
3rd Grade Weekly Letter

Week of December 14th

Third Grade Website:


Homework for the Week of December 14th

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Math- |Math- |Math- |Math- |Math- |

|Lesson 8.4 |Lesson 8.5 |Lesson 8.2 |Fraction Shapes WS |Winter Break Packet due when we|

|Front: ALL |Front: ALL |Front: ALL | |return. |

|Back: ALL |Back: ALL |Back: ALL | | |

| | |QUIZ TOMORROW | | |

|Social Studies- |Social Studies- |Social Studies- |Social Studies- |Social Studies- |

|Review Studies Weekly and |Review Studies Weekly and |Review Studies Weekly and journal |None ( |None ( |

|journal |journal | | | |

|Language Arts- |Language Arts- |Language Arts- |Language Arts- |Language Arts- |

|None ( |None ( |None ( |None ( |Winter Break Packet due when we|

| | | | |return. |

Winter Break Homework:

Winter Break is almost here! That also means that FSA is creeping closer and closer. With that said, the third grade team has decided to assign a Winter Break Practice assignment for ELA and Math. These will be in the Monday Folder. For Remote Learners, please print the documents that can be found in the google classroom. It is important that your child is completing the questions on their own and trying their best. Our class will have an incentive for each student who completes both the Math and ELA assignment. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at any time. We appreciate your continued support in your child's education. Have a happy and safe holiday!


- We will continue with Chapter 8 Understand Fractions Thursday December 10th. The Mid-Chapter Checkpoint will be on Thursday, December 17th. Out chapter test will be on Tuesday, January 12th.

- In Math we will use a journal each day. Please help your child remember that this journal must be brought to school every day. These journals serve as excellent review materials and we encourage you to look at them each night to review what we did in class and to study the vocabulary words.

3rd Grade Math homework: Our expectation is that homework should be completed nightly except on the days we complete our Chapter tests, then there will be no homework. We are asking that your child complete the entire backside of the homework assignment, as the spiral review will reinforce all concepts taught throughout the year. We also expect them to complete the assigned problems on the front of each homework assignment, which will be stated in the homework chart (see above) at the beginning of each week.

Chapter 8 Vocabulary

whole – all the parts of one shape or group

equal parts – parts that are exactly the same size

fraction – a number that names part of a whole or part of a group

unit fraction – a fraction that has 1 as its top number, or numerator

numerator – the part of a fraction above the line, which tells how many parts are being counted

denominator – the part of the fraction below the line, which tells how many equal parts there are in the whole or in the group

fraction greater than 1 – a fraction that has a numerator greater than its denominator

halves – divided into 2 equal parts

thirds – divided into 3 equal parts

fourths – divided into 4 equal parts

sixths – divided into 6 equal parts

eighths – divided into 8 equal parts

- If your child is struggling with any of the concepts please contact Ms. Thresher or Miss Comendeiro.

- On our 3rd grade website under the Math section, you will find different resources to help reinforce the skills we are working on. Under the Math section you will also be able to find a list of the Think Central Go Math Interventions that align with the chapter we are working on in our classroom.  Intervention videos will "show" how things are being taught and will give you better insight into how to "help" your child at home. 

- If your child is absent when a math lesson is taught, he/she can go onto ThinkCentral to view the "Intervention" lesson for that particular skill. This will "teach" what was missed at school and hopefully help to prepare them for when they return.

- The log-in and password for Think Central has been placed on the inside cover of your child's planner.  Please utilize Go Math to help your child practice math concepts at home.  It can be accessed at  .  We will be assigning each student all of the interventions as we go through each chapter.  Please encourage your child to review previously taught materials through these intervention pieces.

World Lab

This week we will continue in our Social Studies journey focusing on the geography of the United States, and what makes each of our states so unique using the North American Landmarks Studies Weekly Newspaper. We will be completing a graded state research project in class in place of a test. Please continue to review the Studies Weekly each night, and discuss with your child what they are learning/ researching in World Lab.

The Studies Weekly website is an excellent resource for reading the newspapers. The website also has review games that the students can play to help them review the material taught in class.

Language Arts:

This week we will be practicing conventions within a holiday writing.

Homework for the week:

Please make sure to read 30 minutes each night. There is no fluency this week.


o School starts at 8:45, but students are allowed in the classroom starting at 8:15.

o Please remember to sign the planner each night.

o Please note in the planner if there is a change in dismissal.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  You can reach us by e-mail at:







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