Sample Assignment Template - Ashley Smith's Online Work ...

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Assignment front sheet

|Qualification |Unit number and title |

|Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Creative Media Production |Unit 73 3D Character Animation for Computer Games (D/601/8437) |

|Student name |Assessor name |

| |Shane Whittington |

|Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on |

|31/1/14 |W/C 23/5/14 | |

| | |

|Assignment title |‘Current Gen Remake’ |

|Learning Outcome | |AC |In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present |Task no. | |

| |Learning Outcome | |evidence that shows you are able to: | |Evidence |

| | | | | |Presented |

|LO 1 |Understand the characteristics and |1.1 |explain the characteristics of human and animal forms |1 | |

| |anatomy of human and animal forms | | | | |

| | |1.2 |explain the anatomy of human and animal forms |1 | |

|LO 2 |Be able to plan 3D animated |2.1 |develop imaginative ideas for a 3D animated character for a |2 | |

| |characters for computer games | |computer game | | |

| | |2.2 |complete all pre-production work for a 3D animated character for|2 | |

| | | |a computer game working to a standard acceptable to an employer | | |

| | | |or client | | |

|LO 3 |Be able to create 3D animated |3.1 |complete a 3D character animation for a computer game |3 | |

| |characters for computer games | |working to a standard acceptable to an employer or | | |

| | | |client | | |

|LO 4 |Be able to reflect on own 3D |4.1 |critically evaluate own finished 3D character animation against |4 | |

| |character animation work | |agreed criteria and make recommendations for improvements | | |

| | |4.2 |critically evaluate own production skills against agreed |4 | |

| | | |criteria and make recommendations for improvements. | | |

|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. |

| |

| |

|Student signature: Date: |

| |

|In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades |

| | | |

|Grade Descriptor |Indicative characteristic/s |Contextualisation |

|M1 Identify and apply strategies to find |An effective approach to study and research has been applied. |To achieve M1 you must identify and evidence the use of a range of appropriate research methods and strategies to allow |

|appropriate solutions | |you explain the characteristics and anatomy of human and animal forms. (Task 1) |

|M2 Select / design and apply appropriate |A range of methods and techniques has been applied |To achieve M2 you must apply a range of appropriate methods and techniques in the production of your 3D animation. (Task|

|methods / techniques | |3) |

|M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings|An appropriate structure and approach has been used (in the |To achieve M3 you must use an appropriate and structured approach to the presentation of your work. You should use |

| |presentation and communication of your findings). |appropriate technical language. Your portfolio should be neat and well organised. (Task 2) |

| | | |

| | | |

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|D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work|Self criticism of approach has taken place. |To achieve D1 you must critically evaluate your work and draw conclusions. You must be critical of your 3D animation and|

|and justify valid conclusions | |suggest ways in which it could have been improved. You should compare your final animation to your original intentions. |

| | |(Task 4) |

|D2 Take responsibility for managing and |Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been managed |To achieve D2 you will demonstrate that you have taken responsibility for planning and creating your 3D animation. This |

|organising activities |and organised. |can be done through your presentation of work and your planning portfolio. (Task 2) |

|D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative |Innovation and creative thought have been applied. |To achieve D3 you must be able to demonstrate that you have applied innovative and creative thought to the animation |

|thinking | |that you have created. You will have considered the needs of the client and the audience and demonstrated your |

| | |creativity throughout the animation process. (Task 3) |

|Assignment brief |

|Unit number and title |Unit 73 3D Character Animation for Computer Games (D/601/8437) |

|Qualification |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Creative Media Production |

|Start date |31/1/14 |

|Deadline/hand-in |23/5/14 |

|Assessor |Shane Whittington |

| |

|Assignment title |‘Current Gen Remake’ |

|Purpose of this assignment |

|This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding of and skills in character animation for computer games to the standard required to work in the computer games|

|industry. |

|Scenario |

|You are working as part of a small development team which has been tasked with remaking a game from the 5th console generation or earlier. |

| |

|You have been asked to remake one of the most famous scenes from you chosen game for current generation platforms. You should show your creativity when planning|

|your animation as you have the freedom to make as many changes as you feel are necessary. |

| |

|Your animation should be at least 30 seconds in duration and should be submitted in an appropriate format and should include a soundtrack. |

|Task 1 (LO1: 1.1, 1.2 and M1) – Deadline: 17th February 2014 |

|Individually you will explain the characteristics and anatomy of human and animal forms. You must consider; |

| |

|Characteristics: size and shape; movement; skin; hair; fur; feathers; facial features; sex; gender |

|Anatomy: skeleton; musculature; lever systems, cardiorespiratory |

| |

|In order to achieve this you will research and analyse the different aspects of human and animals, including real examples as well as characters. You will |

|submit your explanation of the characteristics and anatomy of human and animal forms in an appropriate format. This could be written, online, a presentation or |

|video or any other format that will effectively communicate your understanding. It is expected that you will include a range of examples to support your |

|explanations. |

| |

|To achieve M1 you must identify and evidence the use of a range of appropriate research methods and strategies to allow you explain the characteristics and |

