractor is to provide Wi-Fi connectivity through a 4G network.At the completion of the activation project, the Government will return all devices provided by the contractor.Performance Standardsa) Standard: Timely: ?Maintenance and software updates are conducted in a timely manner.? ? AQL: 95% of the updates are done within 5 working days of availability. Maintenance support is available within 24 hrs.Deliverables 037 Software Licenses and 4G connection – ODC8. Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)The Government will monitor the Contractors performance under this PWS in accordance with the Governments QASP identified in Attachment G of the IDIQ Contract. ?The Government reserves the right to alter or change the surveillance methods in the QASP at its own discretion. ?A Performance Based Service Assessment Survey will be used in combination with the QASP to assist the Government in determining acceptance performance levels. ?9. TASK, DELIVERY AND INVOICING SCHEDULEDELIVERABLE #DELIVERABLEDUEQTYUNIT PRICEEXTENDED PRICETO1-011Activation Project Management Plan30 days after NTP; updated as needed1$$TO1-012Risk Management Plan30 days after NTP; updated as needed1$$TO1-001Activation Project Schedule30 days after NTP; updated weekly152$$TO1-003Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)Draft: 15 days after NTPFinal: 15 calendar days after approval of draft156$$TO1-010Monthly Project Status Report30 days after NTP; due Monthly36$$TO1-010Share Site for Information Sharing30 days after NTP, update as required1$$ TO1-063Meeting MinutesWithin 2 business day of meeting; due as required1$$TO1-064Meeting Facilitation ReportMonthly36$$TO1-044Transition and Pre-Planning CONOPS30 calendar days after issuance of design documents; update as required1$$TO1-039Macro CONOPS30 calendar days after issuance of design documents; update as required1$$TO1-038Micro CONOPS30 calendar days after issuance of design documents; update as required$$TO1-068STRATCOM Plan60 calendar days after NTP; update as required1$$TO1-046IT/IM CONOPS30 calendar days after issuance of design documents; update as required1$$TO1-009Transition Plan30 calendar days after issuance of design documents; update as required1$$TO1-047Day in the Life Plan30 calendar days after issuance of design documents; update as required1$$TO1-030Existing FF&E Inventory List30 calendar days after NTP; update are required1$$TO1-014FF&E Cut Sheets60 calendar days after NTP; update as required1$$TO1-015Artwork Cut Sheets60 calendar days after issuance of design documents; update as required1$$TO1-016Design Review Report15 calendar days after issuance of design documents; 3 reviews per clinic (33%, 65%, 95% design submittals)6$$TO1-017FF&E Layouts30 calendar days after NTP; update as required1$$TO1-0183-Dimensional Design Renditions30 calendar days after NTP; update as required1$$TO1-025Signage & Way-Finding Plan15 calendar days after issuance of new clinic design plans; updated as required1$$TO1-019Artwork Placement Plan30 calendar days after issuance of new clinic design plans; updated as required1$$TO1-020Design Submittal 115 calendar days after issuance of design drawings1$$TO1-021Design Submittal 215 calendar days after Government review of Design Submittal 11$$TO1-024Updated Drawings15 calendar days after Government review of Design Submittal 21$$TO1-031Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)60 calendar days after NTP, update as required1$$TO-023Room-by-Room Master Equipment List (MEL)60 calendar days after NTP; updated as required1$$TO1-027Warranty Management Plan120 calendar days after NTP1$$TO1-026FF&E Change Management Log30 calendar days after NTP; due monthly36$$TO1-032Acquisition Plan45 calendar days after NTP; updated as required1$$TO1-033Acquisition Schedule45 calendar days after NTP; updated as required1$$TO1-037Software Licenses, 4G Connection and Contractor Furnished Equipment30 calendar days after NTP; ODCs invoiced monthly36$$10. DeliverablesThe contractor shall provide deliverables as described in the PWS. ?Deliverables shall be specified by the government. Format and delivery schedule for deliverables are identified in the PWS. ?For deliverables with a schedule yet to be determined, a mutually agreed upon schedule and/or format will be determined during the performance period. ?The agreed upon date must not delay the project schedule and must be tracked in the Activation Integrated Master Schedule for verification. ?Deliverables with a schedule and/or format to be determined are identified as "TBD" in the PWS. Reports and documents delivered by the Contractor in performance of this contract will be considered "technical data" as defined in the applicable "Rights in Data" clause of the contract. ?All documentation shall reflect the latest version number, unless specifically directed otherwise by the Government. ?All documentation shall be prepared in accordance with standard industry practices, ensuring electronically produced documents, which reflect logical flow of material, tables of contents, indices, and page numbering. The Contractor shall deliver documentation in electronic format unless otherwise directed in the solicitation/contract. ?Acceptable electronic media include: ?MS Word 2010/2016, MS Excel 2010/2016, MS PowerPoint 2010/2016, MS Project 2010/2016, MS Access 2010/2016, MS Visio 2010/2016, AutoCAD 2010/2016, and Adobe Postscript Data Format (PDF) unless otherwise directed in the PWS, solicitation, or contract. ?The unexcused failure to comply with the delivery schedule makes the contractor delinquent in performance. ?Such tardiness will be annotated in the Contractor's past performance evaluation.NUMBER NAME FREQUENCY QUANTITY 011Activation Project Management PlanNTP + 30 calendar daysUpdate as requiredThe Contractor's Project Management Plan shall outline the Contractor's execution plan with milestone schedules for performance of all work required under this PWS. The Contractor is responsible for defining within the plan the roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities expected of key stakeholders required in the delivery of detailed tasks between milestones. These roles and responsibilities are not limited to the Contractor and should include expectations of those outside the control of the Contractor to include medical facility staff, government agencies, and other contractors. The Project Management Plan will assess risks, constraints, and uncertainties defined early in the project requiring mitigation strategies for success.