3rd Grade - DePaul University

6th Grade


Common Core Sixth Grade Literacy Standards Emphasized



|1. Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences |1. Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from |

|drawn from the text. |the text. |

|2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; |2. Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of |

|provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. |the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. |

|3. Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the |3. Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text |

|characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. |(e.g., through examples or anecdotes). |


|4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and |4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and|

|connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone. |technical meanings. |

|5. Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a |5. Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text |

|text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot. |and contributes to the development of the ideas. |

Writing: CCSSW6.2 -- Explanatory (CPS Framework Assessment Specification)

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a Topic and BIG Question: convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

• Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

• Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.

• Use appropriate transitions to clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.

• Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

• Establish and maintain a formal style.

• Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from the information or explanation presented.

Explanatory writing aligns with reading standards 7 and 9—integrate from different sources; and writing standard 7—research to understand a topic.

Sixth Grade: Second Quarter Learning Priorities Weeks 11-12

| |Week 11 Include response to REACH assessment |Week 12 |

|Reading Literature |Answer with Evidence |Answer with Evidence |

|CCSSRL6.1 |Answer analytic questions and respond with evidence |Answer inferential questions and respond with evidence |

|Read closely, analyze, then infer with evidence | | |

| |Question |Question |

|6.5 and 6.6—analyze purpose, structure, |Answer |Answer |

|techniques—the author’s choices |evidence |evidence |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Infer the author’s purpose and analyze the strategies used to achieve it. |Infer the author’s purpose and analyze the strategies used to achieve |

| | |it. |


|CCSSRI.6.1 | | |

|Read closely, analyze, answer with evidence |Analyze how writer uses structure and examples to communicate ideas and examples—how the|Analyze how writer uses structure and examples to communicate ideas and |

|6.2 analyze ideas –central and main |writer supports a claim. |examples—how the writer supports a claim. |

|6.5 analyze author’s choices | | |


|CCSSRI.6.1 | | |

|Read closely, analyze, answer with evidence |Analyze how writer uses structure and examples to communicate ideas and examples—how the|Analyze how writer uses structure and examples to communicate ideas and |

|6.2 analyze ideas—central and main |writer supports a claim. |examples—how the writer supports a claim. |

|6.5 analyze author’s choices | | |

|Fluency |This week’s read-aloud: |This week’s read-aloud: |

|Rate, comprehension, expression, diction | | |

|Word Knowledge |Multi-meaning words |Paraphrase |

|CCSSRI.6.4 | | |

|Context | | |

|Writing |Outline essay or report or response—support a claim. |Write essay or report or response to support a claim and emphasize |

|explanatory/informational |Emphasize clear focus and support |transitions and coherence |

|MATH |This Week’s Focus: |This Week’s Focus: |

|Practice Standard 1: analyze problem, then solve it|Math Journal |Math Journal |

|6 work with precision |Extended Response |Short Response |

Sixth Grade: Second Quarter Learning Priorities Weeks 13-14

| |Week 13 |Week 14 |

|Reading Literature |Contrast fiction and poetry. Summarize how they are different. |Explain how words help communicate theme/idea |

|CCSSRL6.1 analyze then infer with evidence |Analyze how fiction authors use details and other techniques to create a mood. |Read poetry or high-image fiction. |

|CCSSRL6.2 summarize |Compare and contrast that approach with the way a poet includes details. |Interpret non-literal language—explain how to interpret it |

|Analyze techniques and infer purpose 6.5 and 6.6 |Compare and contrast a poem and a story that each communicate the same message. |Explain metaphors, similes, symbols with examples |

|CCSSR6.9 contrast literature with same theme | | |


|CCSSRI.6.2 | | |

|Summarize, central idea, main ideas |Integrate information and ideas from two different sources to respond to the big |Integrate information and ideas from two different sources to respond to the |

|CCSSR6.7 integrate information from different |question. Clarify the central idea and main ideas. |big question. Clarify the central idea and main ideas. |

|sources | | |


|CCSSRI.6.2 | | |

|Summarize, central idea, main ideas |Integrate information and ideas from two different sources to respond to the big | |

