3rd Grade Syllabus - Birmingham City Schools

3rd Grade SyllabusFirst Nine WeeksSouth Hampton K-8 SchoolMs. Lowery/Ms. James/Mrs. RaySchool Phone Number: 231-6689Email address: llowery@bham.k12.al.ushray@bhm.k12.al.us mjames@bhm.k12.al.usPlanning Time: 1: 45 – 2:15Meet Our TeamMs. L. Lowery Greetings! ???? I am a product of the Birmingham City Schools and it is my goal to leave an everlasting mark in the minds of each and every student who has ever?had the marvelous opportunity to call me?his/her teacher!? I strongly believe that all students can and will learn when given the proper guidance and motivation while they are at school and?in the home environment.? "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste", therefore?I strive to?instill in my students the importance of their education by making the learning process a?meaningful and enjoyable one!?Advanced Academic Diploma – P. D. Jackson - Olin High School, May 1997BS- Elementary Education – Miles College, May 2002Highly Qualified Teacher - 2003MEd – Education Administration – Grand Canyon University, March 2007National Board Certified Teacher: EMC Literacy – Certified November 2010Teaching Experience: 8years – Gr. 1 5 years- Gr. 5 5 years Gr. 3Mrs. RayHello! I am pleased to welcome you and your scholar to the 3rd grade, and am looking forward to a wonderful school year. Third grade is such a fun year with new learning opportunities and accomplishments to celebrate. In order to have a successful school year, my utmost priority is to create a classroom environment where your scholar feels welcomed, safe, and confident as a valued individual of our family of learners. Together, we will discover the creative, individually unique scholars we are! Please feel free to contact me at anytime as we will work hand in hand to ensure your scholar has a successful learning career during these unforeseen times.?I welcome and value parent involvement throughout the year. I would love to hear from you, as you are welcome to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. I?look?forward to meeting you all and am excited to get this school year started!Ms. James My name is Meagan James and I am from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I am a product of the Tuscaloosa City School System. I received a bachelor’s degree from Tuskegee University. After graduating from Tuskegee, I became employed with the Tuscaloosa City School System. I received my Master’s Degree in Elementary Education at The University of West Alabama. I taught in Tuscaloosa City Schools for three years. This is my fifth year teaching in the Birmingham City School System. We would like to welcome you and your child to a brand new, exciting year! Though this year will begin with remote teaching and learning, we will put forth our best effort to make sure that it will be filled with fun, achievements and meaningful challenges. In our classes, organization, accountability, respect and achievement in all areas are top priorities; therefore we require that your child demonstrates responsibility for all assignments and duties. It has been proven by research that parental involvement is a key contributing factor in relation to student achievement, therefore your presence will be welcomed and appreciated during PTA meetings, school events, field trips, luncheons and other school events. Higher educational standards and accountability are major concerns in our state. Objectives from the State Course of Study will serve as the blueprint that drives our classroom instruction. In our third grade curriculum, language arts and math will be strongly emphasized. Your child will take reading and math diagnostics tests so that we are better able to gain insight on his/her performance abilities in relation to these subject areas and as a result, we will become better able to put forth strategies that will enable them to improve their skills. 3rd Grade Supply List2 face masks7 composition notebooks48 #2 pencilscrayon bag – no boxes please1 box of crayola markers1 pair of metal blunt scissors1 can of Lysol disinfectant spray I canister of Clorox wipes2 box of kleenex2 bottles of hand sanitizer2 folders with prongs(green and purple)1 steno note pad1 box of Ziploc bags/ boys(gallon), girls(quart)1 pack of loose leaf paper1 bottle of Elmers glue1 pack of colored pencils1 ruler1 pack green or colored pens 1 dictionary1 pack of highlighters2 reams of copy paper1 pack of dry erase markers: girls – colored, boys – black1 (2in) binder2 packs of post-it notes1 pack of index cardsWe will begin our learning this year in a remote setting, ZOOM and Schoology will be the platforms utilized for instruction. You may also access the school website for information as well.ZOOM NORMS Wake up early, log on a few minutes before class.Wear appropriate clothing. Sit up straight. Remain in the view of the camera.Raise your hand to speak. Type your question in the chat box.Find a quiet place. Check your surroundings.Mute yourself when your teacher or another student is talking.Speak clearly. Look up when talking. Stay on topic.Charge your computer. Keep camera on. Use headphones if you have them.Be focused. Be attentive. Be an active participant.R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Be kind and considerate!Classroom Rules - Normal School Year In striving to maintain an orderly and productive classroom environment, the following rules have been established:Respect yourself, your teacher and peers.Arrive to class promptly and be prepared to learn.Get permission to speak while in the classroom/hallways.Keep your groups/work area neat and orderly.Always listen and follow directions.Strive to maintain orderly conduct while in the classroom/hallways.General Consequences1st Violation – verbal warning2nd Violation - complete form documenting unacceptable behavior3rd Violation – complete form documenting unacceptable behavior, silent lunch without privileges, exclusion from recess, phone call to parent/parent conference4th Violation – referral to office/parent conferenceDue to instruction that was not provided