Making Meaning Grade 3 - PSD 401

Name _______________________________________________________ Date _______

Making Meaning Grade 3

Unit 5

Exploring Nonfiction

Directions: Read the selection and answer the questions.

Bubble, Bubble, Spittlebug

by Beverly J. Letchworth

1 In spring, you may have seen white foam on

an evergreen tree or other plant. It looks

like spit!

2 The foam is where young spittlebugs live.

These insects are protected by the foam. They

usually don’t do much harm to the plants.

3 A mother spittlebug lays her eggs on the

plant in late summer. The babies hatch in

spring. They begin to eat juices from the plant.

Spittlebugs eat plant juices.

The babies eat more 4

juice than their bodies need for food. The extra juice

mixes with a special substance that the spittlebugs

produce. When this fluid is released, it mixes with

the air, forming a bubbly foam.

What is so great about having a foam home? 5

The space inside is moist to keep the bugs’ soft

bodies from drying out. And the foam tastes bad, so

it keeps away most animals that would eat the bugs.

Baby bugs are living in

that foam.

6 Some birds will stick their beaks through the

foam to find the bugs. Wasps and ants might eat

them, too. But most of the bugs stay safe inside

the foam.

7 Once the bugs have grown into adults, they

stop making foam. They leave their homes and

jump from plant to plant in search of food. The

adults look a little like tiny frogs. For this Adult spittlebugs are shaped

reason they are also called froghoppers. a little like frogs.

8 If you see some foam on a plant, you might want to take a careful

look inside. Gently push with a twig. Deep inside you may see a few

insects eating plant juice. They might also be making more bubbles. Be

sure to push the foam back after a moment to cover the insects and keep

them safe.

9 Soon the spittlebugs will grow up and leave their foam home. They

will join the other insects in the meadow.

Name _______________________________________________________Date _______

1. Read the story Bubble, Bubble Spittlebug. Fill in the chart below as you read. Include at least two things you learned and two things you still wonder about spittlebugs.

|What I Learned about Spittlebugs |What I Still Wonder about Spittlebugs |

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2. According to the captions under the pictures, which statement is true?

A. Baby spittlebugs live in foam.

B. Baby spittlebugs look like frogs.

C. Baby spittlebugs hatch in the spring.

3. What are three steps, in order, in a spittlebug’s life? Use information from the selection in your answer.



4. What are two differences between a baby spittlebug and an adult spittlebug? Include information from the selection in your answer.

5. Explain why the foam is important to baby spittlebugs. Include two details from the selection in your answer.

6. Which sentence explains why people should push the foam back after looking at the baby spittlebugs?

A. The foam protects the baby spittlebugs from drying out. *

B. The foam from the baby spittlebugs helps the plant grow.

C. The foam keeps the baby spittlebugs from falling off plants.

7. What is the meaning of the word “moist” in paragraph 5?

A. Dry

B. Wet*

C. Cold

8. What is the author’s purpose for writing this selection?

A. To persuade people to protect spittlebugs

B. To describe the appearance of spittlebugs

C. To inform about the lives of spittlebugs


9. Based on the information in the selection, what will most likely happen to baby spittlebugs if the foam blows away?

A. The baby spittlebugs will stay wet.

B. The baby spittlebugs will lay eggs.

C. The baby spittlebugs will be eaten. *

Making Meaning Grade 3

Unit 5

Exploring Nonfiction Rubric

Bubble, Bubble Spittlebug, 2005 Reading Released Item

|Read the story Bubble, Bubble Spittlebug. Fill in the chart below as you read. Include at least two things you learned and two |

|things you still wonder about spittlebugs. (GLE 2.1.6) |

|0 points |No answers |

|1 point |One answer EITHER one text-based learning or one text-based |

| |wondering |

|2 points |Two answers EITHER text-based learnings or text-based wonderings |

|3 points |Three answers EITHER text-based learnings or text-based |

| |wonderings |

|4 points |Four or more answers including text-based learnings and |

| |text-based wonderings |

|2. According to the captions under the pictures, which statement is true? (GLE 2.2.2) |

|1 points |Answer is a. |

|3. What are three steps, in order, in a spittlebug’s life? Use information from the selection in your answer. (GLE 2.2.1) |

|0 points |No answers |

|1 point |One appropriate step OR steps not in order |

|2 points |Two appropriate steps in order |

|3 points |Three appropriate steps in order |

|Examples: Mother lays eggs. | |

|Babies feed off plant juices. | |

|Babies make foam. | |

|Adults leave the foam. | |

|Adults live in the meadow. | |

|4. What are two differences between a baby spittlebug and an adult spittlebug? Include information from the selection in your |

|answer. (GLE 2.3.1) |

|0 points |No answers |

|1 point |One text-based difference |

|2 points |Two text-based differences |

|Examples: Must have clear differences between adult and baby | |

|spittlebugs | |

|5. Explain why the foam is important to baby spittlebugs. Include two details from the selection in your answer. (GLE 2.3.1) |

|0 points |No details |

|1 point |One text-based detail |

|2 points |Two text-based details |

|Examples: Protection and moisture | |

Text-based details may include, but are not limited to the following:

A. The foam keeps the baby spittlebugs’ bodies moist.

B. It also provides them with a home.

C. It tastes bad/prevents other animals from eating it/protects from danger.

|6. Which sentence explains why people should push the foam back after looking at the baby spittlebugs? (GLE 2.3.1) |

|1 points |Answer is a. |

|7. What is the meaning of the word moist in paragraph 5? (GLE 1.3.2) |

|1 points |Answer is b. |

|8. What is the author’s purpose for writing this selection? (GLE 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4) |

|1 points |Answer is c. |

|9. Based on the information in the selection, what will most likely happen to baby spittlebugs if the foam blows away? (GLE 2.1.5) |

|1 points |Answer is c. |

How to make Eggshell Chalk

The next time you’re fixing breakfast, keep those eggshells! Instead of just throwing them away, there is a fun way to recycle them for hopscotch, tic-tac-toe or just plain doodling. This chalk is just the tine!


