Name: _____________________________Outer Space Inquiry Project-1905359801800LEARNING GOALS: Develop an inquiry question about spaceResearch about a specific topic using books, internet, and videosTeach your fellow students using “student friendly” language (your audience must learn something)Present your learning at a Space FairYOU ARE ALLOWED TO WORK AHEAD! CHECK IN WITH ME AT EVERY STAGE BEFORE GOING TO THE NEXT STAGE.44805601778000YOUR PROJECT MARK…The Inquiry Question = 10%Research Notes = 10%Good Copy Research = 20%Poster = 20%Outer Space Fair Presentation = 20%Work Habits = 20%Important DatesStagesDue On? by Ms. LiResearch topicForm inquiry questionResearchType up research into paragraphsPoster (put together everything)DOOMSDAY aka everything must be done…Stage 1: The Research TopicExplore and brainstorm a bunch of possible topics you are interested in.solarsystem.msjenniferli.POSSIBLE AREAS TO LOOK INTO (these are broad categories, you need to research something specific within these ideas!)A type of Space technology (what do they use to study stars? planets?)Space X (what is this company? Who runs it? What do they do?)Milky WayGalaxiesQuasarsExtreme environments in our galaxies (including bizarre planets)Important people/astronauts in astronomy (childhood/family, education/training, contributions to space)Monumental (important) events in Space researchExoplanet profile (not from our solar system)Stage 2: Forming an Inquiry QuestionYou must get your inquiry question approved by Ms. Li before proceeding.Please look at my website for examples of inquiry questions and examples of NOT inquiry questions!Write some practice inquiry questions on line paper. Pick your best 3 and write them here. Get them checked and approved by Ms. Li before continuing!Stage 3: Research – POINT FORM ONLY. DO NOT WRITE PARAGRAPHS YET.All research will be collected. If I cannot read your research, I cannot give you a mark.You are responsible for checking out books and keeping track of your research. You must use at least 1 book, 1 video, and 1 website. Please keep an updated bibliography below:BibliographyType(Book? Video? Website?)Name of Book / Website Name / Video NamePages used, or website addressStage 4: Type Up Research (Good Copy)Everything must be in your own words, based off the notes you have taken. Make sure you have clearly explained and answered your own inquiry question entirely. Your typed research should be in paragraphs, with ONE MAIN IDEA in each paragraph. Create a title for each paragraph.You should have between 5-8 paragraphs total. Come talk to me if you need help with this part.432816021082000Stage 5: PosterYour TRI-FOLD Poster Board must have:One large title that shows your inquiry questionHeadings (titles for each paragraph)Your typed research paragraphsPictures (must have both printed from internet and drawn + coloured)Bibliography (you must credit photos too)Bonus Marks / Fast FinishersCreate an interactive piece for your visitors at the Space Fair. It can be a quiz game, or a 3D model for people to look at/touch, or a craft/art piece… come talk to me for ideas! This will help increase your visitors to your SPACE FAIR station, as they will have something to do while they learn from you! ................

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