Third Grade Lesson Plans - Anderson School District Five

| |Third Grade Lesson Plans |

| |Subject: Reading |

| |February 18 – February 22, 2013 |

| |Common Core |

| |RF.3.3c Decode multisyllable words |

| |RF.3.4b Read grade-level pose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate and expression |

| |RL.3.7 Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story. |

| |RL.3.10 Read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry at the high end of grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and |

| |proficiently. |

| |RI.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. |

| |RI.3.3 Describe the relationships between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in a technical procedures in a text, using |

| |language that pertains to time, sequences and cause/effect. |

| |RI.3.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. |

| |RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text. |

| |RI.3.8 Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text. |

| |RI.3.9 Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. |

| |RI.3.10 Read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts at the high end of grades 2-3 text |

| |complexity band independently and proficiently. |

| |SL.3.1c Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others. |

| |L.3.4a Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase |

| |L.3.4d Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. |

| |L.3.5b Identify real-life connections between words and their use. |

| |L.3.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal |

| |spatial and temporal relationships. |

| |SL.3.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the |

| |topic to explore ideas under discussion. |

| |SL.3.1c Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others. |

| |SL.3.1d Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. |

| |SL.3.2 Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, |

| |quantitatively, and orally. |

| |SL.3.3 Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail. |

| |L.3.3a Choose words and phrases for effect. |

| |RF.3.3a Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. |

| |RF.3.3b Decode words with common Latin suffixes. |

| |L.3.4b Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word. |

| | |

| |SC Indicators: 3-2.7 (text features), 3-1.1 (main idea), 3-1.2 (predictions/conclusions), 3-1.3 (narration/point of view), 3-2.1 (central idea/thesis), |

| |3-1.5 (author’s craft), 3-2.5 (text elements) |

| | |

| |Essential Question: How do pictures help to tell a story? |

| |Skill: Text and Graphic Features; Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate |

| |Vocabulary: tracing, imagine, illustrate, scribbles, sketches, research, textures, tools |

| |Shared Reading |Guided Reading |Interactive & Read-Aloud |

|Monday |Story “What Do Illustrators Do?” |GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT |Indicators: |

| |Standards RF.3.3c, RF.3.4b, RI.3.4, L.3.4a, L.3.5b, L.3.6 |PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

| |Procedures | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |The teacher will display the message by writing it on the board. See T102 for |INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |message. Read the message with students and have them respond to the questions. |3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |Remind students that they are learning about ways people communicate. | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |Students will draw a picture that gives a message, write the message on the back,|1. TSW read independently for | |

| |and then have classmates guess the message. The artist will read the actual |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |message they first wrote. |2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |Teacher will read the read aloud Louis Braille: Boy Inventor on page T104-105. |log |Focus Skills: |

| |The purpose of this activity is to give students the opportunity to hear fluent | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |reading, analyze and evaluate a text, and learn the target vocabulary words. | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |The teacher will ask the students the comprehension questions to make sure they | |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |understand what you read. | |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |The teacher will introduce the vocabulary words to students using SB 22-223 and | |identify problem and solution. |

| |T106-107. The teacher will need to read and pronounce the words, explain the | | |

| |words, discuss the vocabulary in context and engage with the words. | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| |Assessment Teacher observation, journal entries, discussion, drawings | |turn and talk |

|Tuesday|Story “What Do Illustrators Do?” |GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT |Indicators: |

| |Standards RI.3.4, L.3.5b, L.3.6, RI.3.1, RI.3.3, RI.3.7, RI.3.8, RI.3.10, W.3.1b,|PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

| |SL.3.1a, SL.3.1d | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |Procedures |INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |The teacher will display the message by writing in on the board for students to |3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |see, read aloud, and discuss. After the discussion have students underline the | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |words that have a three-letter cluster. |1. TSW read independently for | |

| |The teacher will build the student’s background knowledge using the vocabulary |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |words. T114-115 has the words and some ideas for the teacher to use that will |2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |help the students understand the meaning of each word. |log |Focus Skills: |

