Essay Grading Rubric - Ms. Douglas (

Essay Grading Rubric


   Reading a Prompt and Developing a Thesis

|PROMPT:   Write the prompt here: |

| |

|What is the main subject of this prompt?  — general subject -  not   specific to you just yet. |

|What are all the topics you need to address from the prompt?  If the prompt is short, there maybe only   one.  If the prompt is long, there may be several to |

|address.  ***** If not,   just address the above topic.  Read prompt carefully. |

|1. |

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|2. |

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|3.  |

|Now, how does the above general topic pertain to you, specifically?  |

|What are at least three topics you can write about based on the   prompt? All good “5 and 6” essays contain at least 3 well developed 3 topics, creatively |

|presented with the writer’s personal voice in the text –   experiences – input) |

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|These three topics become part of your thesis statement –    DO NOT MAKE UP NEW TOPICS! |

|ROUGH DRAFT THESIS: Write your thesis based on the prompt and the three topics you can write about based on the prompt and what they are asking you to address. |

|.  Remember, these three topics   become your topic sentences and areas they are asking you to address. |

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|General Thesis format:   |

|Subject,  action verb, direct object, three reasons.   Please use your action   verb list  |

|Right now you may write in   1st person and use passive verbs, but please try to move to upper level writing in the future.  Action   verbs and 3rd person – if |

|you can —  .  |

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|Subject:________________________       Action Verb: ____________________ |

| Direct Object:___________________    |

|Three reasons: _______________________________________________________________ |

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|The last trip (subject)  created  (Action Verbs)  a memorable   time (direct object )for our family because of the sites we visited, the great   restaurants, |

|and the many shopping adventures for us. ( 3 Reasons) |

|  |

|Dr. Pipier 4(conveys the   gravity of the problems adolescent girls face)   uses (through the use of) elements of   language such as hyperbole, tone, and |

|negative diction to convey the gravity   of the problems adolescent girls face.     |

|Negative language, syntax, allusions   to death,  repetition, diction, |

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|                                           SENTENCE   TYPES FOR ESSAY WRITING: |

|FOUR  types of sentences:    |

|Bare:  simple sentences that just list the facts.  The girls sat   down on the chair. |

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|Extended   sentences:  Bare with few details: The   girl sat down on the chair to have her lunch, and she started eating. |

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|Layered   sentences:  The   girl sat down on the chair to have her lunch of a sandwich and chips , and   she started eating with great gusto. |

|Elaborations sentences:  (This is the one they want you to write). The girl sat down to have   her lunch of a sandwich and chips, and she started eating with |

|great gusto. I   sat down next to her and wondered at the look of contentment on her face as   she gulped down the sandwich first and then the broken ruffled |

|chips.  It is too bad she did not have a drink to   keep her from choking on the dry chips.    I personally would have made sure I had a drink before I choked |

|and   made a fool of myself.   (this is   creative and a personal voice is added with details that entertain and have   entertained the reader.  (put your   |

|“self”  in the writing for a good “6”   score) |

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|COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCES when you can, use complex sentence structures. |

|Because of the rain, our trip had to be canceled one day, but we did not let that delay dampen our spirits.  We took the extra time to shop for new clothes, and|

|we found a set of new luggage to put all our souvenirs to bring home. We hope we do not have to pay extra for luggage, but if we do, that will be just fine. |

|  |

|                                  THIS NOW   BEGINS YOUR ACTUAL ESSAY    |

|BASIC   ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:  Developing   Opening Paragraphs  |

|OPENING   PARAGRAPH:   An   opening paragraph needs a minimum of 4 sentences:  3 general sentences and your thesis. Be creative in your opening sentences – be |

|clever and original – use   your own voice and your own words or creativity. |

|1.  |

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|2. |

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|3. |

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|FINAL Thesis statement :   this   is your 4th sentence:   copy   your FINAL thesis statement  in ONE   SENTENCE:   Tell the reader in your own   words your |

|position or topics and include your three topics for your paper.  |

|  |

|Remember,   these three topics   become your topic sentences from your thesis. |

BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing Body Paragraphs

       Use your own paper if these boxes are not large enough for your writing.