| |question. Clarify the central idea and main ideas. |Integrate information and ideas from two different sources to respond to the |

| | |big question. Clarify the central idea and main ideas. |

|Fluency |This week’s read-aloud: |This week’s read-aloud: |

|Rate, comprehension, expression, diction | | |

|Word Knowledge |Use thesaurus |Non-literal terms |

|CCSSRI.6.4 | | |

|Context | | |

|Writing |Organize/Write essay or report with focus, support, organization, clear |Write a poem (it’s Thanksgiving week—values could be the theme) |

|explanatory/informational |introduction and conclusion | |

|MATH |This Week’s Focus: |This Week’s Focus: |

|Practice Standard 1: analyze problem, then solve it| | |

|6. work with precision | | |

| |Math Journal |Math Journal |

| |Extended Response |Short Response |

Sixth Grade: Second Quarter Learning Priorities Weeks 15-16

| |Week 15 |Week 16 |

|Reading Literature |Analyze how an author develops a theme. |Determine the theme of a text. |

|CCSSRL6.2 theme |Infer author’s purpose—development of the theme or lesson-- and analyze |Analyze how the writer develops it—what examples support it. |

|6.5 analyze author’s techniques and choices to |techniques author uses to achieve it—examples, tone, setting, |Re-read to locate information to support an idea or theme. Analyze author’s use |

|develop a theme |characterization, figurative language |of words, characters, examples, events, comparisons, contrasts, symbols, similes |

|CCSSRL 6.9 theme development across stories | |to accomplish purpose |

| | |Compare theme across stories—contrast how different authors develop it. |


|6.2 Summarize; central and main ideas and support | | |

|6.5 analyze author’s techniques, structure of text |Use structure of text to identify central idea, main ideas, and effective |Use structure of text to identify central idea, main ideas, and effective |

| |examples. |examples. |

| | | |

| |Integrate information and ideas from two or more different sources to respond|Integrate information and ideas from two or more different sources to respond to|

| |to the big question. |the big question. |


|6.2 Summarize; central and main ideas and support | | |

|6.5 analyze author’s techniques, structure of text |Use structure of text to identify central idea, main ideas, and effective |Use structure of text to identify central idea, main ideas, and effective |

| |examples. |examples. |

| | | |

| |Integrate information and ideas from two or more different sources to respond|Integrate information and ideas from two or more different sources to respond to|

| |to the big question. |the big question. |

|Fluency |This week’s read-aloud |This week’s read-aloud: |

|Rate, comprehension, expression, diction | | |

|Word Knowledge |Explain literal, figurative; paraphrase text |Use structure (root) and context to determine word meaning in text (confirm |

|CCSSRI.6.4 | |meaning through context—relate to multi-meaning words). |

|Structure and use; Context | | |

|Writing |Write own guide to writing an explanatory/informational essay or report or |Follow guide (from previous week) to outline, draft essay or report or response |

|structure |response to support a claim. | |

|MATH |This Week’s Focus: |This Week’s Focus: |

|Practice Standard 1: analyze problem, then solve it| | |

| |Math Journal |Math Journal |

| |Extended Response |Short Response |

Sixth Grade: Second Quarter Learning Priorities Weeks 17-18

| |Week 17 |Week 18 |

|Reading Literature |Determine the theme of a text. |Determine the theme of a text. |

|CCSSRL6.1 analyze, answer questions with |Analyze how the writer develops it—what examples support it. |Analyze how the writer develops it—what examples support it. |

|evidence based on close reading |Re-read to locate information to support an idea or theme. Analyze author’s |Analyze author’s use of words, characters, examples, events, comparisons, contrasts, |

|6.2 determine theme |use of words, characters, examples, events, comparisons, contrasts, symbols, |symbols, similes to accomplish purpose |

|6.3 analyze elements of fiction to identify |similes to accomplish purpose |Write the sequel to a story. |

|theme |Compare theme across stories—contrast how different authors develop it. | |

|6.5 analyze author’s techniques |Write the synopsis of the sequel to a story. | |


