Recommendations for dr. Tibor Duliskovich

Recommendations for Tibor Duliskovich, M.D.

709 Crane Avenue, Foster City, California 94404

+1 (650) 740-9459, tibor@,


Philips Healthcare, EII (2008-2010, California, USA)

Kim Hong, Digital PR Manager, Fleishman-Hillard, was with another company when working with Tibor at Philips Healthcare: “I had the honor of working with Tibor to launch Philips' Radiology subgroup on Linkedin. His understanding of social networking platforms and community management were vital in the campaign's success. He is an exceptional leader and brings expertise, enthusiasm and quality content to the table!”

Tom Myers, Senior Manager, Quality & Regulatory, Royal Philips Electronics - Philips Healthcare, worked with Tibor at Philips Healthcare: “Tibor brought the missing element of truly understanding the product use and clinical application to the business. He had been very instrumental in developing the health hazard analysis program for the Quality & Regulatory function and actively participated in the risk analysis meetings to provide a solid clinical perspective on patient safety. Tibor is an outstanding person to work with and I found that he interacted very well with all other cross-functional professionals in the business. He possesses a 'can-do' attitude and always was taking on more tasks with no complaint. Tibor always keeps the customer in mind - he is dedicated and loyal despite being faced often with adversity. I would highly recommend Tibor for any position he is interested in.”

Youssef Mureden, Sr. Manager, Product Development Project, Philips Healthcare – Enterprise Imaging Informatics, worked with Tibor at Philips Healthcare: “Tibor is a rare talent that manages to combine technical product knowledge with clinical expertise. Being a credentialed Radiologist, he brings an immensely valuable and practical perspective to Product Marketing Management in the Medical Imaging field, thus enabling better product design and identifying more pertinent product features. As an added bonus Tibor has an affable personality and a good sense of humor.”

Igor Okulist, Sr. Clinical Imaging Specialist 5, Philips Healthcare, worked with Tibor at Philips Healthcare: “Tibor is creative problem-solver with intrinsic technical aptitude. He provided invaluable feedback in a couple of pre-dev SCRUM projects where his collaborative approach worked great to find balance between image algorithms selection and clinical use case. Additionally Tibor provided wealth of information and navigated engineering through external standards.”

Stuart Long, VP Global Product Management & Marketing, Philips Healthcare, managed Tibor at Philips Healthcare: “Tibor came to Philips organization and simply knocked the cover off the ball in his senior role within our Product Marketing organization. Within days he set a new standard for what it meant in both clinical and technical aspects of product marketing. His very first market requirements specification raised the bar to an entirely new level. He quickly established himself as anchor to our team along through a balanced style and deep radiology expertise he's become our 'go-to' clinical subject matter expert. I've seen him engage with customers with a unique style that demonstrates his ability to understand a customer’s needs and relate those on both a clinically and technical level. I highly recommend Tibor.”

Jay Orlin, Senior Training Manager, Philips Healthcare Informatics, worked with Tibor at Philips Healthcare: “Tibor is an exceptionally qualified and creatively talented man. He possesses high-caliber education and experience and is a pleasure to work with.”

Consultant, Private Business (2009-2010)

Horst Bruning, CEO, Animage, LLC: “Tibor has consulted Animage, LLC in the preparation of our veterinary imaging modality for first-of-kind clinical trial. His service was on-time, on-budget, and exceeded our expectations. As a result we hired him again.”

Dr. Gökhan Perçin, Business Development Manager, Medical at National Semiconductor: “We hired Tibor as a consultant to help us in an M&A of a clinical technology company. Tibor's deep medical and technical expertise prevented a costly mistake for our company. He is very professional and personable, and he delivered great detailed results promptly. We would hire Tibor again to use his extensive expertise.”

Aspyra, Inc (formerly StorCOMM, 2001-2008, Florida, USA)

Martin Sargent, Director, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance, Aspyra, Inc, worked with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “It is my pleasure to provide a recommendation for Tibor Duliskovich, MD. Dr. Duliskovich has been a valuable clinical resource for medical imaging system product definition, risk management, quality assurance, and assistance with the Food and Drug Administration regulatory matters. He is a consummate professional in computerized medical imaging systems, and would be a valuable asset on any medical imaging team.”