REMEMBER:  These body paragraphs are where higher level vocabulary and strong sentence structure are important.  Try to use compound and complex sentences if possible.  Remember, aim for at least 4 higher level words in the three body paragraphs.  If you begin a sentence with a dependent clause, put a comma after that dependent clause before you begin the independent clause.  Watch spelling and too many commas. Be careful of all punctuation and capitalization.  You have your thesis and topics for your body paragraphs — Now, take the 1st topic from your thesis and make it your 1st topic sentences for your 1st body paragraph:

|BODY PARAGRAPH # 1   Use your voice and your word choice on   your topic |

|Transition word or sentence to begin   the paragraph: continual and controlled flow to paragraphs in your creative   voice. |

|Continue with your topic sentence   based on your thesis 1st topic from thesis:  |

|Transition word or sentence to  begin 1st exampleAs as many details to describe this   example or your experience as you CREATIVELY |

|write:  looks, what you  hear, see, smell, hear; taste; feel;  touch; think,  think you might see, might smell:   any details that add to|

|your experiences –   your own mental images with your voice   -  metaphors, similes, anecdotes,  and comparatives, etc.  |

|  |

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|Tell WHY this example/experience  is important to support 1st topic   from thesis.  (Because….but…so….   elaborative sentences)   aim for|

|those   elaborative sentences with extended word choice.  Why was this experience relevant to the   topic.   Some version of this |

|arrangement  |

|  |

|Transition word  or sentence to 2nd example:  This creates an embed transition and   continual controlled flow. |

|Do the same thing with as many   examples for the 1st topic as possible.   Make the experience relevant and   personal.   (You may |

|present a   counter argument in your argument in your body paragraph. – you get extra   points for this one)  (because……that   …)Some|

|  version of this arrangement  Mental images -  personal, creative, elaborations, relevant,   and concrete –  go for the “6”   |

|description elaborated.  |

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|ALWAYS PUT THEY WHY to indicate   why and support that example for the 1sttopic.  Use the sentences structure (because…  but…so…) to |

|extend and elaborate your topic   and create your personal mental image)   )    (because……that …)(Because……but………)  Some version |

|of this arrangement  |

|  |

|Many examples can be put in this   paragraph to fully develop the topic and don’t forget the WHY   (because……that …) sentence |

|structure created why and an elaborated   sentence structure).  Makes the   description relevant and concrete.  |

|WORD TO THE WISE *** MINIMUM of 2 good   details with STRONG WHY statement.   Three details are good, but 2 will get a   good score if |

|higher vocabulary, good sentence structure, and mechanics are   followed – (because……that …) sentence structures.   Some   version of|

|this arrangement  |

|CONCLUDING   SENTENCE for this 1st topic sentence only – this can also   be a transition sentence to the next topic.  Does your word |

|choice reflect your voice and   your sentences relate to each other?  |

BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing Body Paragraphs

       Use your own paper if these boxes are not large enough for your writing.

REMEMBER:  These body paragraphs are where higher level vocabulary and strong sentence structure are important.  Try to use compound and complex sentences if possible.  Remember, aim for at least 2 higher level words in the three body paragraphs.  If you begin a sentence with a dependent clause, put a comma after that dependent clause before you begin the independent clause.  Watch spelling and too many commas. Be careful of all punctuation and capitalization.  You have your thesis and topics for your body paragraphs — Now, take the 2nd topic from your thesis and make it your 2nd  topic sentences for your 2nd body paragraph:


|Transition word to begin the paragraph: |

|Continue with your topic sentence based on your thesis 2nd topic from   thesis:  |

|  |

|Transition word to  begin 1st   example with as many details to describe this example as you can write:  looks, what you  hear, see, |

|smell, hear; taste; feel;  touch; think,  think you might see, might smell:   any details that add to your example. .   (You   may |

|present a counter argument in your argument in your body paragraph. – you   get extra points for this one)    (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)   Some version of this arrangement  |

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|  |

|Tell WHY this example is important to support 2st topic   from thesis. )    (because……that …) (Because……but………)   Some version of|

|this arrangement  |

|  |

|Transition word to 2nd example: |

|Do the same thing with as many examples for the 2nd topic   as possible.  |

|ALWAYS PUT THEY WHY to indicate why and support that example   for the 2nd topic. (Because……but………)  Some version of this |

|arrangement  |

|  |

|Many examples can be put in this paragraph to fully develop the topic   and don’t forget the WHY. )    (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)   Some version of this arrangement  |

|  |

|WORD TO THE WISE:::::  MINIMUN   of 2 good details with STRONG WHY statement.   Three details are good, but 2 will get a   good score if |

|higher vocabulary, good sentence structure, and mechanics are   followed. (…)  |

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|CONCLUDING   SENTENCE for this 2nd topic sentence only:  |


BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing Body Paragraphs

       Use your own paper if these boxes are not large enough for your writing.

