First Quarter Expectations

WSFCS English/Language Arts Common Core State Standards for Third Grade

|First Quarter Expectations |Second Quarter Expectations |Third Quarter Expectations |Fourth Quarter Expectations |

|*Reading: |*Reading: | *Reading: |*Reading: |

|Answer questions, using the text for support |With teacher prompting, ask and answer questions about|Describe the characters in a story and explain how |Describe the characters in a story and explain how |

|Retell a story including relevant details |a text using the text for support |their actions contribute to the story’s events |their actions show their point of view |

|With teacher support, tell the central message of a story,|Describe the characters in a story and their actions. |Use specific terms (chapter, stanza, etc.) when |Use specific terms (chapter, stanza, scenes.) when |

|and identify how the message is conveyed |Describe the illustrations in a text and the mood that |discussing a story or text |discussing text and explain how they are connected or |

|Determine the literal and figurative meaning of words an |they create |Identify when there are different characters telling |organized |

|author uses |Use various text features to locate information |a story |Describe when there are different characters telling a |

|Use specific terms (chapter, stanza, etc.) when discussing|With teacher support, compare and contrast important |Explain how the illustrations of a text contribute to|story and how they are able to tell the characters’ |

|a story or text |points on a specific topic from different texts |the mood or story being told |point of view using specific examples from the text. |

|Explain how parts of text (chapters, stanza, etc.) are |Read and comprehend literary and informational text at |Ask and answer questions about a text, and refer |Explain how charts, diagrams, or illustrations are |

|connected |third grade level proficiently |explicitly to the text to support their answers |helpful in clarifying informational text |

|Identify charts, diagrams, or illustrations that are |*Speaking and Listening: |Use text features and search tools to locate |Explain how illustrations contribute to the mood of a |

|helpful in clarifying text. |Prepare for a discussion by exploring ideas about the |information on a given topic |story and how they help you understand the description |

|Determine the main idea and supporting details of a text |topic |Explain how charts, diagrams, or illustrations are |of the mood. |

|Explain how the supporting details specifically relate to |Engage in whole class conversations about third grade |helpful in clarifying text |Explain the connections between sentences and |

|the main idea |appropriate topics |Tell the central message of a story, and identify how|paragraphs in a text using comparison, cause/effect, or|

|Use language that pertains to sequence or cause/effect to |Ask questions to clear up any confusion about a topic |the message is conveyed |sequencing |

|describe the connection between historical events, |Develop skills in active(close) listening |Read and comprehend literary and informational text |Compare and contrast important points, on a specific |

|scientific ideas, or steps in a procedure. |Show understanding what is read, heard, and/or seen by |at third grade level proficiently |topic, from different texts |

|Compare important points about a specific topic in |retelling and describing key details |*Speaking and Listening: |Read and comprehend literary and informational text at |

|different texts. |*Language: |Participate in structured conversations with the |third grade level proficiently |

|Read and comprehend literary and informational text at |Use correctly nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and |whole class, small groups or a partner. |*Speaking and Listening: |

|third grade level |adverbs |Share the roles of participant, leader and observer |Prepare for discussion and participate by responding to|

|*Speaking and Listening: |Use regular and irregular plural nouns |Explain their own ideas in light of the discussion |things others say |

|Prepare for discussion and participate by responding to |Use abstract nouns |Ask and/or answer questions of a speaker to |Listen carefully to what a speaker says and ask |

|things others say |Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue |clarify/deepen understanding |questions to clear up any confusion about what they |

|Follow agreed-upon rules for class discussions |Form and use possessives |Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a |heard |

|Ask questions to clear up any confusion about a |Use simple verb tenses |text read aloud |Explain ideas and understanding as they connect to the |

|presentation |Use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs |*Language: |discussion |

|Explain ideas and understanding as they connect to the |appropriately |Form and use possessives |Show understanding what is read, heard, and/or seen by |

|discussion |Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions |Determine the meaning of a word by using the prefix |elaborating and restating key details |

