Weather and Climate Worksheets

Air Masses and Fronts

1. What is an air mass? _________________________________________________________


2. Scientists classify air masses according to _________________________________ and


3. Use the picture below to fill in the table. Write down the characteristics of the type of air mass shown.

|Characteristics (temperature and moisture) |

|a. |d. |

|b. |e. |

|c. |f. |

4. How are the air masses labeled “C” and “F” in the picture above alike and how are they different? ________________________________________________________________


5. __________________________air masses form in the tropics and have low pressure.

6. Air masses that form over oceans are called _______________________air masses.

7. The area where air masses meet and do not mix becomes a(n) _______________________

8. _____________________________air masses form over land, in the middle of continents.

9. A swirling center of low air pressure is called a(n)________________________________.

10. ___________________________________________are high-pressure centers of dry air.

11. Label the drawings to indicate a cold front and a warm front.

a. ______________________ b. ___________________________

17. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about fronts.

a. Cold fronts can bring violent thunderstorms.

b. Warm fronts are associated with clouds and rain.

c. Stationary fronts may bring many days of clouds and precipitation.

d. Occluded fronts always bring fair weather.

18. Winds spiral ____________________________ toward the center of a cyclone.

19. What type of weather is associated with low pressure systems? ______________________


20. Winds in an anticyclone spin ___________________________ in the Northern Hemisphere.

21. What type of weather is generally associated with high pressure systems? ______________




Date: ___________________

Class: 1 2 3 4

Weather Patterns


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