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Houston Baptist UniversitySchool of EducationLesson Plan Template________________________________________________________ Subject: ScienceGrade Level: 3rdTime Estimate: 45 minutesUnit: Solar SystemTopic: Marsh mellow ConstellationsGoal(s): TLW define what is a constellation. TLW give examples of a constellation. TLW create a constellation and write about how it got discovered. Objective(s): TLW be able to create their own constellation and story about it.TEKS: 3.8D The student knows there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among objects in the skyMaterials/Resources/Technology needs: Construction papersToothpicks MarshmallowsEduSmart Powerpoint on ConstellationsBrainpop video on Constellations_______________________________________________________________________ Instructional Procedures Focusing Event: Show students the EduSmart Powerpoint on Constellations. Show the first two slides then let them watch a Brainpop video about constellations. Teaching/ Learning Procedures: Have students sit in front of the class and introduce the lesson by going through the PowerPoint. After watching the Brainpop video on constellation, continue going through the Powerpoint. Explain to students what constellations are and some of the well -known constellations. In between the slides, stop and do an interactive class activity that is on the Powerpoint. Have students create their own constellations using the stars on the Powerpoint. Go through the Little Dipper, Big Dipper, and Orion constellations and tell students about their history. After going through all the slides, have students go back to their desks. You can prepare marshmallows in trays beforehand and pass it out or tell students they will be given a certain amount of marshmallows and they will create constellations with it as you hand them out in class. Also give students some toothpicks as well. Show the Little Dipper, Big Dipper and Orion on the SmartBoard one at a time. Have students replicate the constellations using the marshmallows and toothpick. Give students sometime to create the constellations.Then tell students that they will create their own constellations. It can be in any form they want. They also will write a short story (3-4 sentences about how it got named and its history). Show students the example you created so they know what they are expected to do. Formative Check (ongoing or specific): Walk around the room to monitor the students as they create their constellations and writing about their constellations to check for understanding. If any students need help with clarification, go over the instructions or refer back to the modeled you created. Reteach (alternative used as needed): If reteach is necessary on constellations refer back to the Powerpoint. Closure: Have students share with their classmates their constellations and story to the class as a whole. If time is limited, instead of having the students share with their classmates, share as a whole class. Then reiterate what constellations are. Assessment/Summative Evaluation: Performance assessment will be taken as students work their constellations and writing their story.________________________________________________________________________Modifications/Notes: Students with learning disabilities: Repeat instructions in chunk and provide more examples/ model. If needed, pull students in small group and work with them as they create their constellations and writing their story. ................

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