REMEMBER:  These body paragraphs are where higher level vocabulary and strong sentence structure are important.  Try to use compound and complex sentences if possible.  Remember, aim for at least 2 higher level words in the three body paragraphs.  If you begin a sentence with a dependent clause, put a comma after that dependent clause before you begin the independent clause.  Watch spelling and too many commas. Be careful of all punctuation and capitalization.  You have your thesis and topics for your body paragraphs — Now, take the 3rd  topic from your thesis and make it your 1st topic sentences for your 3rd  body paragraph:


|Transition word to begin the paragraph: |

|Continue with your topic sentence based on your thesis 3rd topic from   thesis:  |

|  |

|Transition word to  begin 1st   examplewith as many details to describe this example as you can write:  looks, what you  hear, see, |

|smell, hear; taste; feel;  touch; think,  think you might see, might smell:   any details that add to your example. .   (You   may |

|present a counter argument in your argument in your body paragraph. – you   get extra points for this one)    (because……that …)  |

|  |

|  |

|Tell WHY this example is important to support 3rd topic from thesis. )  (because……that …) (Because……but………) Some version of this |

|arrangement  |

|  |

|Transition word to 2nd example: |

|Do the same thing with as many examples for the 3rd topic as   possible.  |

|  |

|ALWAYS PUT THEY WHY to indicate why and support that example   for the 3rd topic. Because……but………Some   version of this arrangement  |

|  |

|  |

|Many examples can be put in this paragraph to fully develop the topic   and don’t forget the WHY. )    (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)  Some version of this arrangement.  |

|  |

|WORD TO THE WISE::::: MINIMUN of 2 good details with STRONG WHY   statement.   Three details are   good, but 2 will get a good score if |

|higher vocabulary, good sentence   structure, and mechanics are followed.   (because……that …))  (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)   Some   version of this arrangement  |

|CONCLUDING   SENTENCE for this 3rd topic sentence only:  |


BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing A CLOSING Paragraph

|CONCLUDING   PARAGRAPH FORMAT                     Minimum of 4 sentences |

|Restate thesis statement in new words – (if need to use same words, then   so do) – this is where you come 360′ to your original thesis |

|statement.  Be clever with original word choice and   complex sentence structure.  This is   where your creative nature will show again. |

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|Summarize what was discussed in the paper based on the thesis and   three topic sentence body paragraphs: Be creative and be original in |

|word   choice and sentence structure.  Put   your voice in your writing.   360′ here   too.  |

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|Summary:    Be creative and put your voice in your   writing.  Come 360′ in your writing to   the original topic. Show that you have |

|covered the entire topic and have come   to a conclusion in a creative manner.  |

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|Overall concluding sentence bringing back to your overall topic from   the very beginning opening sentences.  |

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|Remember, this   is the basic structure for an essay   (Basic Essay STYLE).  A good essay can   follow many forms, but a good “6” usually|

|has 3 well developed topics. This format gives any writer focus and structure in an organizational   pattern that is evident to the |

|reader.    Supporting details and idea with word choice and sentence structure   can be seen by the grader. Use elaborative sentence |

|structure with the because…but…so… sentence   structure to fully show why. |

|Variations on the structure with more paragraphs and   topics are possible.  It is even   possible to write on one good topic if the |

|topic expansion has enough   supporting details to make the essay interesting.  This is where individual creative writing   skills come |

|into play.  A good essay   well organized with higher level word choice, strong mechanics and sentence   structure showing command of the|

|language will gain the approval of   any grader. |


On the following Rubric  –  Grade your essay for proficiency and excellence in writing.










