Sample Assignment Template - Ashley Smith's Online Work ...


Assignment front sheet

|Qualification |Unit number and title |

|Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Creative Media Production |Unit 49: 3D Computer Game Engines |

|Student name |Assessor name |

| |Chris Gray |

|Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on |

|w/c 23rd September 2013 |17th January 2014 | |

| | |

|Assignment title |3D Interactive Game Concepts and Functionality |

|LO | |Assessment |In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present |Task no. | |

| |Learning Outcome |Criteria |evidence that shows you are able to: | |Evidence |

| | | | | |(Page no) |

|LO1 |Understand the relationships between 3D |1.1 |Explain how 3D elements can relate to one another in a computer |1 | |

| |computer game elements | |game | | |

|LO2 |Be able to implement points of view in |2.1 |Use cameras from 3D game engines to implement points of view in a|2 | |

| |computer games using cameras from 3D | |computer game justifying decisions made in terms of the game’s | | |

| |game engines | |genre | | |

| | | | | | |

|LO3 |Be able to implement control systems in |3.1 |Implement a system of input for controlling a computer game |3 | |

| |computer games using input devices via | |working to a standard acceptable to an employer or client | | |

| |3D game engines | | | | |

|LO4 |Be able to produce playable mods based |4.1 |Produce a playable mod for a gameplay genre using a 3D game |4 | |

| |on gameplay genres using 3D game engines| |engine, working to a standard acceptable to an employer or client| | |

|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. |

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|Student signature: Date: |

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|In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades |

| | | |

|Grade Descriptor |Indicative characteristic/s |Contextualisation |

|M1 Identify and apply strategies to find |An effective approach to study and research has been applied. |To achieve M1 you must identify a range of appropriate static and dynamic 3D elements and explain the relationships of |

|appropriate solutions | |different game elements to one another. (Task 1) |

|M2 Select / design and apply appropriate |The selection of methods and techniques/ sources has been applied and|To achieve M2 you must prove that you know how to effectively employ cameras from 3D game engines to implement points of|

|methods / techniques |justified. |view in a computer game. Justification must also be made for the choices made. (Task 2) |

|M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings|An appropriate structure and approach has been used (in the control |To achieve M3 you must apply an appropriate and structured approach to the implementation of the system of input for |

| |systems implementation). |controlling a computer game working to a good standard acceptable to an employer or client. (Task 3) |

| |A coherent, logical development of principles/concepts has been |To achieve M3 you must develop a playable mod for a gameplay genre using a 3D game engine, working to a good standard |

| |employed or the intended audience. |acceptable to an employer or client. (Task 4) |

|D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work|Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have |To achieve D1 you must fully justify your findings. (Task 1) |

|and justify valid conclusions |been justified. | |

|D2 Take responsibility for managing and |Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been managed |To achieve D2 you will take responsibility for implementing effective camera points of view from 3D game engines in a |

|organising activities |and organised. |computer game. You must ensure that you manage and organise your planning effectively. (Task 2) |

| |Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated. |To achieve D3 you must work independently during the production of a playable mod, working to a high standard acceptable|

| | |to a client. (Task 4) |

|D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative |Innovation and creative thought have been applied. |To achieve D3 you must be able to demonstrate that you have applied innovative and creative thought to your |

|thinking | |implementation of the system of input for controlling a computer game to a high standard acceptable to a client. (Task |

| | |4) |

|Assignment brief |

|Unit number and title |Unit 49: 3D Computer Game Engines |

|Qualification |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Creative Media Production |

|Start date |W/C 23rd September 2013 |

|Deadline/hand-in |W/C 17th January 2014 |

|Assessor |Chris Gray |

| |

|Assignment title |3D Interactive Game Concepts and Functionality |

|Purpose of this assignment |

|This unit aims to develop your understanding of computer game engines, and provide you with the skills needed to use them when developing a new game. |

|Scenario |

|The Sales Concept Team at your games company has approached a leading media company and proposed to them that they could use a game to encourage new customers |

|to use their services. This “link bait” method is intended to entice an entirely new and untapped audience onto the potential client’s website with the aim of |

|introducing them to their products and services. |

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|The target media company has shown an initial interest but understandably want to know what they’d be getting for their money. It’s your job to produce a sample|