Dave Chandler, Network Administrator, Aspyra, worked directly with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc (USA): “Tibor has a mind like a hawk. If you had mentioned something two years ago, he will remember it today. He devours technology and takes pride on being on the bleeding edge. He will not simply skim the surface; rather he will dig into it in order to extract the most value from anything. His attention to detail is second to none, and he expects others on his team to be the same. He feels this raises the value of the entire company.”

Sam Elliott, Consultant, United Business Media, worked directly with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “My name is Sam Elliott and I was the acting CEO of both StorCOMM and then Aspyra Europe. I have worked with Tibor for over 7 years and found his experience provided a definite asset to both these companies. His dedication to detail and accuracy within his role was invaluable to the company. His work ethics were always 100% dedication and this constantly showed through his results and completion of tasks. I would highly recommend him both as an individual and one as a professional member of any team. Please feel free to contact me for any additional information.”

William Peterson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Neurostar Solutions, Inc., managed Tibor at StorCOMM, Inc. (USA): “Tibor filled this position (Medical Director) beyond mine and the company expectations.”

Nikolay Seleznev, Head of SW&HW development department, Elektron, (Russia): “Компания Aspyra, где г-н Тибор Дулишкович является Директором по медицинским аспектам, является партнером моей компании. Г-ну Дулишковичу принадлежит исключительная роль в заключении нашего партнерского договора по распространению PACS в России. Если бы не его гибкость, умение учесть интересы партнера, терпение в ведении переговоров, профессиональный подход к делу, вряд ли бы состоялось это партнерское соглашение. С полной уверенностью я могу рекомендовать г-на Дулишковича на высокие коммерческие и технические должности в компании, разрабатывающие, производящие и продающие высокотехнологичные медицинские изделия и системы.”

Martin Hill, Sales and Marketing Director, Aspyra Technologies Ltd, (United Kingdom), worked directly with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “Tibor is a highly motivated, professional who has a superb technical, clinical and market knowledge. This combination of talents along with his sincerity and consideration for colleagues make him a valuable asset to any employer.”

Georgeanne Scott Cheng, Technical Writer, Aspyra, reported to Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “Tibor is an excellent supervisor. He is extremely supportive and encourages his subordinates to do the best work possible. He provides the resources required to do the job, supervises the members of his group until each person is comfortable with the work, then allows the members of the group to complete their tasks without micromanaging each project. Tibor is, without a doubt, the best manager I have had.”

Todd Treiber, Director of Development at Sage Software, former Chief Technology Officer, StorCOMM, Inc. (USA), managed Tibor: “I originally hired Tibor as a product manager for the StorCOMM PACS viewing station. He was a key member of the team tasked with developing a new generation of the PACS viewing station software. His success on this effort resulted in his appointment as Medical Director. As Tibor's supervisor, he was a great employee - I always enjoyed working with him. He also worked well with the development team and was always willing to help them understand the technology being developed.”

György Moroián, managing director, RFA System Ltd., (Hungary): "I am Hungarian distributor for several international vendors in diagnostic imaging area (Ultrasound equipment, radiofrequency ablation and PACS system) and worked with dr. Duliskovich for several years while representing Aspyra PACS product line. He negotiated the contract, trained our personnel, helped us during major installations, promptly resolved all customer issues. I never had such a strong high-quality support from any of my international partners".

Scott Treiber, Director; Product Development, Aspyra, Inc., worked directly with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “I worked with Tibor at StorCOMM, Inc. and Aspyra, Inc. from 2001 through 2008 while he held positions of Medical Director and Product Manager. He has always provided great insight and ideas in both clinical and technical capacities as we developed a major PACS product. He is a dedicated and hard worker, always willing to accept new responsibilities and tasks and accomplish them with great effectiveness. Some of his responsibilities include: recommendations and validation of product development, management of demonstration and training materials, and international sales and sales support. Tibor has truly been a great asset to Aspyra.”