   Reading a Prompt and Developing a Thesis

|PROMPT:   Write the prompt here: |

|What is the main subject of this prompt?  — general subject -  not   specific to you just yet. |

|What are all the topics you need to address from the prompt?  If the prompt is short, there maybe only   one.  If the prompt is long, |

|there may   be several to address.  ***** If not,   just address the above topic.  Read   prompt carefully.1.2. |

|3. |

|  |

|Now, how does the above general topic pertain to you specifically?  |

|What are at least three topics you can write about based on the   prompt? All good “5 and 6” essays contain at least 3 well developed 3 |

|topics   creatively presented with the writer’s personal voice in the text –   experiences – input)1.2. |

|3. |

|These three topics become part of your thesis statement –    DO NOT MAKE UP NEW TOPICS! |

|  |

|ROUGH DRAFT THESIS:Write your thesis based on the prompt and the three topics you can   write about based on the prompt and what they are|

|asking you to address. .  Remember,   these three topics   become your topic sentences and areas they are asking you to address.  |

|General Thesis format:   |

|Subject,  action verb, direct object, three reasons.   Please use your action   verb list  |

|Right now you may write in   1st person and use passive verbs, but please try to move to upper   level writing in the future.  Action   |

|verbs and 3rd person – if you can —  .  |

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|Subject:________________________       Action Verb: ____________________ |

|  |

|Direct Object:___________________    Three reasons: _______________________________________ |

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|The last trip (subject)  created  (Action Verbs)  a memorable   time (direct object )for our family because of the sites we visited, the |

|great   restaurants, and the many shopping adventures for us. ( 3 Reasons) |

|  |

|Dr. Pipier 4(conveys the   gravity of the problems adolescent girls face)   uses (through the use of) elements of   language such as |

|hyperbole, tone, and negative diction to convey the gravity   of the problems adolescent girls face.     |

|Negative language, syntax, allusions   to death,  repetition, diction, |

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|                                           SENTENCE   TYPES FOR ESSAY WRITING:FOUR  types of sentences:    |

|1.        Bare:  simples   sentences that just list the facts.  The girls sat   down on the chair. |

|  |

|2.        Extended   sentences:  Bare with few details:The   girl sat down on the chair to have her lunch, and she started eating. |

|  |

|3.        Layered   sentences:  The   girl sat down on the chair to have her lunch of a sandwich and chips , and   she started eating |

|with great gusto. |

|  |

|   Elaborations sentences:  (This is the one they want you to write). The girl sat down to have   her lunch of a sandwich and chips, and |

|she started eating with great gusto. I   sat down next to her and wondered at the look of contentment on her face as   she gulped down |

|the sandwich first and then the broken ruffled chips.  It is too bad she did not have a drink to   keep her from choking on the dry |

|chips.    I personally would have made sure I had a drink before I choked and   made a fool of myself.   (this is   creative and a |

|personal voice is added with details that entertain and have   entertained the reader.  (put your   “self”  in the writing for a good “6”|

|  score) |

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|COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCES when you   can, use  complex sentence structures. |

|Because of the rain, our trip has to canceled on day, but we did   not let that delay dampen our spirits.  We took the extra time to shop|

|  for new clothes, and we found a set of new luggage to put all our souvenirs   to bring home. We hope we do not have to pay extra for |

|luggage, but if we do,   that will be just fine. |

|  |

|                                  THIS NOW   BEGINS YOUR ACTUAL ESSAY    |

|BASIC   ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:  Developing   Opening Paragraphs  |

|OPENING   PARAGRAPH:   An   opening paragraph needs a minimum of 4 sentences:  3 general sentences and your thesis.Be Creative in your |

|opening sentences – be clever and original – use   your own voice and your own words or creativity. |

|1.  |

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|2. |

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|3. |

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|FINAL Thesis statement :   this   is your 4th sentence:   copy   your FINAL thesis statement  in ONE   SENTENCE:   Tell the reader in |

|your own   words your position or topics and include your three topics for your paper.  |

|  |

|Remember,   these three topics   become your topic sentences from your thesis. |

BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing Body Paragraphs

       Use your own paper if these boxes are not large enough for your writing.