|Show understanding what is read, heard, and/or seen by |Capitalize appropriate words in titles |or suffix |Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an |

|retelling and describing key details |Determine the meaning of a word by using its root word |Determine the meaning of a word by using its root |experience with appropriate facts and relevant, |

|Ask and/or answer questions of a speaker to clarify/deepen|*Writing: |word or context |descriptive details, speaking clearly at an |

|understanding |Write an opinion piece where a topic is introduced |Form and use simple verb tenses |understandable pace. |

|*Language: |State an opinion and provide reasons that support the |Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement |*Language: |

|Explain the functions of nouns, verbs, pronouns, |opinion |*Writing: |Capitalize appropriate words |

|adjectives, and adverbs |Create an organizational structure |Write an informative piece where a topic is |Use regular and irregular verbs |

|Identify regular and irregular plural nouns |Use linking words to give reasons to support the |introduced |Use simple verb tenses |

|Identify regular and irregular verbs |opinion |Group related information |Use commas in addresses |

|Produce all types of sentences |Provide a concluding section or statement. |Use facts, definitions, and details to develop a |Write sentences with subject-verb agreement |

|Use commas in addresses |*Foundational Skills: |point |Produce extended sentences |

|Identify commas and quotation marks in dialogue |Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis |Use linking words to connect ideas, |Determine the meaning of a word by using the prefix or |

|Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other |skills in decoding words |Provide a concluding statement or section |suffix |

|words |Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support |Conduct a short research project to build knowledge |Determine or clarify the meaning of an unknown or |

|Use spelling patterns and generalizations in writing |comprehension |about a topic |multiple meaning word using a range of strategies |

|Use reference materials to find correct spellings | |Use provided sources to find information, take notes |*Writing: |

|Choose words and phrases for effect | |on sources, and categorize notes |Write for a range of time and tasks using the writing |

|Compare differences in spoken and written English | |*Foundational Skills: |process |

|Use context clues to figure out word meanings | |Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis |Use digital tools to produce and publish work |

|*Writing: | |skills in decoding words |Use guidance from peers and adults to plan, revise and |

|Write a narrative piece | |Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support |edit writing. |

|Establish a situation and introduce a narrator | |comprehension |Write and opinion piece with an introduction, reasons |

|Use dialogue and descriptions to develop events | | |that support the opinion and a closing that summarizes |

|Use temporal words and phrases to signal order | | |the information for the reader. |

|Provide a logical conclusion. | | |*Foundational Skills: |

|*Foundational Skills: | | |Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis |

|Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis | | |skills in decoding words |

|skills in decoding words | | |Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support |

|Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support | | |comprehension |

|comprehension | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

WSFCS Mathematics Common Core State Standards for Third Grade

|First Quarter Expectations |Second Quarter Expectations |Third Quarter Expectations |Fourth Quarter Expectations |

|*Mathematics: |*Mathematics: |*Mathematics: |*Mathematics: |


|Solves two step word problems and explain patterns in |Solves two step word problems and explain patterns in |Represents and solve problems involving |Represents and solves problems involving |

|arithmetic |arithmetic |multiplication and division |multiplication and division |

|Uses symbols to represent unknown quantities |Uses equations with unknowns |Interprets products of whole numbers |Uses multiplication and division within 100 to solve|

|Uses estimation strategies to determine reasonableness of |Uses operations of addition and subtraction |Uses multiplication and division within 100 to solve |word problems |

|answers |Uses single digit multiplication of 10 |word problems |Uses arrays or number lines to help find the |

|Solves problems using multiple strategies and mental |Represents and solves problems involving multiplication|Determines the unknown whole number in a |solution to a multiplication or division problem. |

|computation |and division |multiplication or division equation |Applies properties of operations as a strategy to |

|Identifies addition and multiplication patterns using |Interprets products of a whole number as groups and |Understands properties of multiplication and division|solve multiplication and division problems |

|properties of operation to explain |number of objects |Understands division as an unknown factor problem |Fluently recite multiplication and division facts up|