Danny Chin, Technical Services Manager, Aspyra, Inc., worked with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “I worked with Tibor for more than seven years at Aspyra/StorCOMM and throughout that timeframe, I found him to be an extremely focused, team-oriented, knowledgeable and insightful person. He was always looking for ways to improve our products and the company as a whole, and was never afraid to voice his opinion. Besides being our Medical Director, he was extremely technical and was always more than happy to share his expertise when requested or necessary. I would highly recommend Tibor for a position within any organization.”

Bill Culton, Product Manager, Aspyra, worked directly with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): "I replaced Tibor as the product manager at Aspyra after he was appointed as the Medical Director. He has always been a mentor to me and helped me to assume the responsibilities of the product manager. He is an outstanding visionary of the future of medical imaging and helped define the requirements of our products for the future. He is an excellent collaborator and therefore makes a wonderful team member."

Joy Wallace, Customer Advocate, Aspyra, Inc., worked with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “Tibor is a great asset for any company. He's multi-talented and dedicated to doing his best at any job he handles. He focuses on what's best for the company and customers.”

Alison McKee, Technical Writer/Instructional Designer, Aspyra, reported to Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “I worked with Tibor at Aspyra for more than 7 years, and he served as my direct supervisor for more than 4 years. Tibor was an excellent subject matter expert who supported my role in developing documentation and training. He explained complex topics with ease, and always made himself available for questions. As a supervisor, Tibor strikes the perfect balance by providing enough guidance to successfully complete any project without micro-managing his employees. I highly recommend Tibor. He will be an excellent asset to any organization he joins.”

Deme Gabor, Director, Innomed Medical Inc, (Hungary): “Innomed's relationship with dr. Duliskovich started in 1993, when he worked as medical device supervisor for NIRRP (ORSI) in Hungary and evaluated digital fluroscopic devices manufactured by Innomed and ultrasounds we distributed. Tibor recognized our need for a PACS solution and negotiated an exclusive integrator agreement with us in 2003. After completing training of our personnel Tibor provided continuous clinical support for Innomed's customers, helped us with RFPs, coordinated integration of our digital modalities with PACS. Even after the relationship between our companies ended we still could tap into his knowledge of DICOM and HL7 standards. I highly recommend dr. Duliskovich as a thorough consultant, digital imaging expert and a reliable business partner.”

Clinton Bossley, Lead Software Engineer, Aspyra, Inc., worked directly with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “I've worked with Tibor for 7 years at Aspyra, Inc. and he was heavily involved in the features developed for the PACS and diagnostic viewer. He is a cheerful, pleasant person with good ideas who constantly searches for ways to improve our products and processes.”

Juan Redublo, Project Manager, Aspyra, worked with Tibor at Aspyra, Inc. (USA): “I worked with Tibor for over 5 years at StorCOMM and Aspyra. He was a very intricate part in our software development process throughout the years. He has a vast knowledge in the medical and computer technology fields. Whoever is lucky enough to hire Tibor will benefit greatly from the skills he possesses.”

John Bryant, PACS administrator, Richmond Bone & Joint Clinic, PA (USA), participated in PACS training class by Tibor: "The training was very insightful and a large part of why is because of the unique combination of perspectives that you have. I consider the main points of view in a PACS system to be that of the Radiologist, the Programmer, and the System Administrator. Having two of those perspectives is quite rare but all three is unheard of. Having that level of understanding ensured that the training was not limited to just how to use the software, but understanding how it works and how to optimize its functionality."

Wuestec, Inc. (2000-2001, Alabama, USA)

Philip Miner, Director Channel Operations, RADinfo Systems, worked with Tibor at Wuestec, Inc. (USA): “Tibor is a highly intelligent, motivated; professional who processes near encyclopedic technical skills coupled with practical clinical experience and market knowledge. This rare combination of strength and talent along with his humble demeanor and consideration for colleagues make him an incredible asset to any team and/or employer.”