| |Students will get with partners and take turns rereading “Becoming an Artist” | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |(T115) and then explaining each word. | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |The teacher will introduce text features and graphic features. Students will | |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |write down the words and definitions in their journals. The teacher will | |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |download “Projectable 7.4” from ThinkCentral website. | |identify problem and solution. |

| |Students will read page 225 to help themselves understand what it is they need to| | |

| |know. | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| |The teacher will use the column chart to show the purpose of text and graphic | |turn and talk |

| |features. | | |

| |Students will complete practice book page 87 as an assessment to check for | | |

| |comprehension. | | |

| |The teacher will introduce the main selection with students. Read aloud SB | | |

| |226and discuss the genre of the story. | | |

| |The teacher will the selection, stopping to ask questions throughout as the | | |

| |students follow along. (SB 226- 244 and T118-128) | | |

| |Students will respond to the topics on page 245 in their ELA journals. | | |

| |Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, journal entries, practice book page | | |

|Wednesd|Story “What Do Illustrators Do?” | | |

|ay |Standards L.3.5b, RI.3.1, RI.3.3, RI.3.4,RI.3.7, RI.3.8, RF.3.3c, W.3.1b, |GUIDED READING: SEE LEVEL TEXT |Indicators: |

| |SL.3.1a, SL.3.1d |PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

| |Procedures | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |The teacher will display the message by writing it on the whiteboard for students|INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |to see, read aloud, and discuss. |3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |Students will share three events from their life in order. | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |The teacher will explain that authors choose cartoons, illustrations, |1. TSW read independently for | |

| |photographs, and other graphic features to make text ideas clearer or give more |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |information. |2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |Students will reread page 234 paying attention to the details in the pictures. |log |Focus Skills: |

| |They will also need to read the words in the speech bubbles and captions that go | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |with them. | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |The teacher will display and discuss Projectable 7.8 pointing out that recording | |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |graphic features and their purpose on a column chart helps readers analyze and | |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |evaluate the features. | |identify problem and solution. |

| |Students will write down the words analyze and visuals in their ELA journals. | | |

| |The teacher will continue the lesson using T136-137 and then have students use | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| |practice book page 92 as an assessment. | |turn and talk |

| |Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, journal entries, practice page | | |


|y & |Story “What Do Illustrators Do?” |PLANS |3-1.1,3-1.2,31.3,3-1.4,3-1.5,3-1.6,3-1.9|

|Friday |Standards RF.3.3c, RL.3.7, RL.3.10, W.3.10, SL.3.1a | |,3-1.10,3-2.1,,3-2.2,3-2.3,3-2.8,3-2.9,3|

| |Procedures |INDEPENDENT READING: |-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.4,3-3.5 |

| |The teacher will display the message for students to see and read it aloud for |3R1.1, 3R1.2 | |

| |them to hear. Have students identify the sequence words. | |Teacher will do a Read Aloud of choice. |

| |The teacher will tell the students that they will read a modern fairy tale. |1. TSW read independently for | |

| |Students will look at the illustrations in Jack and the Beanstalk page 246-248. |enjoyment and fluency |1. TTW read and question students. |

| |Then students will read the selection. With a partner, students will list |2. Record reading in reading |2. TSW participate in “Turn and Talk” |

| |characteristics that make the story a modern fairy tale. |log |Focus Skills: |

| |Students will make connections using one of the topics on page 249 in their ELA | |Make predictions; summarize main idea; |

| |journals. | |analyze character and setting; compare |

| |Assessment Teacher observation, discussion, journal entries | |and contrast settings, characters, |

| |FRIDAY | |events, and ideas in a variety of texts;|

| |Story “What Do Illustrators Do?” | |identify problem and solution. |

| |Standards RF3.3c, SL.3.1a, SL.3.5 | | |

| |Procedures | |Assessment: TO student participation in |

| |Display the message, read it and discuss the questions. | |turn and talk |

| |The teacher will review the vocabulary words within the story and discuss their | | |

| |meanings. If you have time, have students choose a word and illustrate it. | | |

| |The students will complete the vocabulary and comprehension selection tests. | | |

| |The teacher will grade the assessments and reteach where needed. | | |

| |Assessment teacher observation, discussion, pictures, test | | |


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