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| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 1 |Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the |Read to cite and distinguish explicit, inferential and uncertain evidence using |VU: Literary evidence, infer, uncertain|

|CCSS: RL.11.1 |text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including |adapted text, T-chart and L1 support. | |

|WIDA: 2 |determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Modals (would, could, might), |

| | | |compound tenses (would have been), |

| | | |elements of quotations |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |T-chart |T-chart |T-chart |T-chart | |

| |Phrase and sentences citations |Phrase and sentences citations |Word Bank | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work | | | |

| |Word and phrase citations |Word Bank | | | |

| |Word Bank | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 2 |Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their |Read to determine and summarize how themes develop to produce a complex account |VU: Interact, complex, build on, central |

|CCSS: RL.11.2 |development over the course of the text, including how they interact and |using adapted text, Cornell note taking sheet, visual representations, and L1 |idea |

|WIDA: 2 |build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective |support. | |

|Reading |summary of the text. | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Subject-verb agreement, clauses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Cornell note taking sheet ( partially|Cornell note taking sheet (partially |Cornell note taking sheet |Cornell note taking sheet | |

| |complete) |complete) |Word Bank | | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank | | | |

| |Word of phrase strips |Phrase or sentence strips | | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |Native Language Text |Native Language Text | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 3 |Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and |Read and analyze the impact of the author’s choices on the development of a |VU: Author’s choice |

|CCSS: RL.11.3 |relate elements of a story or drama (e.g. where a story is set, how the |drama using Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer, adapted text, and L1 support. | |

|WIDA: 2 |action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Complex sentences, conditional clauses|

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Cause/effect Graphic Organizer |Cause/effect Graphic Organizer |Cause/effect Graphic Organizer |Cause/effect Graphic Organizer | |

| |(partial) |(partial) |Word Bank | | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank | | | |

| |Phrase bank |Phrase bank | | | |

| |Native Language Text |Native Language Text | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 4 |Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, |Read to understand word and phrase meaning in literature and analyze the impact |VU: Similes, metaphors, hyperboles |

|CCSS: RL.11.4 WIDA |including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of |of word choice using a figurative language word wall, online support and student| |

|2 |specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple |created visual representations of word meanings. | |

|Reading |meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. | | |

|Speaking |(Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.) | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentence s with figurative language |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Online Resources (dictionaries, |Online Resources (dictionaries, |Online Resources (dictionaries, visuals, |Online Resources (dictionaries, |Online Resources (dictionaries, visuals, |

| |visuals, figurative language, |visuals, figurative language, bilingual)|figurative language, bilingual) |visuals, figurative |figurative language) |

| |bilingual) |Figurative language Word Wall |Figurative language Word Wall |language)Figurative language word | |

| |Figurative language Word Wall |L1 support | |wall | |

| |L1 support |Word and phrase citations | | | |

| |Word citations |Visuals | | | |

| |Visuals | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 5 |Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure specific parts |Read and discuss how an author decided to structure specific parts of the text |VU: Structural analysis, comedic, tragic |

|CCSS: RL.11.5 |of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to|to impact its overall meaning using a T-chart, word bank and Think Aloud. | |

|WIDA: 2 |provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure| | |

|Reading |and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact. | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Complex, compound sentences |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |T-chart (partial) |T-chart (partial) |T-chart |T-chart | |

| |Think Aloud |Think Aloud |Think Aloud |Think Aloud | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank |Word Bank |Adapted Text | |

| |Phrase bank |Phrase bank |Adapted Text | | |

| |Native Language Text |Native Language Text | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Visuals |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Adapted Text |Visuals | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Adapted Text | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 6 |Analyze a case in which grasping point of view requires distinguishing what|Read and analyze literature that requires the reader to distinguish what is |VU: Satire, sarcasm, irony, understatement, |

|CCSS: RL.11.6 |is directly stated in a text from what is really meant (e.g., satire, |directly stated from what is really meant using a reference sheet and visual |implicit and explicit meanings |

|WIDA: 2 |sarcasm, irony, or understatement.) |representations of the text. | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with subordinate clauses in |

| | | |compound, complex sentences |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Reference sheet for definitions and |Reference sheet for definitions and |Reference sheet for definitions and |Reference sheet for definitions and|Reference sheet for definitions and examples |

| |examples of satire, sarcasm, etc.(L1) |examples of satire, sarcasm, |examples of satire, sarcasm, irony, |examples of satire, sarcasm, irony,|of satire, sarcasm, irony, understatement |

| |Video Clips/Films |etc.(L1) |understatement |understatement | |

| |Dramatization with Manipulatives |Video Clips/Films |Video Clips/Films |Video Clips/Films | |

| |Teacher modeling |Dramatization with Manipulatives |Dramatization with Manipulatives | | |

