Houston Independent School District

?Fine arts and PE Home Enrichment activity chart – 2nd and 3rd gradeArtDanceMusicPhysical Ed.TheaterWeek 1Create a rainbow for a window in your apartment/house for all to see. Include a positive message. NATURE DANCE Go outside and write 10 different actions words that you think of while looking at the nature around you. Example: 1.Branches- Flowing 2.Leaves- Rusting 3. 4. Etc. Come up with a movement for each of these action words. Place your action words in the order that you’d like and practice doing your movements to that order. You can repeat some of the action words more than once throughout your dance if you’d like. Find a song that matches your dance and try performing your movement to the music.CreateCreate a percussion instrument from materials found around your house. (Ie. Can, plastic bottle, box etc.) Remember percussion instruments are played by being hit, shaken or scraped so you may need a stick or something to hit it with. Play the rhythm below. II I IIf you can, send me a picture of you playing your instrument, Mjackson@Create an obstacle/ninja warrior course inside or outside using pillows, furniture, toys, etc.Set a goal. How many times can you run through it without stopping? Start a timer. Can you improve your time?Pick your favorite fairy tale or myth or picture book. Act out the story playing as many different characters as possible. Remember, each character should move and speak differentlyWeek 2Turn your favorite food into a new cartoon character. Make up a name for your character and make a small comic book. Storybook Ballet:People create dances for many reasons. Examples include, to entertain, to make art, and many times even to tell a story.A style of dance that is very well-known for telling stories through movement and mime is Ballet.Activity:Find a book or story that you really enjoy reading. Using only movement and mime, make up your own Ballet dance that will tell that story. Feel free to grab props around your house, or have families and friends play the role of different characters in the book.ListenSit, close your eyes and listen to a piece of music of classical music. Next, draw a picture of what it made you think of. Lastly, write a paragraph on the back of your paper to tell about your picture. Also, tell how about it make you feel?What piece did you listen to? Who is the composer?Make up a new game and teach it to someone in your house. ORPlay a game we have done this year in PE using things around your house to recreate it.Take the story you acted out last time and play with the setting. Perform it once: as if you were in the scary woods at night. Then, as if the whole story took place at a fancy dance party in a castle. Then, as if the whole story took place in space. And finally, as if the whole story took place in a library. How did your behavior, voice, and movements change to match the setting?Week 3Listen to music and draw lines and shapes that match the sounds and rhythms you hear. Use those lines and shapes and add colors to match your mood or the mood of the music. What style of work did you create? Title your work. Don’t forget to share w/ family and friends.Mirror-Stand in front of someone in your home and have them mirror/copy your movement. Try doing this to a song so that your movement can match the energy/speed of the music. Take turns mirroring each other's movement. Make sure you are facing each other as if you are looking at your reflection in the mirror.CreateIn this box, create a 16-beat rhythm pattern using eighth, quarter, half notes and quarter rest. Remember to leave the beat after the half note empty. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____Need a family partner. Take a towel and use as a parachute. Each person grabs two corners of the towel. Put a rolled-up ball of socks in the chute or a stuffed animal. Toss it up and try and catch it. Sing alphabet song for each catch, recite multiplication tables, spell words, etc.(for families of 4 or more) Do the same activity above but try and toss the object from chute to chute.How many catches can you get in a row? How high can you throw it and still catch the object?Take the same story and try to dress up as each character using things from around home. What made you choose certain pieces for certain characters? Color, texture, personality? Does the costume change the way you would move or speak as this character?Week 4Create a sculpture out of found objects like tin foil, paper rolls, cereal boxes etc. Use tape, glue or staples to construct it. Don’t forget to give it a title. Take pictures and share it with friends and family.NINJA Here’s how to play:All the players stand with their hands together, facing the center of the circle.Everyone says, “3, 2, 1, NINJA!” and then freezes in a cool ninja pose. (This is the favorite part!)Each player takes a turn doing a ninja move. Turns move around the circle, just like any other game.The object of the game is to get the other players “out,” by touching them when it's your turn to change your ninja pose.When it’s your turn, you get one move. You can karate chop another player’s arm below the elbow or kick their ankle or foot. You can try to get any player out – it does not need to be the person next to you. You can take a step as part of your move, but only one step. For example, you can step forward or backwards and do a karate chop with your arm. The player being attacked can dodge your ninja move. If you successfully karate chop their arm below the elbow or their foot/ankle, then that player is out.The winner is the last ninja standing!Analyze Read a book or story about music or musician. Make a list of five things you learned about that person or their life and music.What book or story did you read?__________________________ Go on a Scavenger hunt/use mine or create your own. A house with a black railingA blue carA plant in a windowA recycling binSomeone out for a walkA dogA license plate that spells a wordA house with a “9” in the numberA birdA fire hydrantA house with no cars in the drivewayA bicycleA porch with 2 chairsA license plate that starts with an “A”An outside light turned onAn open garage doorA “for sale” signA “welcome” signTake the same story and now play with pantomime. You cannot use any props or words. Try to tell the story using just your body and facial expressions. Perform the story for a sibling or parent. See if they can guess the story by the ending of your performance. · Remember, because you cannot speak, your movements have to be extra specific ................

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