as a result of the pandemic. During the first twenty days of school, all students will be provided with lessons based on the standards that were not covered in their previous grade. Third GradeSubjects and Overview:Language Arts:Understand and use key details in a literary text: Who: characters, What: events, Where: setting, When: time of events, Why: characters motivation and problem, How: sequence, problem/solution RL.3.1 RL.3.3Recount a story with key details RL.3.2Identify major events in a story Recognize at least 90 high-frequency wordsDetermine the message, lesson, or moral of a story RL.3.2Explain how the message, lesson, or moral is conveyed through key details in a text RL.3.2Describe the logical connection between sentences within a paragraph RI.3.8Explain characters, setting, or plot based on information from text and illustrations RL.3.9Compare and contrast the most important points and key de4tails presented by two texts on the same topic RI.3.9Support thinking using examples from text. RL.3.6Math: Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. (This standard is limited to problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers; students should know how to perform operations in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations).) [3-OA8] Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations. [3-OA9] Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. [3-NBT2] Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. [3-NBT1] Tell and write time to the nearest minute, and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram. [3-MD1] Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters. [3-MD8] Science: Identify physical and chemical changes of matter.Describe the life cycle of plants, including seed, seed germination, growth and reproduction.Describe how fossils provide evidence of prehistoric plant life.Identify rocks and minerals by characteristics.Describe Earth’s layers, including inner and outer cores, mantle and crust.Social Studies:Compare and contrast communities across the United States.Identify and describe a person who exemplifies good citizenship.Assess similarities and differences among communities in different times.Grading ScaleA = 90-100 B= 80-89C= 70-79D= 60=69F= 50-belowConferences - Normal School Year Whenever there is a need for a parent/teacher conference, all conferences will be scheduled on Fridays during our planning time. Our planning time is from 1: 45 – 2:15. Conferences may also be planned as we see fit. Assignment PolicyZoom Assignments - All assignments are to be scanned and emailed to the teacher. The child’s name must be included in the subject of the email. Teachers will create electronic folders to file student work.Homework – Normal School Year Your child will have homework Mon-Thru. On the weekend he/she is to read the story that will be presented for the following weeks reading lesson. Reading vocabulary words and their definitions/spelling words are to be studied nightly along with the other homework assignments. In our classes, not every assignment that is sent home will have points given for it, however students will receive participation points for doing each assignment. In - Class Assignments - Normal School YearStudents will be expected to complete individual assignments during class. They will be given ample time to complete these assignments. Students who do not complete an assignment during the time given will be kept in at recess until the assignment is completed. We do not send unfinished work home to be completed unless it is due to an absence.Chalkable/Schoology Student grades are put into the computerized grade system on a weekly basis. You may access the grading system through the Birmingham City Schools website by clicking on the parent portal. You must obtain login information for the parent portal and this information can be provided to you by the school’s technology coordinator. Field Trips - Normal School Year Our Team will work on planning at least two field trips this school year. We look forward to these field trips and anticipate all student to attend these learning experiences. We are also looking forward parent chaperones!Projects - Normal School Year There will be at least one project assigned each grading period. We expect all student projects to be neat and creative. It is also imperative that the projects are turned in on time. Teachers will create a rubric for each project and each students will be graded according to how well the project guidelines are met.Special Events - Normal School Year Some of our special events for this school year will include: Open House, American Education Luncheons, Christmas Program, Dr. Seuss Celebration and Honor Roll programs. We will appreciate parent participation with these events and will send home notices during the time in which these events are approaching. Third Grade is indeed a year in which new things will be learned. We will learn test-taking strategies that will enable us to make high achievements on the Performance Series test. Students are required to work very hard and expectations are very high. This year we will be working independently and in small groups with teachers and peers. The reason for this is that students are expected to know and be able to perform at levels three and four on Third Grade concepts on the state assessment test. We want nothing more than for every student to succeed in Third Grade and that cannot and will not happen unless we all work together! If you have any questions regarding this syllabus please feel free to contact us by email. Please sign and return the bottom portion of this syllabus.Please sign the portion below and email to your child’s teacher.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have received and read the Third Grade Syllabus. Parent’s Name: __________________ Student’s Name: _______________________Parent Signature:_____________________________Date:___________________Student’s Name:______________________________ ................

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