|Understands properties of multiplication |Uses multiplication and division within 100 involving |Multiplies and divides within 100 |to 100 accurately |

|Applies properties of operation at strategies to multiply |equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities |Fluently multiplies and divides within 100 |Uses equal groups, arrays, and measurement |

|and divide |Uses drawings and equations with a symbol to solve for |Uses strategies such as the relationship between |quantities by using drawings and equations with a |

|NUMBER AND OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN |the unknown number |multiplication and division or properties of |symbol for the unknowns number |

|Uses place value strategies to round whole numbers to the |Students will relate multiplication and division to |operations. |NUMBER AND OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN |

|nearest 10 or 100. |solve problems with equal number of groups | |Uses place value understanding and properties of |

|Fluently adds and subtracts within 1000 using math |Draws a scaled bar graph to represent data |NUMBER AND OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN |operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic |

|strategies. |Understands properties of multiplication |Develops understanding of fractions as numbers |Develops fluency using strategies based on place |

|Uses models of fractions to explore relationships (halves,|Applies properties of operation at strategies to |Compares two fractions with the same numerator or the|value to add and subtract facts to 1,000 |

|fourths, thirds, sixths, eighths) |multiply and divide |same denominator by reasoning about their size |MEASUREMENT AND DATA |

|Divides shapes into parts with equal areas. |Multiplies and divides within 100 |Explains why fractions are equivalent by using a |Represents and interprets data |

|Uses a number line to represent fractions |Using strategies to multiply and divide within 100 |visual fraction model |Generates measurement data by measuring lengths |

|Models equivalent fractions | | |using rulers |

|Compares fractions | |MEASUREMENT AND DATA |2. Measure objects to the halves |

|MEASUREMENT AND DATA |NUMBER AND OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN |Understands concepts of area and relate area to |and fourths of an inch |

|Solves problems involving measurement and estimation of |Uses place value understanding of properties to solve |multiplication and to addition |3. Make a line plot marked off in |

|time, liquid volumes, and mass |multi digit arithmetic |Recognizes that a square with side length 1 unit is |units of whole numbers, halves, |

|Solves real life problems involving elapsed time |Uses hundreds charts and number lines to round numbers |called a unit square |or quarters |

|Represent and interpret data |Multiply one digit numbers by multiples of 10 |Finds the area of a rectangle with whole number side |Recognizes perimeter as an attribute of plane |

|Collects, organizes, analyzes, and displays data to solve |MEASUREMENT AND DATA |lengths by tiling it. |figures |

|problems |Solves problems involving measurement and estimation of|Multiplies side lengths to find areas of rectangles |Determines the perimeter of a polygon |

|Understands concepts of area and how it relates to |time, liquid volumes, and mass |in the context of solving real world and mathematical| |

|multiplication and division. |Solves real life problems involving elapsed time |problems | |

|Find the area of a rectangle with whole number side |Represents and interprets data |Find areas of figures by decomposing them into non | |

|lengths by tiling it. |Collects, organizes, analyzes, and displays data to |overlapping rectangles | |

|Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles in the |solve problems |Recognizes perimeter as an attribute of plane figures| |

|context of solving real world and mathematical problems |Solve one and two step problems using a scaled picture | | |

| |Understands concepts of area and how it relates to |Solve real world and mathematical problems involving | |

| |multiplication and division |perimeters | |

| |Find areas of figures by decomposing them into non |Estimates and measures using appropriate units | |

| |overlapping rectangles |Explains the difference between volume and mass. | |

| |Relates area to the operations of multiplication and |Understands concepts of area and perimeter | |

| |addition | | |

| |GEOMETRY | | |

| |Reasons with shapes and their attributes | | |

| |Understands that shapes in different categories may | | |

| |share attributes | | |

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WSFCS Science Essential Standards for Third Grade

|First Quarter Expectations |Second Quarter Expectations |Third Quarter Expectations |Fourth Quarter Expectations |

|*Science: |*Science: |*Science: |*Science: |

|Understands how plants survive in their environments |Recognizes the major components and patterns observed |Understands the structure and properties of matter |Understands human body systems and how they are |