REMEMBER:  These body paragraphs are where higher level vocabulary and strong sentence structure are important.  Try to use compound and complex sentences if possible.  Remember, aim for at least 4 higher level words in the three body paragraphs.  If you begin a sentence with a dependent clause, put a comma after that dependent clause before you begin the independent clause.  Watch spelling and too many commas. Be careful of all punctuation and capitalization.  You have your thesis and topics for your body paragraphs — Now, take the 1st topic from your thesis and make it your 1st topic sentences for your 1st body paragraph:

|BODY PARAGRAPH # 1   Use your voice and your word choice on   your topic |

|Transition word or sentence to begin   the paragraph: continual and controlled flow to paragraphs in your creative   voice. |

|Continue with your topic sentence   based on your thesis 1st topic from thesis:  |

|Transition word or sentence to  begin 1st exampleAs as many details to describe this   example or your experience as you CREATIVELY |

|write:  looks, what you  hear, see, smell, hear; taste; feel;  touch; think,  think you might see, might smell:   any details that add to|

|your experiences –   your own mental images with your voice   -  metaphors, similes, anecdotes,  and comparatives, etc.  |

|  |

|  |

|Tell WHY this example/experience  is important to support 1st topic   from thesis.  (Because….but…so….   elaborative sentences)   aim for|

|those   elaborative sentences with extended word choice.  Why was this experience relevant to the   topic.   Some version of this |

|arrangement  |

|  |

|Transition word  or sentence to 2nd example:  This creates an embed transition and   continual controlled flow. |

|Do the same thing with as many   examples for the 1st topic as possible.   Make the experience relevant and   personal.   (You may |

|present a   counter argument in your argument in your body paragraph. – you get extra   points for this one)  (because……that   …)Some|

|  version of this arrangement  Mental images -  personal, creative, elaborations, relevant,   and concrete –  go for the “6”   |

|description elaborated.  |

|  |

|ALWAYS PUT THEY WHY to indicate   why and support that example for the 1sttopic.  Use the sentences structure (because…  but…so…) to |

|extend and elaborate your topic   and create your personal mental image)   )    (because……that …)(Because……but………)  Some version |

|of this arrangement  |

|  |

|Many examples can be put in this   paragraph to fully develop the topic and don’t forget the WHY   (because……that …) sentence |

|structure created why and an elaborated   sentence structure).  Makes the   description relevant and concrete.  |

|WORD TO THE WISE *** MINIMUM of 2 good   details with STRONG WHY statement.   Three details are good, but 2 will get a   good score if |

|higher vocabulary, good sentence structure, and mechanics are   followed – (because……that …) sentence structures.   Some   version of|

|this arrangement  |

|CONCLUDING   SENTENCE for this 1st topic sentence only – this can also   be a transition sentence to the next topic.  Does your word |

|choice reflect your voice and   your sentences relate to each other?  |

BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing Body Paragraphs

       Use your own paper if these boxes are not large enough for your writing.

REMEMBER:  These body paragraphs are where higher level vocabulary and strong sentence structure are important.  Try to use compound and complex sentences if possible.  Remember, aim for at least 2 higher level words in the three body paragraphs.  If you begin a sentence with a dependent clause, put a comma after that dependent clause before you begin the independent clause.  Watch spelling and too many commas. Be careful of all punctuation and capitalization.  You have your thesis and topics for your body paragraphs — Now, take the 2nd topic from your thesis and make it your 2nd  topic sentences for your 2nd body paragraph:


|Transition word to begin the paragraph: |

|Continue with your topic sentence based on your thesis 2nd topic from   thesis:  |

|  |

|Transition word to  begin 1st   examplewith as many details to describe this example as you can write:  looks, what you  hear, see, |

|smell, hear; taste; feel;  touch; think,  think you might see, might smell:   any details that add to your example. .   (You   may |

|present a counter argument in your argument in your body paragraph. – you   get extra points for this one)    (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)   Some version of this arrangement  |

|  |

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|  |

|Tell WHY this example is important to support 2st topic   from thesis. )    (because……that …) (Because……but………)   Some version of|

|this arrangement  |

|  |

|Transition word to 2nd example: |

|Do the same thing with as many examples for the 2nd topic   as possible.  |

|ALWAYS PUT THEY WHY to indicate why and support that example   for the 2nd topic. (Because……but………)  Some version of this |

|arrangement  |

|  |

|Many examples can be put in this paragraph to fully develop the topic   and don’t forget the WHY. )    (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)   Some version of this arrangement  |

|  |

|WORD TO THE WISE:::::  MINIMUN   of 2 good details with STRONG WHY statement.   Three details are good, but 2 will get a   good score if |

|higher vocabulary, good sentence structure, and mechanics are   followed. (…)  |

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|CONCLUDING   SENTENCE for this 2nd topic sentence only:  |


BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing Body Paragraphs

       Use your own paper if these boxes are not large enough for your writing.