|anatomy of human and animal forms. |

|Task 2 (LO2: 2.1, 2.2 and M3, D2) – Deadline 24th March 2014 |

|You must develop imaginative ideas for a 3D animated character for a computer game and develop all pre-production work for this character to a standard |

|acceptable to an employer or client. You will produce a pre-production portfolio which will include evidence of: |

| |

|Plan: ideas; content; style |

|Develop ideas: proposals; treatments; mood boards |

|Pre-production: scripts; storyboards; gathering materials, eg textures, images, sound effects, music; scheduling |

| |

|You should show thorough development of your ideas and your pre-production portfolio should be detailed and complete. |

| |

|To achieve M3 you must use an appropriate and structured approach to the presentation of your work. You should use appropriate technical language. Your |

|portfolio should be neat and well organised. |

| |

|To achieve D2 you will demonstrate that you have taken responsibility for planning and creating your 3D animation. This can be done through your presentation of|

|work and your planning portfolio. |

|Task 3 (LO3: 3.1 and M2, D3) – Deadline 28th April 2014 |

|You must complete your 3D character animation working to a standard acceptable to an employer of client. |

| |

|Working to the plan you created for task 2 you will now create your 3D animated sequence. Your completed animation should show consideration of; |

| |

|Characters: humans; animals; fantasy creatures; conveying character, eg role, social status, |

|personality, emotion, moods, posture, gait, facial expressions, voice, noises |

|Techniques: 12 principles of animation (timing, squash and stretch, anticipation, staging, straight ahead action and pose to pose, follow through and |

|overlapping action, slow in and slow out, arching, secondary action, exaggeration, solid drawing, appeal); software eg 3DS Max, Maya, Lightwave, Blender |

|Technical considerations: file formats; compression; output; audio; frame rates |

|Production: 3D animation, eg movements, actions, facial expressions; sound and music dubs; lip sync; lighting; texturing; appropriate file formats |

|Post-production: editing, eg rough cut, final edit; effects, eg sound, graphics, transitions; rendering; exporting, eg file type, file size |

| |

|You must present your completed animation to your client and peers as well as preparing and delivering a talk on how the animation was created. |

| |

|To achieve M2 you must demonstrate the use of a range of animation methods and techniques in your project. You must explain and justify your use of these |

|methods as you present your work. |

| |

|To achieve D3 you must be able to demonstrate that you have applied innovative and creative thought to the animation that you have created. You will have |

|considered the needs of the client and the audience and demonstrated your creativity throughout the animation process. |

|Task 4 (LO4: 4.1, 4.2 and D1) – Deadline 12th May 2014 |

|You must critically evaluate your own finished 3D character animation against agreed criteria and make recommendations for improvements. You must also |

|critically evaluate your own production skills and make recommendations for improvements. Within your critical evaluation you should consider; |

| |

|Finished animation: technical quality; aesthetic quality; fitness for purpose; audience and peer review |

|Skills: technical; creative; achievement of objectives; teamworking; own contribution |

| |

|You must decide upon an appropriate format for your critical review (eg. Written, making of documentary, presentation) but you must ensure that you include a |

|range of examples to support your points as well as comparing to your original intentions. |

| |

|To achieve D1 you must critically evaluate your work and draw conclusions. You must be critical of your completed animation and suggest ways in which it could |

|be improved. You should compare your final animation with your initial intentions. |

|Evidence checklist |Summary of evidence required by student |Evidence presented |

|Task 1 |Agreed format for evidence of explanations of the characteristics and anatomy of human and animal forms. | |

|Task 2 |Preproduction portfolio. | |

|Task 3 |Completed animation on disc as a video file | |

| |Completed project files | |

| |Print outs of any resources used in the presentation of work and talk on how it was created. | |

| |Video evidence of talk on creation of project. | |

|Task 4 |Critical review in agreed format | |

Achievement Summary

| |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Creative Media | | |

|Qualification |Production |Assessor name |Shane Whittington |

| |Unit 73 3D Character Animation for Computer Games | | |

|Unit Number and title | |Student name | |

| |

|Criteria Reference |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: |Achieved? |

| | |(tick) |

|LO1 | | |

|1.1 |explain the characteristics of human and animal forms | |

|1.2 |explain the anatomy of human and animal forms | |

|LO2 | | |

|2.1 |develop imaginative ideas for a 3D animated character for a computer game | |

|2.2 |complete all pre-production work for a 3D animated character for a computer game working to a standard | |

| |acceptable to an employer or client | |

|LO3 | | |

|3.1 |complete a 3D character animation for a computer game working to a standard acceptable to an employer or | |

| |client | |

|LO4 | | |

|4.1 |critically evaluate own finished 3D character animation against agreed criteria and make recommendations | |

| |for improvements | |

|4.2 |critically evaluate own production skills against agreed criteria and make recommendations for | |

| |improvements. | |

| |

| |

|Higher Grade achievements (where applicable) |

| | | | |

|Grade descriptor |Achieved? |Grade descriptor |Achieved? |

| |(tick) | |(tick) |

|M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions | |D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and | |

| | |justify valid conclusions | |

|M2: Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques | |D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising | |

| | |activities | |

|M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings | |D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking | |


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