| |L1 support |Teacher modeling | | | |

| | |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 7 |Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded|Compare and contrast multiple interpretations of a literary work using a Graphic|VU: Comparison, contrast |

|CCSS: RL.11.7 |or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry); evaluating how |Organizer (i.e. 3 rings Venn Diagram), L1 support, and/or adapted text. | |

|WIDA: 2 |each version interprets the source text. (Include at least one play by | | |

|Reading |Shakespeare and one play by an American dramatist.) | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Complex sentences, compound verb |

| | | |tenses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |Venn Diagram |

| |Recorded or live production |Recorded or live production |Recorded or live production |Recorded or live production |Recorded or live production |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Frames |Word Bank | | |

| |Native Language Text |Native Language Text | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 8 |By the end of grade 11, read and comprehend literature, including stories, |Read to comprehend a variety of literature in the grade 9-11 text complexity |VU: Specific to text |

|CCSS: RL.11.10 |dramas, and poems, in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band proficiently, |band using Graphic Organizers, L1 support and online resources. | |

|WIDA: 2 |with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Specific to text |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Online Resources Graphic Organizer|Online Resources |Online Resources |Online Resources Graphic Organizer | |

| |Word Bank |Graphic OrganizerWord Bank |Graphic Organizer | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support |Word Bank | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Frames |Template | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 9 |Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, |Read to understand and analyze the meanings of words and phrases as they are |VU: Multiple meanings of a key terms, |

|CCSS: RI.11.4 |including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an |used in an informational text using a Graphic Organizer (i.e. Vocabulary frame) |idioms, collocations, noun phrases |

|WIDA: 1-5 Reading |author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course |or technology support (Word sift). | |

|Speaking |of a text (e.g., how Madison defines faction in Federalist No. 10). | | |

| | | |LFC: Complex sentences, compound verb |

| | | |tenses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Online Resources (dictionaries, |Online Resources (dictionaries, |Online Resources (dictionaries, visuals, |Online Resources (Technology, |Online Resources (dictionaries, visuals, |

| |visuals, thesaurus, bilingual, word |visuals, bilingual, thesaurus, word |bilingual, thesaurus, word sift) |dictionaries, visuals, thesaurus, |thesaurus, word sift) |

| |sift) |sift) |Content based Word Wall |word sift) | |

| |Content based Word Wall |Content based Word Wall |Vocabulary frame | | |

| |Vocabulary frame |Vocabulary frame | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Word citations |Word and phrase citations | | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| |Cognates |Cognates | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 10 |Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using |Write to develop real or imagined experiences using sensory vocabulary to |VU: Sensory, details, vivid, events, |

|CCSS: W.11.3d |effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event |provide the reader with a vivid description using multiple reference materials. |setting, characters, thesaurus, synonym, |

|WIDA: 1-5 |sequences. | |antonym |

|Writing |d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to | | |

| |convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or | | |

| |characters. | | |

| | | |LFC: Descriptive adjectives, descriptive |

| | | |verbs, descriptive adverbs |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Multiple reference materials |Multiple reference materials (thesaurus,|Multiple reference materials (thesaurus, |Multiple reference materials | |

| |(thesaurus, Bilingual Dictionary, |Bilingual Dictionary, Online Resources )|Bilingual Dictionary, Graphic Organizer, |(thesaurus, Bilingual Dictionary, | |

| |Online Resources ) |Shared writing |Online Resources ) |Online Resources ) | |

| |Shared writing |Template |Shared writing | | |

| |Template |Sentence Frames |Template | | |

| |Cloze sentences |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support |Visuals | | | |

| |Visuals | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 11 |Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, |Produce clear and coherent writing, suitable for task, purpose, and audience |VU: Author’s purpose, audience, writing |

|CCSS: W.11.4 |and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific |using a Graphic Organizer (specific to task and purpose) and visuals. |tasks |

|WIDA: 1-5 |expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.) | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Language conventions and forms will |

| | | |vary depending on selected writing task |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer– partially |Graphic Organizer– partially completed |Graphic Organizer (appropriate to task) |Graphic Organizer (appropriate to |Online Resources |

| |completed (appropriate to task) |(appropriate to task) |Word Bank |task) | |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Online Resources |Online Resources | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Online Resources (Technology) |Online Resources (Technology) | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Frames | | | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 12 |Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update |Write to edit and publish individual and collaborative writing pieces using a |VU: Transitional words, word choice |

|CCSS: W.11.6 |individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, |checklist of steps. | |

|WIDA: 1-5 |including new arguments or information. | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Specific to writing task |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Checklist of publishing steps |Checklist of publishing steps |Checklist of publishing steps |Checklist of publishing steps | |