Byoungjae Jin, Software developer at Wuestec, Inc, reported to Tibor: “Tibor was my boss at Wuestec and he was R&D manager. As he is a medical doctor, we got a lot of knowledge and information about medical field from him. He is sincere, diligent, and kind to everybody. His writing skills are excellent and published in medical journals. He leads our team to correct direction. I admire his leadership.”

DigiX, Inc. (2000, Alberta, Canada)

Richard Hull, Head of Development, EBA Engineering Consultants, worked directly with Tibor at DigiX, Inc. (Canada): “Tibor is very personable to work with; in the time we worked together at DigiX Research Corporation I found him to have adapted to our new systems remarkably quickly, unfortunately (for us) he moved on to our parent company, Wuestec Medical. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Tibor.”

Haynal Imre Medical University, Radiology (1991-1995, Hungary)

Prof. Dr. Zsuzsa Jakab, Assistant Professor of Radiology, supervised Tibor: "I worked with Dr. Duliskovich between 1992 and 1995 at Radiology Department of Haynal Imre Medical University as assistant professor and one of his supervisors, while Tibor was going through his residency training. Dr. Duliskovich participated in daily activities of our busy department, always cheerful, hard working and willing to take shifts and full weekends that nobody wanted. His clinical and technical skills, conduct towards patients were exceptional. Tibor easily adapted to new departments throughout his rotation and found ways to be useful. Tibor's exam techniques and reports were very thorough and accurate, his knowledge of physics behind imaging was excellent and his presentations were always engaging. We did a lot of interventions together, first in Hungary introduced 3D ophthalmology ultrasound and differential diagnosis of rectal tumors by transrectal US, which I originally mastered at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. The results of our joint work were publicized and recognized by awards. I highly recommend Tibor both professionally and personally."

Prof. Dr. István Battyáni, Head of Radiology Clinic, University of Pécs, worked with Tibor on various projects: “I have the privilege to know Tibor since 1993, prior he even finished his radiology residency. Tibor participated in cutting-edge clinical and technical research and development, was in a group of four enthusiasts to build the first website for the Society of Hungarian Radiologists, a great educational resource. But his dedication did not stop there - we started together lecture tours in countryside hospitals in Hungary, visiting remote locations, promoting new technologies in digital imaging and healthcare IT. I found him to be clear, to the point, trustworthy, well versed in all modalities of diagnostic radiology, daring to trust his intuition to handle difficult clinical situations. He is a third generation physician and this shows in his passion for better patient outcomes and exemplary behavior. Tibor was nominated for the Board member position of Society of Hungarian Radiologists, I voted for him too, and it was sad that he decided to work abroad. But the PACS/RIS product he helped to develop works flawlessly in my University Radiology Clinic since 2003. He convinced me to try it out, guided us through initial issues and the system outperformed our expectations in the end, so I could not be happier with my choice. My highest recommendations for my good friend Tibor.”

National Institute of Radiology and Radiation Physics (1991-2000, Hungary)

One of my roles in NIRRP was to support local start-up companies in their R&D activities, providing necessary professional feedback, regulatory expertise and training. The following recommendations are in form of old-fashioned letters, so I scanned them for your reference and typed them in for your convenience.

Medicare Trading Co. Ltd. (1994-2000, Budapest, Hungary)


Managing Director, Mr. Zoltan Szoke in English: "This is a letter of recommendation for Dr. Duliskovich Tibor, who has worked in close association with our company, Medicare Corporation since 1994. Medicare Corporation is the Hungarian distributor of General Electric ultrasound scanners. Tibor's professional competence has continuously helped our company to find the appropriate direction in a rapidly changing technical world. Our staff greatly benefits from Tibor's courses on the various "secrets" of ultrasound imaging. In the area of technical documentation, we have gained tremendously from Tibor's language skills and his deep understanding of medicine and medical technology. His high standards and accuracy could hardly be surpassed. We highly recommend Tibor as an outstanding, creative professional as well as a pleasant colleague".