• The shells of 6 eggs

• 1 teaspoon very hot tap water

• 1 teaspoon flout

• 1 clean rock

• Sheet of paper

• Spoon

• Cup

• Paper towel


1. Wash the eggshells well, so they do not have any egg left in them. Let them dry for an hour. The shells must be completely dry, or the chalk will fall apart.

2. Place a sheet of paper on a hard surface. Grind the shells on the paper with a rock. Make sure the rock is clean so you don’t get dirt ground in with the eggshells.

3. Continue grinding the eggshells until you have a fine powder. Make sure you have enough power to fill a large spoon, which wi enough for one stick of chalk.

4. When you have enough of the fine powder to make a stick of chalk, sift or pick up little bits of egg shells that are not ground up and throw them away. Leaving in little bits of egg shells may cause your chalk to break up.

5. Put a teaspoon of flour and the teaspoon of hot water into a cup. Stir together to make a paste.

6. Add the spoonful of eggshell powder into the paste and mix well. It may help to mash it with the back of the spoon.

7. Add a few drops of food coloring if you want colored chalk. Too many drops will make paste too wet.

8. One a clean, dry surface roll the mixture into a stick.

9. Wrap the stick up in a strip of paper towel and set aside to dry. Dryign takes about three days.

10. Peel the paper off one end and your ready for some sidewalk art.


This chalk is for drawing on sidewalks only, not for chalkboards. Ask an adult to help with the hot water.

Name _______________________________________________________Date _______

How to make Eggshell Chalk

1 Which step needs to be completed right before picking out the eggshells in the Directions section?

O A. Grind shells

O B. Wash shells

O C. Dry shells

2 What information does the Supplies section give the reader?

O A. Steps needed to make chalk

O B. Items needed to make chalk

O C. Colors needed to make chalk

3 What types of problems could the reader have while making chalk? Include two details from the selection in your answer.

4 Step 4 in the Directions section tells the reader how to


5 Which of these sources would probably give the best information about making chalk?

O A. A website titled Young Bakers: Tips and Tools

O B. A book titled Kitchen Crafts: From Food to Fun

O C. A television show titled “Cooking with Children: A to Z”

6 Use information from the Directions section to fill in the effect for the given cause.

Cause Effect

The eggshells are not ____________________

completely dry.


7 Based on information in the selection, what will most likely happen if a dirty rock is used?

O A. The dirt will fall apart.

O B. The dirt will get wet.

O C. The dirt will mix in.

How to make Eggshell Chalk

Functional Assessment Rubric

|1. Which step needs to be completed right before picking out the eggshells in the Directions section? (GLE 2.2.1) |

|Target: 05-Sequence |Answer is A. |

|Strand: Comprehension | |

|2. What information does the Supplies section give the reader? (GLE 2.2.2) |

|Target: 06-Understand Text Features |Answer is B |

|Strand: Analysis | |

|3. What types of problems could the reader have while making chalk? Include two details from the selection in your answer. (GLE |

|2.3.1) |

|Target: 08-Cause and effect relationship |Short Answer |

|Strand: Analysis | |

|2 Points |A 2-point response gives two text-based problems the readers |

| |could have while making chalk. |

| | |

| |Example: If the eggshells are not completely dry the chalk will |

| |fall apart. Also if you put in too much food coloring the paste |

| |will be too wet. |

|1 Point |A 1-point response gives one text-based problems the readers |

| |could have while making chalk. |

Text based details may include, but are not limited to:

A. Wash the eggshells well, so they do not have any egg left in them.

B. The shells must completely dry, or the chalk will fall apart

C. Make sure the rock is clean so you don’t get dirt ground in with the eggshells

D. Leaving little bits of eggshells may cause your chalk to break up.

E. Too many drops (of food coloring) will make the paste too wet.

|4. Step 4 in the Directions sections tells the reader how to ___________ (GLE 2.1.3) |

|Target: 01-Main idea and supporting details |Answer: Completion |

|Strand: Comprehension | |

|1 Point |A 1-point response provides the following: |

| | |

| |Example: Sift out little bits of eggshell that aren’t ground up. |

Text based details may include, but are not limited to:

A. Sift or pick up little bits of eggshell that aren’t ground up

B. Throw away little bits of eggshell that aren’t ground up

|5. Which of these sources would probably give the best information about making chalk? (GLE 2.3.2, 3.1.1) |

|Target: 09-Usefulness of resources |Answer is B. |

|Strand: Analysis | |

|6. Use the information from the Directions section to fill in the effect for the give cause. (GLE 2.1.3) |

| |

|Cause: Effect:_____________________ |

|The eggshells are completely dry |

|Target: 08-Understand Cause and Effect |Answer: Completion |

|Strand: Comprehension | |

|1 Point |A 1-point response provides the following: |

| | |

| |Example: The chalk will fall apart |

|7. Based on information in the selection, what will most likely happen if a dirty rock is used? (GLE 2.1.5) |

|Target: 03-Infer and Predict |Answer is C. |

|Strand: Comprehension | |


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