|playable mod for a gameplay genre using a 3D game engine, designed to convert the prospective client into a paying customer. |

|Task 1: (LO 1: 1.1 and M1, D1) DATE FOR SUBMISSION: 11th October 2013 |

|To understand the relationships between 3D computer game elements you must describe how static and dynamic 3D elements relate to one another in a computer game.|

|This should take the form of a written report, which may be supported by an accompanying slideshow. You must keep all of your research notes and records and |

|must use a range of sources for your research. |

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|The topics you must cover to show that you understand the relationships between 3D computer game elements include, but are not limited to: |

|Dynamic elements: animated 3D meshes, eg non-player characters, foliage, background props, physics-enabled geometry; entities, eg items the player can pick up, |

|waypoints for artificial intelligence pathfinding, information used to initialise the game; dynamic lights (point lights, spot lights, directional lights); |

|trigger objects; invisible volumetric objects that control gameplay, eg water volumes, fog volumes, blocking meshes |

|Static elements: visible 3D models, eg environmental architecture, foliage; background objects, eg skyboxes; lightmapping; constructive solid geometry (convex |

|geometry, concave geometry) |

|Relationships between game elements: game rules; balancing gameplay; ending conditions (victory, loss); feedback (positive, negative) |

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|In order to achieve M1 you must identify the most appropriate static and dynamic 3D elements and explain the relationships of different game elements to one |

|another. |

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|To achieve D1 you must fully justify your findings by way of fully sourced and respected references. |

|Task 2: (LO 2: 2.1 and M2, D2) DATE FOR SUBMISSION: 15th November 2013 |

|You must be able to use cameras from 3D game engines to implement points of view in a computer game to produce example real-time (in-game) video clips. You must|

|ensure that your choices demonstrate different virtual camera parameters, are justified in terms of the game’s genre (this may be inferred by quality of clip) |

|or by means of annotated storyboards. |

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|To demonstrate that you are able to implement points of view in computer games using cameras from 3D game engines you must include the following in your video |

|clips: |

|Point of view: first-person, eg Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, Mirror's Edge; third-person, eg Oni, Tomb Raider, Shadow Of The Colossus, Okami; |

|context-sensitive, eg Alone In The Dark, Resident Evil, Broken Sword 3; aerial point of view, eg Rome: Total War, Myth |

|Virtual camera parameters: field of view; orthographic projection; clipping planes (near clip, far clip); transforms (position, rotation); interactive movement |

| |

|To achieve M2 you must effectively employ the cameras to a high standard, and justify the choices made. This may not be inferred, but rather must be recorded, |

|perhaps by means of annotated storyboards. |

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|To achieve D2 you will take the responsibility for implementing effective camera points by producing intuitive planning materials. |

|Task 3: (LO 3: 3.1 and M3, D3) DATE FOR SUBMISSION: 13th December 2013 |

|You will produce different types of input device for controlling a computer game. This will demonstrate the relationships between input devices and the virtual |

|3D world and the relationships between input devices and cameras. These controllers may be via keyboard, mouse or some other medium, must be evident within a |

|submitted level and must be accompanied by some form of instructional material. You must work to a standard acceptable to an employer or client. |

| |

|Evidence to show that you are able to implement control systems in computer games using input devices via 3D game engines |

|Input devices: implementation of PC devices, eg keyboard, mouse; understanding of console controllers, eg Sony Playstation controller, Nintendo Wii remote; |

|understanding of handheld device inputs, eg Apple iPhone, Nintendo DS |

|Relationships between input devices and virtual 3D world: controls to manipulate objects in the world, eg interacting with doors to open them, keyboard movement|

|for player character; controls to cue events, eg cutscene animations |

|Relationships between input devices and cameras: navigation of 3D environments; control of player's point of view |

| |

|To achieve M3 you must apply an appropriate and structured approach to this implementation by means of some form of structured planning materials. |

| |

|To achieve D3 you must be able to demonstrate that you have applied innovative and creative thought to your implementation by means of detailed, structured |

|planning materials. |

|Task 4: (LO 4: 4.1 and M3, D3) DATE FOR SUBMISSION: 17th January 2014 |

|You will develop a sample playable mod for a gameplay genre using a 3D game engine, working to a standard acceptable to an employer or client. This application |