| |Word Bank |Sentences Starters |Online Resources |Partner Work | |

| |Partner Work |Partner Work |Partner Work | | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank |Word Bank | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 13 |Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, |Write routinely for specific time frames and for various purposes, tasks and |VU: Purpose, task, audience |

|CCSS: W.11.10 |and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) |audiences using Graphic Organizers (specific to time frame, purpose, task, and | |

|WIDA: 1-5 |for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. |audience). | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Specific to writing task |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer (specific to time |Graphic Organizer (specific to time |Graphic Organizer (specific to time frame,|Graphic Organizer (specific to time |Online Resources |

| |frame, purpose, task, audience) |frame, purpose, task, audience) |purpose, task, and audience) |frame, purpose, task, and audience) | |

| |L1 support |Sentence starters |Word Bank |Online Resources | |

| |Word Bank |L1 support |Online Resources | | |

| |Online Resources |Word Bank | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Online Resources | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 14 |Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative |Listen to and exchange ideas based on research findings relevant to the |VU: Refer, stimulate, probe |

|CCSS: SL.11.1a |discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners |discussion using a Graphic Organizer (e.g., main idea and supporting detail | |

|WIDA: 1-5 |on grades 11–12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and |and/or Cornell note taking sheet). | |

|Reading |expressing their own clearly and persuasively. | | |

|Speaking |a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under | | |

|Listening |study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from | | |

| |texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, | | |

| |well- reasoned exchange of ideas. | | |

| | | |LFC: Declarative sentences, interrogatives,|

| | | |prosodic features (e.g., stress) |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Graphic Organizer (partially |Graphic Organizer (partially completed) |Graphic Organizer (i.e. Cornell note |Graphic Organizer (i.e. Cornell note | |

| |completed) |Word Bank |taking sheet) |taking sheet) | |

| |Word Bank |Sentence Frames |Word Bank | | |

| |Cloze sentences |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 15 |Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear |Present information in a concise formal or informal oral report that has a |VU: Purpose, audience, task, appropriate, |

|CCSS: SL.11.4 |and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of |distinct perspective and addresses opposing perspectives using technology, notes|formal, informal, convey, perspective, |

|WIDA: 1-5 |reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the |and props. |distinct |

|Reading |organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,| | |

|Speaking |audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks. | | |

| | | |LCF:, Past and present tenses, modals, |

| | | |subject/verb agreement |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Powerpoint (Technology) |Powerpoint (Technology) |Powerpoint (Technology) |Powerpoint (Technology) |Powerpoint (Technology) |

| |Note cards |Note cards |Note cards |Note cards |Manipulatives |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Starters |Word Bank |Manipulatives | |

| |Visuals |Sentence Frames |Manipulatives | | |

| |Manipulatives |Visuals | | | |

| |Word Bank |Manipulatives | | | |

| |L1 support |Word Bank | | | |

| | |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 16 |Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of|Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by using a speaking rubric |VU: Transitional words, formal and informal|

|CCSS: SL.11.6 |formal English when indicated or appropriate. (See grades 11–12 Language |specific to task, word bank and props/realia. |language, idioms |

| |standards 1 and 3 on page 54 for specific expectations.) | | |

|WIDA: 1-5 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Past and present tenses, subject/verb |

| | | |agreement |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Speaking rubric |Speaking rubric |Speaking rubric |Speaking rubric specific to task. | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank |Manipulatives | | |

| |Manipulatives |Manipulatives |Word Bank | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Starters | | | |

| | |Sentence Framers | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 17 |Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and |Write and speak to demonstrate command of standard English grammar and usage |VU: General, specific and technical |

|CCSS: L.11.1.a.b. |usage when writing or speaking. |when writing or speaking at the respective ELP level by using multiple resources|language pertaining to grammar |

|WIDA: 2-5 |a. Apply the understanding that usage is a matter of convention, can change|(i.e., dictionaries, grammar reference books). | |

|Reading |over time, and is sometimes contested. | | |

|Speaking |b. Resolve issues of complex or contested usage, consulting references | | |

|Writing |(e.g., Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage, Garner’s Modern | | |

| |American Usage) as needed | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentence structure, modals, all verb |

| | | |tenses, grammar and syntax specific to |

| | | |purpose |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Multiple resources (i.e., |Multiple resources (i.e., dictionaries, |Multiple resources (i.e., dictionaries, |Multiple resources (i.e., | |

| |dictionaries, grammar reference |grammar reference sheets) |grammar reference sheets) |dictionaries, grammar reference | |

| |sheets) |Sentence starters/frames |Teacher model |books). | |

| |Cloze activity |L1 support | | | |

| |L1 support |Teacher model | | | |

| |Teacher model | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 18 |Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, |Write to apply standard English mechanics and conventions to the use of |VU: Capitalization, punctuation and |