REMEMBER:  These body paragraphs are where higher level vocabulary and strong sentence structure are important.  Try to use compound and complex sentences if possible.  Remember, aim for at least 2 higher level words in the three body paragraphs.  If you begin a sentence with a dependent clause, put a comma after that dependent clause before you begin the independent clause.  Watch spelling and too many commas. Be careful of all punctuation and capitalization.  You have your thesis and topics for your body paragraphs — Now, take the 3rd  topic from your thesis and make it your 1st topic sentences for your 3rd  body paragraph:


|Transition word to begin the paragraph: |

|Continue with your topic sentence based on your thesis 3rd topic from   thesis:  |

|  |

|Transition word to  begin 1st   examplewith as many details to describe this example as you can write:  looks, what you  hear, see, |

|smell, hear; taste; feel;  touch; think,  think you might see, might smell:   any details that add to your example. .   (You   may |

|present a counter argument in your argument in your body paragraph. – you   get extra points for this one)    (because……that …)  |

|  |

|  |

|Tell WHY this example is important to support 3rd topic from thesis. )  (because……that …) (Because……but………) Some version of this |

|arrangement  |

|  |

|Transition word to 2nd example: |

|Do the same thing with as many examples for the 3rd topic as   possible.  |

|  |

|ALWAYS PUT THEY WHY to indicate why and support that example   for the 3rd topic. Because……but………Some   version of this arrangement  |

|  |

|  |

|Many examples can be put in this paragraph to fully develop the topic   and don’t forget the WHY. )    (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)  Some version of this arrangement.  |

|  |

|WORD TO THE WISE::::: MINIMUN of 2 good details with STRONG WHY   statement.   Three details are   good, but 2 will get a good score if |

|higher vocabulary, good sentence   structure, and mechanics are followed.   (because……that …))  (because……that |

|…) (Because……but………)   Some   version of this arrangement  |

|CONCLUDING   SENTENCE for this 3rd topic sentence only:  |


BASIC ESSAY DEVELOPMENT SHEETS:              Developing A CLOSING Paragraph

|CONCLUDING   PARAGRAPH FORMAT                     Minimum of 4 sentences |

|Restate thesis statement in new words – (if need to use same words, then   so do) – this is where you come 360′ to your original thesis |

|statement.  Be clever with original word choice and   complex sentence structure.  This is   where your creative nature will show again. |

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|Summarize what was discussed in the paper based on the thesis and   three topic sentence body paragraphs: Be creative and be original in |

|word   choice and sentence structure.  Put   your voice in your writing.   360′ here   too.  |

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|Summary:    Be creative and put your voice in your   writing.  Come 360′ in your writing to   the original topic. Show that you have |

|covered the entire topic and have come   to a conclusion in a creative manner.  |

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|Overall concluding sentence bringing back to your overall topic from   the very beginning opening sentences.  |

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|Remember, this   is the basic structure for an essay   (Basic Essay STYLE).  A good essay can   follow many forms, but a good “6” usually|

|has 3 well developed topics. This format gives any writer focus and structure in an organizational   pattern that is evident to the |

|reader.    Supporting details and idea with word choice and sentence structure   can be seen by the grader. Use elaborative sentence |

|structure with the because…but…so… sentence   structure to fully show why. |

|Variations on the structure with more paragraphs and   topics are possible.  It is even   possible to write on one good topic if the |

|topic expansion has enough   supporting details to make the essay interesting.  This is where individual creative writing   skills come |

|into play.  A good essay   well organized with higher level word choice, strong mechanics and sentence   structure showing command of the|

|language will gain the approval of   any grader. |



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