|must then be fully demonstrated during an informal presentation. |

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|To complete this task, you must show that you are able to export 3D models for use in computer game engines by using one or more of the following examples: |

|Export: model properties, eg mesh, up-vector, animation, morphs, skins, material data, UV coordinates; file formats, eg .obj, .dxf, .fbx; game engines |

|requirements |

|Mods: gameplay modification, eg creation of new ‘capture the flag’ levels in Unreal Engine 3, new Team Fortress ‘control point’ levels in Source Engine |

|Gameplay genres: platformer; puzzle; construction and management; massively multiplayer role-playing games |

|3D Game Engines: appropriate use of level editing software, eg Unreal Development Kit, Source Engine, CryEngine, Unity3D; gameplay scripting; game logic; |

|sequenced events |

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|To achieve M3 the playable must be produced to a good standard acceptable to an employer or client. Well structured planning work will also help to improve your|

|grade. |

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|To achieve D3 you must work independently working to a high standard acceptable to a client. |

|Evidence checklist |Summary of evidence required by student |Evidence presented |

|Task 1 |A written report with justification of findings, | |

| |A supporting slideshow, | |

| |A log of research notes and records | |

|Task 2 |Effective employment of cameras in the form of camera clips, | |

| |Justification of choices made (inferred, annotated storyboards, | |

| |Intuitive planning materials | |

|Task 3 |Different types of example control functionality (game files), | |

| |Structured planning materials | |

|Task 4 |Sample playable mod (game files), | |

| |A filmed informal presentation, | |

| |Accompanying planning materials | |

Achievement Summary

| |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Creative Media | |Chris Gray |

|Qualification |Production |Assessor name | |

| |Unit 49: 3D Computer Game Engines | | |

|Unit Number and title | |Student name | |

| |

|Criteria Reference |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: |Achieved? |

| | |(tick) |

|LO 1 | | |

|1.1 |Explain how 3D elements can relate to one another in a computer game | |

|LO 2 | | |

|2.1 |Use cameras from 3D game engines to implement points of view in a computer game | |

|LO 3 | | |

|3.1 |Justify decisions made in terms of the game’s genre | |

|LO 4 | | |

|4.1 |Implement a system of input for controlling a computer game working to a standard acceptable to an | |

| |employer or client | |

| |

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|Higher Grade achievements (where applicable) |

| | | | |

|Grade descriptor |Achieved? |Grade descriptor |Achieved? |

| |(tick) | |(tick) |

|M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions | |D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and | |

| | |justify valid conclusions | |

|M2: Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques | |D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising | |

| | |activities | |

|M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings | |D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking | |

|M4: Present and communicate appropriate findings | |D4: Take responsibility for managing and organising | |

| | |activities | |

Assignment Feedback

|Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student |

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|Action Plan |

|Summative feedback |

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|Feedback: Student to Assessor |

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|Assessor signature | |Date | |

| | | | |

|Student signature | |Date | |



|Award |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Creative Media Production |

|Unit |Unit 49: 3D Computer Game Engines |

|Assessor | |


|Are accurate programme details shown? |y | |

|Are accurate unit details shown? |y | |

|Are clear deadlines for assessment given? |y | |

|Is this assignment for whole or part of a unit? |w | |

|Are the Assessment and Grading Criteria to be addressed |y | |

|listed? | | |

|Does each task show which criteria are being addressed? |n |Some changes will need to be made please see comments |

|Are these criteria actually addressed by the tasks? |n |Please see notes |

|Is it clear what evidence the learner needs to generate? |n |Please see notes |

|Are the activities appropriate? |y | |

|Is there a scenario or vocational context? |y | |

|Is the language and presentation appropriate? |y | |

|Is the timescale for the assignment appropriate? |y | |

|Overall, is the assignment fit for purpose? |n |Please see comment s |

|*If ‘No’ is recorded and the Internal Verifier recommends remedial action before the brief is issued, the Assessor and the Internal Verifier |

|should confirm that the action has been undertaken |

|Internal Verifier |Martin McCourt |Date |10th October 2013 |

|Lead Internal Verifier (if | |Date | |

|required) | | | |


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