PoS Element - Amazon S3

|Key: Normal text: LNF Statement Area of Learning Skill ϖ Extended skills |

|Strand / |PoS Objective | |NRICH |PoS Objective |NRICH | |NRICH |

|PoS Element | | |Resources | |Resources |PoS Objective |Resources |

|Using Number Skills |Compare and order numbers to at least| |Robot Monsters P * |Demonstrate an understanding of |Snail One Hundred G * |Use number facts within 10, | |

| |20. | |All Change I * |place value, e.g. one 10 and four| |i.e. doubling and halving, e.g.| |

|Use number facts and | | | |units equal 14 up to at least 20.| |4 + 4; bonds of 10, e.g. 6 + 4.| |

|relationships | | | |ϖ | | | |

|Using Number Skills |Recall doubles and near doubles up to| | |Recognise odd and even numbers up|Even and Odd P * |Count in 2s, 10s and 5s to 100.|Biscuit Decorations P * |

|Use number facts and |10. ϖ | | |to 20. ϖ | |ϖ |Grouping Goodies P *** |

|relationships | | | | | | | |

|Using Number Skills |Use ordinal numbers to 20 in | |Queue P ** |Read and write number words to | | | |

| |practical situations. ϖ | | |10. ϖ | | | |

|Use number facts and | | | | | | | |

|relationships | | | | | | | |

|Using Number Skills |Find halves in practical situations | |Fair Feast P * |Recall halves up to 10. ϖ | | | |

|Fractions, decimals, | | |Halving I ** | | | | |

|percentages | | | | | | | |

|and ratio | | | | | | | |

|Strand / |PoS Objective | |NRICH |PoS Objective |NRICH | |NRICH |

|PoS Element | | |Resources | |Resources |PoS Objective |Resources |

|Using Number Skills |Use a range of strategies to mentally| |One Big Triangle |Solve one –step problems that |Sort Them Out (1) P * |Use known facts to solve simple| |

|Calculate using mental |solve problems within 10. ϖ’ | |P * |involve addition and subtraction,|Butterfly Flowers P * |problems within 10 e.g. | |

|and written methods | | |Pairs of Numbers |including missing number |Lots of Biscuits! |doubling and halving, number | |

| | | |P * |problems, e.g. 7+(=9, using |P * |bonds. ϖ | |

| | | |Weighted Numbers P * |concrete objects and pictorial |Share Bears I * | | |

| | | | |representations. ϖ | | | |

|Using Number Skills |Make a sensible estimate of a number | |Count the Crayons |Make a sensible estimate of |Bottles (1) I * | | |

|Estimate and check |of objects that can be checked by | |I * |measurement in length, height, | | | |

| |counting. | | |weight and capacity that can be | | | |

| | | | |checked using non-standard | | | |

| | | | |measures. ϖ | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Strand / |PoS Objective | |NRICH |PoS Objective |NRICH | |NRICH |

|PoS Element | | |Resources | |Resources |PoS Objective |Resources |

|Using Measuring Skills |Use non-standard units to measure: | |Wallpaper P ** | |NRICH (EY): Presents |Use non-standard units to |Bottles (2) I * |

|Length, weight/mass, |- length, height and distance. | |Sizing Them Up P * |Use non-standard units to measure| |measure capacity. | |

|capacity | | |The Animals’ Sports Day P * |weight / mass. | | | |

| | | |How Tall? P * | | | | |

| | | |Can You Do it Too? I ** | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Using Measuring Skills |Use the concept of time in terms of | |Times of Day P * |Understand and order the days of |Snap G * |Use standard units of time to | |

| |their daily and Wkly activities and | | |the Wk, the months and seasons of| |read ‘o’clock’ using both | |

|Time |the seasons of the year. | | |the year in meaningful contexts. | |analogue and 12-hour digital | |

| | | | |ϖ | |clocks. | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Using Measuring Skills |Use descriptive words for a range of | | |Make whole turns and half turns. |Turning I * |Describe position, direction |Tangram Tangle |

|Temperature |temperatures, e.g. cooler/warmer | | | | |and movement. ϖ |P *** |

|Area and volume, Angle | | | | | | |Olympic Rings I ** |

|and position | | | | | | |2 Rings I ** |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Strand / |PoS Objective | |NRICH |PoS Objective |NRICH | |NRICH |

|PoS Element | | |Resources | |Resources |PoS Objective |Resources |

|Using Data Skills |Sort and classify objects using more | | |Collect information by voting or | |Make lists and tables based on | |

| |than one criterion. | | |sorting and represent it in | |data collected. | |

|Collect and record data | | | |pictures, objects or drawings. | | | |

|Present and analyse data| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Interpret results | | | | | | | |

|Pattern |Demonstrate an understanding of | |Repeating Patterns I * | | | | |

| |repeating patterns, including shape | | | | | | |

| |and number, by describing, | | | | | | |

| |reproducing and extending. | | | | | | |


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