University of North Florida

College of Education and Human ServicesFaculty Assembly MinutesFriday, April 3, 2015Room 1100A, 12:15 pmPresent: Carolyne Ali-Khan, Stacy Boote, Luciana Braga, Terry Cavanaugh, Richard Chant, Kim Cheek, Luke Cornelius, Jeff Cornett, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick Eastham, Francis Godwyll, Wanda Hedrick, Warren Hodge, Jan Humphrey, Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, Marsha Lupi, Cathy O’Farrell, Melissa Omeechevarria, John Ouyang, Karen Patterson, Debbie Reed, Phillip Riner, Otilia Salmon, Elinor Scheirer, Megan Schramm-Possinger, Rebecca Schumacher, Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Sherry Shaw, Nile Stanley, Carolyn Stone, Michael Stultz, Kristi Sweeney, Madalina Tanase, Kristine Webb, Christine Weber, Dawn Wessling, Hope Wilson, and Brian Zoellner.Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:20 pm. Approval of the Minutes: The minutes of the March 6, 2015 meeting were approved as submitted.Classroom Technology: Special guest, Gordon Rakita, Director of Academic Technology, reviewed the following technology issues: ????????? I: Drive storage????????? Remote Desktop(s)????????? VLABDan Dinsmore will give Gordon’s handouts/instructions to Deirdre and she will forward them to faculty. You can request an increase in storage space under Manage my UNF ID in myWings. Announcements: Debbie Reed said that Lakeshore Middle School has Title 1 money and they would like to hire 20 UNF students to tutor from 9:30 – 4 pm for 4 hours per week. Debbie Reed will put something together in writing and will get it to you soon so you can send it to your students. They need to start as soon as possible. Undergraduate students will get $10 per hour; students with bachelors will get $18/hour or $24/hour if they are certified. They need to be fingerprinted. Nick Eastham reminded faculty that we have a 3D printer in the building and we just got a 3D scanner too. If you want to integrate these into your curriculum, Nick will show you how they work.Marsha Lupi read a statement from the Student Union Administration Office in response to the London interns bake sale application for a table during Market Days. In summary, they have ended the bake sale as we know it.Kris Webb encouraged faculty to vote for faculty governance positions and distinguished professor. Jeff Cornett gave an update on the Provost search and they will meet on Monday, April 6 at noon to review 64 new applications.Chris Weber reminded faculty that the link to the Latin honors survey closes today. Dan Dinsmore said Chris Weber, Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore and Katie Monnin will join the Executive Committee and a new president will be voted in next September.Terry Cavanaugh gave an update on the Ed Leadership search and they have a new candidate coming in to interview on Monday, April 6.Policy Review:The Personnel Committee updated their policy for the Professional Development Awards. They want to change Dean’s Council of Academic Administrators to the Personnel Committee – it was approved.COEHS Strategic Plan: Kim Cheek gave an overview of the Long Range Planning Committee’s Mission, Vision and Values revisions. It is based on what is important to us. It is a consensus of our best efforts to represent all programs from all academic departments. Two surveys were sent to all members of COEHS, drafts were created and brought to faculty three times for feedback on content and style.There was a motion to discuss it. The phrase “urban community” was changed to our community, which is inclusive of urban areas. The vision was changed to “The vision of the College of Education and Human Services is to be a premier college within our respective disciplines that, Is globally recognized for innovative programs and practicesImpacts our fields through high quality teaching, scholarship, and servicePrepares graduates who are transformative leaders in their professions”There was a motion to move the plan forward with these amendments – it passes. Dean’s Search: The Executive Committee charged Rick Chant with pulling together a faculty group to look at possible recommendations for the next dean search committee. They recommended:Each member of the committee should be elected from his or her representative body within the college. Non-college members (outside of the committee chairperson) may be appointed to serve by the current dean or elected to serve by their respective body. If appropriate diversity is not represented by the election, the Provost shall appoint additional members from the faculty to achieve that diversity. Amendment – approved.2) Committee members with the rank of faculty, USPS, and A&P should have voting rights. All other committee members should be non-voting ex officio members. Amendment – approved.These recommendations will be forwarded to the Provost for consideration.Office of the Dean Updates: Due to time constraints, Megan Schramm-Possinger will send her materials by email. Marsha Lupi reviewed some of the 2014-2015 accomplishments for the year: Successful promotion and tenure for Dan Dinsmore and Caroline Ali-Khan, promotion to full professor for Len RobersonSuccessfully hired four new faculty and we have three more to go. We’ve reopened the Early Childhood Ed and TESOL searches again and in the process of finishing up the Ed Leadership searchDevelopment and now the conclusion of the Mission, Vision and Values statements by the Long Range Planning CommitteeMovement of field instructors to departments. Consideration of content and focus of field courses has begunCompletion of first year of the JTR cohort and recruitment for second cohort (working to increase STEM major)Completion of first school leadership cohort with Clay County School District New partnerships (e.g. Ronald McDonald house) Establishment of international development trips Luke Cornelius went to Oxford for Higher Ed AdministrationLiz Gregg and Madalina Tanase went to Plymouth, UK and Liz Gregg expanded sport placement sites in PlymouthWe were the only college that was awarded an international initiative grant and Sue Syverud, John Kemppainen and Deb Reed will be working with a professional development school in BelizeThe Office of the Dean funded thirty-two students to attend conferences with scholarshipsRTPs approved in higher education and deaf educationCOSMA accreditation for sport management Establishment of a sport management scholarship in honor of JT Townsend Celebration of Kris Webb as distinguish professor and nomination of Carolyn StoneLooking forward:Dean searchNew marketing and focused recruitment efforts Looking for a new Director of Development Shoutouts to Jen Kane, Megan Schramm-Possinger and office staffCOEHS Standing Committee Reports: Undergraduate Standards and Curriculum Committee – Wanda Hedrick said the committee met on March 9 and discussed a few items.Graduate Standards and Curriculum Committee – Brian Zoellner said the committee will meet in the next couple of weeks to review 2 APCs.Personnel Committee – Becky Schumacher said the committee met last week and they would like to further engage faculty in DEAC grants. Student Issues Committee – Bess Wilson said we have one more week left with the student survey so please encourage your students to participate since only 10% responded so far.Long Range Planning Committee – Kim Cheek said the committee is meeting right after this meeting.Chair Reports of New Business: no reports.New Business: Minimum Wage – a minimum wage increase to $15/hour was voted on and the resolution was passed and will be forwarded to Faculty Association. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm and the next meeting will be on Friday, September 4, 2015. ................

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