What do I need to bring


To Algebra I 2016-2017

Teacher: Judith McElhinney Room: A238

Tel: 407 4161 e-mail: jmcelhinney@

Web page:

What do I need to bring everyday?

1) Pencil

2) Paper

3) Eraser

4) 3 ring binder

5) Graphing Calculator (Ti-83 or higher recommended * NOT used everyday)

What am I going to learn?

1) Simplifying expressions

2) Solving linear equations

3) Factoring

4) Solving systems of linear equations

5) Simplifying radicals

6) Data Analysis & Probability

How will I be evaluated?

Grading Policy:

A =100% - 90%

B =89% - 80%

C =79% - 70%

D =69% - 60%

F =59% - 0%

Semester grade:

(a) Tests =45%

(b) Assignments =15%

(c) Participation =5%

(d) Quizzes & Projects =15%

(e) Final exam =20%

How and when will I know My Grade?

You will be kept informed regularly about your grades and your progress in class. A computerized update on grades will be done weekly and will be displayed on your bulletin board in the classroom. I encourage you to share this information with your parents. Grades will be available on our school grading system program Tyler SIS and can be accessed through the parent/student portal on the school website.

What should I do if I need help?

Missed tests can be made up during conference periods, which are also a great time to seek help or discuss math problems with other students. I can be available before school and lunch, both by appointment.

What Should I do if I am…?

Tardy without a pass:

1st through 3rd tardy – loss of bellwork points and detention *

4th tardy – referral to attendance office

*Detentions will be 15 minutes in A238 at an agreed time between offender and Ms. McElhinney


Students are expected to attend class regularly in order to experience success. Unexcused absences will result in zero credit and will also result in a more severe detention. The procedures for make-up work are:

1. Assignments must be made up within the allotted number of days, i.e. the number of days you were absent in order to receive credit.

2. Assignments are listed on the calendar posted in the classroom.

3. When you return from an absence, make sure you take worksheets and/or test reviews from the folder at the back of the class.

4. If you were absent for a test, you have one week to make up that test from the date the test was given, if this is not the case, then you will be awarded 0%.

5. Bellwork is part of your participation grade and as such cannot be made up. It is also a device to encourage you to be on time for class.

What does Ms. McElhinney Expect you to do? Easy – MATHS!

1) Must obey ALL school rules. (See student handbook) This includes no food or drink in class, except water.

2) At all times be prepared. Students must come to class with all their materials and make sure assignments are headed properly.

3) Task worthiness. I require you to be on task 100% of the time. Please do not ask permission to work on another activity during my class. One missed math class can result in being “lost” the next class period.

4) Have respect others. Please be courteous and respect all others in class.

5) Study hard. Complete your assignments and study well so that you are prepared for quizzes and tests.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

If a student is caught cheating, he/she will receive a zero for the assignment, test or quiz. The person caught cheating from will also receive a zero, unless they can prove otherwise that they did not have a role in knowingly helping the offender. I encourage collaboration on assignments; however, simply copying someone else's solutions will be considered cheating. It will also ensure that the offending student performs poorly on tests/quizzes. I follow district and school policy for academic dishonesty.

What happens if I choose to break a rule?

1st Consequence – Warning

2nd Consequence – detention

3rd Consequence – Parent contact

4th Consequence – Referral to Principal

What happens if I choose to follow rules?

Positive comments

Calls to parents

Notes sent home to parents

Who is Ms. McElhinney?

Although I am Scottish, my name is Irish and is pronounced ‘mack-ill-hinny’. Have been teaching here at IRHS since 2005. I have a BSc Mathematics and an MSc Control Engineering from 2 British Universities and an MEd from the University of Arizona. I spent 3 years at Glasgow University studying the dynamics of three-level lasers. I have worked for the British Government as a statistician and for several years I worked at a private consultants firm as a statistical analyst. I was a Research Fellow at the University of Minnesota in the School of Public Health before moving to Tucson and becoming a teacher.

I have been involved in various voluntary works such as a volunteer teaching aide at Ironwood Ridge High School for 4 months during 2004 and I tutored statistics to college students in Minnesota (2002). I am currently the sponsor of the Pencils of Promise Club here at IRHS.

A Note on Homework:

Homework is assigned every day and is due the following class period for full credit. Late work will receive ZERO credit. It is important to remember, the purpose of homework is to reinforce the learning that has gone on in class and to help prepare for tests and quizzes. Completing homework on a daily basis, allows students to come in and ask questions and help clarify any issues they may have. It is also a major contributing factor to the student’s success in this class. Please make sure that your child completes their homework each night and encourage them to attend conference periods particularly if they are struggling with a concept or topic. Their assignment calendar is posted on my website usually a unit in advance.

A Note on Attendance:

Attendance is also a key contributing factor to student success. Students must be present for at least 90% of class, as per district policy, otherwise they may lose credit in the class.

Please sign and tear off the signature portion of this sheet if you have read and understand the rules above. Please also include the telephone number and best time for me to call the student’s parent or guardian.

Student Name (please print) ………………………………………………………………………………………

Student signature……………………………………………….………………………………………………………….

Parent/guardian name (please print) ………………………………………………………………………..

Parent/guardian signature…………….…………………………………………………………………………….

Contact Number and best time to call……………………………………………………………………….


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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