|CCSS: L.11.2.a.b. |punctuation, and spelling when writing. |hyphenation conventions and spelling using technology (i.e., a word processing |spelling |

|WIDA: 2-5 |a. Observe hyphenation conventions. |program) and multiple resources (i.e., a dictionary). | |

|Writing |b. Spell correctly. | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentence structure, capitalization, |

| | | |punctuation |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Word Bank |Word Bank |Multiple resources |Multiple resources | |

| |Cloze sentences |Sentence Starters |Word processing program (Technology) |Word processing program (Technology) | |

| |Word processing program |Sentence Framers |Word Bank | | |

| |(Technology) |Word processing program (Technology) | | | |

| |Multiple resources |Multiple resources | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 19 |Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in |Explain how syntax impacts meaning, tone and style in text and oral lectures or |VU: Syntax |

|CCSS: L.11.3 |different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to |discourse using think alouds. | |

|WIDA: 2-5 |comprehend more fully when reading or listening. |Apply knowledge of syntax when speaking and writing using visual representations| |

|Reading |a. Vary syntax for effect, consulting references (e.g., Tufte’s Artful |and multiple resources. | |

|Speaking |Sentences) for guidance as needed; apply an understanding of syntax to the | | |

|Listening |study of complex texts when reading. | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with various applications of|

| | | |syntax |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Multiple resources (print and |Multiple resources (print and digital, |Multiple resources (print and digital) |Multiple resources (print and | |

| |digital, bilingual) |bilingual) |Word Bank |digital) | |

| |Word Bank |Word Bank |Reference sheets | | |

| |Reference sheets |Reference sheets | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Cloze activities |Sentence Framers | | | |

| |Teacher support |Sentence Starters | | | |

| | |Teacher support | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 20 |Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and |Use context clues and morphology in order to comprehend unfamiliar |VU: Multiple meaning words, academic word |

|CCSS: L.11.4.a.b. |phrases based on grades 11–12 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range|vocabulary using a reference sheet, word families and multiple resources. |list |

|WIDA: 2-5 |of strategies. | | |

|Reading |a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a | | |

|Speaking |word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or | | |

|Writing |phrase. | | |

| |b. Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different | | |

| |meanings or parts of speech (e.g., conceive, conception, conceivable). | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with context clues and words|

| | | |with similar morphological constructions |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Reference sheet on context clues |Reference sheet on context clues |Reference sheet on context clues |Reference sheet on context clues |Multiple resources (print and digital) |

| |Word families Poster |Word families Poster |Word families Poster |Multiple resources (print and | |

| |Multiple resources (print and digital, |Multiple resources (print and digital, |Multiple resources (print and |digital) | |

| |bilingual) |bilingual) |digital, bilingual) | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Cognates |Cognates | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 21 |Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and |Read to determine the meaning of figures of speech and nuances in words with |VU: Nuances, figures of speech, |

|CCSS: L.11.5.a.b. |nuances in word meanings. |different shades of meaning using context, visuals and reference materials. |connotation, hyperbole, paradox |

|WIDA: 2 |a. Interpret figures of speech (e.g., hyperbole, paradox) in context and | | |

|Reading |analyze their role in the text. | | |

|Speaking |b. Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations. | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentences with figurative language and|

| | | |words with similar denotations |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Reference materials (Bilingual |Reference materials (Bilingual |Reference materials (Bilingual Dictionary)|Reference materials (Bilingual |Reference materials (Bilingual Dictionary) |

| |Dictionary) |Dictionary) |Figures of speech reference sheet |Dictionary) | |

| |Figures of speech reference sheet |Figures of speech reference sheet |Paint strips/shades of meaning | | |

| |Paint strips/shades of meaning |Paint strips/shades of meaning | | | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Cognates |Cognates | | | |

| |Visuals |Visuals | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 22 |Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and |Read and listen in order to speak and write with grade-level general, academic |VU: General, academic and domain specific |

|CCSS: L.11.6 |phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the |and domain-specific words using multiple resources (i.e., thesaurus, |words |

|WIDA: 2,3,4,5 |college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering |dictionaries). | |

|Reading |vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to | | |

|Speaking |comprehension or expression. | | |

| | | |LFC: Sentence structure at ELP level |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Multiple resources (print and |Multiple resources (print and digital, |Multiple resources (print and digital, |Multiple resources (print and | |

| |digital, Bilingual Dictionary) |Bilingual Dictionary) |Bilingual Dictionary) |digital, Bilingual Dictionary) | |

| |L1support |Sentence Starters | | | |

| |Cognates |Sentence Framers | | | |

| |Visuals |L1 support | | | |

| |Cloze sentences |Cognates | | | |

| |Word/phrase cards |Visuals | | | |


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