Szőke Zoltán igazgató úr magyarul: "Jelen ajánló levelet Dr. Duliskovich Tibor kérésére állítottuk ki, akivel cégünk a Medicare kft, a General Electric magyarországi központja, 1994 óta folyamatos kapcsolatban van. Dr. Duliskovich Tibor szaktudása többször értékes segítséget jelentett az eligazodáshoz a technikai fejlődés útvesztőiben. Munkatársaink sokat profitáltak a Dr. Duliskovich Tibor által tartott továbbképzésekből, melyek az ultrahang képalkotás különböző "rejtelmeire" vonatkoztak. Tibor jelentős mértékben hozzájárult a szaktudásával műszaki dokumentációk fordításához. Munkájával maradéktalanul elégedettek vagyunk, az igényességét és pontosságát nehéz túlszárnyalni. Dr. Duliskovich Tibort kiemelkedően kreatív és megbízható munkaerőnek, ugyanakkor kedélyes munkatársnak ismertük meg."

Medicor Roentgen Corporation (1997-2000, Budapest, Hungary)

Website: Medicor was acquired by GE and its medical imaging division closed down in 2005.

Research Director, Mr. Istvan Farkas in English: "Medicor is the largest X-ray diagnostic equipment and software manufacturer in Hungary. During our three years of association with Tibor, we have found him to be hard-working and reliable, an excellent specialist, and also a cheerful person. He has cooperated closely with our Research and Development department in the field of medical equipment development and testing. His propositions and recommendations were always competent and substantive. We strongly recommend Tibor for any R&D position in the field of diagnostic imaging."

Farkas István, fejlesztési igazgató úr magyarul: "Dr. Duliskovich Tibor 1997-ben került először szoros kapcsolatba a Medicor Röntgen Rt-vel, Magyarország legnagyobb röntgen diagnosztikai eszköz és szoftver gyártójával. Az azóta eltelt 3 évben Dr. Duliskovich Tibort szorgalmas és kitartó munkaerőnek, kiváló szakembernek és vidám munkatársnak ismertük meg. Tibor szorosan együttműködik a kutató-fejlesztő csoportunkkal orvosi műszerek és szoftverek fejlesztése és minősítése területén. Észrevételei, javaslatai mindig szakszerűek és lényegretörőek, munkáját pontosan és megbízhatóan végzi. Eddigi tapasztalataink alapján Dr. Duliskovich Tibor-t bátran merjük ajánlani képalkotó diagnosztikával kapcsolatos kutató-fejlesztő állás betöltésére."

Medimon Engineering Service and Trading Co. Ltd. (1998-2001, Budapest, Hungary)


Managing Director, Mr. Laszlo Tamasi in English: "I have great pleasure in introducing Dr. Tibor Duliskovich to you, by this letter. Dr. Tibor Duliskovich is a valuable contributor to our postgraduate continuing education program. Medimon Corporation and MEDING (member of IFMBE-CED) organize this program regularly for physicians and engineers. Tibor's lectures on current issues of digital imaging, image post-processing and archiving are always of excellent quality. His informal and energetic style captures the attention of his audience and the technical level of his demonstrations is exemplary. Tibor has also participated actively in our DICOM-based RIS-PACS software development and testing. His professional competence contributes immensely to the development and marketing of our software. In conclusion, we are pleased to recommend Tibor very strongly for an R&D position in his area of expertise."

Variotrade Co. Ltd. (1995-2000, Budapest, Hungary)


General Director, Mrs. Eszter Petki in English: "Our company, the Variotrade Corporation, is the exclusive distributor of Toshiba medical imaging devices in Hungary. These devices are tested at the National Institute of Radiology and Radiation Physics primarily by Dr. Tibor Duliskovich. In recent years, we have developed a very successful relationship with Tibor. Thanks to his up-to-date expertise, he is able to evaluate the performance of a device correctly in the shortest possible time. His comments are often forwarded to Toshiba's R&D department as valuable feedback. In 1998, Tibor did an excellent job at creating our web homepage and the Internet image of our company. He also collaborated with us in checking and translating technical documentation. His work has always been faultless. We strongly recommend Tibor for any responsible position in his ramifying expertise."