|Remembers the function of the following structures as it |in the earth/moon/sun system |before and after they undergo a change |essential for life: protection, movement and support |

|relates to the survival of plants in their environments: |Recognizes that the earth is part of a system called |Recognizes that air is a substance that surrounds us,|Compares the different functions of the skeletal and |

|roots – absorb nutrients, stems – provide support, leaves |the solar system that includes the sun (a star), |takes up space and has mass |muscular system |

|– synthesize food, and flowers – attract pollinators and |planets, and many moons and the earth is the third |Compares solids, liquids, and gases based on their |Explains why skin is necessary for protection and for |

|produce seeds for reproduction |planet from the sun in our solar system |basic properties |the body to remain healthy |

|Explains how environmental conditions determine how well |Recognizes that changes in the length and direction of |Summarizes changes that occur to the observable | |

|plants survive and grow |an object’s shadow indicate the apparent changing |properties of materials when different degrees of | |

|Summarizes the distinct stages of the life cycle of seed |position of the Sun during the day although the |heat are applied to them, such as melting ice or ice | |

|plants |patterns of the stars in the sky, to include the Sun, |cream, boiling water or an egg, or freezing water | |

|Explains how the basic properties (texture and capacity to|stay the same | | |

|hold water) and components (sand, clay and humus) of soil | |Recognizes how energy can be transferred from one | |

|determine the ability of soil to support the growth and |Compares the structures of the |object to another | |

|survival of many plants |Earth’s surface using models or three-dimensional |Recognizes that energy can be transferred from one | |

| |diagrams |object to another by rubbing them against each other.| |

| |Compares Earth’s saltwater and freshwater features |Recognizes that energy can be transferred from a | |

| |(including oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams,|warmer object to a cooler one by contact or at a | |

| |and glaciers) |distance and the cooler object gets warmer | |

| |Compares Earth’s land features (including volcanoes, |Understands motion and factors that affect motion | |

| |mountains, valleys, canyons, caverns, and islands) by |Infers changes in speed or direction resulting from | |

| |using models, pictures, diagrams, and maps |forces acting on an object | |

| | |Compares the relative speeds (faster or slower) of | |

| | |objects that travel the same distance in different | |

| | |amounts of time | |

| | |Explains the effects of earth’s gravity on the motion| |

| | |of any object on or near the earth | |

WSFCS Social Studies Essential Standards for Third Grade

|First Quarter Expectations |Second Quarter Expectations |Third Quarter Expectations |Fourth Quarter Expectations |

|*Social Studies: |*Social Studies: |*Social Studies: |*Social Studies: |

|Understand the earth’s patterns by using the 5 themes of |Understands the development, structure and function of |Understands how events, individuals and ideas have |Understands how events, individuals and ideas have |

|geography: location, place, human-environment interaction,|local government. |influenced the history of local and regional |influenced the history of local and regional |

|movement and regions). |Summarizes the historical development of local |communities. |communities. |

|Finds absolute and relative locations of places within the|governments. |Explains key historical events that occurred in the |Analyzes the impact of contributions made by diverse |

|local community and region. |Describes the structure of local government and how it |local community and regions over time. |historical figures in local communities and regions |

|Compares the human and physical characteristics of places.|functions to serve citizens. |Analyzes the impact of contributions made by diverse |over time. |

|Shows examples of ways people adapt to, change and protect|Understands the three branches of government, with an |historical figures in local communities and regions |Understand how the location of regions affects activity|

|the environment to meet their needs |emphasis on local government. |over time. |in a market economy. |

|Explains how the movement of goods, people and ideas |Understands how citizens participate in their |Exemplify the ideas that were significant in the |Explain how location impacts supply and demand. |

|impact the community. |communities. |development of local communities and regions. |Explain how locations of regions and natural resources |

|Summarizes the elements (cultural, demographic, economic |Exemplifies how citizens contribute politically, |Use historical thinking skills to understand the |influence economic development (industries developed |