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month. 012Risk Management PlanNTP + 30 calendar daysupdate as requiredThe Risk Management Plan shall include a table that lists specific project risks, a mitigation strategy to remedy the risk, critical nature of the risk (low/medium/high), and what is affected by the risk (e.g. schedule, budget). Risks should be discussed regularly during project meetings and the risk management plan updated as required.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month.001Activation Project Schedule (APS)NTP + 30 calendar daysupdated weeklyThe Contractor shall develop and maintain a detailed activation project schedule for both CBOCs. The activation project schedule shall track all major milestones to demonstrate effective management and execution of the project by the Contractor, illustrate timely performance, and identifies and delays or potential delays to the contract. The schedule shall be written in Microsoft Project 2010 or newer and include dates from the construction schedule through Day One, and project closeout. The schedule shall identify key tasks, start and completion dates, durations of tasks to be completed by the Contractor to satisfy the requirements of the PWS.The activation project schedule shall be updated weekly. The Contractor shall annotate any schedule deviations in the updated activation project schedule.Contractor to provide (6) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies and hard copies shall be available to the VA as soon as update is completed. 003Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)draft: NTP+15 calendar daysfinal: +15 calendar days after approval of draft Updated weeklyThe IMS helps ensure that all activities needed to complete the activation project are accounted for and ordered correctly. All activities in the IMS shall be logically sequenced, with steps clearly showing how related portions of work depend on one another. The IMS shall be a color coded, time-lined graphic which marks the start and end dates of major element or sub-element milestones of construction which may impact the start, duration, or completion of scheduled IOT& A tasks, shows major start and end dates of milestone events for purchased items, shows medical center scheduled activities in activating or approving building systems and support contracts, and shows IOT&A events which may be impacted by schedule acceleration or slippage by others. A complete IMS will include and demonstrate all construction milestone dependencies with both Government and Contractor IOT& A-related processes from contract award to the completion of the contract itself. The final IMS, after approval by the Government, will serve as the Contractor's baseline schedule for the effort. The final IMS shall be updated weekly unless otherwise directed by the Government. Updates shall include updated milestone dates from the construction schedule and any other relevant milestone dates that impact the activation project. The Government will provide the lease construction schedule when the leases are awarded and the schedules are provided by the Construction Contractor. Updates to the IMS will be done as information becomes available.Contractor to provide (6) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies and hard copies shall be available to the VA as soon as update is completed.Contractor to provide a large format plot (36” high X 48” min) for the IMS monthly. 010Monthly Project Status ReportNTP + 30 calendar daysmonthlyThe Monthly Status Report shall give an overview of the progression of the project and describe the work completed during the reporting/billing period. The report shall include status of milestone items in the master project schedule, discuss moderate to high risk items, and a summary of meetings attended. The report shall discuss any "lessons learned" during the reporting/billing period. The Monthly Status Report shall correlate to and be submitted with the monthly invoice. The report shall cover the same period as the invoice and schedule of values.Contractor to provide (1) hard copy and post digital copy on the file sharing site monthly. Report is to be approved/signed by the COR prior to billing.013Contractor Share Site for Information SharingNTP+30 calendar daysmonthly063Meeting MinutesWithin 1 business day of meetingas requiredMinutes of meetings to include agenda, attendees, discussions, action items and who is responsible, etc.Contractor to post digital files on the file sharing site. 064Meeting Facilitation ReportProvide monthly reports to capture all meetings scheduled ad facilitated during that month. The report shall include date, time, location and copies of the meeting minutes.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital version on the file sharing site.Monthly044Transition and Pre-Planning CONOPS30 calendar days after issuance of Design Documentsupdate as requiredTransition CONOPS shall build upon the STRATCOM and other CONOPS. Transition CONOPS support schedule development, acquisition, installation, and occupancy timelines. The contractor shall provide a transition CONOPS by functional area for each clinic. The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site.039Macro CONOPs30 calendar days after issuance of Design Documentsupdate as requiredMacro CONOPs are at the departmental level. At a minimum, the following Macro CONOPs shall be developed: departmental adjacencies; staff, patient, and visitor flow; patient transport; on-stage vs off-stage (lobby, elevators, corridors); logistical support (e.g. linen, supplies, waste, deliveries); ancillary support; infection control; and security.The contractor shall provide Macro CONOPs for each clinic. The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month. 