Algebra 2 Syllabus

Mathematical Applications within Engineering Syllabus



Teacher:  Stephanie Chen  Tutorials: M-F SSEP and Lunch

Email: schen2@ Before and After school with prior notice

Assignment Submission Only: chen.cvhs.math@

Course Outline: 

Linear Algebra – Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

3D Optimization

Ordinary Differential Equations

Laplace Transforms

Design and Analysis of Dynamical Systems

Miscellaneous topics

Other skills you should gain/improve upon:

Problem Solving Skills

Critical Thinking Abilities

Textbook: There is no textbook for this class, so good note-taking is important.

Supplies: Binder or notebook, pencils, and access to a graphing calculator at home



90% of your grade will be based on your work on comprehensive tests, quizzes, projects, and other graded assignments. These grades are on a point-based system. Your grade will be calculated by the points you earned divided by the total points available. The other 10% will be Homework and Classwork. Partial credit can be earned by showing work on graded problems.

Tests: There will be a test at the end of each unit. Tests will be composed of free response questions (not multiple choice). If a student has an excused absence on the day of a test, the student must make contact with me upon their return, and must make up the test within three days of return. Failure to make up a test will result in a 0 grade.

Projects/Labs: Students will complete numerous labs/projects each cycle. Students will typically have at least one week to complete their project and at least half a week to complete labs. If one day late, projects/labs will receive a maximum of 70%; if two day, max of 50%; on the third day, no credit will be awarded.

Quizzes: There will be a weekly quiz on the content of the weekly homework. Quiz points will be stated on the quiz. If a student has an excused absence on the day of a quiz, s/he is expected to make contact with the teacher as soon as s/he returns and make up the quiz within two days of return.

Homework: There will be approximately weekly homework that will be graded for accuracy. The student is expected to show the work on his/her homework in order to receive credit. Late homework is not accepted.



A: 90-100%

B:  89-80%

C:  79-75%

D:  74-70%

F:  below 70%

Retake Policy: Following the Carnegie retake policy, students may retake up to 2 in-class assessments each cycle. Students may retake tests or quizzes, but may not retake homework debriefs, projects, or other take-home assignments. Retakes may only be requested on grades below 70, and the maximum score that can be attained on a retake is a 70. The higher grade between the original and the retake will be counted. The student must request the retake within 24 hours of the grade being posted, and must complete the retake within 7 days of the posting. To request a retake, please fill out the retake form posted on your teacher’s website.

Participation Policy:  Regular attendance with active participation and a positive attitude is necessary to successfully complete this course. You are responsible for your understanding of the material. If you do not understand something, you are expected to ask questions or seek extra help.

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