|CCSSRI.6.2 | | |

|Ideas and support |Evaluate the claims made by two different authors. Which provides the |Evaluate the claims made by two different authors. Which provides the stronger and |

|CCSSRL6.9 contrast texts with same focus |stronger and more sufficient evidence to support the claim? |more sufficient evidence to support the claim? |


|CCSSRI.6.2 | | |

|Ideas and support |Evaluate the claims made by two different authors. Which provides the |Evaluate the claims made by two different authors. Which provides the stronger and |

|CCSSRL6.9 contrast texts with same focus |stronger and more sufficient evidence to support the claim? |more sufficient evidence to support the claim? |

|Fluency |This week’s read-aloud: |This week’s read-aloud: |

|Rate, comprehension, expression, diction | | |

|Word Knowledge |Use structure (prefix) to determine word meaning in text. |Use structure (root-prefix-suffix) to determine word meaning in text. |

|CCSSRI.6.4 | | |

|Structure and use | | |

|Infer from context | | |

|Writing |Analyze a “mentor” text. |Improve the text from last week--with emphasis on focus support and transitions |

|Explanatory/informational |Identify author’s techniques used to communicate central ideas and main ideas| |

| |. Then outline and write your own text incorporating those techniques. | |

|MATH |This Week’s Focus: |This Week’s Focus: |

|Practice Standard 1: analyze problem, then | | |

|solve it |Math Journal |Math Journal |

| |Short Response |Extended Response |

Sixth Grade: Second Quarter Learning Priorities Weeks 19-20

| |Week 19 |Week 20 |

|Reading Literature |Analyze two different stories with the same theme. |Analyze an unfamiliar text: |

|CCSSRL6.5 |Contrast the writer’s use of dialogue, detail, plot events, characters and other |Author’s purpose, message—moral or theme of the text--and how the author achieves |

|Analyze author’s techniques to |elements of fiction to communicate the theme. |it—techniques, characters, sequence of events, other elements the author uses to |

|communicate theme (6.2) and accomplish | |communicate effectively. |

|purpose (6.6) | | |

| | |Write constructed response, then write extended response—contrast the two kinds of |

| | |responses. |

|Science |TOPIC AND BIG QUESTION: |Write a report that supports a claim you have learned about |

|CCSSRI6.2 Summarize, identify central | | |

|idea |Outline a passage. |One science topic |

|CCSSRI6.5 analyze author’s techniques to|Analyze structure of the text. | |

|communicate ideas |Identify the central idea, main ideas, and information that the writer includes that |Cite evidence from texts you have read, including direct quotations. |

| |is important to communicating that idea. | |

| |Evaluate how effectively the writer supported a claim. | |

|Social Science |TOPIC AND BIG QUESTION: |Write a report that supports a claim based on you have learned about |

|CCSSRI6.2 Summarize, identify central | | |

|idea |Outline a passage. |One social studies topic |

|CCSSRI6.5 analyze author’s techniques to|Analyze structure of the text. | |

|communicate ideas |Identify the central idea, main ideas, and information that the writer includes that |Cite evidence from texts you have read, including direct quotations. |

| |is important to communicating that idea. | |

| |Evaluate how effectively the writer supported a claim. | |

|Fluency |This week’s read-aloud: |Students read-aloud with increased fluency. |

|Rate, comprehension, expression, diction| |Students explain how to adjust rate to maintain comprehension |

|Word Knowledge |Tell how to use these strategies to figure out an unknown word: |Make explanation/guide to how to use structure and context to figure out word meaning |

|CCSSRI.6.4 |Structure of the word (root/affix) |when reading. (Root, prefix, suffix) |

|Structure and use |Context | |

|Infer from context | | |

|Writing |Write a constructed response. |Make guide to explanatory writing based on what you have learned, including examples. |

|explanatory/informational |Then improve it. | |

| |Add examples to support your claim. | |

|MATH |This Week’s Focus: |This Week’s Focus: |

|Practice Standard 1: analyze problem, | |Math Journal |

|then solve it |Math Journal |Short Response |

|6. Work with precisio |Short Response |Math Digest: My own guide to the math I’ve learned this quarter |


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