ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Teacher Resource

Planet Nine


1. What was the main point of the Planet Nine story?

2. How many planets are there in our solar system?

3. What is the purpose of the Backyard Worlds project?

4. Backyard Worlds is a ________________ science project.

5. What do the eight planets orbit?

6. Which planet is closest to the sun?

7. When was it decided that Pluto was no longer a planet?

8. Pluto is now called a _______________ planet.

9. Where in the solar system do they think a ninth planet may exist?

10. Visit the Backyards Worlds: Planet 9 website and get involved in the citizen science project.


After watching the BtN Planet Nine story, respond to the following questions:


Solar System Mind Map

Hold a class discussion about the information raised in the Planet Nine story. Clarify their understanding of terms such as solar system, planets, astronomy. Create a class mind map about the solar system asking students to record what they know.


Planet Research

Students begin by recording what they know about the solar system. Working in pairs, students will research one of the planets in the solar system. Use the following to help guide students’ research.


Create a 3D model of the solar system

Working in teams create a 3D model of our solar system, including Earth, sun and moon. The model will represent their appearance and relative size and position.

[pic] [pic] [pic]


Questions and Answers

Are you curious about astronomy? Make a list of questions you have about the solar system that you would like to ask an astronomer. Use the internet to find answers to your questions. For example:

• What direction do planets rotate?

• Why are planets round?

• Which planet in the solar system has the least gravity?

Visit the following website to see which questions are answered.

Ask an Astronomer –


The work of Galileo

Students research the work of Italian astronomer Galileo and the evidence to support the theory that the Earth orbits the sun.

• Who was Galileo?

• What do you know about the work of Galileo?

• How long does it take for Earth to orbit the sun?

• How long does it take for Earth to rotate on its axis?

• How has Galileo helped us to understand the solar



Explore the Solar System

Students use the NASA Solar System interactive to explore the solar system. Click on the planets and other features of the solar system to learn more about them. They can also find out what lies beyond our solar system.

Visit planets, moons, asteroids and comets in the NASA Space Place game Students can also complete a NASA mission.


NASA – Welcome to the Planets

NASA – Our Solar System in Depth

NASA -Planets

Backyard Words Planet 9 – Citizen Science project


Episode 4

28th February 2017


Students will learn more about the planets in our solar system and research one planet in depth.


Science – Year 5

The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) (ACSSU078)

Science – Years 5 & 6

Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and reflects historical and cultural contributions

(ACSHE081) (ACSHE098)

Science – Year 6

Scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding of the world and is refined as new evidence becomes available

• What did you SEE in this video?

• What do you THINK about what you saw in this video?

• What does this video make your WONDER?

• What did you LEARN from this story?

• How did this story make you FEEL?

• What was SURPRISING about this story?

Planet Research

• Name the 8 planets in our solar system

• Conduct in depth research into one of the planets in the solar system. The NASA website has useful information about the planets

• Include a description of what the planet looks like.

• Find out some interesting facts about the planet.

• Geographical features – Is it gaseous or rocky? Does it have an atmosphere? What are conditions on the surface like?

• Distances – how far is this planet from the sun?

• Movement – identify the path of this planet. How fast does it travel around the sun?

• Present research using Weebly, Prezi or Canva



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