Petki Eszter igazgató asszony magyarul: "Cégünk a Toshiba Medical Systems kizárólagos képviseleteként képalkotó készülékeket forgalmaz Magyarországon, melyek bevizsgálását az Országos Röntgen és Sugárfizikai Intézeten belül többnyire dr. Duliskovich Tibor végzi. Igen gyümölcsöző munkakapcsolatot alakítottunk ki az évek során. Naprakész szakmai tudásának köszönhetően dr. Duliskovich Tibor a lehető legrövidebb időn belül képes korrekten felmérni az adott készülék teljesítményét, a kritikus észrevételeit értékes feed-back-ként sokszor visszaküldtük a Toshiba fejlesztő csoportjának. Honlapunk és internetes arculatunk kialakítását is Duliskovich doktorra bíztuk 1998-ban és a felhasználóink visszajelzései alapján - jól döntöttünk! Dr. Duliskovich Tibor ezen kívül szakmai anyagok lektorálásában és fordításában is közreműködött, munkája mindig kifogástalan volt."

Intersan Co. Ltd. (1997-2000, Budapest, Hungary)

Website: Company left medical devices market since.

Mr. Gabor Beniczky, Director in English: "This is a letter of recommendation for Dr. Tibor Duliskovich, who came in close association with our company in the past years. Thanks to doctor Duliskovich's professional reputation in the field of qualifying diagnostic ultrasound scanners, we invited him to participate as an outside expert in several grant-reviewing committees. Dr. Tibor Duliskovich has demonstrated his outstanding expertise in the clinical and technical issues and was able to solve efficiently all gating problems during negotiations to everybody's satisfaction".

Beniczky Gábor igazgató úr magyarul: "Jelen ajánlólevelünkkel melegen támogatjuk dr. Duliskovich Tibort, akit közös munkánk során ismertünk meg. Duliskovich doktor egyik szakterülete a diagnosztikai ultrahang készülékek minősítése, mely téren komoly szakmai hírnévre tett szert. Ennek köszönhetően kérte fel cégünk Duliskovich Tibort külső szakértőnek több nagyértékű tender elbírálásához, mely feladatnak Duliskovich doktor eleget tett mindenki legnagyobb megelégedésére. Dr. Duliskovich Tibor mély orvos-technikai tudásának és hatékony munkájának a tárgyalások során nagy hasznát vettük."

Kandó Kálmán College of Electrical Engineering (2000, Budapest, Hungary)

Website: Address: 8th District of Budapest, at Tavaszmező utca 15-17.

Dr. Halmi Lászlóné főiskolai docens és dr. Horváth Elek intézet igazgató: "A Kandó Kálmán Műszaki Főiskola Műszertechnikai és Automatizálási Intézetének végzős Orvostechnikai hallgatói és az Intézetünk nevében szeretnénk köszönetet mondani, hogy febr. 22.-én a Digitális radiológia tárgyban, a digitális röntgen detektor technológiák témakörben, előadást tartott Intézetünkben. Reméljük, hogy a következő tanévben is elfogadja meghívásunkat. További kutató munkájához sok sikert kívánunk".

|Stuart Long |Philips |Sr. Director of Marketing, EII |+1-480-707-3998 |stuart.long@ |

|Jeff Root |Merry X-Ray |Corporate Director of Imaging |+1-918-605-5669 |jroot@ |

|Martin Hill |Aspyra UK |Former European Sales Director |+44-0770-9984478 |hill58@ |

|Scott Treiber |Aspyra |Director of Software Development |+1-904-923-3748 |streiber@ |

|Sam Elliott |Aspyra |Former President |+44-7771-625294 |sgelliott@ |

|Todd Treiber |StorCOMM |Former Chief Technology Officer |+1-904-234-4386 |todd.treiber@ |

|Phil Miner |Wuestec |Former Director, Domestic Sales |+1-614-4044561 |pcminers@ |

|George Raffo |Wuestec |Former Dir., National Accounts |+1-757-6159995 |mxrnaraffo@ |

|Richard Hull |DigiX |Former Senior Manager |+1-780-9030398 |richard.hull@ |

|prof. Paul Vittay |NIRRP |Former Director |+36-1-3138930 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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