Chemistry Creative Compound Project

Chemistry Creative Compound Project DUE: 11/5/14

The main purpose of this project is to show what you know about how chemical bonds form at the atomic level by making models. You will create a model of a compound created by either a covalent or ionic bond. Try to be creative with the materials you choose to show the atoms. (Try not to spend money to buy materials… be creative with everyday objects that make good models.)

The project could be free-standing, hanging, or on a poster board. Keep the size as small as possible while including all the information. Your project will show the compound at the atomic level and also explain how the atoms bonded.

This is also a research project. You also need to include the properties, uses, and interesting facts about the compound from at least three agreeing sources. You must cite your sources correctly (include bibliography information by using your planner or the citation maker online). Sources may include: websites, encyclopedias, textbooks, other reference books, etc. It is recommended that you use links from the RMS library page, the SEHS library page, or Lauren’s blog.

Groups: You may work alone or with one or two maximum partners.

Learning Targets Scoring Guide:

| |

|I can present arguments based on evidence. (In this case, the evidence will be from scientifically valid and correctly cited research.) |

|I can describe and model ionic/covalent bonds/metallic. (You will be choosing one of these types of bonds.) |

This will be mostly a group grade. See reverse for specific requirements

CHECKLIST OF WHAT TO INCLUDE – bold are required for sure- the rest are if possible: (You may find that not all information is available for all compounds. Be selective and choose interesting information.)

❑ Common or other names for the compound

❑ Origin of compound name

❑ Chemical formula

❑ Molecular model (prefer a 3-D look)

❑ Type of bonding

❑ Picture

❑ Historical background - discovery of the compound – who and how?

❑ Interesting or unusual past uses

❑ Uses and importance

❑ How is the compound obtained, made, synthesized, etc.

❑ Melting point

❑ Boiling point

❑ Density

❑ Other physical properties

❑ Chemical properties and/or reaction tendencies

❑ Find some bizarre fact about your compound - something you believe is unique and relatively unknown by the general population.

❑ Name & class period somewhere on it.

AND CITE SOURCES USING APA OR MLA FORMAT (citation maker online is great for this)


Be mindful of copyright laws. Bottom line - do not present the work of others as your own. Remember that graphics should be accurately documented too.

• Keep a running list of books, web sites, etc. that you use as resources for your bibliography. Trying to remember a website that you accessed three weeks before will be difficult.

• Avoid a random list of undeveloped "facts". A few well-developed ideas is preferable to a paragraph that mentions 100 uses of the compound, but does not explain any of them. Telling the reader that the compound is "used in medicine" or is "used in farming" is essentially worthless unless you explore how and why the compound is used for these purposes. Develop the ideas - don't leave them vague!

• Focus on what makes your compound interesting or unusual. Personalize your brochure. Don't include properties when you don't know what they are (e.g. dipole moment).


Possible Compound List (these are suggestions- you may choose others):

potassium chloride

lithium chloride

carbon monoxide

nitrogen gas

sulfur dioxide

sodium sulfide

sodium chloride


oxygen gas

hydrogen fluoride

calcium bromide



calcium chloride



hydrogen peroxide


carbon tetrachloride


magnesium oxide

potassium iodide

sodium carbonate

Potassium bromide

sodium bromide

sodium floride

dinitrogen pentoxide




chlorine gas

aluminum chloride



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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