038Micro-CONOPs30 calendar days after issuance of Design Documentsupdate as requiredMicro CONOPs should define how specific operational units conduct business. Micro CONOPs should continue to be refined throughout construction. Micro CONOPs shall be developed for the departments being transitioned as part of the activation project. The contractor shall provide Micro CONOPs for each clinic. The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month. 068STRATCOM PlanNTP + 60 calendar daysupdate as requiredSTRATCOM Plan shall list internal and external stakeholders, key messages, media format, frequency, and who is responsible for delivering the message. The STRATCOM Plan shall identify communication strategies for communications between CFM, Activation Team Members, and Local Medical Facility Leadership as related to this activation project (add tenants, public affairs officer, veterans)Contractor to provide (3) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month. 046IT/IM CONOPs30 calendar days after issuance of Design Documentsupdate as requiredIT/IM CONOPs should define requirements and determine infrastructure required to support low-voltage systems (medical and non-medical). Contractor to provide support to research technologies available to improve efficiency of clinic operations. The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month. 009Transition Plan30 calendar days after issuance of Design Documentsupdate as requiredThe purpose of the Transition Plan is to provide a roadmap for Day One operations (“First Patient Seen”) of the activation project for the two clinics. The plan shall include all developed CONOPS, STRATCOM plan, and other planning information as necessary to activate the clinics.The contractor shall provide a transition plan for each clinic. The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available. Contractor to provide (3) hard copies with initial submittal and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month. 047Day in the Life Plan60 calendar days after issuance of Design Documentsupdate as requiredDay in the Life Plan describes the Contractor's plans for preparing Day in the Life (role playing) scenarios to help prepare employees to work in the newly activated space.030Existing FF&E Inventory ReportContractor shall provide an inventory report of existing FF&E at the existing San Diego and Chula Vista clinics. The report should include a description of the room type, photographs, equipment Identification numbers, and names and position title of staff assigned to the room as applicable. The report should include an evaluation of the existing FF&E to identify items that will be relocated or excessed.Survey to be conducted off-hours. Contractor to coordinate access to the clinics with COR.Contractor is responsible for updating and maintaining the Attainia FF&E files for both clinics. The government will provide the Attainia license.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month.NTP + 30 calendar daysUpdate as required014FF&E Cut SheetsNTP + 60 calendar daysupdate as requiredCut sheets include a photo of the item and the specifications, instructions, dimensions, etc., that apply to the item. Cut sheet information shall be provided using SPEXX format to convey information the VA will need to purchase as brand name or equal and install the product. Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month.Cut sheets shall be organized by department and provided for each clinic as separate submittals.015Artwork Cut Sheets60 calendar days after issuance of Design Documentsupdate as requiredArtwork cut sheets shall should include the following information:1) Job name, number, location, and date2) The title of the artwork and the artist's name, manufacturer (if applicable), item number, size, and room number it is to be placed in3) An image of the proposed artwork in color and high resolution. 4) Frame description and sample of mat color and glazing.5) Mounting height and installation instructions (specify security mounting).In addition, the contractor shall prepare ten themes with photographic images with a minimum of 50 selected images.The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.016Design Review Report15 calendar days after issuance of design documents.(3) reviews per clinic(35%, 65%, & 95% design submittals)The Design Review Report documents the contractor's review of the as-designed mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) to verify the building as designed will support the planned FFE. The report shall document the Contractor's gap analysis where discrepancies were identified between CONOPS, requirements and the facility as designed, to include recommendations for workable solutions. The report shall also document the Contractor's review of the space layout plan to verify planned placement of FF& E meets with applicable state, local, and federal requirements (e.g. ADA, NFPA fire codes).This report includes a third-party life safety review by a licensed Fire Protection Engineer.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. 017FF&E LayoutsNTP +30 calendar days.update as requiredSpace plans showing FF&E placement. FF&E layouts are to be used for user group meetings, to assist in the validation of FF& E, and to facilitate outfitting. FF&E items shall be color-coded for easy identification (e.g. red for reuse, black for construction contractor-provided and installed, blue for IOT&A contractor installed, green for manufacture installed, etc.)The initial layouts will be for the typical rooms in the concept drawings for Chula Vista and San Diego Clinics. When the construction contract is awarded, updated design drawings will be provided to update FF&E placement using all Brand Name CAD symbols.