|and geographic) that define regions, community, state, |socially and economically to their community. |context of events, people and places. |around natural resources, rivers and coastal towns). |

|nation and world. |Apply skills in civic engagement and public discourse |Explain change over time through historical |Understand entrepreneurship in a market economy. |

|Compares various regions according to their |(school, community). |narratives. (events, people and places). |Explain why people become entrepreneurs. |

|characteristics. | |Explain how multiple perspectives are portrayed |Give examples of entrepreneurship in various regions of|

| | |through historical narratives. |our state. |

| | |Understand how citizens participate in their |Understand how citizens participate in their |

| | |communities. |communities. |

| | |Exemplify how citizens contribute politically, |Exemplify how citizens contribute to the well-being of |

| | |socially and economically to their community. |the community’s natural environment. |

| | | |Understand how diverse cultures are visible in local |

| | | |and regional communities. |

| | | |Compare language, foods and traditions of various |

| | | |groups living in local and regional communities. |

| | | |Exemplify how various groups show artistic expression |

| | | |within the local and regional communities. |

| | | |Use non-fiction texts to explore how cultures borrow |

| | | |and share from each other. (foods, languages, rules, |

| | | |traditions and behaviors). |

|WSFCS Enrichment Areas Throughout the Year for Third Grade |

|*Visual Arts |*Music |*Physical Education/Healthful Living |

|Uses the language of visual arts to communicate effectively |Understands and applies the musical elements of dynamics, tempo, melody,|Demonstrates how words of praise can be used to encourage others |

|Understands the characteristics of the |and form |Demonstrates positive interactions with others |

|Elements of Art, such as lines, shapes, |Executes rhythmic patterns including whole notes, half notes, quarter |Demonstrates an understanding of a simplified version of the Perceived |

|forms |notes, and barred eighth notes |Exertion Scale for determining physical activity |

|Applies creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression |Participates in class through singing, moving, classroom activities and |Participates in numerous bouts of moderate to vigorous physical activity|

|through art making |the playing of instruments |(MVPA) for >20 minutes of time during the school day and understands the|

|Understands the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of | |cumulative effect of physical activity |

|the visual arts | |Understands four or more obesity prevention health behaviors |

|Understands the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of | |Uses technology to measure changes in heart rate before, during, and |

|the visual arts | |after physical activity |

|Uses critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts | |Understands four or more health-related fitness assessments and the |

|Consistently demonstrates an understanding of the concepts taught in the| |associated exercises that develop muscular strength, endurance, and |

|art classroom | |flexibility in a variety of muscle groups |

|Creates art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and | |Demonstrates proper form and smooth transitions during combinations of |

|appropriately | |locomotor skills in different pathways, levels, and directions as |

|Evaluates personal work in progress and at completion through guided | |directed |

|questioning | |Performs with a partner in a line, circle and folk dances |

|Consistently demonstrates an understanding of concepts taught in the | |Demonstrates how to throw to a moving partner at varying distances |

|classroom | |Applies the five manipulative skills in small-sided lead up games |

|Creates art using a variety of tools, media, and processes safely and | |Demonstrates all of the essential elements of the five manipulative |

|appropriately | |skills with partners |

| | |Understands positive stress management strategies |

| | |Understands the relationship between healthy expression of emotions, |

| | |mental health, and healthy behavior |

| | |Understands wellness, disease prevention, and recognition of symptoms. |

| | |Applies measures for cleanliness and disease prevention. |

| | |Understands necessary steps to prevent and respond to unintentional |

| | |injury |

| | |Understands healthy and effective interpersonal communication and |

| | |relationships |

| | |Applies tools (MyPlate, Food Facts Label) to plan healthy nutrition and |

| | |fitness. |

| | |Understands the importance of consuming a variety of nutrient dense |

| | |foods and beverages in moderation. |

| | |Understands how to use household products and medicines safely |

| | |Applies strategies involving risk-reduction behaviors to protect self |

| | |and others from the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other |

| | |drugs |


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