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Hard Copies and Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Floor plans and elevations to be printed in half-size sheets (15”x21”). All other may be printed in 11”x17” or 8.5”x11” with a ?” scale.0183-Dimensional Design RenditionsNTP + 30 calendar days.update as required3D renditions of FF& E items within planned spaces using Revit and AutoCAD.Contractor will provide renderings for typical rooms to be used during the design charrette meetings with using services.The 3D renderings are to be updated as required to finalize the room layouts.The initial 3-D renderings will be done based on the conceptual drawings for the Chula Vista and San Diego Clinics. When the construction contract is awarded, updated 3-D renderings will be required using brand name CAD symbols.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Hard Copies and Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Renderings may be printed in 11”x17” or 8.5”x11” with a scale that is easy to read.025Signage & Way-Finding PlanThe Signage and Way-finding schedule shall identify each type of sign, room number, insert text, and the planned location. When applicable, the plan shall identify any unique mounting or other requirements/considerations for the piece(s). The way-finding plan shall be coordinated with the Artwork Plan. Location and types of signs are to be shown on the 3-D renderings of the clinics.The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Hard Copies and Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed.15 calendar days after issuance of new clinic design plans.update as required019Artwork Placement Plan30 calendar days after issuance of new clinic design plans.update as requiredThe Artwork Placement plan shall identify each piece of artwork and the planned location of each piece/composition of pieces. When applicable, the plan shall identify any unique mounting or other requirements/considerations for the piece(s).The clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Hard Copies and Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed.020Design Submittal 115 calendar days after issuance of design drawings. 1Design Submittal 1 shall include the following:a) AutoCAD drawing showing all FF&E in the space to scale and required MEP locations.b) Cut sheets for all FF&E c) Room by Room List by DepartmentThe clinics will be awarded separately. The design documents for each clinic will be submitted to the contractor when they become available.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Plan sheets and elevations are to be printed in half size paper (15”x21”).021Design Submittal 215 calendar days after Government review of Design Submittal 11Design Submittal 2 shall include the following:a) AutoCAD drawing showing updated FF& E in the space to scale and MEP locations.b) 3D model of activation space using Revitc) Updated final cut sheets for FF&E, signage and artwork.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Plan sheets and elevations are to be printed in half size paper (15”x21”).024Updated Drawings15 calendar days after Government review of Design Submittal 21After all reviews are completed. The contractor is to provide the final updated documents to the Government. A copy of the Revit Model is to be included as part of this submittal. Floor plans and elevations are to be submitted in PDF and AutoCAD formats. Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Plan sheets and elevations are to be printed in half size paper (15”x21”).031Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)NTP + 60 calendar daysupdate as requiredThe ROM is the total estimated cost by item to purchase, warehouse, deliver, install, test, and train (as applicable) for the project.023Room-by-Room Master Equipment List (MEL)NTP + 60 calendar daysupdate as requiredThe Room-By- Room MEL identifies all items listed by room. The MEL shall include reuse when applicable. MEL shall be web-based during the project with MEL delivered on disc at project completion.027Warranty Management PlanNTP + 120 calendar daysupdate as requiredThe Warranty Management Plan describes the typical commercial warranties for FF&E items; the length of warranty remaining on Reuse items; and the expected warranty periods for newly purchased FF&E items.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month.026FF&E Change Management LogThe contractor shall track all FF&E changes from the base FF&E list provided as part of this task order.The change management log can be incorporated into the monthly report.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month.NTP + 30 calendar daysMonthly032Acquisition PlanNTP + 45 calendar daysupdate as requiredThe Project Acquisition Plan shall include a procurement package list (how the procurement packages should be organized), how many packages are anticipated to be needed, milestone dates to ensure the FF& E is available to meet the project schedule, and any identified associated risks and mitigation suggestions.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month.033Acquisition ScheduleNTP + 45 calendar daysupdate as requiredThe Acquisition Schedule shall identify the number of procurement packages by type, date needed to "procure by" to account for acquisition time as well as manufacturing lead time, planned installation date(s), and where each package is in the process. The schedule shall also identify the deadline to have the package in for government review prior to submission to contracting for acquisition.Contractor to provide (3) hard copies and post digital versions on the file sharing site. Digital copies shall be available to the VA as soon as an update is completed. Hard copies of updated versions to be submitted Monthly if any updates occur during that month. 037Contractor Furnished Equipment, software licenses and 4G connection 30 days after NTP; ODCsMonthlyIAW task order requirements under Section 7.8 ................

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